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File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,banner.png)

aa80a5 No.21038540 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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558 posts and 349 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b63afa No.21039221

File: 0cd3096e97e98f5⋯.jpg (197.06 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_17_19_4….jpg)

File: 921688d8f19350c⋯.jpg (199.24 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_17_19_4….jpg)

File: b5bb21d342ea67d⋯.png (119.83 KB,640x1438,320:719,1228_8_.png)

File: eb2b20e6dcb8f00⋯.jpg (17.58 KB,480x358,240:179,c051d70235d56ba5c1940e6a07….jpg)

File: 9ba428b4fcc108c⋯.jpg (89.16 KB,640x640,1:1,dn7s4l47ywm91.jpg)

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43c70d No.21039222

File: 3298dd4e9c66116⋯.png (2.33 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Hey there's a furry convention in Philly on the 24th do you wanna be my date?

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3175e1 No.21039223

File: f40126477ad0846⋯.png (341.34 KB,1067x792,97:72,FF8146A1_3EE5_4FFF_B471_20….png)

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5ad991 No.21039224


so, technically, no one won that bake off?

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093c2d No.21039225

File: 7f0851a6edc6bb4⋯.jpg (49.85 KB,661x506,661:506,BakerCheck_1.jpg)

File: 1db551ee675eb72⋯.jpg (40.45 KB,702x430,351:215,BakerCheck_2.jpg)

File: ea760a1a32201b9⋯.jpg (17.44 KB,535x124,535:124,BakerCheck_3.jpg)

File: 3a6f7b1709d609d⋯.jpg (18.46 KB,661x100,661:100,BakerCheck_4.jpg)

File: 3b49ea68c6fbd6c⋯.jpg (28.65 KB,693x202,693:202,BakerCheck_5.jpg)


Bring Back Baker Checks

I dunno maybe.

Not really a big fan but current year kinda rhymes with yester year.

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4186ae No.21039226

File: fbe9169b53d51e1⋯.jpg (204.2 KB,720x943,720:943,20240617_174445.jpg)

File: 4c97581b0826309⋯.jpg (481.69 KB,2048x1412,512:353,20240617_174416.jpg)

File: 5c8e695ba756c20⋯.jpg (338.9 KB,2048x1310,1024:655,20240617_175005.jpg)

19 NYPD uniforms are missing from a New York dry cleaners.

And last month, 200 NYPD complete police vehicle vinyl stickers went missing from a vendor.


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e714df No.21039227

File: 0867b7fb05c7c9f⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1170x1887,390:629,IMG_9743.jpeg)


Holy cow

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c8b278 No.21039228

File: d9df2edded75301⋯.mp4 (12.7 MB,854x480,427:240,notfadeawaybuddyhollys.mp4)


does proto have preference for particular browser?

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278fde No.21039229


Anybody that's been around more than a year

You should lurk more and bitch less

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60659c No.21039230

File: 6a0ea42cfff24d4⋯.jpg (193.35 KB,680x453,680:453,Ben_Affleck_Jennifer_Lopez….jpg)

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019450 No.21039231

File: ad0dcf6930b14e6⋯.png (463.96 KB,720x487,720:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c26d7 No.21039232


BV is following protocol. Admins don't get paid to be here, nobody is on a schedule. Feast or famine. Board has survived six plus years, will continue despite complaints and shills.

That is all.



no, don't think so.

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4186ae No.21039233

File: 5c9e0095123b578⋯.jpg (121.38 KB,720x797,720:797,20240617_171009.jpg)

File: 4e4861812133cdb⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,640x360,16:9,Bad_Hombre_20240617_5_new.mp4)

@cenkuygur: “Pull Biden unless you want to lose to Trump.”


Chunky yogurt panic

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093c2d No.21039234


Yes, current bread won.

Even if it did ultimately get suspended by the commissioner.

Moar anons came to this bread and it had a pretty good lead when BV stepped in.

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072652 No.21039235



What the circuit court said, I think, was something like "going to need to decide later whether it's a vaccine or not" so no motion to dismiss. something like that.

The law saying "no suing vaccine manufacturers" (or whatever the law said) was written before the definition of vaccine was changed.

This mrna shot was not considered a vaccine when the law was passed preventing lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers.

If, say, someone killed a lot of Jews, that person would expect to go to jail for murder. But if the Jew killer was able to get the meaning of the word "vaccine" changed to include Jew killing, would that mean that the Jew killer wouldn't go to jail?

When the law saying no punishment for vaccine manufacturers was passed, the government was not thinking at all that vaccine meant Jew killing. And they weren't thinking that vaccine meant

It doesn't matter what vaccine means now. What matters is what vaccine meant when the law was passed.

Also relevant to Title IX and trannys.

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feeae9 No.21039236

File: e56ccb8e03199dc⋯.gif (2.43 MB,289x216,289:216,ezgif_com_crop.gif)


Thank you BO and Gerbil! o7

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aa80a5 No.21039237

File: 37c0e37d70b1626⋯.png (215.02 KB,550x309,550:309,serpentcrushed.png)

Anons requested the revolution.

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019450 No.21039238

File: 57feb987d85501c⋯.png (4.61 MB,1936x1936,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ad991 No.21039240


> no one won that bake off

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d517f2 No.21039241

Q, do you know how to get to the bunker or do you need instructions?

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5e3e00 No.21039242


there's probably a thread on pol for that

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cb2e41 No.21039243

File: 7ab3851c274d759⋯.gif (1.27 MB,460x184,5:2,keyboard.gif)


fuck off furry faggot.

you are a fat soyboi and outed yourself ages ago.

rabid halfmind midwit degenrate.

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b63afa No.21039244

File: 6e81539b101cd0d⋯.jpeg (337.98 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GQDaw14WcAAiiSh_1_.jpeg)

File: 2d7444e627a9a7e⋯.png (772.71 KB,640x1312,20:41,3630.png)

File: be99650150ef7b7⋯.jpg (508.94 KB,2560x2560,1:1,be99650150ef7b7c45d59bd0c2….jpg)

File: d2ccf7a50fee9d5⋯.png (712.92 KB,1200x781,1200:781,d2ccf7a50fee9d526b8fb12127….png)

File: 4ab500dce0f910d⋯.png (255.62 KB,704x397,704:397,4ab500dce0f910d969de63d92b….png)


how fucking dare a Qtards moar

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cac6ea No.21039245

What'd I miss today?

Fuck these stupid notables. Fucking spam

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c8b278 No.21039246

File: 93f8bc00ae2a220⋯.mp4 (4.35 MB,720x1280,9:16,rfkjrjfkjrconfirm.mp4)


cept it was death fakery; duh.

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019450 No.21039247

File: dcb20e05edeeb29⋯.png (1.04 MB,830x1238,415:619,ClipboardImage.png)

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859db3 No.21039248


I know you can get lost.

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60659c No.21039249

File: da5573852a3cd0a⋯.png (831.03 KB,840x905,168:181,Revolution_Televised.png)

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3175e1 No.21039250

File: 5ce5860a41009b3⋯.jpeg (696.91 KB,828x1010,414:505,D48DC02C_F81E_4D6C_9D5E_1….jpeg)

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6d873a No.21039251

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag_copy.png)

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e714df No.21039252


Need directions

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fead86 No.21039254

File: 7528299c975db77⋯.jpeg (114.58 KB,500x1034,250:517,7528299c975db7737b0ecdceb….jpeg)

File: f808be277292e42⋯.png (14.81 KB,792x111,264:37,ClipboardImage.png)




>## Board Owner 06/17/24 (Mon) 18:30:

ID 249c26d7

Dear diary, anons broke me today. I protoed them, but they keked at me. I´m crying now.


Fuck you traitor.

God wins.

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60659c No.21039256


QR had it's first gay pride parade. Everyone with proto was there.

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072652 No.21039257



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5ad991 No.21039259

File: ac2a0a12f684385⋯.png (126.73 KB,252x373,252:373,hahahahahaudaugd.png)

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feeae9 No.21039260


Just one Anons opinion, but I believe Q would know how to navigate the kuns during proto lockdown. He has probably experienced plenty of Chinese fire drills in his time on the Internet.

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cb2e41 No.21039261


yeah well you need to jettison the dei volunteer hires than.

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3175e1 No.21039262

File: 3f5f05950b3a966⋯.png (111.98 KB,306x306,1:1,6E04D5AF_0F43_4CCB_B930_ED….png)

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f023a7 No.21039264

File: 6dd414a844e63e1⋯.png (715.11 KB,1080x764,270:191,Screenshot_20240617_154323….png)


I'm pretty sure this guy would be wildly popular at one of Diddy's freakoffs

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43c70d No.21039265

File: 64241ac8c20c2c4⋯.png (903.08 KB,960x540,16:9,e2058803aab0cde8192871d0db….png)


Q is the counter-intelligence division of the United States Military

They know everything, except what anon will do next.

Nobody knows that.

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60659c No.21039266


And that's the rub, init. Q doesn't even keep the motor idling. He could post here, there, prove some credentials, but nope. Gone.

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09f603 No.21039269

File: 570598f73798ad4⋯.png (397.48 KB,599x604,599:604,17th.PNG)


Grace Chong 🇺🇸


BANNON: President Donald J. Trump has defeated, on the 17th of June, year of our Lord 2024, Joe Biden. Done, and now the Democrats are trying to figure out how to replace him.


Grace Chong 🇺🇸




Report: Secret Democrat plot to replace Biden revealed by ⁦@charliespiering⁩ https://dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-13538839/Report-Secret-Democrat-plot-replace-Biden-revealed.html?ico=authors_pagination_mobile

10:26 AM · Jun 17, 2024




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019450 No.21039270

File: e50f2573c598b63⋯.png (1.17 MB,898x1143,898:1143,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c26d7 No.21039271

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187a88 No.21039273

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3175e1 No.21039274

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4da51c No.21039275

File: e8cbd049f2bde9d⋯.gif (418.7 KB,400x217,400:217,IMG_1788.gif)

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9c26d7 No.21039277

bread locked, please migrate

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5e3e00 No.21039278


>bread locked

dubs confirm

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ab7cb7 No.21039280

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