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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,AGM.jpeg)

2f4fb7 No.21022216 [View All]

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701 posts and 491 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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52a473 No.21023192

File: 649f237581b3422⋯.pdf (33.66 KB,SADAT_COMPLAINT_RE_INTELLI….pdf)


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d0e79e No.21023193

File: e7ac072698910e1⋯.png (1.21 MB,964x635,964:635,Screenshot.png)

Princess of Wales reveals emotional update about her 'good days and bad days' in cancer fight and releases new photo - as she confirms she WILL be at Trooping the Colour tomorrow in boost to the nation


Fake Kate is coming back

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1a4599 No.21023194

File: e9b6499ac6e9dab⋯.png (344.39 KB,522x526,261:263,ZxNKUOO2ZvaZ.png)

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52a473 No.21023195

File: 178211f50b7754a⋯.pdf (44.36 KB,SAUDI_INTELLIGENCE_CHIEF_T….pdf)


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ae9f9a No.21023196

notes @705

#25779 >>21022249

>>21022689 LIVE: President Trump Celebrates His Birthday at Club 47 - 6/14/24 (expected to speak @ 7PM EST)

>>21022296 TDS destroys DeNiro and other once-favored celebs

>>21022369, >>21023119 Events

>>21022380 Idaho Gov’t Shuts Down Water for 500,000 Acres of Farmland in Latest Effort to Engineer Mass Famine

>>21022386 Judge Sentences 75-Year-Old Woman for Blocking Abortion Clinic

>>21022405 Focus

>>21022433 Hochul mulls NYC subway mask ban amid rise in antisemitic hate

>>21022458, >>21022613 Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports

>>21022486 In 2021, the Biden Admin got $42B to deploy high-speed Internet to millions of Americans - years later, it has not connected even 1 person

>>21022498 Farage: Help me defeat the establishment

>>21022560 USS Bataan Holds Change of Command

>>21022573 Greenwich First Selectman Aims To Dox People Who File Freedom Of Information Requests In His Town In A Dramatic Move Against Transparency

>>21022580 Tucker Carlson Interview With Alex Jones

>>21022643, >>21022649 Archaeologists Unearth 35 Glass Bottles from the 18th Century at George Washington’s Mount Vernon During Mansion Revitalization

>>21022673, >>21022834, >>21022818, >>21022851, >>21022859, >>21023157 DJT Truths

>>21022699 Bombshell Drops: Israel Was In On It! w/ Ben Swann

>>21022742, >>21023082 Justice Department won't pursue contempt charges against Garland

>>21022749, >>21022769, >>21022938, >>21022981, >>21023028, >>21023052, >>21023138, >>21023147 Planefag

>>21022752, >>21022763, >>21022318 Kate (or fake Kate) is back

>>21022785 America's migrant gang invasion mapped

>>21022822, >>21022988, >>21022914, >>21023094 Boeing and Airbus planes were constructed with 'fake' Chinese titanium, which explains a lot

>>21022833 The Trump Organization: Today we proudly commemorate the adoption of our Stars and Stripes on June 14, 1777. Happy #FlagDay, America!

>>21022841 How Boeing's latest scandal could leave NASA astronauts 'stranded in space' on the ISS

>>21022902, >>21022968 OpenAI appoints former head of NSA, Cyber Command to its board

>>21022916 German stock exchange boss slams government, says ‘economic policy is sheer catastrophe’ and ‘migration policy is universally wrong’

>>21022924 Criminal Referral Requests Against Fauci, Birx, Walensky, and Others Have Been Submitted to DAs in Louisiana

>>21022925, >>21022934 The FAA says that an inspection of the Boeing Max showed damage to a unit that controls backup power to the plane's rudder

>>21022935 Federal Judge Orders Liquidation of Alex Jones’ Personal Assets

>>21022941, >>21022973 An incredible plot twist in the Big Fani saga just unfolded in the GA Supreme Court

>>21022974 Is the FBI Using “Legacy Tokens” to Shield Mental Health Records & Psychotropic Drug Cocktails of Mass Shooters From The Public?

>>21022991 JP Morgan: "Stocks are in a Calm Before the Storm"

>>21023002 I Edited My DNA On A Secret Island (To Live Forever)

>>21023023 BLM’s Leaders Used Charitable Funds To Enrich Themselves And Their Families

>>21023108 USS Liberty Survivors Reunite and Call For a Congressional Investigation into the Deadly Attack on Their Ship

>>21023123 Major takedown of critical online infrastructure to disrupt terrorist communications and propaganda

>>21023142 Owners of “Empire Market” Charged in Chicago With Operating $430 Million Dark Web Marketplace

>>21023162 $17M hush money scandal rocks Congress, public demands justice and transparency

>>21023169 13 Nations Sign Agreement to Engineer Global Famine by Destroying Food Supply


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bb77a3 No.21023197


Anons will control the NEW BOARD.

which anons?

either it's be a "community paradise" (unlikely


certain anons will selflessly offer to take change


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52a473 No.21023198

File: 154a118a37b0c4f⋯.pdf (44.2 KB,SEYMOUR_HERSH_BY_LINER_NEW….pdf)


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efb5c6 No.21023199


the article is just an excuse to peddle moar 17s

17 and the Occult

Many secret occult groups and esoteric orders, like the Freemasons, draw extensively on the symbolism of the number 17 which they codified into their initiation rites and rituals. This included revering the mathematical constant e (2.17…) and using 17 steps in their temples.

Alchemists pointed to 17 as the numerical value of the Hebrew word for “gold,” and saw it as the path to transforming base metals into gold through spiritual work.

The 17th card of the Tarot is The Star, representing renewed hope, faith, and inspiration. In some decks it portrays an astrological motif of 17 stars. These stars were believed to represent each person’s hidden talents and inner resources.

Aleister Crowley, occultist and founder of Thelema theology, identified 17 as a “sacred number” for its role in magick and theurgy rituals. Crowley would use 17 syllabled chants to manifest his will in magical workings.

In Christianity, 17 symbolizes perfection and completion as it follows after the number 7, which represents divine perfection. Jesus performed 17 miracles in the Gospel of John which were seen as fulfillments of Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah.

In Islam’s Quran, chapter 17 is called “The Night Journey” referring to Muhammad’s ascension to heaven. 17 also features in some hadiths, like the 17 prostrations during night prayers. The number connects to Islam’s spiritual roots through Abraham, as 17 was his age when he recognized the One God.

In Judaism’s Torah, God is mentioned 17 times during the Genesis creation narrative. This established a divine mystical connection between God and the number 17. The Passover Seder includes 17 ritualistic steps to commemorate the Exodus story.

In Norse mythology, Loki tricked Hod into killing Baldr with mistletoe after the plant was the 17th thing to vow never to harm Baldr. This mythos cast 17 as a number that could override destiny.

The Bhagavad Gita, considered the Holy Scripture of Hinduism, is traditionally separated into 17 chapters, symbolizing the Spirit’s victory over the Ego to enable bliss. It lays out 17 yogas or spiritual paths.

In mystical schools of thought like numerology, 17 resonates with intellectual and spiritual enlightenment. It’s a prime number that cannot be divided except by 1 and itself, giving it autonomous, stand-alone energy. For numerologists, this denotes independence, ambition, and determination to achieve.

As the sum of 7 and 10, 17 unites spiritual perfection with completion or fulfillment of goals. This has led some to call it the “immortality number.” It signals blessings for those seeking higher purpose and spiritual growth.

With its connection to 1 (new beginnings) and 7 (spiritual mastery), 17 signals the alignment of the physical and ethereal realms in new phase of growth. It is seen as a bridge between “above and below.”


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52a473 No.21023200

File: 7f453832dc92cec⋯.pdf (33.62 KB,OFFICIAL_INFORMAL_FOR_SCHM….pdf)


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52a473 No.21023201

File: 004e498030b7387⋯.pdf (45.75 KB,OVERFLIGHTS_AND_NORTHERN_D….pdf)


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521ce7 No.21023202

File: 2c8b761c55b4096⋯.png (105.38 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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e518a0 No.21023203

File: 4d6adf3664e3775⋯.jpg (48.55 KB,524x699,524:699,would.jpg)

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31f9eb No.21023204

File: 0d8b181ba2c6415⋯.png (1.02 KB,163x36,163:36,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3885b1a4ce3ddf5⋯.png (344.68 KB,509x312,509:312,ClipboardImage.png)

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52a473 No.21023205

File: 178211f50b7754a⋯.pdf (44.36 KB,SAUDI_INTELLIGENCE_CHIEF_T….pdf)


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52a473 No.21023206

File: 154a118a37b0c4f⋯.pdf (44.2 KB,SEYMOUR_HERSH_BY_LINER_NEW….pdf)


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0e8d00 No.21023207

File: 97092e2816b34a5⋯.png (487.85 KB,835x556,835:556,ACDD3230_7DE6_45C0_AE1D_E9….png)

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52a473 No.21023208

File: 36ca16012ad41fd⋯.pdf (35.14 KB,SEYMOUR_HERSH_STORY_DOMSAT….pdf)


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52a473 No.21023209

File: d4a17b4a4beb65c⋯.pdf (36.63 KB,State_Department_Briefing_….pdf)

State Department Briefing-1974

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ae9f9a No.21023210

notes FINAL

#25779 >>21022249

>>21022689 LIVE: President Trump Celebrates His Birthday at Club 47 - 6/14/24 (expected to speak @ 7PM EST)

>>21022296 TDS destroys DeNiro and other once-favored celebs

>>21022369, >>21023119 Events

>>21022380 Idaho Gov’t Shuts Down Water for 500,000 Acres of Farmland in Latest Effort to Engineer Mass Famine

>>21022386 Judge Sentences 75-Year-Old Woman for Blocking Abortion Clinic

>>21022405 Focus

>>21022433 Hochul mulls NYC subway mask ban amid rise in antisemitic hate

>>21022458, >>21022613 Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports

>>21022486 In 2021, the Biden Admin got $42B to deploy high-speed Internet to millions of Americans - years later, it has not connected even 1 person

>>21022498 Farage: Help me defeat the establishment

>>21022560 USS Bataan Holds Change of Command

>>21022573 Greenwich First Selectman Aims To Dox People Who File Freedom Of Information Requests In His Town In A Dramatic Move Against Transparency

>>21022580 Tucker Carlson Interview With Alex Jones

>>21022643, >>21022649 Archaeologists Unearth 35 Glass Bottles from the 18th Century at George Washington’s Mount Vernon During Mansion Revitalization

>>21022673, >>21022834, >>21022818, >>21022851, >>21022859, >>21023157 DJT Truths

>>21022699 Bombshell Drops: Israel Was In On It! w/ Ben Swann

>>21022742, >>21023082 Justice Department won't pursue contempt charges against Garland

>>21022749, >>21022769, >>21022938, >>21022981, >>21023028, >>21023052, >>21023138, >>21023147 Planefag

>>21022752, >>21022763, >>21022318 Kate (or fake Kate) is back

>>21022785 America's migrant gang invasion mapped

>>21022822, >>21022988, >>21022914, >>21023094 Boeing and Airbus planes were constructed with 'fake' Chinese titanium, which explains a lot

>>21022833 The Trump Organization: Today we proudly commemorate the adoption of our Stars and Stripes on June 14, 1777. Happy #FlagDay, America!

>>21022841 How Boeing's latest scandal could leave NASA astronauts 'stranded in space' on the ISS

>>21022902, >>21022968 OpenAI appoints former head of NSA, Cyber Command to its board

>>21022916 German stock exchange boss slams government, says ‘economic policy is sheer catastrophe’ and ‘migration policy is universally wrong’

>>21022924 Criminal Referral Requests Against Fauci, Birx, Walensky, and Others Have Been Submitted to DAs in Louisiana

>>21022925, >>21022934 The FAA says that an inspection of the Boeing Max showed damage to a unit that controls backup power to the plane's rudder

>>21022935 Federal Judge Orders Liquidation of Alex Jones’ Personal Assets

>>21022941, >>21022973 An incredible plot twist in the Big Fani saga just unfolded in the GA Supreme Court

>>21022974 Is the FBI Using “Legacy Tokens” to Shield Mental Health Records & Psychotropic Drug Cocktails of Mass Shooters From The Public?

>>21022991 JP Morgan: "Stocks are in a Calm Before the Storm"

>>21023002 I Edited My DNA On A Secret Island (To Live Forever)

>>21023023 BLM’s Leaders Used Charitable Funds To Enrich Themselves And Their Families

>>21023108 USS Liberty Survivors Reunite and Call For a Congressional Investigation into the Deadly Attack on Their Ship

>>21023123 Major takedown of critical online infrastructure to disrupt terrorist communications and propaganda

>>21023142 Owners of “Empire Market” Charged in Chicago With Operating $430 Million Dark Web Marketplace

>>21023162 $17M hush money scandal rocks Congress, public demands justice and transparency

>>21023169 13 Nations Sign Agreement to Engineer Global Famine by Destroying Food Supply


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521ce7 No.21023211

How many rebelled during the 60s only because they felt something deep inside was not right and they felt it but could not conceive where it was coming from.

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52a473 No.21023212

File: 2d4d6e177de91cf⋯.pdf (45.5 KB,State_Dept_cable_1978_1917….pdf)

State Dept cable 1978-19171

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52a473 No.21023216

File: 19d8165d018a886⋯.pdf (43.18 KB,THE_RUSSIANS_IN_BREZEZINSK….pdf)


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46d691 No.21023220

File: ea187cd822c2dc1⋯.png (1.45 MB,832x863,832:863,ver.PNG)

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bb77a3 No.21023221



why don't you just put all of these reports with links on ONE POST?

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52a473 No.21023222

File: ac7ff591580ae37⋯.pdf (47.63 KB,USCENTCOM_CDR_GENERAL_PETR….pdf)


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ae9f9a No.21023225

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184652 No.21023226

File: 8273ed51f7dac78⋯.jpg (225.91 KB,866x1390,433:695,woman_at_a_lemonade_stand_….jpg)

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52a473 No.21023228

File: 652f2c273699ca5⋯.mp4 (142.1 KB,480x360,4:3,PULL_.mp4)

<▶Anonymous Just nowbb77a3 No.21023221

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e518a0 No.21023229

File: 91c5377023f6339⋯.png (454.65 KB,409x604,409:604,PhilS.png)

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bb77a3 No.21023231


next bread, will be considered SPAM if not better consolidated.


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e518a0 No.21023232

File: 141f3721481d35d⋯.png (847.74 KB,1034x614,517:307,PhilE.png)

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fcb4f5 No.21023234

File: 2434656b1ecd722⋯.png (1.39 MB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6a7d53ee21a28c⋯.png (1.09 MB,1610x946,805:473,ClipboardImage.png)

Call sign BISON42. V-22 169463 from NAS Norfolk making practice approaches at Rocky Mount-Wilson Regional.


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e518a0 No.21023236

File: 77418ed36032f07⋯.png (881.75 KB,791x610,791:610,PhilH.png)

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ac4d5e No.21023237

File: 3117dd461a0e216⋯.png (426.77 KB,1280x800,8:5,FLOTUS1.png)

File: ee8b7c6977f6f51⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN525.png)

File: c9fab88caaea7b9⋯.png (361.27 KB,405x741,135:247,BIDEN524.png)

File: 39f384c085a214a⋯.png (608.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN523.png)

File: f2c7134150cfe97⋯.png (390.27 KB,1024x768,4:3,JUDICALREFORM1.png)

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e518a0 No.21023238

File: 3ddb92cad8947e3⋯.png (978.72 KB,1024x604,256:151,PhilM.png)

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52a473 No.21023239

File: 720d2f196c612a0⋯.webm (5.6 MB,800x450,16:9,_8Bit_.webm)

File: 227d4518db5bbb0⋯.png (20.39 KB,400x308,100:77,227d4518db5bbb062f5bc7812a….png)

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9a0990 No.21023240

File: de3b8b96ed134ca⋯.png (861.32 KB,1232x691,1232:691,76n33646334.PNG)

Instead of sending them back, the United States Governors are trafficking illegal border crosser's and other known illegal immigrants, hideing in plain site as they make you think those guys are being politically savvy and sending them around to other states.

Like they're moving an army.

Human Trafficking.in you eyes.

Gov. Cox says Denver mayor sending migrants to Utah without notification


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9a506b No.21023241


That's NOT a grammatical error, it's correct.

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e518a0 No.21023242

File: dff72655d264d5c⋯.png (623.69 KB,652x602,326:301,PhilD.png)

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372ba1 No.21023243


Israel has been in the moral abyss since 1947

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52a473 No.21023244

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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ce1b8b No.21023247


DJT is not providing cover for Bannon, he is pointing out they and he are being targeted and falsely indicted and convicted. He is showing the corruption in government and judiciary.

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52a473 No.21023248

File: 5aa24e999f55960⋯.jpg (202.75 KB,648x1041,216:347,Addams_Family_addams_famil….jpg)

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e518a0 No.21023249

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB,620x400,31:20,PHIL_lies.jpg)

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52a473 No.21023250

File: cc7789b8b7f28b1⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2550x2970,85:99,1477180096633.jpg)

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52a473 No.21023252

File: 878dcc00ca4208b⋯.jpg (67.23 KB,603x500,603:500,NO_DEALS.jpg)

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0e8d00 No.21023253


Try harder

It’s nothing

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52a473 No.21023254

File: 71a2831ba847ae0⋯.jpg (66.8 KB,697x791,697:791,71a2831ba847ae03fbdca4ad19….jpg)

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52a473 No.21023256

File: 5d5b49952e9bfac⋯.jpg (89.27 KB,1122x1058,561:529,5d5b49952e9bfac5a991a2ba83….jpg)

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e518a0 No.21023257


>PF Board War Skirmishes

That's QR 2024 for ya.

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]