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File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,trump_never_surrender_text.png)

3e749b No.21039215 [View All]

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701 posts and 529 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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77de7b No.21040130


>I shouldn't have replied to that guy.

that should be a meme.

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df753e No.21040131

File: 86277433bb2d372⋯.jpg (203.57 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Lush_Decor_pineapple_toss_….jpg)

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cf7ac8 No.21040132

File: e1d90ccb7fdbf56⋯.png (570.13 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48a552b175d77e3⋯.png (439.44 KB,829x822,829:822,ClipboardImage.png)

Megachurch pastor admits past 'inappropriate' behavior with 'young lady' after accusation of molesting 12-year-old

Dallas-area megachurch pastor Robert Morris admitted to "inappropriate sexual behaviour with a young lady" in the 1980s after a woman accused him of molesting her when she was 12 years old, according to a statement obtained by CNN affiliate WFAA.

The woman, Cindy Clemishire, told WFAA the abuse started on Christmas Day in 1982 and continued until 1987, when she told her parents. The Wartburg Watch, a church watchdog blog, first reported her account Friday.

Morris, a senior pastor at Gateway Church and a member of then-candidate Donald Trump's Evangelical Executive Advisory Board during the 2016 campaign, did not mention the name or age of the girl in his statement but said the inappropriate behavior lasted several years.

"When I was in my early 20s, I was involved in inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady in a home where I was staying. It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong. This behavior happened on several occasions over the next few years," the pastor said in his statement.

Morris' behavior was "brought to light" in 1987 while he was a pastor at Shady Grove Church in Grand Prairie, which has since become one of Gateway Church's 11 locations, WFAA reported.

"In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light, and it was confessed and repented of. I submitted myself to the Elders of Shady Grove Church and the young lady's father. They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did. Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area," Morris said in his statement, adding he and his wife met with the survivor and her family in 1989.


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7a6403 No.21040133


make me so hot

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7e0efb No.21040134

BO posted screencaps this morning as Proto was being activated. The timestamps show that BO is in the US Pacific time zone. Or it's longitudinal equivalent.

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0dbe4c No.21040135

File: 68e451a3a7c81df⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Comfy_Frog_Q.jpg)

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379c0b No.21040136

File: b00bf0140343376⋯.png (760.95 KB,808x791,808:791,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5ebe2 No.21040137

File: fd7ee0837079e13⋯.png (204.97 KB,540x360,3:2,divine_healing_praying_med….png)

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0dbe4c No.21040138

File: b3bceb759e48e49⋯.jpg (273.16 KB,800x800,1:1,Comfy_Q.jpg)

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8d27cf No.21040139

File: a3b8679d965f594⋯.jpg (19.75 KB,673x71,673:71,TootsGreatestSpeakings.JPG)




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7a6403 No.21040140




>make me so hot

so embarrassing

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bf8b20 No.21040141


or his vpn


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0d6b15 No.21040142

File: 66037444a794ea3⋯.png (218 KB,680x528,85:66,hopium.png)

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0dbe4c No.21040143

File: e9a9cfb6be0c0c2⋯.jpg (87.01 KB,661x500,661:500,CBF5.jpg)

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ea4b75 No.21040144

File: a937015db2643f4⋯.jpeg (375.99 KB,2532x1024,633:256,IMG_9284.jpeg)


Anyone have actual proof, fences are up?


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76aac4 No.21040145

File: 8630e6649d2307f⋯.jpg (15.07 KB,255x230,51:46,08712687440fcc544bf02f46b2….jpg)

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c821d6 No.21040146


#25798 >>21039253

>>21039292 CNN Data Reporter Shocked at Trump's Level of Support with Black Voters (VIDEO)

>>21039295 No Charges In Deadly ATF Arkansas Home Raid, deadly force was legal and justified in the March 19 fatal shooting in West Little Rock

>>21039304 Fake News with a JFK Jr murder-suicide story

>>21039345 Pilot of small plane dead after crash into a Massachusetts river

>>21039347 PF reports: Early morning Brussels Intl departs. Italian (with President), Greek, German and Czech AF

>>21039348 The Governor of Louisiana has signed TWO more election integrity bills that has Democrats seething, SB 436 will require voters to provide proof of citizenship with their voter registration applications

>>21039351 States Sue to Block Biden Administration Rule on Offshore Decommissioning, New Rule Aims to Protect U.S. Taxpayers from Bearing Offshore Decommissioning Costs

>>21039352 North Dakota House candidate files federal complaints alleging fraud, election interference

>>21039354 The world’s largest shipping register withdrew its approval for Russia’s Ingosstrakh Insurance Co. to provide a key document enabling ships to enter ports

>>21039355 Rogan: "What's the real misinformation?"

>>21039373, >>21039401 @DanScavino mp4

>>21039374 Trump props up John McGuire, GOP challenger to Rep. Bob Good, ahead of Virginia primary

>>21039381 Speaker Johnson Visits Trump at Mar-a-Lago: GOP 'United'

>>21039386, >>21039438 Hunter Biden bizarrely cancels demand for new gun crimes trial moments after he files motion as he stares down 25 years in the slammer

>>21039387 Potato regime silences JAN 6 prisoner JAKE LANG & is throwing him into solitary confinement for doing interviews from jail with @RealMikeLindell & @BenBergquam

>>21039416 Potato Administration has unsealed the indictment against Dr. @EithanHaim, who blew the whistle on the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital

>>21039453 First flight of Air Force One replacement delayed to 2026

>>21039499 Small plane crashes near airport in Steamboat Springs, the third plane crash in Colorado in 10 days

>>21039546, >>21039502 Potato's illegal rewrite of Title IX won't go into effect in TN, KY, VA, WV, OH, & IN. This is a huge win. The gender ideology house of cards is falling fast

>>21039551 Russian Tanker Spotted for First Time in Mariupol as Port Handles Logistics

>>21039557 Benjamin Netanyahu disbands Israeli war cabinet

>>21039616 Amarillo City Employee Pleads Guilty to Embezzling $465,000 From Homeless Program

>>21039640 Real Estate Investor Pleads Guilty to $54.7M Mortgage Fraud Conspiracy

>>21039708 Potato to Deplete Oil Reserves to Artificially Lower Gas Prices Months Before Election

>>21039770 Ex-Biden Appointee Arrested, Charged With Felony Over Alleged Hate Crime Hoax

>>21039777 Hussein on X

>>21039835 Big Reshuffle of $71 Billion ETF Looms as Nvidia Surpasses Apple

>>21039942 John Kirby says the administration isn't concerned over the Russian warships that have reportedly departed Cuba — but won't say where they're headed

>>21040012 resident spud Approves Hawaii Disaster Declaration



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0dbe4c No.21040147

File: 60eb49d01509f7b⋯.jpg (113.86 KB,960x720,4:3,c48a692e5c825d4782452702ca….jpg)

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bcae83 No.21040148

File: 94b251f6e4bf000⋯.mp4 (483.68 KB,304x400,19:25,2XIcHiSdhGVkrVq_.mp4)

File: d16c64160560c5a⋯.png (251.96 KB,462x647,462:647,ClipboardImage.png)

From June 1 2020.

Is this coming back to DC, again?


Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng


Rioters outside #WhiteHouse. Man says in Mandarin Chinese, "Go, go, hurry up, leave quickly!"


@SecPompeoinvestigate, you need to investigate what kind of a role #CCP is playing in this when #US and world want to hold CCP responsible for #CCPVirus #pandemic.

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0dbe4c No.21040150

File: c8f6de2c8ba7151⋯.jpg (68.63 KB,512x512,1:1,BreadBoss.jpg)

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c71e83 No.21040152


Are you really questioning Travis?

That's not how things are done around here.

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1a33a3 No.21040153

Goodnight anons.

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32409d No.21040154


You cap a post with 49 replies.

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49856d No.21040155

File: b2be048bd28c0f2⋯.png (521.67 KB,500x562,250:281,ClipboardImage.png)


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09c0e2 No.21040157

File: 25b745e3d3782e5⋯.png (549.31 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01461561207e0a7⋯.png (487.19 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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0dbe4c No.21040158

File: 1ba255924ba8c0d⋯.jpg (370.82 KB,1376x2048,43:64,bong.jpg)

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0d6b15 No.21040159

File: 6f626c684f4fb35⋯.jpg (65.67 KB,800x657,800:657,DonVBgWVsAAYUbN.jpg)

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0dbe4c No.21040160

File: 748d3cce10cb185⋯.jpg (92.32 KB,709x373,709:373,Baking.jpg)

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379c0b No.21040161

File: e0e3352c9d75d68⋯.png (215.47 KB,442x481,34:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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76aac4 No.21040162

File: 87154a89df4938f⋯.mp4 (693.08 KB,640x360,16:9,O2UN_qhh5if_kNOZ.mp4)

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0dbe4c No.21040163

File: bc359d0108b5cc6⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,480x472,60:59,ce0a3403b0.jpg)

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c908c7 No.21040164


agree 100%.

I don't want Trump to have immunity. I want the past administrations to go to jail.

And this entire Q thing is based on throwing past administrations in jail. Guantanamo Bay, etc etc.

We aren't here because, blah blah Trump is great. We're here because we really really liked the story that started with Clinton pals Podesta and Huma were arrested, and then, 2-6 weeks later (more or less), from the 40,000 feet view, it's the Jews (Rothschild, Soros, Donmehs in SA) who are at fault.

Maybe the turnover here is such that now all it is is Trump fans.

There are definitely people here who hate Hillary a lot more than they love Trump. I'm one of them. The US is shit. The politicians are shit. Trump did not drain the swamp. He's getting shit on by particular individuals, FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc - who he could have just fired years ago, but didn't.

I don't want immunity for government. I want punishment for government.

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77de7b No.21040165

File: 5e213bee188128f⋯.png (1.02 KB,114x62,57:31,ClipboardImage.png)

Rock on anons!

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c821d6 No.21040166

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0dbe4c No.21040167

File: 40a6550f84dfc8d⋯.jpg (79.28 KB,824x1131,824:1131,Checked.jpg)

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76aac4 No.21040168


Bang that head which doesn't bang

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0dbe4c No.21040169

File: b094bb38aacfd51⋯.jpg (104.37 KB,499x474,499:474,balcony.jpg)

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77de7b No.21040170


Imagine cleaning it.

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198135 No.21040171

File: db5c0838f90c5fc⋯.jpeg (141.84 KB,1776x160,111:10,IMG_4725.jpeg)

File: 8c027ae1a65e9d9⋯.jpeg (316.03 KB,1729x440,1729:440,IMG_4726.jpeg)

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379c0b No.21040173

File: ed950735eccd597⋯.png (771.13 KB,1015x1008,145:144,ClipboardImage.png)

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c821d6 No.21040175

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578c89 No.21040176


That person does not mind looking retarded.

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98b967 No.21040177

File: 5826652501c35c6⋯.png (315.49 KB,434x682,7:11,u.png)

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7a6403 No.21040178


keep seeing same images. must be reason.

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0dbe4c No.21040179

File: b9641e4fbd22510⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2000x1400,10:7,b9641e4fbd2251084ba3011983….jpg)

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76aac4 No.21040180


he just smiled and gave me a vegemite uh sandwich

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0dbe4c No.21040181

File: 057e2ac17cee225⋯.jpg (83.04 KB,604x453,4:3,1325103630137.jpg)

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8d27cf No.21040182




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c821d6 No.21040184

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0dbe4c No.21040187

File: 81d970fbc21dc07⋯.jpg (86.6 KB,655x393,5:3,170620_real_life_robinson_….jpg)

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