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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

cd0b1c No.21056403 [View All]

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701 posts and 506 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1cbd03 No.21057234

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,0000000000.png)

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6f429d No.21057235


no. The US would rather they burn to dust before engaging with Putin.

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6f429d No.21057236


I see your AIDS has flared up again.

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df33ff No.21057237

File: d9576addb493f50⋯.png (3.24 MB,1146x986,573:493,_Anonymous_6_minutes_ago_9….png)

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346e3d No.21057238


Beats giving your taxes to domestic enemies who give it to their criminal frinds who import homicidal pedohiles and mutilate chidren.

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b18484 No.21057239


The Blessed Fractal Ass

Such Bbooty

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bef811 No.21057240

File: b91cbc0364b30f5⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB,576x1024,9:16,b91cbc0364b30f5aa6979b33b6….mp4)


Calm down.

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cd0b1c No.21057241


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242a92 No.21057242

File: 034b2db9a1263be⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,854x480,427:240,TRUMP_SHILLS_FOR_THE_HOLOC….mp4)

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985850 No.21057243

File: 49d9b199e0b973d⋯.png (152.39 KB,400x600,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>I see this in that

>see something say something.

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df33ff No.21057244

File: d7fa3c739ae8b00⋯.jpg (677.67 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening66.jpg)

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6fdf4e No.21057245

File: 7294389bde93a94⋯.jpg (199.32 KB,1200x630,40:21,b564250bc77f8c19c1307e8d4e….jpg)

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ebc6c1 No.21057246

File: bd48a5db436b6f7⋯.png (266.53 KB,640x1944,80:243,76_5_.png)

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38b362 No.21057247

File: b58b27c39471c33⋯.png (382.75 KB,743x588,743:588,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e66bbf47c3a28dc⋯.mp4 (267.9 KB,480x270,16:9,WE_RE_GONNA_RELEASE_EVERYT….mp4)




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df33ff No.21057248

File: f93cb453b1440b6⋯.jpg (733.27 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening65.jpg)

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820c5e No.21057249


>the reset is about to happen

will our memories be wiped so that we can get a do over

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31d84f No.21057250


"You'll find out."

autism and paytriot faggotry are not synonyms

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df33ff No.21057251

File: 35bb53fa24287ce⋯.jpg (662.93 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening64.jpg)

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7dced4 No.21057252


dat 3000 cock labia.

It's as sloppy as my carvlogs-

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6f429d No.21057254


MIL Patriots were silent as the USA was taken over in a coup tho.

>never be silent

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f3b170 No.21057255


If our memories get wiped how would we remember to not to let this happen again?

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ebc6c1 No.21057256

File: b0f9459419700ff⋯.png (92.8 KB,640x1012,160:253,627_2_.png)

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df33ff No.21057257

File: cfe0e5eaaae8fc8⋯.jpg (593.69 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening63.jpg)

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985850 No.21057258


>food pyramid banned for giving away the shtick

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242a92 No.21057259


>calm down

Once you yiddish freaks have been exterminated!

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6f429d No.21057264


the memes and the offline archives

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cee32f No.21057267



Trying to use the really old ones for a change?

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df33ff No.21057268

File: 22f83b887a144fd⋯.jpg (650.57 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening62.jpg)

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a46d99 No.21057270

File: 01045a2bda2f5a9⋯.png (428.19 KB,899x669,899:669,t432bh4235g324.PNG)

File: 4eb9f95861b40ef⋯.jpg (14.68 KB,350x218,175:109,5423b5435432.jpg)

New $8.6 million teak deck for USS Alabama battleship: ‘Beloved symbol of patriotism’

The USS Alabama, which has long stood guard in the Mobile Bay, has a new deck.

“What a great honor for Alabama to continue to host and maintain this hero of the Second World War,” Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey said during the ribbon cutting Thursday. “Alabamians are again united in pride as we unveil a major renovation to this beloved symbol of patriotism and America’s greatest generation.”

On Thursday, state officials, including Ivey, unveiled a new, 22,000 square-foot teak deck on the ship, the premier attraction of Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile. The deck replaces the original teak deck, which had fallen into disrepair over the 80 years of the ship’s existence.

The new deck was made with teak imported from Myanmar, from the same forests as the wood from the original deck, Chris Dunning, construction manager at Youngblood-Barrett Construction & Engineering, which installed the new deck, said. It took around six months to ship the new teak to the United States. The planks for the new deck are one inch thick, compared to the original planks, which were 2-2.5 inches thick.


(ships been looking great)

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bf4748 No.21057271


>Sgt. B

is this whose been running the Operator1 Operator2 thing the last 5 months?

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df33ff No.21057275

File: 4808f2db6f5fb38⋯.jpg (744.08 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening61.jpg)

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ff2357 No.21057277

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df33ff No.21057278

File: 1c3b8fd70943240⋯.jpg (617.4 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening60.jpg)

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6f429d No.21057279

File: 9638a36899bb23e⋯.jpg (58.8 KB,383x376,383:376,Black_Cat_Chyna_Lips.jpg)

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c6780c No.21057280

File: 4290f7b9943b183⋯.png (14.37 KB,322x292,161:146,ClipboardImage.png)


Q drop #1827

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bef811 No.21057281

File: b383ca74d42cb2e⋯.png (176.89 KB,297x535,297:535,b383ca74d42cb2e3829f48d8b2….png)


No, seriously calm down.

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e6ecf7 No.21057283

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f162e3 No.21057284


No. You will find out that you are retarded.

Trump is a fucking genius.

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f3b170 No.21057285


They wouldn't make sense to us just like they don't make sense to people who don't know our lore.

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df33ff No.21057287

File: 44a7f42bf8b91af⋯.jpg (567.79 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening59.jpg)

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6f429d No.21057288


let's pack it in now then

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7dced4 No.21057289


what a great and useful way to spend tax payers money while men that worked their entire lives are getting graped by divorce ending up homeless.

What a beautiful system! I love all this!

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b71f69 No.21057291

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df33ff No.21057292

File: b708731a46bb6d6⋯.jpg (655.14 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening58.jpg)

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df85c6 No.21057293


they flip out if you critisize or challange their lame assertions about time of day psyops.

they've turned them into 'here is what we are, we are this'

and if you point it out they will not let you post any furhter comments about it.

theywill say 'you were warnned'

or 'how dare you attack time of day' (where time of day is the particular psyop based upon the time of day.

last night it was 'time of day greats you' and I pointed out 'you don't speak for anyone but yourself' and that triggered the juvenile persona.

anon know that no one speaks for all the anon, and yet that crowd needs that 'this shift verses that shift' psyop for some reason.

my guess is that the crews have placed a lot of their egos into it and attacking the idea of it being anything more than a solute to the troops (operators in the field) is a personal insult against them.

I think the crew probably started mid or early march. They probably all work in the same office, and they are all young.

the use the names of old personas but I doubt that it's the same people.

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bef811 No.21057294

File: 9aae93a7d5028bb⋯.mp4 (697 KB,480x480,1:1,9aae93a7d5028bb2e37118d57f….mp4)


>Just leave it to the autists.

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31d84f No.21057296


Trump is on Satan's side.

Just like you, faggot.

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b9a661 No.21057297


Very few remember.

It’s my 6th time around.

Pros and Cons.

Pros big time first and second.

Cons fifth and sixth.

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df33ff No.21057298

File: 79af1bcfa31912c⋯.jpg (647.73 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening57.jpg)

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cd0b1c No.21057300


Q Research General #25818: NightShift #Ebake Edition




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