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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,iwo_QR1.jpg)

7d6720 No.20998562 [View All]

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5744bc No.20999528


A lot of fake Christians also

Not the making mistakes through life, trying to do better and the power of forgiveness

But literal Lucifer worshippers at church leadership and Deacon levels

The satanic cult loves the baaaaaptist church

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6aeb3a No.20999529

File: cf09c5d2f4fda5b⋯.png (594.26 KB,640x783,640:783,Flat_Earth_Society.png)

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cdb82e No.20999530

File: f388219bd17b252⋯.jpg (173.42 KB,1088x1200,68:75,photo_2024_06_10_04_19_41.jpg)

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8f1ce2 No.20999531


When you at war don't waste your time on humor its 3 year's now

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04e664 No.20999533

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Happening_10.jpg)

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efc94b No.20999534



You're silly.

We should rip a bong together and see how silly we both get. I'd like to buy the world a toke, and create harmony.

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25652a No.20999535

File: 6783f268a4cd30a⋯.jpeg (454.4 KB,1151x621,1151:621,460354C5_87AD_40E8_9847_6….jpeg)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,D00A9BD4_B3F9_43A3_87D4_B5….png)


She also did not have EXEC1F as call sign and that is something she rarely gets on Intl flights

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5f8358 No.20999536


>Flat Earth + Nuclear

Fallout Earth.

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981bf2 No.20999537

File: 0cdbfefd694eac1⋯.jpg (72.41 KB,384x627,128:209,Screen_Shot_2024_06_10_at_….jpg)


Having listened to NG, anon comprehends more clearly, why Edwin Louis Cole stated in his book Courage a book for Champions, that masturbation is a counterfeit to Prayer.

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0a160b No.20999538

File: 97b0f337696457d⋯.png (305.21 KB,1584x1584,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Jesus was the Turning Point.

John the Baptist told the Pharisees that God could make sons of Abraham out of stones if He wanted to.

When the Jews nowadays call themselves God's Chosen People, they don't even understand what they are talking about because they deny Jesus as the Promised Messiah.

God used them to bring about the Promised Messiah. He revealed Himself to them. He chose to reveal Himself to them. He chose to use them to bring about Jesus, the Promised Messiah. But they need to believe.

Whether they are genetically Jewish or not, does not matter. It never did matter. The only thing that mattered is that Jesus was Jewish.

There are people who try to say that Jesus wasn't Jewish and try to muddy the water with semantics.

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04e664 No.20999539

File: 5b82ebdeb62699e⋯.jpg (89.63 KB,600x700,6:7,shut_your_mouth_get_your_c….jpg)


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08dfc6 No.20999540


>literal Lucifer worshippers at church leadership and Deacon levels



minimize keystrokes and just say FREEMASONS

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8f1ce2 No.20999541


i can't buy house to buy world

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9c14ea No.20999542

File: 3b091ec7ed87f99⋯.png (434.76 KB,830x954,415:477,biden.png)

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981a64 No.20999543

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.gif (2.88 MB,422x234,211:117,d7d1f63c4be621ccbd70bf715a….gif)

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0a160b No.20999545



We are all descendants of Noah.

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25652a No.20999546


It’s been fucked since the Credit market split from SP500 over 10 years ago.

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5d5592 No.20999547


Even better if your Trench Coat has the "D" Rings still!

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8f1ce2 No.20999549


no i guess

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968105 No.20999550


You should get to know them and then you will see. The real Jews (Hispanic Americans) have always loved Jesus.

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04e664 No.20999551

File: cd7e0fa0574659f⋯.jpg (139.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1510729794667.jpg)

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8f1ce2 No.20999552


your time is up


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0a160b No.20999553


Then they should call themselves Christians.

Do they call themselves Christians?

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e9f88d No.20999554


#25753 >>20998566

>>20998575, >>20998591 "Russian fleet deployed to Caribbean Sea"

>>20998582 "Thousands of Beloved Joshua Trees to Be Chopped Down in Maniacal CA Solar Energy Push"

>>20998619 Trump will speak to a Christian group that calls for abortion to be ‘eradicated entirely’

>>20998656 Trump set for probation hearing ahead of sentencing in hush money case

>>20998661 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20998709 The 51 ‘Intel Officials’ Who Called Hunter’s Hard Drive ‘Russia DisInfo’ Still Won’t Apologize, Despite The Laptop Being Authenticated by Biden’s Own DOJ.

>>20998711 Whistleblower Working Close With Bill Clinton Says Clinton Was Laundering Money, Making Huge Payoffs, Doing Illegal Favors For Campaign Support, Signing Off On Massive Cocaine Deals & More


>>20998754 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sh2-132: The Lion Nebula

>>20998898 PlaneFaggin’: Europe-Swiss left Chișinău, Dutch left Rzeszow after stop/drop, some Black Sea area departs

>>20998915 Meme Focus

>>20998946, >>20998958 The right wing’s gains in the European elections are a logical pushback against leaders that care more for Kiev than their own citizens

>>20999014 EU: Scholz and Macron belong to ‘ash heap of history’

>>20999094, >>20999097 The haunting connection between UFOs and America's nuclear weapons is laid bare in fascinating new study which concludes: They're trying to stop us from annihilating ourselves???

>>20999179 PlaneFaggin’:CONUS activity-Czechs arrived at JBA,ACs used in Paris trip W-SPAR15 to Scott AFB, VENUS28 was the JCOS AC in Europe

>>20999198 @usairforce A joint team of @afglobalstrike #Airmen & @SpaceForceDoD #Guardians launched two unarmed Minuteman III ICBMs last week

>>20999236 @I_Corps Putting teamwork to the test 💪

>>20999258 Barclays Warns Treasuries Overhaul Will Stunt Systematic Trading

>>20999300 BRICS member nations – and another 13 countries interested in collaborating with the anti-Western bloc – convened in Russia on Monday for a meeting

>>20999330 PF: Gitmo express on route…

>>20999357 Ohio sheriff calls for death penalty to be renewed amid soaring illegal alien crime

>>20999454 Mimsy: Ukraine is a ‘gold mine’, vast mineral resources

>>20999457 Goldman Agrees With Trump That Biden's Executive Order To Stop The Invasion Is BS

>>20999491, >>20999546, JPMorgan Warns of a Shock to Stock Market’s Calm From CPI, Fed

>>20999518 Aircraft carrying Malawi vice president goes missing

>>20999535 PF: She also did not have EXEC1F as call sign and that is something she rarely gets on Intl flights


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a9eb0b No.20999555

File: 4b98790aeab4779⋯.png (443.15 KB,500x543,500:543,ClipboardImage.png)

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5744bc No.20999556


Not all Freemasons are pedophiles

But all Freemasons need to hear about the pedophiles running freemasonry

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e6e7e1 No.20999557

File: 4f66382c8add261⋯.png (2.79 MB,1280x800,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d237f489276c190⋯.png (2.71 MB,1280x800,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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08dfc6 No.20999558

nearly 300 deletions in this bread


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859044 No.20999560

When this is over and debts are being paid. What should happen to the shills?

Is it actually against the law to shill for the Satanists?

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968105 No.20999561


Jesus had a MASSIVE following … of real Jews.

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08dfc6 No.20999563


the literal Lucifer worshipers in Baptist church leadership are all Freemasons

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0983c2 No.20999564


Shut your antisemite.

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acd502 No.20999565

File: db5cf36ccab4320⋯.png (128.22 KB,440x740,22:37,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Plane carrying Malawi's Vice President (VP) Saulos Chilima went off the radar and cannot be tracked, search and rescue operations underway


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0a160b No.20999566


Yes. And they became known as Christians.

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04e664 No.20999567

File: 76f45dbae6d51fe⋯.png (1.84 MB,1010x1163,1010:1163,1510729648112.png)


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5d5592 No.20999568


When Bernanke went ZIRP? Yass. Now that some juice has been re-introduced, bond market has some of the old traders back in, just fewer Prop Desks, because they're based in London, now. No reportee under Volcker Rule. (Did not help mkt "stability", IMOO.Now positions are all about Hide N Seek>)

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8f1ce2 No.20999569


What about misianic people

the blacks in somewhere

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e6e7e1 No.20999570

File: 88c6e66079ed06e⋯.png (163.66 KB,606x569,606:569,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4e603e72821a87⋯.png (141.13 KB,574x550,287:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ee340 No.20999571


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968105 No.20999573


Read the Bible. You should already know what it says. Then go and talk with the native Hispanic Americans. You have much to learn.

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1e249a No.20999574

File: 28ab03f5bd9d640⋯.png (433.1 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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436d75 No.20999575


Law is of least concern for those who would willfully stoke hell's fires.

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a9eb0b No.20999577

File: a0b709b0e37b9f9⋯.png (404.45 KB,547x381,547:381,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6db34593efbac6⋯.png (62.09 KB,1600x800,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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25652a No.20999579

File: ccac6e27ee3707a⋯.png (54.63 KB,362x294,181:147,F59C785F_5329_48F5_9DC4_9D….png)

Mebby you should stop spamming it then

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e9f88d No.20999580

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d20cf6 No.20999581

File: a3db5a7c55e6c62⋯.png (184.65 KB,492x402,82:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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968105 No.20999582


I thought they were pretending to be Egyptian now.

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e9f88d No.20999583

migrate. lockin up

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08dfc6 No.20999584


faggots will fag

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5744bc No.20999585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just heard and watched this 'comedy' of Jackie MASON. It was ok, but worth a download and watch to read between the lines of comedy.

For example

Mason says if you could get the Queen of England in private she would speak Yiddish

What kind of joke is that?

He talks to the audience like theyve never explored been outside

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