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File: eb7f505e14c0c53⋯.png (41.25 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

fa13d4 No.21029262 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 posts and 508 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9ceac5 No.21030166


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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74d5f3 No.21030167

For what these horrible clowns did to dull humanity. These atrocities will not along cost them ALL life and limb but complete and total psychological and spiritual dismemberment, a cold and tinny HELL

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9ceac5 No.21030168


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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0e8d8b No.21030169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ef8789 No.21030170

File: f9bd30b10282c45⋯.png (485.1 KB,629x331,629:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c3965 No.21030171

File: adbef364ff648b2⋯.png (39.29 KB,145x111,145:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94cf91f21213eda⋯.png (48.93 KB,1630x710,163:71,ClipboardImage.png)


closet shape is the 112 but colour is different.

green insert with gold cap.

good job..

whitehouse.com is antifa.com

site is under maintenance at the moment.

still amazed no one has question this.

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9ceac5 No.21030172


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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60ce84 No.21030173


Yeah, been a good bread when a Baker says that these days.

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9ceac5 No.21030174


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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2c309e No.21030175


you can' hot box a convertible, silly


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2689a2 No.21030176

File: 4af4cd42e890ae8⋯.jpg (314.2 KB,1600x730,160:73,proxy_image_19.jpg)

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0fcd8d No.21030177

File: 92c23c9edcdde6d⋯.jpg (63.28 KB,1124x606,562:303,260438006_433966941468824_….jpg)


>Reminder that I am still baking.

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f173ca No.21030178

File: 7df5cf7ac03f1b1⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1700617116751931.png)


That's what you think

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82a100 No.21030179

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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82a100 No.21030181


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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2c309e No.21030183

File: 9093dc1bc0ad8fc⋯.png (824.39 KB,1100x596,275:149,delaware_gun_charge_sign_0….png)

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82a100 No.21030184


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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0e8d8b No.21030185

File: 300d8b44ec08b96⋯.gif (886.48 KB,260x146,130:73,IMG_3029.gif)

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447b97 No.21030186

File: 3de7966ec7b6711⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,231x200,231:200,OIP_43_.jpg)


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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74d5f3 No.21030187

One minute serving an evil elite, next minute facing decades of brutal prison rape abd Grade D (but edible) meals.

Cold runny toilet, with the runs, hoping the rape squad isn't coming.


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2c309e No.21030188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Kendrick Lamar

14.7M subscribers

Apr 30, 2024

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82a100 No.21030189


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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441747 No.21030191

File: 743cd8cef49d5f1⋯.png (165.63 KB,392x220,98:55,ClipboardImage.png)


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36f866 No.21030192

File: f30b59abe082059⋯.png (263 KB,552x377,552:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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82a100 No.21030193


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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82a100 No.21030194


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c309e No.21030195

File: 89ccb8f1781f9a1⋯.png (755.01 KB,583x1011,583:1011,6_sus_terrorist_isis_ties_….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f173ca No.21030196

File: 2d01fa438a9b1f1⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x1024,1:1,image_9_.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5c3965 No.21030197

File: 4649a57a34111ed⋯.png (419.44 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


what the fuck is your damage fedboi.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

82a100 No.21030198


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

82a100 No.21030199


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e40dff No.21030200

File: 60acd30033a67af⋯.png (87.49 KB,1158x916,579:458,shithatgizzz.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0e8d8b No.21030201

File: 8bbb94d7a666854⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB,538x360,269:180,Zuckerfaggot.mp4)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c309e No.21030202

File: a60692177e18ba5⋯.png (830.2 KB,800x1100,8:11,dingell_protects_fauci_060….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

82a100 No.21030203


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

447b97 No.21030204

File: 7a6e29b3d26fb9f⋯.png (15.1 KB,156x255,52:85,94bc3a2276bdfc7a8213add44d….png)

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0fcd8d No.21030205

File: 8f3c00692100859⋯.jpg (82.78 KB,700x466,350:233,14te7c_572557992.jpg)


>you can' hot box a convertible, silly

you can hook up trailer to your moms convertible and do a mobile art show.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

82a100 No.21030206


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e7b5ac No.21030207


>your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics

your projection isn't working.

now those two famefags you mentioned are also dead famefags!

you are certainly going in the right direction aren't you!

carry on FameFaggin eh!

over the [FameFag] target!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

82a100 No.21030208


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6360ef No.21030209

File: 916105727d46275⋯.png (990.25 KB,1101x551,1101:551,ClipboardImage.png)

Think twice? Bar group tells members it’s OK to criticize, but don’t dare call Trump conviction 'partisan'1/2June 15, 2024

Connecticut Bar Association makes chilling claim that calling the case one of political prosecution has 'no place in the public discourse'

This week, I received emails from Connecticut Bar Association (CBA) members about a message posted by President Maggie Castinado, President-Elect James T. (Tim) Shearin, and Vice President Emily A. Gianquinto warning them about criticizing the prosecutions of former President Donald Trump. The message from the bar leadership is chilling for those lawyers who view cases like the one in Manhattan as a raw political prosecution. While the letter does not outright state that such criticism will be considered unethical conduct, it states that the criticism has "no place in the public discourse" and calls on members to speak publicly in support of the integrity of these legal proceedings.

The statement begins by warning members that "words matter" but then leaves the ramifications for bar members dangling on how it might matter to them. They simply note that some comments will be viewed as "cross[ing] the line from criticism to dangerous rhetoric."

According to the CBA, it is now considered reckless and unprofessional to make analogies to show trials or to question the integrity of the legal system or the judges in such cases.

For example, criticizing Judge Juan Merchan for refusing to recuse himself from the case is considered beyond the pale. Many lawyers believe that his political contributions to President Biden and his daughter’s major role as a Democratic fundraiser and activist should have prompted Merchan to remove himself (and any appearance of a conflict). I have been more critical of his rulings, which I believe were both biased and wrong.

Yet, the CBA is warning lawyers that such comments can cross the line. The letter assures members that they are free to criticize, but warns that attacking the ethics of a judge or the motivations behind these cases is dangerous and could spark violence.

I have previously denounced overheated rhetoric and share the concern over how such rage rhetoric can encourage violence. After the verdict, I immediately encouraged people not to yield to their anger, but to trust our legal system. I believe that the verdict in New York may ultimately be overturned. I also noted that I do not blame the jury, but rather the judge and the prosecutors for an unfounded and unfair trial.

Of course, the concern over rage rhetoric runs across our political spectrum. While rarely criticized in the media, we have seen an escalation of reckless rhetoric from the left. For example, Georgetown Law Professor Josh Chafetz declared that "when the mob is right, some (but not all!) more aggressive tactics are justified."

My concern is not with the plea for lawyers to take care that their comments do not encourage such "aggressive tactics." The problem is the suggestion that lawyers are acting somehow unprofessionally in denouncing what many view as a two-tier system of justice and the politicization of our legal system.

Like many, I believe that the Manhattan case was a flagrant example of such weaponization of the legal system and should be denounced by all lawyers. It is a return, in my view, to the type of political prosecution once common in this country.

For those lawyers who view such prosecutions as political, they are speaking out in defense of what they believe is the essence of blind justice in America. What is "reckless" to the CBA, is righteous to others. Notably, CBA officials did not write to denounce attacks on figures like Bill Barr, or claims that the Justice Department was rigging justice during the Trump years.

Likewise, the letter focuses on critics of the Trump prosecutions and not the continued attacks on conservative jurists like Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. It has never published warnings about those calling conservative justices profanities, attacking their religion, or labeling them "partisan hacks" or even other "insurrectionist sympathizers." Liberal activists have been calling for stopping conservative jurists "by any means necessary."


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60ce84 No.21030210


Vatty, check the Board Log first before putting up a Pain Index of zero.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

82a100 No.21030211


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2c309e No.21030212

File: 9d018dc7dffe826⋯.png (572.71 KB,1029x906,343:302,colorado_offer_in_person_v….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad1524 No.21030213


Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.

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2e0716 No.21038802

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)


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2e0716 No.21038806

File: 369470c9d3f832d⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,348x480,29:40,98725491354951.JPG)

such fun

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2e0716 No.21038813

File: 22c227e40888586⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,500x690,50:69,durp.jpg)

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2e0716 No.21038827

File: 7d2c00f073bba2b⋯.jpg (197.83 KB,800x708,200:177,enjoyshow.jpg)

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2e0716 No.21038832


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