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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

4fc587 No.21009389 [View All]

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701 posts and 368 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2bb980 No.21011159


it's clearly a special day

45 declared Jerusalem the true capital of Israel 6 years, 6 months, 6 days ago

let the good times roll

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eae51b No.21011160

File: 96e854077c1d323⋯.png (719.15 KB,980x530,98:53,ir.png)

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1ef690 No.21011161

File: f13124cdd5e056f⋯.jpg (95.5 KB,894x894,1:1,00000000000000000.jpg)

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fa16b5 No.21011162

File: 68d30b36b6ea42e⋯.jpeg (268.02 KB,1130x1128,565:564,IMG_1965.jpeg)

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6c9ef3 No.21011166


You think that's sauce? kek

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fa16b5 No.21011168

File: 794e67e592b30be⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,464x824,58:103,_4759883840097053805.mp4)

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2efbcb No.21011169

File: 908a3f1dbc82e3c⋯.png (29.72 KB,646x345,646:345,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b51bdb2f0556457⋯.png (58.77 KB,674x462,337:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: acd3e5dec8353f0⋯.png (23.13 KB,672x286,336:143,ClipboardImage.png)

Todays deltas

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200b71 No.21011172


what group played both sides against each other and traded between all the warring parties, and enabled despot kings by lending to them, anon?

don't forget about that.

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fa16b5 No.21011173

File: 92bc6e9cf68fd48⋯.jpeg (261.77 KB,1130x884,565:442,IMG_1967.jpeg)

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fa16b5 No.21011176

File: 249b7fc8944aa04⋯.mp4 (132.12 KB,MT7MnHY2q7vnyQeN.mp4)

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e467e5 No.21011177

File: 7a1f21a9a84b43e⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,640x640,1:1,COVID_TESTING_1.mp4)

Are we there yet?

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03fa77 No.21011178

File: 4fc504aab5bbaca⋯.jpg (18.63 KB,465x412,465:412,varying_degrees_of_damn.jpg)

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357446 No.21011179


>there are ~400 deletions in this bread

great work.

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3b173c No.21011181

File: 9c600ee13ba7364⋯.png (86.48 KB,470x630,47:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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39ca19 No.21011182

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,89119c1dc50d0c4b2875e58cfb….jpg)

guise! we gotta do something LOCAL!!! FLYNN SAID!

Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


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fa16b5 No.21011183

File: 3024fc9d52d906d⋯.jpeg (220.56 KB,1130x1070,113:107,IMG_1966.jpeg)

Meanwhile in London

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bcd042 No.21011184

#25765 >>21009395

>>21009397, >>21009405 Replay - HRCommittee Debates Attorney General Garland Contempt of Congress Resolution ( Live: House Vote >>21009423 ) H. Res. ___ – (H. Rept. 118-527)

>>21009431 Putin signs Moon-station deal with China

>>21009478 Call for Memes: Inflation, Bidenflation, Bidenomics, Economic

>>21009500 Remember Kevin Spacey admited he and Clinton Foundation flew on Jeffrey Epstein's planes with “young girls.”

>>21009548 UFO mystery may be result of advanced 'stealth civilization' living on Earth among us

>>21009554 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Aurora over Karkonosze Mountains

>>21009657 10:00 AM EDT House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Republican leadership discuss the party’s legislative agenda

>>21009667 10:00 AM EDT Attorney General Merrick Garland Delivers Remarks at the Justice Department

>>21009684 Sandy Hook shooting survivors to graduate

>>21009725 More than 1.5 million foreign pilgrims arrive in Mecca

>>21009989 House convenes hearing on FDIC culture as chair prepares to resign

>>21010039 PF DQQMSDAY heading for Europe

>>21010098 LA Gov. Jeff Landry (R) signed legislation that ends state business that discriminate against firearm manufacturers

>>21010708 Russia's Moscow Stock Exchange officially suspends all trading in US Dollars and Euros.

>>21010708 Russia's Moscow Stock Exchange officially suspends all trading in US Dollars and Euros.

>>21010716 Climate Professor Under Fire For Mass Social Media Blocking Spree

>>21010728 Dow jumps, S&P 500 hits record on cool inflation data as Fed decision looms

>>21010784 Agenda 21 explained in 2 minutes. MP4

>>21010805 Microsoft, BlackRock CEOs expected to attend (G)7 session in Italy

>>21011012 Russian Metal Plant CEO Pedo Arrested

>>21011021 US widens sanctions on Russia

>>21011074 Notes supplement #25764

>>21011168 Meme of the Thread MP4

>>21009861, >>21009961 MP4, China to Russia/U.S.: Let's avoid a nuclear war… OK?

>>21010926, >>21010936 X Trends: Biden Crime Family, Merrick Garland

>>21010302, >>21010310, >>21010313, >>21010119, >>21011162 No Offense

>>21009857, >>21009767, >>21010084, >>21009939, >>21010174 PF Reports

>>21009718, >>21009721, >>21009726, >>21010048, >>21010436, >>21010449, >>21011008 Swamp

>>21009663, >>21009642, >>21009636, >>21009626, >>21009622, >>21009576, >>21009838, >>21011154, >>21011157 Inflation Memes




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f74517 No.21011186



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39ca19 No.21011187

File: fcf7a991f7b80f7⋯.jpg (111.12 KB,1040x586,520:293,00000000000000000000000000….jpg)

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421598 No.21011189

File: ef4a1adf7220a9c⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,1328x720,83:45,9V85lnS8_devsKoK.mp4)

This isn't Star Wars, this is what happens when Satanists write scripts claiming to be within the Star Wars universe.

The result: Cringefest of demonic cult imagery.

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1c2838 No.21011190


>Check that 6 digit palindrome. "30"

copy and paste, imagine what would become of such file transfer operation, it seems like someone might actually kys over this down in a bunker somewhere.

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dbdc08 No.21011192

File: 97740acf79019f7⋯.jpg (182.79 KB,1024x1024,1:1,F_O9zpcWYAApaSG.jpg)

Keep up the guud working cleaning up the spam, BVs. You're doing such a guud job you may even get a GM from me.

GB (You)

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e467e5 No.21011193

File: 3b57c7f9a1b0bfa⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,640x270,64:27,Pepe_Gladiator_Entertained.mp4)

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3d221a No.21011196

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,a2.png)

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af528d No.21011199



is that the best gaslighting you can do?

a stongly worded red txt post!


u still don't know history and the sauce is their holy book, my current sears catalogue. you prolly aren't smart enough to see the connotation of the toilet paper reference so i'll mansplain it to you karen, the qoran aka my current roll of toilet paper!

carry on karen, some day you will be smart

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2670bc No.21011201

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3d221a No.21011203

File: f06c870fda6e808⋯.png (327.24 KB,749x533,749:533,f06c870fda6e808e92236d0514….png)



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dbdc08 No.21011204



Funny how the spam shills call baker a famefag when no evidence of that exists.

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3d221a No.21011207


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6c9ef3 No.21011210


>the sauce is their holy book

Then you should be able to sauce it in that book.

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2e2869 No.21011213

File: e8762ed09578fb3⋯.png (191.36 KB,509x838,509:838,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cabeb8abd3097f⋯.png (95.12 KB,371x467,371:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a74e60dac8af548⋯.png (13.48 KB,508x208,127:52,ClipboardImage.png)

Todays Deltas.

God Speed

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dbdc08 No.21011215


Keep up the guud work you know Q and Patriots and the world is watching

God bless

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35350d No.21011216

File: 7f79508fc2f64e2⋯.png (313.15 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_2270.png)




CH Release

Key documents from each agency can be viewed below:

DOJ documents can be found here

Lync and text messages between and among DOJ and FBI employees from 6/27/16 to 1/2/18

Emails about FBI’s receipt of Fusion GPS thumb drive

Miles Taylor April 2017 FBI FD-302

FBI documents can be found here

Lync and text messages from eight DOJ/FBI employees including Trisha Anderson, James Baker, Carl Ghattas, Stephen Laycock, James Comey, Michael Steinbach, E.W. Priestap, and Andrew McCabe from 7/15/16 to 5/29/18

12/28/16 Email from Benjamin Wittes to James Comey; Email between Comey and Andrew McCabe

Lync messages of James Baker from 12/29/16 to 8/14/17 and text messages of James Comey from 9/7/16 to 1/11/17

Heavily redacted Peter Strzok Emails from January 2017

Andrew McCabe Lync/text messages from 6/8/15 to 3/14/18

Crossfire Hurricane file update regarding Department of State employees’ knowledge of FBI relationship with Christopher Steele

Lync/text messages of Peter Strzok from 2/13/16 to 12/6/17

Text messages from DOJ/FBI employees Randall Coleman from 8/3/15 to 12/5/16, Carl Ghattas on 11/30/17, Charles McGonical from 10/29/16 to 5/24/17, and Charles Spencer from 10/24/16 to 11/9/16

Department of State documents can be found here. These include Jonathan Winer, Victoria Nuland, Kathleen Kavalec emails regarding Christopher Steele’s Orbis reports.

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3d221a No.21011217

File: 5e83dd2d7ee6266⋯.gif (571.15 KB,220x220,1:1,1a11.gif)

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421598 No.21011219


You skeered

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3a89ea No.21011221

File: 5504a2c27d54f6c⋯.webm (850.02 KB,427x240,427:240,almost_there.webm)

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865d7d No.21011225

Anon hasnt seen this much spammin and such since anon was an early lurker

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e467e5 No.21011228

File: 83bf7aa816f11b3⋯.png (1.83 MB,498x326,249:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d4472 No.21011232

File: a83eab555806a48⋯.png (103.65 KB,504x365,504:365,a10a.png)




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bcd042 No.21011233

#25765 >>21009395


Q Research General #25766: Dubs Confirm House votes on holding Garland in contempt #Garland Edition




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2e2869 No.21011235

File: 77c232a21545692⋯.png (66.97 KB,1222x401,1222:401,ClipboardImage.png)

Moar deltas

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2bb980 No.21011238


you should be able to internet

instead you choose to be faggot

careful, they will throw you off a roof

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2d4472 No.21011240

File: 9783f9ee68e2770⋯.gif (935.54 KB,200x88,25:11,1a8.gif)



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6c9ef3 No.21011243


As usual no sauce, just attacks

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3a89ea No.21011246

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingsupes2.jpg)


Silence, failfag. Remember your mimicry crusade you started last year after the MuhJoo global was added and you just couldn't stand the taunting anymoar? Whatever happened to that? Why did you give up? Sucking up to the BV's to try and blend in won't save you, fuckface.

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e467e5 No.21011249

File: 95555b8c748b6b2⋯.mp4 (11.91 MB,640x480,4:3,Meet_Your_Strawman_480p.mp4)


End of Bread Filler

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fa16b5 No.21011251

File: e2514aad4c17940⋯.jpeg (34.61 KB,474x209,474:209,IMG_1973.jpeg)

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c23f5e No.21011252


You could look it up yourself. Or you could just keep playing this sauce game.


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2e2869 No.21011254

File: 614b39124f0e44d⋯.png (50.84 KB,582x591,194:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7eaeebbd3dcb4ba⋯.png (165.5 KB,408x872,51:109,ClipboardImage.png)

A lot of Deltas on Jun 12.

Q was busy that day.

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2aa007 No.21011255

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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