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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

b9d5eb No.21040149 [View All]

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701 posts and 431 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5eba59 No.21040972


well christmas was a hot thread easy to twist I didn't even mean to and anyway Alice would burn through this place if we done a council here to make it official I could just go back to the books you know and I might because its imprtant this more so

if you can't rock with the night stay asleep.

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c48975 No.21040973


Doge, you have been given more consideration than any anon on this board. If you're not happy, suggest you post elsewhere.

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9dedaf No.21040974


Did the salt change affect all Q's boards and qresearch?

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187a79 No.21040975


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5eba59 No.21040976

these inncarmotalis is shit heads who can't speak for themselves let alone me just like me

#certification of insane.

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4a1a07 No.21040977

File: bf7e7ca75cddbaf⋯.png (40.41 KB,725x335,145:67,ClipboardImage.png)


(Allegedly) this is why, but if you were here, you know as well as I do that the board was flying. There wasn't any hiccups, at all. Earlier in the morning, Proto was kicked on, 'cos the board was "attacked."

That's the new lockdown excuse.

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d5ce7c No.21040978

File: 73d0afbd04e9041⋯.jpg (24.05 KB,568x360,71:45,73d0afbd04e90412f14fea7abc….jpg)

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50612f No.21040979

File: df9534bacb46f2a⋯.png (385.3 KB,1027x792,1027:792,God_Wins.png)

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5eba59 No.21040980

ecept the ones they do grace and blessings.

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1d3557 No.21040981

File: 7479d5c66e2f595⋯.png (63.09 KB,587x614,587:614,ClipboardImage.png)

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0fc96f No.21040982

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08a60d No.21040984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At 2:42 Sean Penn says he attended a White House State Dinner for the Head of State of KENYA. Interdasting.


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82326a No.21040986

File: fef3db1221d1960⋯.jpg (49.1 KB,529x472,529:472,fef3db1221d19604ebb21e3546….jpg)

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67de7e No.21040987

File: 72e3e7a1db037fd⋯.mp4 (521.3 KB,IMG_3520.mp4)

( . )( . ).jpg

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10c64a No.21040988

File: ecfaeb4652bf1f0⋯.png (784.26 KB,750x960,25:32,ecfaeb4652bf1f0f511b4d643d….png)


stinky snach

pun intended

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65eb15 No.21040990


>We see you.

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8f64e6 No.21040991

File: 2391305f549d73f⋯.png (1.46 MB,1372x772,343:193,ClipboardImage.png)


>there is life beyond this board.

What is this "life" you speak of. KEK. Check'd timestamp.

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bb12a1 No.21040992


I'm talking about it to strangers.

This country is shit now because of Jews.

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6645e0 No.21040994

File: 5e4ef981f99daef⋯.png (259.35 KB,532x402,266:201,BO_SUX_COCK.png)

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dcc21c No.21040995


Just by seeing how you structure your sentences, I can tell you're a 3rd world retard shill. Holy fuck, you people really are sub-human.

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5eba59 No.21040996


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370cd5 No.21040997

File: 2f086a0ad055d73⋯.jpeg (371.58 KB,720x548,180:137,kenya.jpeg)

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0e11c8 No.21040998


> tangibly invested

you mean financially

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65eb15 No.21040999


>don't. just don't.

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37e0e1 No.21041000


Claiming Q's trip is blocked is just another pathetic attempt by the same low-IQ black hats that have been trying to destroy the board for years.

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8cc80d No.21041001

File: 0e65dd113607c7a⋯.png (1.79 MB,900x1200,3:4,40F48197_20CF_4DC4_9AAD_AB….png)

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82326a No.21041002

Notables @~730


#25799 >>21040156

>>21040287, >>21040311, >>21040330 Donald Trump in Washington Fight Club: Most dangerous man alive

>>21040352 US Secret Service member robbed at gunpoint in Orange County

>>21040377 Walmart Foundation sold a shitload of shares and made big $$$$

>>21040380 Dozens of N. Korean soldiers cross border, retreat after South fires warning shots: Yonhap

>>21040388 Charlie Hurt: If Trump Keeps Going Into Bodegas, They Are Going To Regret Putting Him On Trial In A Blue State

>>21040426 DISQUALIFYING: Sen. Tim Scott Stands By Certifying Joe Biden's 2020 Election 'Victory,' Affirms Turncoat Mike Pence Did The 'Right Thing'

>>21040560 Unfazed, unfazed!

>>21040564 Trump campaign email: ‘Haul out the Guillotine!’

>>21040607 These are my two ravens ♥️🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛

>>21040618 BREAKING: No fencing is being put up around the Supreme Court, according to on-the-ground witnesses.

>>21040660 Congrats @celtics, the 2023-2024 NBA Champions and now the all-time NBA leader with 18 titles.

>>21040676 Live Fire Incident: Casualties Reported After North Korean Soldiers Cross Military Demarcation Line

>>21040723 The Return of Peace Through Strength

>>21040731 Russell Brand: BREAKING: Putin’s Peace Deal REJECTED By NATO! - Stay Free 387

>>21040809 Supersonic flight is coming back 🇺🇸


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6645e0 No.21041003




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9dedaf No.21041004


Sounds like something a jew would say.

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0caded No.21041005


So, all the Proto People have paid 5 bucks a month?

Proto has all their payment information?

So much for the Anon part.

I know I can go to the bunker.

I think I'll just go.

God's will in all of things.

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0894ed No.21041006


Yeah yeah thanks and what not.

But can you lock the board down while we wait for the next bread?

I'm scared.

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d5ce7c No.21041008

what can be found between inquisitions?

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5eba59 No.21041009


But the boots I'm wearing cost three grand

I write song about writing chapters from the comfort of a private bed.

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65eb15 No.21041010


The trimming is already in process..

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cf6296 No.21041011

File: ec1b470cf1b4558⋯.mp4 (370.96 KB,640x360,16:9,Ateam_Hannibal.mp4)


cough cough

"saving Isreal for last."

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08a60d No.21041012

File: 70505b7f421b0e9⋯.png (1.71 MB,938x1368,469:684,Both_Obamas_paddling_to_Ke….png)

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8f64e6 No.21041015


Monty Python

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91b276 No.21041019


>and allow only those who are more tangibly invested in the board to post.

You and your mom.

The board had no new posts for 1 hour?

What surprises me is that you only use Proto when someone questions you.

Not to mention that this usually happens when photos of Ehud Barack or someone related to Epstein appear.

I like patterns.

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187a79 No.21041021


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4a1a07 No.21041022


>I have never seen people sooo awake.

I live in a predominately White/Asian-American city that was invaded by Middle Easterners, FOBs and Indians about a decade ago. Unfortunately it's outside a major metropolitan area, so the animals are pushing out. We're seeing more and more crime out here now. That's why. Kek. Even the pocket Jewish community that's gated got infiltrated, so now they've replaced the gates and have armed security running the place 24-7. It's right across the street from my neighborhood, so you can see the cops cruising around their neighborhood, as they're leaving the multiple gates. The irony is that a lot of these houses have their backyards right up against the street, so if the ferals want to rob, they just have to jump a brick fence on a street that isn't well-lit.

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9dedaf No.21041023

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0e11c8 No.21041024

File: 10234197fd964e9⋯.png (211.86 KB,695x489,695:489,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bb408 No.21041027


>What surprises me is that you only use Proto when someone questions you.


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370cd5 No.21041028

File: ccad1d5abd831aa⋯.png (475.56 KB,930x620,3:2,evergreen.png)

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4bb408 No.21041032





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31716e No.21041034

File: 4cd6abd84ae2853⋯.png (1.62 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


List of 245 racist, sexist and cult Bar Associations operating in Commiefornia


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fb255d No.21041036

File: 9429a3c22225aa6⋯.jpg (9.54 KB,236x249,236:249,IMG_20201111_214051_625.jpg)


All i see are hijabs anymore…its a fashion thing

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0e11c8 No.21041039

File: cf559d000a84b2b⋯.png (76.13 KB,631x335,631:335,ClipboardImage.png)

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley in bed with Metabiota and Hunter Biden

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65eb15 No.21041041



learn comms for yourself. I gave you a ton of examples before shut down.

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187a79 No.21041042


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