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File: 75b78cc4b88433b⋯.png (292.34 KB,651x355,651:355,QRESEARCH_BANNER_2.png)

d5b4ca No.21015274 [View All]

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f42140 No.21016611


No. The whole point of the Fake Biden Presidency within the The Q Plan is to get Trump re-elected with the biggest landslide in history.

Nobody does anything bigger or better than Trump, right?.

Therefore, his victory will be … wait for it … Biblical !!!

I predict he will win EVERY state and have a monumental mandate to totally crush the WEF plans.

It won't just be the CIA that will be "splintered in a thousand pieces and scattered it to the winds." It will be every crazy leftist policy ever known.

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251a37 No.21016612

had proto for three months.

guess what?

still could not poast.

fuck you jim.

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a51ba7 No.21016613

File: 322c3da75e09ef7⋯.png (293.82 KB,634x423,634:423,full.png)

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fe76e5 No.21016614

File: 34ff1c64fdf690f⋯.jpg (166.08 KB,487x366,487:366,pudding_time_jack.jpg)

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d8f50c No.21016615


Appears to have been started as a roll-call of the enemies of the board.

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2d95b4 No.21016616


right. gonna punch me in the face at the parade like you said a few weeks ago.

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10a4b7 No.21016617


Lulz. Did you try using discount code JIM?

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200a31 No.21016618


>The whole point of the Fake Biden Presidency within the The Q Plan is to get Trump re-elected with the biggest landslide in history.


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251a37 No.21016620


either joe biden is your president

or donald trump is destroying america.


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6239db No.21016621


>you've lost track of who you are replying to, loser.

It is not the quantum computer that has it in for me, there are no coincidences, that shill wanted to get ahead of the story, what do you not understand?

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200a31 No.21016622


try 'Mr Pig' as a password

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10a4b7 No.21016623


QTARDS can’t reconcile

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8806a0 No.21016624

File: f02323ec8fbc1f6⋯.png (245.72 KB,294x591,98:197,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: We have caught Representative Roger Williams violating the STOCK Act.

Congress is legally required to disclose trades within 45 days of when they are made.

Williams just disclosed trades from as far back as 2019.

Trade list is up on Quiver.


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ab4e27 No.21016625



Same word the spamming shill uses.

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aef3a4 No.21016627

File: 30a8df587ffa72c⋯.png (696.91 KB,1080x749,1080:749,Screenshot_20240611_181240….png)



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a51ba7 No.21016628

File: 23cda3796539d45⋯.png (202.49 KB,423x423,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6bb82 No.21016629

File: 347e40db44650e1⋯.webp (29.09 KB,1420x946,710:473,OhGeeze.webp)


Even with my rotten tooth and being unemployed?

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a44bef No.21016630


me too. I'm like a beachcomber who tells what I see.

you slandered me. I want an apology but if you don't give one, I understand.

you share some grim stuff that many here think is fake.

you don't need to share details of dogs dying or your wife being poisoned.

you can say what you say in a way where it's not a heart wrenching story of horror.

but you don't.

and then you slander the other anon.

so of course many see you as either a pest or a shill.

you apologizing is your call.

make the right call.

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251a37 No.21016631



it was not expensive.

it just did not work.

jim ignored the fact

after he was informed

in multiple instances

across several platforms.


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f42140 No.21016632


>No. The whole point of the Fake Biden Presidency within the The Q Plan is to get Trump re-elected with the biggest landslide in history.

>Nobody does anything bigger or better than Trump, right?.

>Therefore, his victory will be … wait for it … Biblical !!!

>I predict he will win EVERY state and have a monumental mandate to totally crush the WEF plans.

>It won't just be the CIA that will be "splintered in a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds." It will be every crazy leftist policy ever known.

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2a9134 No.21016633

#25771 >>21015288

>>21015311, >>21015915 Hillary Clinton stuns Democrats by endorsing George Latimer for Jamaal Bowman's congressional seat

>>21015330 for newfags who don't know what Proto is:

>>21015391 Stephen Moore: “If it’s about the ECONOMY, Trump is going to win in a landslide—I guarantee it!”

>>21015429 Contract Driver Jesse Morgan Vindicated – Report CONFIRMS He Hauled Trailer of Ballots

>>21015431 Tesco's profits hit £2.3 billion & their chief executive’s salary hit £10 million. Meanwhile, 49% British fruit & vegetable farmers say it's likely they will go out of business in the next 12 months

>>21015434 Opinion piece Mike Benz: Once you understand that Hunter Biden was a CIA intelligence asset, everything makes sense…

>>21015437 If You Live In America Listen To This: American Nurse For 15 Years Is Whistleblowing On New Policy In Urgent Cares

>>21015441 Radicals Plot to ‘Shut Down DC’ When Netanyahu Addresses Congress

>>21015445 Nathan Wade says he believes Trump can be put on trial in Georgia, even if he wins a second term and is in the White House.

>>21015446 Trump to Meet With Mitch McConnell for the First Time In Four Years

>>21015457 Everything woke turns to shit Featuring Disney

>>21015466 A Michigan judge just ruled that the Democrat Secretary of State's election manual issued to local election officials is unconstitutional & against state law.


>>21015698 It seems that illegal #migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens.

>>21015736 Delta

>>21015765 UN: some aspects of the Biden executive order may violate refugee protection required in international law./fuck the UN btw

>>21015415, >>21015420, >>21015425, One anchor fired, other one still has job.

>>21015421 Q comms? R's 31 D's11

>>21015986 Feds step in to prosecute Chicago gangsters accused of random murder of National Guardsman, 19, after Soros-backed DA Kim Foxx didn't bother

>>21016011, >>21016553 Hearing on the Manhattan District Attorney's Office at 10 AM EST, runnin late

>>21016132 Trump's bid to steal the youth KEK

>>21016205, >>21016207, >>21016213, >>21016219 10:00 AM EDT National Archives and Records Administration's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other Swamp Talk

>>21016210 NIH Was Feeding Gain-Of-Function Disinfo To Journalists

>>21016273 Mike Benz: Once you understand that Hunter Biden was a CIA intelligence asset, everything makes sense…

>>21016288 Campaign 2024: Former President Trump Speaks to Reporters on Capitol Hill

>>21016310, >>21016412 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Messier 66 Close Up

>>21016311 "Hunter Biden owns 10% of a company called ePlata which is a micro financing loan company for illegals"

>>21016349 NASA Welcomes Armenia as 43rd Artemis Accords Signatory

>>21016384 War Room With Steve Bannon

>>21016396 Steve Gruber Show Exclusive Interview With President Trump


>>21016624 We have caught Representative Roger Williams violating the STOCK Act


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2efedb No.21016634

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6239db No.21016635


You need an attitude adjustment and then some.

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251a37 No.21016636



there is a difference

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e555c7 No.21016638

File: acc739ade75da61⋯.jpg (11.34 KB,234x255,78:85,acc739ade75da61e76e2359fcf….jpg)


Who looks, upon further examination by what's left of last night's bread, the same one that attacks Mr. Pig by calling him Chinese, is the same one that posts a schizophrenic theological routine. Also saw the shill that posts the AI generated dehumanized/demonized Orthodox Jews is the same clown that posts the Ghoul quantum bullshit. Could be mistaken, but those were my first instincts.

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a51ba7 No.21016639


so what is that, a restaurant?


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2d95b4 No.21016641


just as credible as any of your other statements. i.e. not at all.

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17ad81 No.21016642

File: 671505fab4fa91f⋯.png (879.51 KB,695x500,139:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>I want an apology

you do realize where you are?

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251a37 No.21016643

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527885 No.21016645

File: eb5d44884cb05ad⋯.jpg (123.5 KB,790x592,395:296,pride_flag_burning_kiev_39….jpg)

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238425 No.21016646

Pedos group

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7e6b05 No.21016647


Uniparty is destroying America

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b07a2a No.21016648

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a51ba7 No.21016649


The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone, meaning the commonly used drug can remain widely available.

The court found unanimously that the group of anti-abortion doctors who questioned the Food and Drug Administration’s decisions making it easier to access the pill did not have legal standing to sue. As a result, the lawsuit will be dismissed.

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7f4ce4 No.21016650


Mr. Pig is fucking retarded. And often posts memes that are anti-God, anti-freedom, and pro CCP. Might not be Chinese, but likely owned by them in some way. And most definitely serves their interests.

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251a37 No.21016652

all shills


are same shill?

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238425 No.21016653

Nightshift nothing but Pedos group

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251a37 No.21016654


God is destroying America.

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a51ba7 No.21016655

PierrE DelectO

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7e6b05 No.21016656


With a heaping side order of Vatican Dude, aka VD

Angry Inch popped in for awhile, but lack of attention made it leave

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c55641 No.21016657


>Roger Williams

He's part of the (((Texas Mafia))), run out of DFW by Craig Goldman, a state rep. Look at all the Reps that are in the DFW area. I'm sure their "AIPAC handlers" are on this.

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e555c7 No.21016658

File: 251066c160fbe5e⋯.jpg (55.79 KB,520x500,26:25,hello_fellow_anon.jpg)


Do you honestly believe your gaslighting and expect others to believe it with you? Pig anti-freedom!? Come the fuck on. Filtered for being dumb.

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a44bef No.21016659


I don't expect one.

seriously, I'm trying to get him off his ledge and so he starts to see that he's not the only one here.

if it's a real person that's the right thing to do.

You be you, I'll be me.

that's how this place works.

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7f4ce4 No.21016660


and if you are not smart enough to see the problem with supporting a namefag/famefag then you are part of the problem

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200a31 No.21016661



Mr Pig is a CCP propagandist

he's not Chinese

he's an American psyop clown

sold out his country to psyop his countrymen

the worst kind of traitor

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251a37 No.21016662


h3llo federal agent

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977184 No.21016663


why is NASA notable?

i don't get it

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e555c7 No.21016664


Why don't you tell everyone, AEI? You've admitted on many occasions that you run many personas, which you call baselines. How about you IP hop and then let everyone know, clown.

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1c05ea No.21016665

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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a51ba7 No.21016666

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

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