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File: c63de90c344b3cb⋯.jpg (529.4 KB,1920x1080,16:9,c63de90c344b3cbd0eb3b89ea2….jpg)

4cd7c1 No.21061523 [View All]

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aa0a7a No.21062304

notes ~700

#25823 >>21061531

>>21061552 Kansas AG Kris Kobach Sues Pfizer For Misleading Vaccine Marketing

>>21061592, >>21061968 DJT: President of Brotherhood of Teamsters has accepted my invitation to speak at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee

>>21061609 Parasites

>>21061613 DJT: Trump crushed Biden with 10-point lead

>>21061633 Top State Department Official Quits Biden's Administration

>>21061642 S. Korean shipbuilder buying Philly Shipyard from Europe’s Aker for $100 million

>>21061662 PF: UAE military helicopter over London

>>21061663 Chinese Migrants Crossing California Border Hits 4-Month High

>>21061692 Northrop Grumman Delivers 2 Arctic Satellite Broadband Satellites Ahead of Launch

>>21061705 Trump Rally in Philadelphia on Saturday @ 6PM ET

>>21061745 Multiple people injured, including one officer, after mass shooting outside Arkansas grocery store

>>21061787 US - Trends in Death Rates from Neurological Diseases, Ages 15-44

>>21061790 ABC News executive editor Stacia Deshishku quits after exit of boss Kim Godwin

>>21061792, >>21061841 PF: Saudi AF HZWBT7 747 Dopey went to Euro Airport Basel-Mulhouse-Fribourg, France from Palma

>>21061795 Phillip Patrick: Washington Plans To Spend 50% More Than We Collect Every Year

>>21061826, >>21061965 Bowman’s Folly: New York Dem Appears To Have Plagiarized From ‘CRT: An Introduction’ For Dissertation

>>21061853, >>21061979, >>21062026 Alaskan Command operations director killed in civilian aircraft crash

>>21061860 "Everything Is Frozen": Third-Day Of Cyberattack Leaves 15,000 Auto Dealerships Crippled

>>21061864 Rishi Sunak threatens teens with sanctions for refusing national service

>>21061875 @Kash: Nevada 6 electors case dismissed

>>21061876 Ukrainian Drone Swarms Target Four Russian Refineries In Major Attack

>>21061883 Family of taekwondo black belts save woman from being raped, pin down suspect

>>21061908 Biden Seeks to Delay COVID Vaccine Safety Data Release Until 2026

>>21061918, >>21061946 Biden DHS Board Painted Trump Supporters, Military And Religious People As Terror Threats, Docs Show

>>21061922 Vid from 90s of gays and lesbians warning of pedos infiltrating their community

>>21061926 Migrant crime off the charts

>>21061929 PF: Gitmo express just touched down at Fort Lauderdale

>>21061934 Judge Judy comes out against Alvin Bragg

>>21061953 Archbishop Vigano announces he is being tried for schism

>>21061980 President Trump to hold Virginia rally next week

>>21061981 Doctor who exposed trans procedures at Texas Children's Hospital faces 10 years in prison

>>21061986, >>21062008 Louis CK hates himself

>>21062016 Disturbing Evidence by Feds to Censor You on Social Media

>>21062019 There was never thought to be a way to “undo” the shots - until now

>>21062028 Supreme Court Should Step Up For Trump

>>21062047 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen supports Biden’s choice “not to shut down the border entirely”

>>21062053 “A Gallon of Vodka a Day” - Hunter Biden’s Baby Mother Tells All

>>21062056 Top Cardiologist Drops Bombshell: Covid Shots Caused 112,000% Spike in Brain Clots

>>21062094 Ex-FBI Undercover Asset Risks All to Prove Jan. 6 Was a ‘Fedsurrection’

>>21062110 Mike Bloomberg backs Biden with $20 million contribution against Trump

>>21062117 News Blast for week of June 20th

>>21062133 European newspaper says citizens better get used to not having electricity all the time

>>21062137 Supreme Court Rules Accused Domestic Abusers Can Be Legally Barred from Possessing Guns

>>21062183, >>21062188 Trump provided important information to Bradley Edwards, attorney for Epstein’s victims in 2009

>>21062194 Trump Promises to Staple Green Cards to Diplomas

>>21062213 Sikorsky Support Services and Derco Aerospace Settle $70M of Improper Markups on Spare Parts for Navy Trainer Aircraft

>>21062220 Former State Senator and Sister/Business Owner Charged with Obstruction of Justice

>>21062247 US infant blood / DNA stored in government labs for decades

>>21062265 Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron's oddball love story, as she fights trolls wo clam she's trans in court

>>21062279 @RepNancyMace: Next week, we examine how Biden is in the pocket of big labor with his pricey project labor agreement mandate

>>21062302 Mil / Misc

>>21061567, >>21061702, >>21062224 Memes


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bc7780 No.21062305

File: 72b514d5125ea44⋯.jpg (99.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4690_2_.JPG)

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04b7c0 No.21062306


How can it be deleted when anon just cited the source as posted on X.

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7ad520 No.21062307



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022853 No.21062308


>Is that you, BO?

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bc7780 No.21062309

File: 28a33a1c1172313⋯.jpg (106.01 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4707_2_.JPG)

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18456e No.21062310



now look what you've done


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bc7780 No.21062311

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4716_2_.JPG)

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c442c3 No.21062312

File: aca98dd4305d8cc⋯.png (25.55 KB,1264x259,1264:259,traff.PNG)

File: 614b5d64a803439⋯.png (382.38 KB,768x625,768:625,alls.PNG)



Luna proposes DNA testing to stop child trafficking at southern border


Anna Giaritelli

June 21, 2024 11:03 am

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7a19dc No.21062313

File: 5539519a1cb3439⋯.png (986.44 KB,591x1280,591:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc8297 No.21062314

File: d421c4594b871ae⋯.jpg (135.25 KB,1200x863,1200:863,00001j.jpg)

don't even fucking tell me

i am GOD huh?

and this is all my fucking fault!


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aa0a7a No.21062315


#25823 >>21061531

>>21061552 Kansas AG Kris Kobach Sues Pfizer For Misleading Vaccine Marketing

>>21061592, >>21061968 DJT: President of Brotherhood of Teamsters has accepted my invitation to speak at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee

>>21061609 Parasites

>>21061613 DJT: Trump crushed Biden with 10-point lead

>>21061633 Top State Department Official Quits Biden's Administration

>>21061642 S. Korean shipbuilder buying Philly Shipyard from Europe’s Aker for $100 million

>>21061662 PF: UAE military helicopter over London

>>21061663 Chinese Migrants Crossing California Border Hits 4-Month High

>>21061692 Northrop Grumman Delivers 2 Arctic Satellite Broadband Satellites Ahead of Launch

>>21061705 Trump Rally in Philadelphia on Saturday @ 6PM ET

>>21061745 Multiple people injured, including one officer, after mass shooting outside Arkansas grocery store

>>21061787 US - Trends in Death Rates from Neurological Diseases, Ages 15-44

>>21061790 ABC News executive editor Stacia Deshishku quits after exit of boss Kim Godwin

>>21061792, >>21061841 PF: Saudi AF HZWBT7 747 Dopey went to Euro Airport Basel-Mulhouse-Fribourg, France from Palma

>>21061795 Phillip Patrick: Washington Plans To Spend 50% More Than We Collect Every Year

>>21061826, >>21061965 Bowman’s Folly: New York Dem Appears To Have Plagiarized From ‘CRT: An Introduction’ For Dissertation

>>21061853, >>21061979, >>21062026 Alaskan Command operations director killed in civilian aircraft crash

>>21061860 "Everything Is Frozen": Third-Day Of Cyberattack Leaves 15,000 Auto Dealerships Crippled

>>21061864 Rishi Sunak threatens teens with sanctions for refusing national service

>>21061875 @Kash: Nevada 6 electors case dismissed

>>21061876 Ukrainian Drone Swarms Target Four Russian Refineries In Major Attack

>>21061883 Family of taekwondo black belts save woman from being raped, pin down suspect

>>21061908 Biden Seeks to Delay COVID Vaccine Safety Data Release Until 2026

>>21061918, >>21061946 Biden DHS Board Painted Trump Supporters, Military And Religious People As Terror Threats, Docs Show

>>21061922 Vid from 90s of gays and lesbians warning of pedos infiltrating their community

>>21061926 Migrant crime off the charts

>>21061929 PF: Gitmo express just touched down at Fort Lauderdale

>>21061934 Judge Judy comes out against Alvin Bragg

>>21061953 Archbishop Vigano announces he is being tried for schism

>>21061980 President Trump to hold Virginia rally next week

>>21061981 Doctor who exposed trans procedures at Texas Children's Hospital faces 10 years in prison

>>21061986, >>21062008 Louis CK hates himself

>>21062016 Disturbing Evidence by Feds to Censor You on Social Media

>>21062019 There was never thought to be a way to “undo” the shots - until now

>>21062028 Supreme Court Should Step Up For Trump

>>21062047 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen supports Biden’s choice “not to shut down the border entirely”

>>21062053 “A Gallon of Vodka a Day” - Hunter Biden’s Baby Mother Tells All

>>21062056 Top Cardiologist Drops Bombshell: Covid Shots Caused 112,000% Spike in Brain Clots

>>21062094 Ex-FBI Undercover Asset Risks All to Prove Jan. 6 Was a ‘Fedsurrection’

>>21062110 Mike Bloomberg backs Biden with $20 million contribution against Trump

>>21062117 News Blast for week of June 20th

>>21062133 European newspaper says citizens better get used to not having electricity all the time

>>21062137 Supreme Court Rules Accused Domestic Abusers Can Be Legally Barred from Possessing Guns

>>21062183, >>21062188 Trump provided important information to Bradley Edwards, attorney for Epstein’s victims in 2009

>>21062194 Trump Promises to Staple Green Cards to Diplomas

>>21062213 Sikorsky Support Services and Derco Aerospace Settle $70M of Improper Markups on Spare Parts for Navy Trainer Aircraft

>>21062220 Former State Senator and Sister/Business Owner Charged with Obstruction of Justice

>>21062247 US infant blood / DNA stored in government labs for decades

>>21062265 Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron's oddball love story, as she fights trolls wo clam she's trans in court

>>21062279 @RepNancyMace: Next week, we examine how Biden is in the pocket of big labor with his pricey project labor agreement mandate

>>21062302 Mil / Misc

>>21061567, >>21061702, >>21062224 Memes


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bc7780 No.21062316

File: 20999f6aa86fc6a⋯.jpg (109.93 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4730.JPG)

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5879c2 No.21062318


Same goes for the aborted.

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a0c4f3 No.21062319


QR deletions were ongoing 4 hours ago.

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fc8297 No.21062320

File: b8e47cc0e4a8f6a⋯.webp (76.27 KB,862x575,862:575,00001d.webp)



i mean

i always had that funny feeling yet this is bullshit!

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bc7780 No.21062322

File: efdc258d1d694a5⋯.jpg (76.47 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4757.JPG)

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bc7780 No.21062326

File: 41265762adfe7e6⋯.jpg (74.68 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4768.JPG)

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fc8297 No.21062327

File: 0e8f6b4d9cef9d2⋯.jpg (160.39 KB,1600x900,16:9,000001k.jpg)


jesus christ what are you trying to cover up!!!?

something is fucking going down!!!


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bc7780 No.21062328

File: 3f3d486edf82170⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4769.JPG)

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ba87a3 No.21062329



Endorsed by Big Mike

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bf6933 No.21062331

File: 45ba4c7879beb0c⋯.png (2.31 MB,1024x1534,512:767,PEDOSHILL.png)

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7ad520 No.21062332

Did the country really need to be put through all of this just to wake up some dumbass motherfuckers who are just now starting to emerge from the stupor they've been in all their fucking lives? Considering all of the death, crime, chaos, corruption and injustice, has it been worth it worth it?

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6a76ff No.21062333

File: fb0e32e75e26596⋯.png (677.06 KB,2258x2360,1129:1180,ClipboardImage.png)



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fc8297 No.21062334





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79caaa No.21062335

God and a special sect of warriors did it


This anon has it on better authority about the destruction of that monument

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18456e No.21062336


<government owns everyone's DNA

all God's creation, biomarked

"to stop child trafficking"

just chip 'em like mongrels

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aa0a7a No.21062337

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bc7780 No.21062338

File: fd5de5b8d90897f⋯.jpg (117.58 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4789.JPG)

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bc7780 No.21062339

File: f82478682b53ff8⋯.jpg (106.79 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4791.JPG)

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fc8297 No.21062340

File: 1477705abafefb2⋯.png (221.87 KB,566x565,566:565,001a.png)


wait for it!

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6a0b45 No.21062341

File: afd39acb8141e9a⋯.png (67.69 KB,634x381,634:381,ClipboardImage.png)


Adam’s apple?

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bc7780 No.21062344

File: fa94aa76858f186⋯.jpg (102.85 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4808.JPG)

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04b7c0 No.21062346

File: fbdbe368e79d065⋯.png (706.89 KB,500x713,500:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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18456e No.21062347


>all this

muh Satanic larps

some folks know God's timeline

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bc7780 No.21062348

File: 5a8a49bf3013d2e⋯.jpg (113.91 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4896_2_.JPG)

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5acf10 No.21062349


We take these steps together.

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fc8297 No.21062350

File: a50b2ae68a4bda8⋯.jpg (134.6 KB,1050x591,350:197,0001hh.jpg)

its just a couple [animals] at the tippy top

we got this

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04b7c0 No.21062351


Oh, you meant spam.


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bc7780 No.21062352

File: 6615af5cae058d0⋯.jpg (65.29 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4902_2_.JPG)

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18456e No.21062353


>a special sect

of freemasons

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0e7d40 No.21062354


>Adam’s apple?


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bc7780 No.21062355

File: 072d4e01cdb5a62⋯.jpg (67.27 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4953_2_.JPG)

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fc8297 No.21062356

you dont know how sick and evil!

70% not corrupt so comfy

100% insulated!



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bc7780 No.21062358

File: 1309f138d35b1ce⋯.jpg (68.63 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_5056_2_.JPG)

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022853 No.21062360

File: 4dd45c2576a37f1⋯.png (203.49 KB,396x400,99:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc7780 No.21062361

File: f0fce6756e4db7b⋯.jpg (81.48 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_5063_2_.JPG)

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a0c4f3 No.21062362


It's a fair question.

If the alternative was worse, then it would be justified.

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ecbef6 No.21062363

File: af35bd8d372ac1e⋯.png (298.49 KB,513x540,19:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc8297 No.21062364

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,A2A.png)

no words for how much NIGHT SHIFT loves this game!!!

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