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File: d34ad7d6a5268f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

cc3d02 No.21024768 [View All]

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cd2e4c No.21025634


>over the target

kek, you claim this "over the target" phrase as a type of blind reassuring cope, when in fact you have absolutely no clue what or where 9the target" is, you utter imbecile

as you sit on your fat lard-ass having your soy infused waffles and goyslop corn-syrup and kawwfee, you hurriedly masturbate your small retarded brain to convince yourself that you are "winning" when in fact, the exact opposite is true

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b5ba81 No.21025635



saying stuff doesn't make it true.

confirmation of a false statement doesn't make it true.

provide a source for your slander or shut up.

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844110 No.21025636

File: 5113ad7902ea523⋯.jpeg (414.42 KB,642x512,321:256,743333F3_D286_473D_B3E5_F….jpeg)


Troglodyte commoner.

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836bd8 No.21025637

File: bf67b3275ed22ff⋯.jpg (72.51 KB,1056x1024,33:32,bf67b3275ed22ffb04603e2ce8….jpg)


>It's time to rise and shine

It sure is, Anon


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4f3a5e No.21025638

File: 670bdfbb6156ba4⋯.png (372.09 KB,568x495,568:495,rVyb2QP.png)




Typical dickmuncher fuckwit Kikes!

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9fa6ea No.21025639


>millions of soldiers were actually alive

>Hitler just sent child soldiers to France, because uhhhh the adult soldiers were alive and well?


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3bfe7e No.21025640

File: 05af8ee4f1f39ec⋯.png (710.99 KB,552x679,552:679,nh.PNG)

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7b1e93 No.21025641




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83f716 No.21025642

this clown trooping is boring as fuck

as is the music

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4f3a5e No.21025643

File: c767e07f8363fed⋯.png (267.51 KB,500x375,4:3,Mr_Magoo_08_1536963574_mod….png)


Bolshevik Pollak mongrel!

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cd2e4c No.21025644



all approved by Ike and The Allies!

Americans and their Allies are the worst type of evil criminals and deserve the most harsh punishments for crimes against humanity

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ac96dd No.21025645


kek, says other anon has no clue but then states we are not winning. But if no one has any clue how can any one know or claim to be winning or losing.

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9a403a No.21025646

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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3bfe7e No.21025647

File: ee319d35c013532⋯.png (52.17 KB,619x410,619:410,cali.PNG)


‘Are You Moving Out Of California?’

American Thinker, by Robin M. Itzler

Posted By: Imright, 6/15/2024 6:55:53 AM

Several weeks ago, I flew to Texas to visit my friend Mollie, who had left California in 2022. Whenever I told someone I was going to Texas, their first question was, “Are you moving out of California?” How different from when I moved to California in 1977… “I’m so jealous!” That was the reaction of family and friends when my husband and I announced that, after one year of marriage, we were leaving New York. It was a difficult decision because I was close to my parents, particularly my mother. For us, the primary reason was the weather. We did not enjoy humid summers or frozen winters and wanted to move

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b5ba81 No.21025648


the GM psyop, the clown role call, is 'over' a 'target'?

just nonsense. there is no purpose to it except identification of a team and also to aggrivate others.

explain the 'target' because when folks have asked for a purpose to it they get met with hateful attacks, when all they want is an explanation. None has ever been provided.

here is your chance to provide one now.

don't just devolve into an ad hominum attack.

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62f056 No.21025649

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a4a82d No.21025651


>just some British watchers

lovin the colonialism, i see

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913f38 No.21025652

File: 80364025f761231⋯.png (884.44 KB,908x896,227:224,gm_copy_6.png)

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844110 No.21025653

File: b05ff0d57001ebf⋯.jpeg (632.23 KB,693x947,693:947,5A1838A6_0572_4AC3_9C83_B….jpeg)

File: a82414c099f22d0⋯.jpeg (669.17 KB,828x1205,828:1205,FE6B8669_A8BF_40EA_8835_3….jpeg)

File: 55b217297daf969⋯.jpeg (307.22 KB,828x492,69:41,90EE458B_9BB6_4006_8DB1_2….jpeg)

File: 8e54f5bc7ab6184⋯.jpeg (844.58 KB,828x1244,207:311,F089A8D4_181A_4E54_8D68_F….jpeg)

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1c2d9e No.21025654


You complete moran, research the subject yourself!

In fact you cannot bring yourself to believe that your country, the USA, is the most corrupt and murderous in human history.

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3bfe7e No.21025655

File: 0859812f2015d28⋯.png (32.53 KB,897x329,897:329,surg.PNG)


The ‘Far Right’ Is Surging In Europe

Because The Left’s Version Of ‘Democracy’

Has Failed

The Federalist, by Adam Johnston

Posted By: Mercedes44, 6/15/2024 6:38:06 AM

Due to mounting dissatisfaction with the political establishment throughout the European Union, right-wing parties have made significant gains in the recent European Parliament elections. Perhaps most surprisingly, this surge in seats won was fueled not only by traditional older conservatives but also by younger voters who have sought to rekindle the spirit of nationalism within their homelands.Before the European Parliament elections, 32 percent of French 18-to-25-year-olds said they’d vote for the “far right” National Rally party, closely reflecting the eventual election outcome. Led by Marine Le Pen,

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9fa6ea No.21025657


>it's on a website

>that means it's true

>despite it not even making any sense

Shitler sent millions to die, lol and to kill millions of white people too, but you don't care about that

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952ef3 No.21025658

File: 0ed803871b2b53b⋯.png (44.43 KB,520x669,520:669,ClipboardImage.png)



Have a wonderful weekend.

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adb774 No.21025659

File: 972f6207b19ed03⋯.jpg (798.08 KB,1600x1416,200:177,anne_1982_2_2517424117.jpg)


Naff orf

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913f38 No.21025660

File: e8759d2fe673144⋯.png (945.68 KB,560x784,5:7,gm.png)

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1c60b3 No.21025661


Homeboy on his way home. Safe travels.

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b5ba81 No.21025662


you seem to a slander shill without sauce, spreading lies for whatever purpose.

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62f056 No.21025663

File: e1b0b06f3c5f450⋯.png (283.98 KB,444x561,148:187,Scrcxg_removebg_preview.png)


Massive beef lips bonanza..

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836bd8 No.21025664

File: e8759d2fe673144⋯.png (945.68 KB,560x784,5:7,e8759d2fe6731444481093d358….png)

Look at all that muhjoo shilling, kinda funny SP isn't projecting the regular projection that GM Anons are muhjoos when GM Anons have never been muhjoos. The projection tard will blame a lack of muhjoo shilling on anyone that's destroying him currently, projecting that they are the muhjoo and the muhjoo shilling isn't happening because the Anons are GMing instead.

Well, the muhjoo shills are here shilling muhjoo, I guess that completely destroys his projection. Also funny the projection tard isnt arguing with the muhjoo shills, as customary. Guess it doesn't help his narrative RN.

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7b1e93 No.21025665


He was a tool of The Cabal.

What happens when the mundane follow?

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b5ba81 No.21025666


ya, that doesn't look like sauce to me either.

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1c2d9e No.21025667


typical amerimutt retard

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1c2d9e No.21025668


cognitive dissonance is YOU

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9a403a No.21025669


Mornin' pepeAnon.

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ac96dd No.21025670


why you cry like a woman.

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844110 No.21025672

File: 557fdb959a20cdb⋯.jpeg (656.39 KB,741x1190,741:1190,CD07010D_8EB3_450A_8F71_E….jpeg)


Hush peasant.

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b5ba81 No.21025674


The 'gm' people, of course go off into their constant-insult talk with the 'we are OK you are all deficient' smack talk.

they do not explain the purpose of the messaging or who the people are who do it.

just more 'board dominates' trying to make the board into a place of conflict, name calling and mud slinging.

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836bd8 No.21025675

File: 263a85f1986b1f1⋯.jpg (37.38 KB,255x254,255:254,263a85f1986b1f128c7a5e83a8….jpg)



Talk about GM synchronicity


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62f056 No.21025677

File: 30a8df587ffa72c⋯.png (696.91 KB,1080x749,1080:749,Screenshot_20240611_181240….png)

Muh nigga's Top of the Morning to ya!

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b21f74 No.21025678

File: 7df6db561b9c88d⋯.jpg (329.54 KB,1952x1289,1952:1289,7df6db561b9c88d3dcca254740….jpg)

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3bfe7e No.21025679

File: 4bf87c8e8baf617⋯.png (324.41 KB,597x607,597:607,hist.PNG)


Historic Vids


Tony Soprano actually made a really good point here

0:06 / 1:00

11:20 AM · Jun 14, 2024




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952ef3 No.21025680

File: 75b14578bffd27b⋯.jpg (13.73 KB,231x218,231:218,75b14578bffd27b1a1580e1882….jpg)


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844110 No.21025681

File: 668e00ffa8e2256⋯.jpeg (50.66 KB,422x120,211:60,1FAC1F43_5B87_4B9E_99C9_5….jpeg)

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836bd8 No.21025682

File: 4d289e65d92670a⋯.jpg (194.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240525_182909….jpg)


This is exactly the type of anti-GM shilling that proves GM is over the target and shills hate good mornings. Thanks for proving that.

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cd2e4c No.21025683


you cry like a demented tranny with a new front hole that leaks puss and blood

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624230 No.21025684


You are jealous you are not American.

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5afdcf No.21025685

File: c1d3af25f33d047⋯.png (142.94 KB,640x1422,320:711,803_18_.png)



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842c50 No.21025970

>>21025044 (pb)

They’re all in the same place

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9db43b No.21026029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e77714 No.21026530

File: efab33802035a8f⋯.png (1.58 MB,2416x1446,1208:723,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21024776 PB NAZI BAKER

>>21025626 PB Anons kno. BO knows too.

HATE CRIMES HAVE concaquences

18 U.S. Code § 249

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