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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

e03dbb No.21051862 [View All]

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705 posts and 549 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5b72b1 No.21052744

File: 6a66fcd7fb04400⋯.jpg (71.87 KB,508x596,127:149,lightsongirl.jpg)

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2413f9 No.21052745

File: 1c3349028842000⋯.png (255.92 KB,558x312,93:52,Screenshot_from_2024_06_19….png)

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419124 No.21052746


Is there a sandwich crew?

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836961 No.21052748

File: 126e002840513ad⋯.png (242.25 KB,1880x640,47:16,1v.png)

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ec4af6 No.21052749

File: 57842a455c4245a⋯.jpg (11.54 KB,255x143,255:143,0b330375971ae0c0ce47ae152e….jpg)

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f8a1f4 No.21052750

File: e3945b99fd7e1e4⋯.png (41.43 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)


44s vid

>Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.

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5b72b1 No.21052751

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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375767 No.21052752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5be94c No.21052753

File: 013a0cff6f6d62a⋯.png (348.69 KB,500x500,1:1,weirder.png)


that was hella wormhole

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5b72b1 No.21052754

File: 844ca1f7a72ffa7⋯.jpg (358.79 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ManBatFrog.jpg)

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b4d572 No.21052755


Time for another hearing and more strongly worded letters.

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e03dbb No.21052756


#25812 >>21051867

>>21051902 Furious residents erupt at NYC town hall meeting over crime outside gargantuan migrant shelter that houses 3,000 men

>>21051923 Ethics panel probing alleged Gaetz obstruction, has issued 25 subpoenas

>>21051940 French Ministry confirms delivery of two Mica VL air defense systems ahead of Paris Olympics

>>21051964 NM Gov Grisham requests Major Disaster Declaration for wildfires

>>21052037 PF reports SAM168 C40B JCOS related departed MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after arriving from JBA-stayed for about 75m and across Atlantic

>>21052056 Women may be required to register for the draft

>>21052060 Arkansas governor signs income, property tax cuts into law

>>21052108 At least one in four US residential yards exceed new EPA lead soil level guideline

>>21052167 Illinois Republican Chair Don Tracy announces resignation over 'intra-party power struggles'

>>21052186, >>21052199 Experts Warn: North Korean troops could join Putin's invasion of Ukraine under a new pact with Russia as Kim Jong Un welcomed his despot to Pyongyang

>>21052209 Russian President Putin arrives in Vietnam for state visit, Russia Federation RSD201 Ilyushin 96VParrived at Hanoi from Pyongyang, NoKo depart


>>21052227 Santa Ana council stands firm on noncitizen voting ballot measure language despite legal challenge

>>21052347 @CitizenFreePres: Bannon unleashes on Paul Ryan tonight

>>21052457, >>21052528, >>21052616, >>21052651, >>21052679, >>21052720, >>21052737 @DanScavinoJr.🇺🇸🦅: MEME THIS🤡⤵️

>>21052497, >>21052516 House Committee Establishes Working Group to Counter China’s Control of Critical Mineral Supply Chains

>>21052503 Hezbollah Releases Drone Video of Haifa Targets in Israel

>>21052546, >>21052555 First-of-Its-Kind Study Explains Why Some People Don’t Get COVID-19

>>21052579 @Google ’s AI can tell you it’s wrong to hurt a puppy but doesn’t have the “capacity” to say an adult having s*x with a minor is wrong?!

>>21052584 Republican lawmakers in Michigan propose AR-15 as state gun

>>21052684 Sen. Paul Slams ‘Partisan’ DOJ for Refusal to Investigate Fauci

>>21052712 Notable decode, bye doge



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f16ed2 No.21052757

File: 269f4d8d952c0af⋯.png (1.21 MB,878x610,439:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b72b1 No.21052759

File: 63ebe61c6046c92⋯.png (416.51 KB,600x600,1:1,meme_shit_storm.png)

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93a131 No.21052760

File: 691d35cc1c1055b⋯.png (827.16 KB,680x500,34:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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2413f9 No.21052761

File: db863ea854fcf24⋯.png (25.86 KB,563x182,563:182,Screenshot_2024_06_19_at_2….png)

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680fab No.21052762

File: a73ecc564d1547b⋯.png (616.88 KB,720x576,5:4,a73ecc564d1547b7d1557be38d….png)

File: cfd6edf15957343⋯.jpg (37.46 KB,727x423,727:423,multi_D_resonanc.jpg)

File: ca167af603bdc34⋯.jpeg (142.7 KB,920x920,1:1,ca167af603bdc34436a5f7de9….jpeg)

File: d205d4abb974afd⋯.gif (537.77 KB,182x275,182:275,pepe_portal_sm_f.gif)

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f3c831 No.21052764

File: bc75bdcf5d9242d⋯.png (199.3 KB,711x694,711:694,gay.PNG)


>bye doge

Holy shit!

He actually notabled it!


>l8r suckers

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5b72b1 No.21052766

File: ac707c3e297b794⋯.png (563.23 KB,720x720,1:1,meme_a_new_reality.png)

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5b72b1 No.21052768

File: 55e4af57ea59d2d⋯.png (420.76 KB,673x739,673:739,MEMETICApatch.png)

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f16ed2 No.21052769

File: ea13ba120b199c4⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,804x644,201:161,egl.jpg)

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836961 No.21052770

File: 1de602c1b560674⋯.png (92.91 KB,1158x916,579:458,1w.png)


don't panic

you are riding in it

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8a79ee No.21052771

File: c2f41cda8299c17⋯.png (205.52 KB,512x341,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b72b1 No.21052772

File: ee59a205977723e⋯.png (1.52 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Minecraft_Q_Alpha.png)

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375767 No.21052773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ec4af6 No.21052774

File: dd93d493b00cec8⋯.png (888.06 KB,816x1158,136:193,Screen_Shot_2021_08_06_at_….png)

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f16ed2 No.21052775

File: 1e7cd46ae7b1dbf⋯.png (403.51 KB,429x362,429:362,1e7cd46ae7b1dbf93eb85db8e9….png)

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5b72b1 No.21052776

File: 790aaa5c789ca1f⋯.jpg (131.97 KB,640x853,640:853,nigh_tshift.jpg)

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5be94c No.21052777

File: 7b6f48edb379fbe⋯.png (1013.3 KB,1024x603,1024:603,ClipboardImage.png)

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836961 No.21052778

File: 8c27ddc2bdeb2a9⋯.gif (3.49 MB,640x326,320:163,0000000000000000000007.gif)


bains will not work!

ye must kill it with fire!

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5b72b1 No.21052779

File: 1ed43c3e86ea8b5⋯.gif (200.85 KB,900x450,2:1,NIGHT_SHI_T.gif)

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8a8017 No.21052780

File: b3faa7f87a9eab8⋯.png (517.68 KB,580x430,58:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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e03dbb No.21052782

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8a79ee No.21052783

File: 7abe6bf06dec989⋯.png (235.98 KB,474x361,474:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b72b1 No.21052784

File: d6f90dac80c78e6⋯.jpg (98.67 KB,800x374,400:187,Night_shift_2.jpg)

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836961 No.21052786

File: 2dbf0cea1a7b63b⋯.jpeg (85.14 KB,1016x792,127:99,2dbf0cea1a7b63b0d4b475d95….jpeg)


do not age associate!

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ec4af6 No.21052787

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5b72b1 No.21052788

File: 71f7cc577f11b56⋯.jpg (377.88 KB,951x1299,317:433,night_shift_22.jpg)

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836961 No.21052789

File: 32b4e42c5e8098d⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,521x521,1:1,3z5.jpg)

i mean "THOU SHALT NOT!"

way moar impressive

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384c07 No.21052791

File: 44d5171c160916e⋯.png (22.69 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3c831 No.21052792

File: 5efd6b78fbb44b0⋯.jpg (70.9 KB,1080x1080,1:1,_274294735_208344701766105….jpg)


>>>21052712 (You) Notable decode, bye doge


>>>21051869 (You) Shinzo Abe was assassinated by AI Globalists



This isn't the last they've heard of us corp.

Stay tuned for my mixtape.

Dropping on Honkfm next week!

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5b72b1 No.21052793

File: 0cf5fbfb44555de⋯.jpg (65.76 KB,500x748,125:187,Night_Shift1a.jpg)

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8a79ee No.21052794


Every black kids has to eat before yours

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8a8017 No.21052795


true story

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70cec6 No.21052796


What the hell is Pritzker doing in Ireland?

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e03dbb No.21052797

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408e4a No.21052798

File: 89333bf38952f4e⋯.png (2.06 MB,1080x1055,216:211,ClipboardImage.png)



QR isn't about (you)

It never was

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f3c831 No.21052799

File: bd1e2ed2a11df9c⋯.jpg (222.76 KB,1024x1024,1:1,document_17_.jpg)

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836961 No.21052800

File: 2a021c5eb635b7b⋯.png (213.27 KB,342x297,38:33,3z1a.png)

god diggies too




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f9d9ac No.21052801

File: f3b1a39313f41af⋯.png (1.71 MB,920x920,1:1,BFA3728E_8ACC_47BF_8B24_CF….png)

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