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File: a191f3eb4cbab2d⋯.png (1.61 MB,1800x1012,450:253,8kun_main.png)

a63adf No.21065687 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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703 posts and 504 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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47f783 No.21066666


>Fake Q.

>oss admitted to that


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72cf9b No.21066667

File: f72b21c174ae905⋯.png (645.83 KB,790x548,395:274,Elegant_Flotus.png)

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7ea689 No.21066668


>Shills whine but it changes nothing

Yet you persist

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14db4f No.21066669



time runs in one direction only

Arrow of time

Effects are caused by synchronicity phenomenon - which is from the Morphic Resonance Field.

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31f749 No.21066671


They have been and are currently running Fake Qs.

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72cf9b No.21066673

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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76e891 No.21066675

Same rally as last time.

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7e594b No.21066676






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070a28 No.21066678

File: d060d19ab58c9f3⋯.jpg (29.92 KB,495x372,165:124,wissen.JPG)

51 not 50…thats crazy

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517dee No.21066681

File: 9f2282a17a74bca⋯.png (233.29 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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72cf9b No.21066682

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB,566x800,283:400,fd88bf6d40a771a51228e10c9f….jpg)

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002c0b No.21066683

File: d21cf4912c7ec86⋯.png (2.21 KB,81x63,9:7,ckd.png)


KEK suddenly got 'dasted.

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14db4f No.21066684


Did this guy become "Bobby" Roberta Kagan?

or is that the judge Uncle?

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7ea689 No.21066685


Was in one of the /hivemind/ breads, you know, that board no anons would go to and the one that went from a full catalog page to one bread with one post in it?

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47f783 No.21066686

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72cf9b No.21066688

File: ef24b2012928da6⋯.jpg (72.09 KB,707x1014,707:1014,its_happening_2.jpg)

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7bdf14 No.21066690

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31f749 No.21066691

They are running Fake Qs because they are Deathly Afraid of Q's return. Hence, they are blocking his trip code access.


Rally is not yet on, Genius.

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7afd4c No.21066692

File: fc01ed5fb1cc4a8⋯.png (335.01 KB,500x374,250:187,BuffaloGould.png)

File: de94dc45b5940ca⋯.jpg (136.73 KB,653x618,653:618,Gould.jpg)

File: cf501b0b3f2adb4⋯.png (168.12 KB,358x618,179:309,gouldicorn.png)

File: a082ec604b7e2b6⋯.png (225.55 KB,474x266,237:133,LFS.png)

File: 06b503ed9be5934⋯.jpg (99.53 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2878421233.jpg)

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a6f5d4 No.21066693

File: 0d4434ed9e3c4e0⋯.jpeg (50.6 KB,736x558,368:279,prisoner_number_6_sarcast….jpeg)


>Maher is literally a Bush on the Hefner side

dig it

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1b72cb No.21066694

File: e5628362fe14f05⋯.jpg (221.5 KB,750x769,750:769,DVu.jpg)

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b251bc No.21066695

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72cf9b No.21066696

File: 6938333b1ea3e5c⋯.jpg (83.11 KB,512x384,4:3,iu_10_.jpg)

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72cf9b No.21066698

File: f14d5a96afc14d9⋯.jpg (45.22 KB,459x664,459:664,Kek_wills_it.jpg)

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b63780 No.21066700

File: f367a32b8a27b4e⋯.jpg (88.55 KB,775x485,155:97,haut1.jpg)


>21066575 Russia's Dmitry Medvedev threatening Elon?


Learn our comms.

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a70ab7 No.21066701

File: a1a8860677a75ae⋯.jpeg (334.65 KB,773x573,773:573,F8953B1B_1E6F_48B2_92B8_5….jpeg)


Quints confirm the apologist asks for sauce regarding a well known public event on this board.

Good try!!!

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ae6595 No.21066702

File: 099625e87d728a1⋯.jpg (744.98 KB,2041x1361,2041:1361,TrumpSolvedIt.JPG)

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72cf9b No.21066704

File: baf0e45b3df62df⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,607x686,607:686,keksignal.jpg)

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31f749 No.21066705

This board stops being research on Q..

Q stops being the intel source on this board.

Happened already.

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72cf9b No.21066706

File: b4ab41f79a23445⋯.png (488.56 KB,750x500,3:2,letters_trackback.png)

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31f749 No.21066707

Last chance today, Clowns.

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22e80a No.21066708

File: f08999eb5c15ec0⋯.jpg (188.05 KB,1437x700,1437:700,TrumpWonBig.JPG)

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b251bc No.21066709


doesn't know.

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72cf9b No.21066711

File: 63ebe61c6046c92⋯.png (416.51 KB,600x600,1:1,meme_shit_storm.png)

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14db4f No.21066714

File: e845ae6238e79eb⋯.jpg (174.72 KB,683x709,683:709,GoKali.jpg)


BO team lost the board because the BV "dirty onion" was a trump hater; and banned all the normal anon researchers.

He was a ringer. Him and his wing-girl "Tranime"

Both Trump-Hater NAZI


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070a28 No.21066715


i wondered…gonna ill be back..gonna get grub

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002c0b No.21066716


>Anons didn't pray hard enough to Q

We need our cargo plane to land soon that'll fix it.

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72cf9b No.21066717

File: ac707c3e297b794⋯.png (563.23 KB,720x720,1:1,meme_a_new_reality.png)

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b251bc No.21066719

tried harder.


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31f749 No.21066720


The entire BOTeam is compromised right now. They love Kali, BTW.

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72cf9b No.21066723

File: 790aaa5c789ca1f⋯.jpg (131.97 KB,640x853,640:853,nigh_tshift.jpg)

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d36866 No.21066725


Entrenched like an Alabama tick

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72cf9b No.21066726

File: d6f90dac80c78e6⋯.jpg (98.67 KB,800x374,400:187,Night_shift_2.jpg)

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517dee No.21066727

File: 269dbe5772162d0⋯.png (281.88 KB,312x446,156:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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72cf9b No.21066728

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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31f749 No.21066730


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a79211 No.21066731

File: db34c1fa75ab34b⋯.jpg (154.2 KB,960x688,60:43,ClintonHistory.JPG)

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a79be1 No.21066733

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72cf9b No.21066734

File: 71f7cc577f11b56⋯.jpg (377.88 KB,951x1299,317:433,night_shift_22.jpg)

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a70ab7 No.21066736

File: 27d5cdd41d7b0b5⋯.gif (997.74 KB,450x344,225:172,EA1EE94F_BF84_4F88_90BF_8C….gif)

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