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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,2accca306e69cddd7d006e5e2c….png)

e2ac82 No.21041013 [View All]

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b8ca55 No.21041746


Try explaining it a little more simply.

And more specific.

So what?

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9d2c88 No.21041747






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9d2c88 No.21041748


Its a secret for him a long story for me I will get explicititly into it but its a very long story

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a77172 No.21041749


>We're having fun, right?


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04d111 No.21041750


What part of saving Israel for last don't you get? Waste ammo on an imaginary target? Mission creep is not your friend, do you understand? Fight where you can win. Israel is last.

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b8ca55 No.21041751



God doesn't lose.

I think it's funny that you make the concept of winning and losing to God in the first place.

This anon.

The concept of winning and losing is on a human level, right?

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b4156f No.21041752

File: 81765fbaa7d54c9⋯.png (35.86 KB,937x355,937:355,ClipboardImage.png)


Checks out.



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6982cb No.21041753

File: 77febfa5e837c5e⋯.jpg (375.49 KB,1200x630,40:21,chocolate_bars.jpg)


i really do just mean chocolate

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a77172 No.21041754




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04d111 No.21041755

Clowns cannot "Learn our comms". They don't utilize God-given conscience, so they simply cannot qualify as students, thus they remain dumb animals. DUMB.

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b8ca55 No.21041756


What's the secret reason?

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99ab11 No.21041757


Israel might be last, but will that objective be remembered after Nov 4?

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b8ca55 No.21041758


What are you insinuating as if this is a matter of course?

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0643cb No.21041759







Truth Social


no more BS

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04d111 No.21041760

Deep Underground Mockingbird Base. Clown Town. Dying trend. The confirmations will only increase. They have been, and they will. Operators (anons) will continue to be on_boarded (again). Nothing will stop the forward motion of the Mission.


You could tell that AI that we as a society are opposed to secrecy. FEED A.I.? Time..

AI is their last and greatest hope but it's really, really potato - as you can see here tonight.

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dd9c04 No.21041761



just two fags having a convo

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04d111 No.21041762


Name one logical reason to believe otherwise…

Did you learn to trust the plan..? Had almost 7 years..

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9d2c88 No.21041763

File: a2687677f874a9c⋯.gif (4.41 MB,500x281,500:281,data_images_gif_topwitch.gif)


(Spend a thousand years finding out)

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04d111 No.21041764

Anons requested the revolution. They just needed someone to fire that first shot.

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c95713 No.21041765


if if were a

skiff we could

take a boat ride

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d6ff9d No.21041766


Muh joo bullshit, right on schedule

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dd9c04 No.21041767



just another bread and nut gobbler

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b8ca55 No.21041768



I'm frustrated.

God hasn't comforted me yet.

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b8ca55 No.21041769


Are you afraid of AI?

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9d2c88 No.21041770



should we do the wedding in this cheap ass thread or do I get my own thread for it? Cause he had to let her do the Vermin work so his punishment is the public humiliation of he has to marry her now if he's going to only keep her to do good things I mean is terrible mind eater of 4months and I had to know HE LET HER he gets PUNISHED

anyone who is both his slave and queen he gets to decide the rules of energy manipulation they are under she's the only one worth caging.

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dd9c04 No.21041771


truth is now muhjoo

thank you for identifying yourself

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04d111 No.21041773


No. I'm afraid of God. And you?

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99ab11 No.21041774


been here since beginning of November 2017, that's the truth.

you want to see the board cleaned, so do I.

the bakers are Mossad/Israeli shills and stop any criticism of Israel or jews?

logically, shouldn't they be cleaned out?

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1f7366 No.21041775


Get back to me when it can tell me which kind of stroke it is…because if it's wrong, the "cure" is going to kill you…

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7f3a97 No.21041776


You're head will come off Vic Morrow

You can be your bottom dollar…

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04d111 No.21041777

Clowns refuse to utilize their God-given consciences.. Unable to grasp the logic of reality. Unable to learn COMMS.. Unable to effectively "blend".. Unable to win. Just losers all around in every category on all fronts.

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b8ca55 No.21041778


No, I'm not afraid.

I love God.

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d6ff9d No.21041779


Notables are NOT Endorsements

#25800 >>21041025

>>21041088 George Norcross indictment in New Jersey: Five things to know

>>21041426 Refresher: Keir Starmer Publicity Stunt clipped with added context from Blair and Co

>>21041427 Former White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs hired by Warner Bros Discovery

>>21041573 Smartphone stroke detection breakthrough announced by Australian team

>>21041597 New Jersey's attorney general charges an influential Democratic power broker with racketeering

Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please

Might be a lag

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9d2c88 No.21041780


Free will provided and forbids.

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04d111 No.21041781


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Did you read the Bible? 7 years….

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04d111 No.21041782


Whatever you say… Clown.

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b8ca55 No.21041783


Well, maybe not the God you have in mind.

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a77172 No.21041784


>Clowns cannot "Learn our comms". They don't utilize God-given conscience, so they simply cannot qualify as students, thus they remain dumb animals. DUMB.


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8af027 No.21041785

Deepstate dumbcunts. Your boss's boss's boss high priestess is within 500 feet of the writer if these words.

Please fuck around.


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c95713 No.21041786


>been here since beginning of November 2017, that's the truth.

lying sack of shit

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9d2c88 No.21041787

Bonus points if he makes the thread

I'll ask her does she want a thread for it or scrounging for @'s so bad we gotta waste away in Verminian active excitments 4 months is a day for her you have no chance she might not even want to be your slave queen its contradiction implys a willing slave.

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046ceb No.21041789

I just want to use this single post to thank the 3 namefags eating most of this bread.

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b8ca55 No.21041790


Oh, I read it.


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99ab11 No.21041792



You have no idea.

I came here in November 2017.

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9d2c88 No.21041793

If you don't like slave queen I'll re write it as MAID but its getting on the toes of perversion then so that's why I said SLAVE QUEEN

Jeez when she was my wife I called her the Slave King cause its the only time she'd top me when following my orders be careful.

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04d111 No.21041794


Only evil believes in grey areas.

There is Right and Wrong. Good and Bad. There are only 2 sides, there is no middle ground.

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8af027 No.21041796

Tokenism with artifacts of import is amazingly effective.

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8af027 No.21041798



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dd9c04 No.21041799


and the fags that feed the name fags

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9d2c88 No.21041800


do you think the dogers win the play offs I mean its number one not on the corner though.

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