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9feb8e No.21016637 [View All]

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032ceb No.21017448

takes true stupidity to piss off Russia and China at the same time

U.S. Sanctions LNG Carriers and Chinese Yard to Disrupt Russian Energy Projects

By Malte Humpert (gCaptain) – June 13, 2024

New U.S. economic sanctions expand efforts to degrade Russia’s future energy production and export capacity. Measures for the first time target specific ice-capable liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers and extend sanctions to a Chinese construction yard instrumental in assembling liquefaction modules.

“The Department’s designations constrain Russia’s future energy revenues, building on previous sanctions stalling the development of Arctic LNG 2 and other Russian future energy projects,” a U.S. State Department spokesperson stated.

The U.S. announced measures against seven LNG carriers constructed by the Far East Zvezda shipyard. Five vessels have been launched and are awaiting sea and gas trials, with two more under construction. The vessels in question are Alexey Kosygin, Pyotr Stolypin, Sergei Witte and thus far unnamed hulls Zvezda 044, Zvezda 045, Zvezda 046, Zvezda 047. The first four vessels are affiliated with already-sanctioned Russian operator Sovcomflot.

Six LNGC of the same type built by South Korean Hanwha Ocean, while not directly targeted by sanctions, remain in limbo as the yard has been unable to transfer them to Novatek or operators affiliated with sanctioned Arctic LNG 2.

The ice-capable LNGCs are critically needed to begin exports from Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2 project. The company expects to take delivery of at least two vessels in the coming months. The project was initially scheduled to begin production late last year, but six months later not a single delivery has been made.

Meanwhile, Novatek has been making preparations to assemble a fleet of conventional LNGCs to provide service to its project this summer. Non ice-class vessels are permitted in Russia’s Arctic waters as early as July 1. Nearly a dozen LNGCs have already received permits to travel along Russia’s Northern Sea Route this summer.

In addition to targeting Russia’s transport capacity, the U.S. has for the first time sanctioned a Chinese yard manufacturing large-scale modules for Russia’s LNG projects.

Over the past four years Penglai Jutal Offshore Engineering Heavy Industries has completed a dozen modules, each weighing in excess of 10,000 tons, for Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2 project. The modules are then transported via heavy lift vessels to Russia’s Arctic.

“Today, the Department is designating a PRC-based shipyard operator involved in the manufacture and shipment of highly specialized liquefied natural gas (LNG) modules designed specifically for Russia’s Arctic LNG 2 project,” a U.S. Treasury spokesperson said.

Penglai shipped its modules containing critical liquefaction technology aboard previously blocked vessels, including Audax and Pugnax, as recently as last month. Chinese heavy lift vessel Wei Xiao Tian Shi, is currently en route with two modules from Penglai’s yard to Novatek’s construction site near Murmansk.


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238793 No.21017449

File: 1bb876e1ed3dab6⋯.gif (3.45 MB,640x480,4:3,20190701_173957.gif)


there is only one you need concern yourself with.

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f1b271 No.21017450

File: 7e7daa49c44a70f⋯.mp4 (573.3 KB,480x270,16:9,6KCsu9rsHsn363NB.mp4)

Biden wandering off again.

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238793 No.21017451

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176f23 No.21017452

File: 72eebbc03bef820⋯.png (56.43 KB,573x589,573:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edb2d0aa49566fb⋯.png (21.72 KB,517x309,517:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a2c96dbdc0face⋯.png (62.98 KB,550x587,550:587,ClipboardImage.png)

Moar Deltas

Enough is enough

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059b26 No.21017453


Replying to himself and pushing a MuhJoo narrative. Lack of VaticanClown at this time of day suggests this could possibly be the handler behind the dumbest of the shill personas. Or the faggot that posts the AI generated demonized Orthodox Jews and quantum Ghoul bullshit.

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cd47f5 No.21017454


Highest ranking hall monitor. All is forgiven though. I accept you for who you are.


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46d3e9 No.21017455


Mebbe I will get MOAR flags out.

For 4,10,20

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b828a1 No.21017456


Anonymous posts, posted on an anonymous board, cannot logically be famefag or namefag.

What you really mean is that you're jealous of your own narrative and resent "America Winning" narrative.

Only reason you attack the meme pattern with inaccurate labels.

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760459 No.21017457


>smart dust

The smart dust is us.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

"For dust you are and to dust you shall return”


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64312f No.21017458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and so are (You) anon.

enough with [their] lies.

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428060 No.21017459

File: b37936cc6a7e8f1⋯.png (176.85 KB,250x314,125:157,ClipboardImage.png)

Anne's up.

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ca6b58 No.21017460


Satan gave authority over all his minions to Jesus, and also God favored Jesus to perform all the miracles he did.

So the opposite of Christ then is a useless moran.

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cdda84 No.21017461

File: 915debb786a8973⋯.png (22.13 KB,560x328,70:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9d4f16f7edb7cc⋯.png (427.39 KB,598x768,299:384,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b3746f4c1047fd⋯.mp4 (11.13 MB,720x1280,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17182862738….mp4)

X TRENDSInflation



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4dfce6 No.21017463

From Greek Χριστός (Christos) meaning "anointed", derived from χρίω (chrio) meaning "to anoint". This was a name applied to Jesus by early Greek-speaking Christians. It is a translation of the Hebrew word מָשִׁיחַ (mashiyach)

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032ceb No.21017464


It's where future work is to be done

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4dfce6 No.21017465

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760459 No.21017466


Don't confuse Anti-Christ and the man of lawlessness.

Those who deny Jesus come in the flesh…. us, and claim authority in His name over us are anti-Christ.

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4dfce6 No.21017467

you really have no perception of what is.

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abc800 No.21017468


>Lack of VaticanClown at this time of day

now look what you've done

summoned the demon

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cdda84 No.21017469

0. Q

1. R

2. S

3. T

4. U

5. V

6. W

7. X


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176f23 No.21017470

watching TRUMP presser.

will be mention Tippy Top today?

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428060 No.21017472

File: 212cc58d7466d27⋯.png (298.43 KB,521x473,521:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca6b58 No.21017473


You really don't know how to read the New Testament.

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059b26 No.21017474

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


Only approved personalities are allowed by the deep state. A personality not under their thumb has the potential to move the herd, and that takes control away from the deep state. It's why they try to stamp out any spark of that online if they can't make that person comply. This runs from anonymous posting all the way up to the big celebrities who are handled/controlled.

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ca6b58 No.21017475


To be anointed means to be Chosen.

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9feb8e No.21017476


#25772 >>21016644

>>21016817, >>21016957, >>21016997, >>21017060, >>21017112, >>21017167, >>21017241 PlaneFaggin :Europe/Gulf

>>21016667 "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 019: FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER

>>21016683, >>21016695, >>21016716, >>21016792, >>21016954, >>21017097, >>21017186, >>21017236, >>21017255, >>21017276, >>21017292, >>21017324, >>21017352 Manhattan DA hearing

>>21016696 @AFGlobalStrike Friends + Firepower 🇺🇸🇰🇷

>>21016697, >>21016730, >>21016861 10:53 AM EDT House GOP Leaders Speak After Meeting with Former President Trump

>>21016706, >>21016711, >>21016724, >>21016738, >>21016839, >>21017050, >>21017195, >>21017282, >>21017385 Swamp Things

>>21016710 @iimefmarines U.S. Marines with HMLA 167 perform a terrain-familiarization flight during Distributed Aviation Operations Exercise

>>21016726 @usairforce Teamwork, makes the dream work!


>>21016826 A hotshot attorney just donated half a million to President Trump as a protest move against his sham conviction… Hugh Franklin Culverhouse, Jr

>>21016832 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>21016866 Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims Increase to 242,000

>>21016873 Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman declines invitation to G7 Summit.

>>21016876 Alaska's rivers are turning bright orange and as acidic as vinegar as toxic metal escapes from melting permafrost

>>21016879 Mass AIS Spoofing Event "Moves" Dozens of Ships to Crimean Airport

>>21016889 @USCG Capture the flag!

>>21016949 Secrets of radioactive 'promethium' — a rare earth element with mysterious applications — uncovered after 80-year search

>>21016964, >>21016978 Mr. Biden [Partner for Global Infrastructure and Investment Event]

>>21016973 Russia formally charges WSJ journalist with spying for CIA

>>21017025 @USCGLANTAREA A weapon system fires from the @USCG


>>21017046 Congressional letter asks NASA to rescind Chandra cuts

>>21017052, >>21017118 Puerto Rico’s Election Commission Reviews Dominion’s Contract For Nov. Election After Hundreds of Discrepancies Reported

>>21017113 Thales, Spire and ESSP to develop air traffic surveillance constellation

>>21017126 #OTD in 1984, the Leander-class frigate HMS Jupiter became wedged under London Bridge

>>21017148, >>21016993, >>21017136 *Gary Brucato

>>21017168, >>21016838, >>21017314 Garland this week called for “attacks” against the Justice Department to stop

>>21017204 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks to the Press in D.C. 1:30p EST

>>21017215, >>21017220, >>21017336, >>21017340 Energy czar makes UFO admission during GOP lawmaker's fiery exchange

>>21017257 Steve Bannon: "We're Going To Take Power, And Then There's Gonna Be A Season Of Accountability"

>>21017258, >>21017286, >>21017259 SABO Los Angeles Street art today

>>21017332 Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a hold policy on numerous President Joe Biden nominees…

>>21017349 @USAFReserve 302 Airlift Wing members headed to Fort Carson, CO for #IvyMass24 to conduct training

>>21017401 New Paradigm Institute Launches Social Media Campaign To Call On CNN To Include UFO/UAP Question In Presidential Debate

>>21017446, >>21017452 Todays Deltas

>>21017448 U.S. Sanctions LNG Carriers and Chinese Yard to Disrupt Russian Energy Projects

>>21017461 X TRENDSInflation


hold notables till nb, gibs me a min

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cd47f5 No.21017478


Actually this is a fallacy and a projection. Anons have no problem with America winning. Anons have a problem with famefags who create board personas and name all their memes with a signature of their second hand persona. Such as a cat Turd mimic. It's not original. It doesn't add anything of value. It lives to argue with anons in a symbiotic relationship. If someone made America winning memes without a famefag board personality attached to it that would be groovy. However, the shills have always planned using this as a projection, that any Anon who disapproves of famefaggots gets deflected over to a projection of hating America which couldn't be further from the truth. A famefag on Q Research does not represent an entire country, therefore destroys your projection.

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7dac3c No.21017482


>His father was based AF

Since when is controlled opposition based AF?

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b2f7a8 No.21017483

File: f72b21c174ae905⋯.png (645.83 KB,790x548,395:274,Elegant_Flotus.png)

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243515 No.21017484

has no name in The Lamb's Book.

does not know…


suffers and toils under its enemy's false paradigm,

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032ceb No.21017485

File: f961ee0d7b6afee⋯.png (6.32 MB,2560x1536,5:3,Hedwig_the_Angry_Inch_Ne_0….png)

Around comes the mimic

the ill-tempered cynic

to soothe its angry inch

It badly wants Yous

to fend off the blues

caused by the angry inch

It tries day and night

with all of its might

to console the angry inch

Starved of attention

trapped with the tension

cursed with an angry inch

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ca6b58 No.21017487


Empty words like your soul.

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d19af5 No.21017488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vincent Everett Ellison Exposes the Lies Sold to Black America: MLK, Hip Hop

This is a hot one. MLK was receiving money from Moscow, and more.

The Great Awakening continues..


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71ef0d No.21017489



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abc800 No.21017490


anons have a problem with CCP shill rhetoric mocking the demise of America by the clown who hides behind a cat meme while running the Kunt operation

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cdda84 No.21017491

File: 12ed65541b335ae⋯.png (16.19 KB,255x249,85:83,12ed65541b335aec1412fc9a3b….png)

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b2f7a8 No.21017492

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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0f4f05 No.21017494


Tyvm for poasting dhat. Noice poast. Was nice to see some fear.

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428060 No.21017495

File: 45c257eda5a2ce3⋯.png (216.24 KB,414x400,207:200,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 333f0bdb6ba997b⋯.png (39.2 KB,151x144,151:144,ClipboardImage.png)

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9feb8e No.21017496

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760459 No.21017497


Why do you deny the life inside anon?

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032ceb No.21017498


Bummer you are not really an anon, aint it?

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b2f7a8 No.21017499

File: e5358a83832f9b6⋯.jpeg (131.29 KB,500x784,125:196,e5358a83832f9b61a7ca6c1c3….jpeg)

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b2f7a8 No.21017502

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB,566x800,283:400,fd88bf6d40a771a51228e10c9f….jpg)

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243515 No.21017503

in any eternity


has no future

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72e152 No.21017504

DJT is live right now!

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b2f7a8 No.21017506

File: 6291829f7bd2cda⋯.png (119.4 KB,697x694,697:694,frenz.PNG)

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ce95b2 No.21017507

President Trump: There's tremendous unity in the republican party. We want to see borders. We want to see strong military. We want to see money not wasted all over the world. We don't want to see Russian ships right off the coast of Florida, which is what they are right now. That's unthinkable. We want to see, just success for our country, and we don't have success right now.

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9feb8e No.21017508

migrate, lockin it up

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