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File: 46b0d1c0f0dbb9f⋯.jpg (691.72 KB,1924x1081,1924:1081,bander.jpg)

acad30 No.21044222 [View All]

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704 posts and 423 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fb4755 No.21044960


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5d960f No.21044961

File: f81faca517654fc⋯.png (231.36 KB,453x429,151:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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d814aa No.21044962


Are you supposed to cook the patty first, then melt the cheese after, since it only takes a short time to melt a cheese slice? i don't cook.

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d776ac No.21044963


A camp follower or part of the camp?

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2c3180 No.21044964

File: dba6762b7f6c6d9⋯.png (730.32 KB,655x977,655:977,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb4755 No.21044965

either I'm out of spam bot hell or this isn't the real thread

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b25842 No.21044966


if you cook it like that you can't flip it right? i mean if you flipped it it would make a mess, so you have to cook the burger without flipping?

i wonder if this is the real reason he deletes the tweet

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cd10e7 No.21044967

File: 7b3392a24f68a19⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….jpg)

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d9ea4f No.21044968


Old testament GOD - Sacrifice your Child to me

New testament GOD - Jesus is the Sacrifice for all

so yeah, not the same god anon. if you realize this, the bible will start to make more sense

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71e23a No.21044969


It should read, the people in control of your everyday goings, who attended Harvard law on a parents salary while one stayed home and is smart he got his BAR in 2 years and became a senator at 20 l, cooks his burgers like this. Now, shut the fuck up pay your taxes.”

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2c3180 No.21044970

File: 24db9108fe7f174⋯.png (452.54 KB,916x765,916:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c769f No.21044971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24


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2e1164 No.21044972

God bless President Donald J Trump!

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61f22a No.21044973




'something isn't kosher' comms

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c97bb0 No.21044974

File: 99bac38274115ee⋯.png (196.98 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Indictment Alleges Alliance Between Sinaloa Cartel and Money Launderers Linked to Chinese Underground Banking


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248a00 No.21044975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At 4:01 pm EST on RSBN, the RSBN reporter said "IT'S THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM."

It's spreading. We the PEOPLE.

God bless Patriots, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA


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cc335e No.21044976

File: 8827e19608aa6a1⋯.jpg (119.85 KB,61_x5VA0tVL_AC_UY1000_.jpg)


its out there

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cd10e7 No.21044977

File: 7b3392a24f68a19⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….jpg)

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e0be60 No.21044978

File: 35a52d0b149081d⋯.png (92.49 KB,JPI3y9K.png)

File: 6609fd7e27e3e42⋯.png (150.36 KB,maga_removebg_preview.png)



>>21044232 #25803

>>21044244, >>21044254, >>21044258 Swamp Happenins

>>21044282, >>21044294 POTUS, >>21044332, >>21044383, >>21044608, >>21044707, >>21044839 PF

>>21044266, >>21044295, >>21044291, >>21044304 911 service is down in MASSACHUSETTS & RHODE ISLAND

>>21044336 Minnesota's new automatic voter registration system is up and running. How does it work?

>>21044324, >>21044541, >>21044607, >>21044819, >>21044833, >>21044863, >>21044940 TRUMP TRUTHS ilpresidento Truths

>>21044348 Flight Test of Future Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Reentry Vehicle

>>21044368 Biden’s Intelligence Agencies Lead Fingernail-Painting Sessions For ‘Pride Month’

>>21044419 An election integrity group is suing Burlington, Vermont's largest city, for allowing non-citizens to vote in its elections

>>21044435, >>21044798, >>21044800 Putin touches down in Pyongyang, says 'heroic people' of North Korea will 'confront' West with Russia

>>21044443 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24

>>21044463 Biden Announces Deportation Protections For Some Illegal Immigrants

>>21044517 Fauci: More People in Red States Died from COVID Because of ‘Political Ideology’

>>21044530 Impeachment Inquiry: Hunter’s Lawyer Used Joe Biden’s Position to Discourage SEC Probe

>>21044564 Former OpenAI employees release “A Right to Warn” document warning about advanced AI risks

>>21044570 National Guard Member Executed In Culiacán: Sinaloa

>>21044584 BIS Asks Banks to Join China-Backed Digital Cash-Sending Project…Saudi Arabia joins mBridge as full participant

>>21044605 Israeli Lawmakers Push For Gaza Resettlement

>>21044621 Kamala Harris Will Host Screening Of Documentary On Hamas Sexual Violence

>>21044670 Steve Bannon Responds To Rachel Maddow, did we make Rachel cry?

>>21044684, >>21044728 Where is Hunter Biden's mugshot? Anyone seen it?

>>21044685 Scientists claim popular mouthwash could increase cancer risk and 'must not be used daily'

>>21044696 Secret Service says it ‘destroyed’ tape of Biden’s dog splattering agent’s blood at White House

>>21044721 Noam Chomsky Dies at Age 95

>>21044748 Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'

>>21044817 NY midwife pleads guilty to destroying 2,600 COVID-19 vaccines and issuing fraudulent cards

>>21044835 CAUTION: US population growth is a scary looking chart

>>21044890 Hunter Biden’s D.C. law license suspended following felony gun conviction

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d776ac No.21044979


This one thinks lawyers are honest.

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88eb11 No.21044980

File: 03b4fc4fed238a7⋯.png (204.93 KB,746x1774,373:887,537.png)

File: b2fc700778a0eb9⋯.jpg (80.63 KB,720x659,720:659,media_GP7n5HNW0AAUs1f.jpg)


Raw or War?


>We see you.


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b25842 No.21044981


right someone (cheese) "hasn't flipped" yet

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71e23a No.21044982


Same Rally. Different City.

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084212 No.21044983


>In the Talmud.

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7aebcc No.21044984

as noted, POTUS up

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0c769f No.21044985


LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24


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a4ce14 No.21044986

File: 12eaea2efea2d78⋯.png (159.55 KB,583x428,583:428,Pepe_Apu_BBQ.png)


Cheese goes on dead-last, after the burger is completely cooked.

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cd10e7 No.21044987

File: cfa1e48c3e1794d⋯.jpg (86.19 KB,600x622,300:311,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….jpg)

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e0be60 No.21044988

File: 35a52d0b149081d⋯.png (92.49 KB,1200x1200,1:1,JPI3y9K.png)

File: 6609fd7e27e3e42⋯.png (150.36 KB,420x594,70:99,maga_removebg_preview.png)



>>21044232 #25803

>>21044244, >>21044254, >>21044258 Swamp Happenins

>>21044282, >>21044294 POTUS, >>21044332, >>21044383, >>21044608, >>21044707, >>21044839 PF

>>21044266, >>21044295, >>21044291, >>21044304 911 service is down in MASSACHUSETTS & RHODE ISLAND

>>21044336 Minnesota's new automatic voter registration system is up and running. How does it work?

>>21044324, >>21044541, >>21044607, >>21044819, >>21044833, >>21044863, >>21044940 TRUMP TRUTHS ilpresidento Truths

>>21044348 Flight Test of Future Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Reentry Vehicle

>>21044368 Biden’s Intelligence Agencies Lead Fingernail-Painting Sessions For ‘Pride Month’

>>21044419 An election integrity group is suing Burlington, Vermont's largest city, for allowing non-citizens to vote in its elections

>>21044435, >>21044798, >>21044800 Putin touches down in Pyongyang, says 'heroic people' of North Korea will 'confront' West with Russia

>>21044443 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24

>>21044463 Biden Announces Deportation Protections For Some Illegal Immigrants

>>21044517 Fauci: More People in Red States Died from COVID Because of ‘Political Ideology’

>>21044530 Impeachment Inquiry: Hunter’s Lawyer Used Joe Biden’s Position to Discourage SEC Probe

>>21044564 Former OpenAI employees release “A Right to Warn” document warning about advanced AI risks

>>21044570 National Guard Member Executed In Culiacán: Sinaloa

>>21044584 BIS Asks Banks to Join China-Backed Digital Cash-Sending Project…Saudi Arabia joins mBridge as full participant

>>21044605 Israeli Lawmakers Push For Gaza Resettlement

>>21044621 Kamala Harris Will Host Screening Of Documentary On Hamas Sexual Violence

>>21044670 Steve Bannon Responds To Rachel Maddow, did we make Rachel cry?

>>21044684, >>21044728 Where is Hunter Biden's mugshot? Anyone seen it?

>>21044685 Scientists claim popular mouthwash could increase cancer risk and 'must not be used daily'

>>21044696 Secret Service says it ‘destroyed’ tape of Biden’s dog splattering agent’s blood at White House

>>21044721 Noam Chomsky Dies at Age 95

>>21044748 Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'

>>21044817 NY midwife pleads guilty to destroying 2,600 COVID-19 vaccines and issuing fraudulent cards

>>21044835 CAUTION: US population growth is a scary looking chart

>>21044890 Hunter Biden’s D.C. law license suspended following felony gun conviction

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cc335e No.21044989

File: 8827e19608aa6a1⋯.jpg (119.85 KB,1091x1000,1091:1000,61_x5VA0tVL_AC_UY1000_.jpg)


its out there

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d9ea4f No.21044990


yes but

1 x 0 = 1

0 x 1 = 0

let you think on that for a moment

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71e23a No.21044991


Based. WAR

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88eb11 No.21044992

File: 03b4fc4fed238a7⋯.png (204.93 KB,746x1774,373:887,537.png)

File: b2fc700778a0eb9⋯.jpg (80.63 KB,720x659,720:659,media_GP7n5HNW0AAUs1f.jpg)


Raw or War?


>We see you.


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0007ec No.21044993


>Old testament GOD - Sacrifice your Child to me

Nope. You lack context. Abraham witnessed so many miracles from God already. Then God gave Abraham his only son, Isaac, which he asked for sacrifice as a test of his loyalty. God wasn't going to allow him to do it anyways (which he didn't). And Abraham must have known God can provide or resurrect after everything God already did for him in the first place. The 3 day journey to the altar was the actual test probably lol.

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6624bb No.21044994

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Racine, WI

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a7399d No.21044995

File: 24d6a475b78dff0⋯.jpg (51.03 KB,330x468,55:78,screenshot.jpg)

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c97bb0 No.21044996

File: 99bac38274115ee⋯.png (196.98 KB,764x859,764:859,ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Indictment Alleges Alliance Between Sinaloa Cartel and Money Launderers Linked to Chinese Underground Banking


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2c3180 No.21044997

File: bf9bdd45641bc2e⋯.png (526.56 KB,720x487,720:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd10e7 No.21044998

File: 43de0d1cebe2bd2⋯.jpg (572.28 KB,1000x1616,125:202,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_c4….jpg)

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7aebcc No.21044999


the crowd noise reaction is the most valuable demographic data

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92fa51 No.21045000

File: e8134b6182a4b8f⋯.jpg (191.23 KB,Screenshot_20230810_191207….jpg)


Good times

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505224 No.21045002

File: 2e9b448f6d20b88⋯.png (704.42 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

halayna celebrates juw hoax buttstuff for bladwins chitty chuutur church of island barge wrong named

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d0cc19 No.21045003


Just wondering.

How can you have a 30k pharmacy bill?

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cd10e7 No.21045004

File: 2d35cc46223f648⋯.jpg (73.47 KB,480x418,240:209,_Anonymous_You_Just_now9b0….jpg)

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cd10e7 No.21045006

File: 6d3a65d80291522⋯.jpg (98.09 KB,598x602,299:301,_Anonymous_You_Just_now402….jpg)

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71e23a No.21045008


Trips wasted.

When blacks talk about Q on Tik Tok, you’ve won.

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7aebcc No.21045009


those burgers were so grey

only certain things spoil so fast

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5d960f No.21045011

File: 23538ab992563bf⋯.png (782.2 KB,839x470,839:470,ClipboardImage.png)


Begins speaking 4.30pm on the dot.

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6cb3e1 No.21045012

File: 449f48def5e230b⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,854x480,427:240,DemocracyIsCalling.mp4)

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cd10e7 No.21045013

File: 5df92a552928ec9⋯.jpg (15.43 KB,253x255,253:255,8kun_site_the_most_DD0S_si….jpg)

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