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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

2a20a0 No.21055509 [View All]

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76ef90 No.21056381

File: d13e0652fe79481⋯.png (173.54 KB,386x217,386:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8c9fb No.21056383

File: 46955a319ecb9b3⋯.jpg (77.94 KB,720x719,720:719,DaW4GbUUwAE6ZOZ_2_.jpg)

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f8c9fb No.21056384

File: bfd544997cff1b3⋯.jpg (133.86 KB,613x467,613:467,DAYSHIFT2.jpg)

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872508 No.21056385


Q rhymes with…?

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f8c9fb No.21056386

File: 5afccd3a36299cf⋯.jpg (587.53 KB,1920x1200,8:5,DayShiftNightShiftWeDigFre….jpg)

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635874 No.21056387

File: c0277327f9d5754⋯.png (202.35 KB,455x773,455:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8c9fb No.21056388

File: d904b446b17b52d⋯.jpg (589.69 KB,1323x888,441:296,d904b446b17b52d34a71487289….jpg)

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2a20a0 No.21056389



>Q rhymes with


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e650ed No.21056391

File: 8ff2af3968464b4⋯.jpeg (337.68 KB,890x494,445:247,IMG_2620.jpeg)

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f8c9fb No.21056392

File: f71298cb62779c4⋯.jpg (160.9 KB,709x373,709:373,cyber_sideways2.jpg)

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2a9312 No.21056393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Some Hanoi Rocks

Oriental Beat

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2a20a0 No.21056394

#25816 >>21055521

>>21055536 OP: Focus24 UPDATED: 24/06/14

>>21055543 Reasons to vote Trump

>>21055556 1stArmoredDiv Our best squad competitors and mortar men from HHC, 2-37AR, 1ABCT, practiced with the AT4

>>21055562 TOM LEONARD reveals the dark truths behind OJ Simpson's murderous rage

>>21055592, >>21055603 Unelected EU Commission head, Ursula von der Leyen, calls for the European population to be "vaccinated" against "disinformation".

>>21055610 THE LEAKED AUDIO of Evil Leftist Nut-Job NURY MARTINEZ - Los Angeles City Council President

>>21055617 "Man Accused of Raping 13-Year-Old Is 'Beat Up' by Community Members Who Recognized Him from Wanted Poster"

>>21055618 Anon Germatrias Trump Red folder date

>>21055627 Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices:

>>21055636, >>21055717, >>21055753, >>21056140 FBI raids home of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao

>>21055654 @realDonaldTrump Q-hat VIP @ (00:17)

>>21055661 French PM warns election result could undermine support for Ukraine

>>21055735 Russia could arm North Korea – Putin

>>21055738 USCIS approved nearly 80,000 DACA requestors with arrests, including for violent crimes


>>21055779, >>21055815 ilpresidento Qmapped 1258

>>21055823 Emerson Poll: Trump Maintains Lead Over Biden in Swing States

>>21055829 2:00 PM EDT Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller Department of State

>>21055841 2:30 PM EDT Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder

>>21055883 #CheapFake Vs #DeepState

>>21055889 Video Footage Of Russia's Three-Ton FAB-3000 Guided Bomb Used On Ukrainian Target In Kharkiv

>>21055902 People say it’s the Republican pandering to the Black community, but the Democrats are the ones telling you, you need us MP4

>>21055904, >>21055906 Dayton getting a low and slow show from a B-52

>>21055916 Republican state lawmaker arrested in middle of night in Lansing

>>21055931 Trump Swing Poll in the Lead

>>21055959 WallStreetApes alifornia State Website To Register To Vote Lets You Click Boxes Saying You Don’t Have A Drivers License Or Social Security # AND LETS YOU PROCEED TO REGISTER TO VOTE

>>21055963 X is getting into business with the Kardashians through a deal with Khloé Kardashian

>>21055989 Navy Cap Putin and Kim Sign Strategic Partnership Treaty Q > 144, 1344

>>21055991 Gitmo express returning to base

>>21056017 Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Aside

>>21056022 LIVE: DoD Press Briefing from the Pentagon on June 20, 2024

>>21056031 Actor Donald Sutherland’s dead.

>>21056107 LB C101 US Coast Guard G5 inbound to Reagan National from Stuttgart Intl depart

>>21056038 Mexi Po-Po XCOPF 727 departed San Pedro Sula, Honduras after a ground stop of about 1h back to Mex. City Intl

>>21055674, >>21055747, >>21055756, >>21055794, >>21055721, >>21055810, >>21056253 4KEKS Putin and Kim together again

>>21056163 Tony Sings Do You Miss Me (Trump) MP4

>>21056170 Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un took a ride in a new Aurus around the Kumsusan Palace during the Russian President’s state visit to DPRK.

>>21056174 Family Of Mother Allegedly Murdered By Illegal Migrant ‘Deeply Touched’ By Trump’s Outreach

>>21056177 Arizona Judge Declines To Dismiss Election Interference Case

>>21056193 Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices:

>>21056198 Lost ancient Greek temple dedicated to the goddess of war is discovered among 2,500-year-old graffiti

>>21056204 Trump Will Get Final Word At CNN Debate After Coin Flip

>>21056207 Why Is Trump Media (DJT) Stock Down over 13% Today?

>>21056212 3:15 PM EDT 92nd Annual Meeting of the United States Conference of Mayors

>>21056217 3:30 PM EDT National Leadership Luncheon & Plenary: The Latino Vote in 2024

>>21056225 Sailors aboard USS Wasp (LHD 1) conducts a mass casualty exercise, in the Kattegat Strait.

>>21056227 @LizCrokin I’d really like to know if fat slob JB Pritzker and his cousin, Tom Pritzker really thought they could stop Liz Crokin from exposing their crimes against children?

>>21056230 Chemicals From East Palestine Train Disaster Spread to 16 States: Study

>>21056242 3:30 PM EDT Media briefing on the outcome of a recent tabletop exercise to simulate national and international responses to a hypothetical asteroid impact threat

>>21056278 Trump Truth Claim Your Sticker Now

>>21056282 America’s largest private bus company officially files for BANKRUPTCY

>>21056364 PacificMarines Trusting The Process during MASA 24​


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a0782b No.21056395

File: b75efeafb55371b⋯.png (744.33 KB,677x680,677:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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806fbf No.21056396

File: 97fed9cc81f8843⋯.jpeg (671.13 KB,1215x608,1215:608,E0F3C495_A645_4C98_9A6B_4….jpeg)

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f8c9fb No.21056397

File: dbacbe6ab78a5fb⋯.jpg (975.67 KB,2400x1300,24:13,commandandcontrolcenter.jpg)

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3e98ac No.21056398


there is a cure for this shekel loving kraut


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f8c9fb No.21056399

File: b3bceb759e48e49⋯.jpg (273.16 KB,800x800,1:1,Comfy_Q.jpg)

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b11459 No.21056400

File: 0bfa480b09e2c44⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,1080x501,360:167,Screenshot_20240620_143727….jpg)




someone might have seen that demons tweets and shut it down.

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e650ed No.21056402

File: dc9316f15a4e44b⋯.jpeg (775.58 KB,877x1389,877:1389,IMG_2617.jpeg)

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f8c9fb No.21056404

File: 0d9aae0e7b3887f⋯.jpg (397.69 KB,606x655,606:655,Comfy_with_Three_Frens_and….jpg)

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27c1db No.21056407

is it anon or is everything weird?

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f8c9fb No.21056412

File: 68e451a3a7c81df⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Comfy_Frog_Q.jpg)

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806fbf No.21056413

File: 563a995a8dcdc8b⋯.jpeg (298.36 KB,1645x1668,1645:1668,6C98FEBC_4836_46A2_B681_8….jpeg)


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27c1db No.21056414


ooh, that's catchy.

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f8c9fb No.21056415

File: 40a6550f84dfc8d⋯.jpg (79.28 KB,824x1131,824:1131,Checked.jpg)

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f8c9fb No.21056418

File: df88d6d7b05b687⋯.jpg (119.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,comfy_maga.jpg)

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f8c9fb No.21056419

File: bc359d0108b5cc6⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,480x472,60:59,ce0a3403b0.jpg)

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f8c9fb No.21056423

File: e9a9cfb6be0c0c2⋯.jpg (87.01 KB,661x500,661:500,CBF5.jpg)

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f8c9fb No.21056425

File: 15a1f361b6b880a⋯.jpg (351.92 KB,894x680,447:340,c56822fc1f821b5ccb736267d3….jpg)

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2a20a0 No.21056426

#25816 >>21055521


Q Research General #25817: The Polls Know #SwingState Edition




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f8c9fb No.21056427

File: 60eb49d01509f7b⋯.jpg (113.86 KB,960x720,4:3,c48a692e5c825d4782452702ca….jpg)

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61911f No.21056429

The only reason Ecuador is having issues is there is an army of Satanic savages behind walls that would be a prime target for creating mayhem across all of South and North America.

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f8c9fb No.21056431

File: 83f412a335b2509⋯.jpg (225.27 KB,1800x999,200:111,Brrrrrt.jpg)

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07f066 No.21056432

File: 16c3ff09c5ee798⋯.jpg (269.4 KB,1088x1365,1088:1365,NCSWIC_Nothing.jpg)

File: 120e2114f76bbcd⋯.png (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,NCSWIC_MF.png)


All of them mistakenly thought they could hide behind the 1st Amendment in their blatant aiding and abetting the enemy. They are as guilty of Treason as all of the people who committed these crimes against our nation. They covered for them, lied for them and now they are going to be held accountable with them.

Our POTUS cannot whif on this one. The HAMMR needs to come down and it needs to COME DOWN HARD.




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a0782b No.21056433

File: 0958bfb20c8ac93⋯.png (454.31 KB,814x489,814:489,ClipboardImage.png)


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f8c9fb No.21056434

File: c8f6de2c8ba7151⋯.jpg (68.63 KB,512x512,1:1,BreadBoss.jpg)

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37fb7c No.21056436

File: 7cc3237f7a29154⋯.png (4.1 MB,1550x1050,31:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08609615108eaec⋯.png (2.21 MB,1200x807,400:269,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb2f287fdd59502⋯.png (1.33 MB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72f74fb4bc3562c⋯.png (2.31 MB,1920x816,40:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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54c08e No.21056437

File: d5a9b4e209d2582⋯.png (347.29 KB,501x793,501:793,ClipboardImage.png)


THey're all scared

This Movie…

What a timeline to experience

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f8c9fb No.21056439

File: 748d3cce10cb185⋯.jpg (92.32 KB,709x373,709:373,Baking.jpg)

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2a9312 No.21056440

File: bedc70dce6c2a9d⋯.png (94.2 KB,544x420,136:105,Screenshot_20240620_124331….png)

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f8c9fb No.21056441

File: 90071c5af911aba⋯.jpg (60.98 KB,736x736,1:1,Baker_.jpg)

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f46922 No.21056442

File: edbc7c273f36def⋯.jpg (9.38 KB,474x193,474:193,teigen_pedolite.jpg)

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f8c9fb No.21056445

File: b9641e4fbd22510⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2000x1400,10:7,b9641e4fbd2251084ba3011983….jpg)

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f8c9fb No.21056448

File: 16a0c23b2c2efc5⋯.jpg (102.98 KB,768x680,96:85,frenz.jpg)

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cd3be4 No.21056449

File: e72200309874476⋯.png (1.35 MB,1219x948,1219:948,000banep1.png)

File: ebd084d402effc6⋯.png (70.68 KB,602x858,301:429,0a.png)

File: 47a165e3f44a295⋯.png (154.08 KB,1004x1034,502:517,0b.png)

File: 59d2e9027845935⋯.png (913.64 KB,1848x1888,231:236,0c.png)

File: ac7bba34630ad4e⋯.png (1.99 MB,3316x2908,829:727,0qc.png)








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a0782b No.21056451

File: 51cf850af1b6019⋯.png (466.4 KB,680x647,680:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8c9fb No.21056453

File: 26040fe136f64fe⋯.jpg (135.31 KB,671x537,671:537,a0e9bfc610a89ecbc1993039fb….jpg)

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cd3be4 No.21056458

File: 0bd172d1cd3f9c5⋯.png (1.77 MB,1820x1680,13:12,0l.png)

File: 12355ed77d53527⋯.png (689.91 KB,958x810,479:405,0m.png)

File: 681615ebcc4e568⋯.png (821.59 KB,829x1030,829:1030,0mb.png)

File: 6eb19111593337a⋯.png (1.04 MB,1904x1494,952:747,0o.png)

File: 9dad5d7e3e5cb78⋯.png (1.92 MB,878x1170,439:585,0qa.png)






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f8c9fb No.21056459

File: cc7789b8b7f28b1⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2550x2970,85:99,1477180096633.jpg)

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f8c9fb No.21056461

File: f7f1e436666bb76⋯.jpg (22.94 KB,480x480,1:1,26239663_10155956374869890….jpg)

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