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File: 1692710a8ab319b⋯.png (140.03 KB,501x268,501:268,qresearch_banner.png)

0c7433 No.21026300 [View All]

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668 posts and 425 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8a34c7 No.21027584

Everyone go pee!

New bread…

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25d231 No.21027587

File: a4bc87e1b012332⋯.png (265.58 KB,850x535,170:107,ClipboardImage.png)


Once the narrative is out there though, that is what most people will believe.

it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

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270999 No.21027588

File: 6eab6adb4128a2c⋯.png (452.19 KB,800x532,200:133,2weeks2moar.png)


Now you've done it.

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8c12c2 No.21027591

File: bcf6c775b83b027⋯.png (1.18 MB,721x721,1:1,her.PNG)

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56b72f No.21027592

File: 68c8ae1b82303d7⋯.png (118.89 KB,800x1296,50:81,68c8ae1b82303d7569ff2ef36b….png)

the animated contest of freedom

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8a1884 No.21027595

File: 61d8aaadc27ac8e⋯.png (1.63 MB,973x850,973:850,61d8aaadc27ac8e6f37de94bc0….png)

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ee73d4 No.21027597

File: c0d9d5592665c3d⋯.png (2.15 MB,2880x4190,288:419,screencapture_qalerts_app_….png)


>But FUCK Q. .. psyop to keep patriots from doing something together.




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b51e21 No.21027601

File: e7d62e045fa7260⋯.png (438.61 KB,1178x930,19:15,_The_People_s_Convention_.png)

LIVE this evening for President Trump's speech at "The People's Convention" in Detroit! Tune in at 5 pm ET 🚨



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c7ba3f No.21027605

File: 2746cc0b2c1b9b6⋯.png (184.84 KB,500x381,500:381,ClipboardImage.png)

oooh he's super duper serious now

he's got the caps lock on

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3abf78 No.21027609


What about echos and the fact subsonic 5.56 rounds exist?

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c9ae2d No.21027615

File: 5a96b6543df8572⋯.png (800.13 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

Rust Victim’s Family Drops Charges Against Alec Baldwin

The family of the cinematographer, who was killed during the set of the film Rust, has dropped their lawsuit against Alec Baldwin.

It was announced this week that the family’s lawyer filed the papers to dismiss the case without prejudice. This means that it could be filed again at a later date.

No explanation was given for the reason./moar

10:15 AM –Saturday, June 15, 2024


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270999 No.21027617

File: 6d48eb2061a242f⋯.jpg (19.83 KB,255x170,3:2,demoralize2.jpg)


You're a stupid son of a bitch, but I'll defend your right to be as retarded as you want to be. Reddit spacing dumbfuck.

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c7ba3f No.21027618


you lame ass bum bitch

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c994f2 No.21027620



>Covid is a Bioweapon

>Mpox is a Bioweapon

>Bird Flu is a Bioweapon

All of those are witchcraft. Things that only exist in the minds of weak and faithless people.

Whay´s a spell?

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ee73d4 No.21027625



and wtf

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c7ba3f No.21027628

the spamming whore of vatycon

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1f2c3e No.21027631

notes @ 690


#25784 >>21026303

>>21027216, >>21027241 LIVE: President Trump to Speak at Community Roundtable in Detroit - 6/15/24

>>21026311 The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is considered high-risk for crashes

>>21026312, >>21026464, >>21026471, >>21027233 DJT Truths

>>21026333 Events

>>21026357 Peter Navarro: Biden’s Bureau of Prisons Is Botching Trump’s First Step Act - Costing Taxpayers Billions

>>21026365, >>21026499, >>21027139 Planefag

>>21026372 RNC Launches Massive Effort To Watch Out For Democrat Election Shenanigans

>>21026481 Michael Dell selling massive shares of his company, Dell Technologies

>>21026559, >>21026641 Marketfag

>>21026683 Donald Trump last night filed a response to Jack Smith's renewed request for a partial gag order prohibiting Trump from criticizing the Mar-a-Lago raid

>>21026746 Laura Ingraham: The Bidens Have Become One Of The Richest Families In American Politics

>>21026778 Charles Barkley announces retirement from TV

>>21026805 U.S. Farmers constantly harassed by USDA

>>21026877 Senate Armed Services Committee advances 2025 defense policy bill

>>21026893 Biden campaign calls on GOP to drop lawsuits over mail ballots, citing Trump’s new fondness for it

>>21026932 12 years ago Obama did some of the most unconstitutional shit in American history, including DACA

>>21027059 In Scotland, over 25% of the adult population is now on anti-depressants

>>21027151 Hospital finds out that denying ivermectin to COVID patients is grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit

>>21027165 Proof Illegal Migrants Signed Up To Vote

>>21027171 Ozone warning alerts in Michigan: Air Quality Alert

>>21027208 D.C. souvenir shops know what teens want: Bucket hats and Trump merch

>>21027214 NYPD Offers $10K Reward for ‘Animal’ Responsible for Two 13-Year-Olds Tied Up, One Sexually Assaulted

>>21027260 @ChanelRion: Hunter Biden’s partners needed to launder $600 million for the Russians

>>21027292 Ex-Soros executive (Scott Bessent) reveals why more Silicon Valley venture capitalists think 'it's okay to support Donald Trump' now

>>21027350 Bannon and Posobiec discuss security breach at Detroit People's Convention

>>21027427, >>21027454 Recent decline in sperm motility among donor candidates at a sperm bank in Denmark

>>21027470, >>21027483 Steve Bannon gets standing ovation at #PeoplesConvention in #Detroit from massive crowd of thousands

>>21027513 Archive of all Trump's transcripts from Rallies, Speeches, etc

>>21027615 Rust Victim’s Family Drops Charges Against Alec Baldwin


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270999 No.21027645

File: 4c8668294319506⋯.gif (1.19 MB,498x295,498:295,popcorn6.gif)


He imitates others because he wants what they do associated with him. The handler of VaticanClown is responsible for the mimicry of Anons and staff.

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909ced No.21027646


she's an actor/agent too

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8a1884 No.21027650

File: f7578c8f66d8ad3⋯.jpg (32.94 KB,392x320,49:40,14ec576d1d952fc1624cdf1fc0….jpg)

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d073fe No.21027657

those who obsessively discuss those who they consider board clowns, and don't post anything else, are, in fact

board clowns.

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270999 No.21027659


I wonder if the bank records of the family of the cinematapogrpaksf…. the camera person (had a Biden moment with the keyboard) have a different story to tell.

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796585 No.21027662

File: 54dc65feb8b2d6d⋯.png (588.74 KB,1209x804,403:268,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 263ebdb3e2898f1⋯.png (982.4 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

oh no.

he went the whyte narrative.

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8a34c7 No.21027664


All are so wrong about the global situation they are going to be amazed at the outcome.

Who is good vs. Who is bad?

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270999 No.21027670


Ah, yes, trying to create the consensus that those that engage the shills are the bad guys along with the bad guys. Better luck next time, asswipe.

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909ced No.21027671

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d073fe No.21027676


It's pretty clear for a lot of them that if they aren't 'good', and maybe don't know that they are 'bad' that they are at least paid apologists for those who behave very badly.

for example anyone supported Biden is obviously not caring about anyone other than their own faction.

He's a dangerous demagogue.

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c7ba3f No.21027682

>i know for a fact because some obscure news website that i found while searching out my confirmation bias said so!


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eab571 No.21027683



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8a1884 No.21027687

File: b8fe78f16f09b44⋯.gif (1.2 MB,300x300,1:1,b8fe78f16f09b44a61f0b84f58….gif)

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b51e21 No.21027691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: "Man with TDS Keys a Lime Green Truck in the Florida Keys While Out Buying Key Lime Pie."




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08d6ea No.21027696

Shill whine

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c994f2 No.21027697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1f2c3e No.21027698


#25784 >>21026303

>>21027216, >>21027241 LIVE: President Trump to Speak at Community Roundtable in Detroit - 6/15/24

>>21026311 The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is considered high-risk for crashes

>>21026312, >>21026464, >>21026471, >>21027233 DJT Truths

>>21026333 Events

>>21026357 Peter Navarro: Biden’s Bureau of Prisons Is Botching Trump’s First Step Act - Costing Taxpayers Billions

>>21026365, >>21026499, >>21027139 Planefag

>>21026372 RNC Launches Massive Effort To Watch Out For Democrat Election Shenanigans

>>21026481 Michael Dell selling massive shares of his company, Dell Technologies

>>21026559, >>21026641 Marketfag

>>21026683 Donald Trump last night filed a response to Jack Smith's renewed request for a partial gag order prohibiting Trump from criticizing the Mar-a-Lago raid

>>21026746 Laura Ingraham: The Bidens Have Become One Of The Richest Families In American Politics

>>21026778 Charles Barkley announces retirement from TV

>>21026805 U.S. Farmers constantly harassed by USDA

>>21026877 Senate Armed Services Committee advances 2025 defense policy bill

>>21026893 Biden campaign calls on GOP to drop lawsuits over mail ballots, citing Trump’s new fondness for it

>>21026932 12 years ago Obama did some of the most unconstitutional shit in American history, including DACA

>>21027059 In Scotland, over 25% of the adult population is now on anti-depressants

>>21027151 Hospital finds out that denying ivermectin to COVID patients is grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit

>>21027165 Proof Illegal Migrants Signed Up To Vote

>>21027171 Ozone warning alerts in Michigan: Air Quality Alert

>>21027208 D.C. souvenir shops know what teens want: Bucket hats and Trump merch

>>21027214 NYPD Offers $10K Reward for ‘Animal’ Responsible for Two 13-Year-Olds Tied Up, One Sexually Assaulted

>>21027260 @ChanelRion: Hunter Biden’s partners needed to launder $600 million for the Russians

>>21027292 Ex-Soros executive (Scott Bessent) reveals why more Silicon Valley venture capitalists think 'it's okay to support Donald Trump' now

>>21027350 Bannon and Posobiec discuss security breach at Detroit People's Convention

>>21027427, >>21027454 Recent decline in sperm motility among donor candidates at a sperm bank in Denmark

>>21027470, >>21027483 Steve Bannon gets standing ovation at #PeoplesConvention in #Detroit from massive crowd of thousands

>>21027513 Archive of all Trump's transcripts from Rallies, Speeches, etc

>>21027615 Rust Victim’s Family Drops Charges Against Alec Baldwin


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d073fe No.21027699

when that one says 'BO forever'

maybe he's describing him self

get some deodorant!

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230873 No.21027701


Spammer machine gone lap gone berserk.

That Are really getting scared of losing their drug


And having to face consequences

Losing their minds

Kinda funny to watch

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320e18 No.21027702

File: 7aa60771e47e46b⋯.png (736.78 KB,675x721,675:721,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfa403b5cd20c94⋯.mp4 (9.07 MB,854x480,427:240,Even_the_Dog_Knows_She_Suf….mp4)

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08d6ea No.21027704


Entertaining to say the least

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ee73d4 No.21027709

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7e35fd No.21027715

File: 5bb7922bfc73b42⋯.png (335.91 KB,912x705,304:235,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Join me live at “THE PEOPLE’S CONVENTION” in Detroit, Michigan at 6:00PM Eastern. Will be on @NewsMax, @RSBN, @OAN, and @realamericasvoice, among others. See you soon—MAGA2024! #PEOPLES2024 rumble.com/v51qtaz-the-peoples



Jun 15, 2024, 2:56 PM


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7e35fd No.21027718

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donald Trump Live




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1f2c3e No.21027720

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270999 No.21027723


They whine about free speech but what it's actually about is free will. Their will to dominate over others is being resisted here, and it's not something they're used to. They've tried to adapt, but they're so fucking dumb they just do the exact thing, using the same tactics but changing the wording or the target.

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8a1884 No.21027725

File: e56ccb8e03199dc⋯.gif (2.43 MB,289x216,289:216,e56ccb8e03199dce283528c6dc….gif)

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c994f2 No.21027732

File: d00557095d704d4⋯.jpg (292.16 KB,2048x1368,256:171,media_F_u2BlXX0AEPfiq.jpg)

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08d6ea No.21027741

Pepe winning

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184946 No.21027745

File: ee1fe978e153875⋯.jpg (514.47 KB,894x1855,894:1855,1.jpg)

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ef3c33 No.21027751

File: caff4c6b5f9b7a0⋯.jpg (209.11 KB,851x876,851:876,caff4c6b5f9b7a0cd3cf709bfd….jpg)

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22f556 No.21027776


Only a fool calls others foolish.

Stay wise brother.

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170ec2 No.21027778

File: 8ef31c720273223⋯.gif (1.77 MB,498x284,249:142,8ef31c720273223f0df5a9eec3….gif)

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