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File: d34ad7d6a5268f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

af1e2b No.20992629 [View All]

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701 posts and 438 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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72fded No.20993392

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f51c5c No.20993393


>feel bad

Then you are brainwashed.

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d2f7e8 No.20993394


why is this clown not deleted with 171 posts?

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f51c5c No.20993395


Don't call for Censorship here, NAZI.

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2aa64c No.20993396

File: 657a1ed8346a929⋯.png (703.27 KB,962x599,962:599,jones187c.png)

File: 8201fe0c0348210⋯.mp4 (3 MB,634x360,317:180,8201fe0c03482109380ba5a95a….mp4)

These people are sick…

Ivan Raiklin and Alex Jones take on if they Assassinate Donald Trump

timestamp: 00:00:47 Alex Jones "If they kill him, that's the best case scenario, on a sick level…"….




Ivan Raiklin in Studio on Infowars with Alex Jones 2:20 PM · Feb 2, 2024

X · ZcohenCNN 140+ likes · 1 year ago

6 committee hearing as author of “Pence Card” memo. That memo outlined a plan similar to what's under scrutiny by federal prosecutors/special …

(19) What we know about Ivan Raiklin and the "Pence Card" CNN.com

https://www.cnn.com › january-6-hearings-june-16

Jun 17, 2022 — The memo outlined a theory that the vice president could block certification of the election results on Jan. 6. Raiklin has worked with Flynn …

Ivan Raiklin - Trump Is Ready To Play The Pence Card … Audacy

https://www.audacy.com › podcasts › X22 Report

Today's Guest: Ivan Raiklin Twitter: Twitter.com/@raiklin Ivan Is A Former Green Beret Commander And A Constitution Lawyer. Ivan Discusses How The …

Ivan Raiklin IMDb

https://www.imdb.com › name

Ivan Raiklin. Self: The Lindell Report. Ivan Raiklin was born on 29 February 1976.

Ivan Raiklin Ballotpedia

https://ballotpedia.org › Ivan_Raiklin

Incumbent Tim Kaine defeated Corey Stewart and Matt Waters in the general election for U.S. Senate Virginia on November 6, 2018. Candidate. %. Elections · ‎2018

Donor: Ivan Raiklin The Virginia Public Access Project

https://www.vpap.org › donors › 320467-ivan-raiklin

… Donations made by committees associated with Ivan Raiklin. Raiklin for US Senate - Ivan. METHODOLOGY: Donations on this page are reported by the recipient.

Published Calendar - Ivan Raiklin - Outlook Office 365 Microsoft

https://outlook.office365.com › owa › calendar › cale…

Today… February 2024.. Month . Print. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Jan 28. 29.

Unraveling J6 & Putting the DoD on Notice | Ivan Raiklin & … Spreaker

https://www.spreaker.com › episode › unraveling-j6-p…

https://annvandersteel.com https://annvandersteel.substack.com https://RightNow.News HARD HITTING TRUTH AND PERSONAL IMPACT STORIES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE …

Mel K w/ Ivan Raiklin & Boone Cutler Podbean

https://www.podbean.com › player-v2

Mel K w/ Ivan Raiklin & Boone Cutler | Ghosts in the Machine, Cognitive Warfare & the Path Forward. Play. Current Time 0:00. Loaded: 0%. Remaining Time - …

Ivan Raiklin Delmarva Public Media

https://www.delmarvapublicmedia.org › tags › ivan-ra…

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - A Virginia Republican is suing to try and get on the primary ballot for a U.S. Senate race.Ivan Raiklin filed a lawsuit in federal …

Ivan Raiklin Medium · Ivan Raiklin

3.1K+ followers

Read writing from Ivan Raiklin on Medium. Recovering Lawyer Diplomat Green Beret⚔️ #LifeHacker who accidentally ran 50 miles once Hablo español …

Ivan Raiklin: Federal Candidate - VPAP The Virginia Public Access Project

https://www.vpap.org › federal › 320467-ivan-raiklin

Michael Flynn hosting press-free event with Ivan Raiklin … Providence Journal

https://www.providencejournal.com › news › 2023/09/14

Sep 14, 2023 — Flynn will be speaking at the Park Theatre in Cranston with retired Lt. Col. Ivan E. Raiklin.

Ivan Raiklin - Add Relationship LittleSis

https://littlesis.org › person › 413821-Ivan_Raiklin

Ivan Raiklin. Constitutional Attorney, former Green Beret, Flynn Org operative. Republican Candidate for US Senate, State of Virgina. https://richmond.com …

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e5e83f No.20993397


It was the Trump administration, the buck stops with Donnie

Warp Speed enabled the creation of the Moderna gene therapy poison

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f51c5c No.20993398


Claiming the dough


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72fded No.20993399


no you are, attention whore!

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49b461 No.20993400


Saw the shill that posts that quantum grammar Ghoul crap run up to 150 posts before. Most likely the handler of that shill persona.

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2aa64c No.20993401

File: 6bd8963b4fdb086⋯.png (676.22 KB,592x770,296:385,fuhkek2.png)

File: e067e3f6da5fe5c⋯.png (907.3 KB,640x1559,640:1559,3d.png)

File: dc4d49ab2abb520⋯.png (2.2 MB,2521x1362,2521:1362,00000000000000000000000000….png)

File: 18139d452c81350⋯.png (394.53 KB,810x938,405:469,3e.png)

File: d945ebdaeba027c⋯.png (931.99 KB,590x770,59:77,fuhkek2b.png)

2 real American Hero's discussing Jan 06 and Potus


I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like Trump



FLYNN - JONES - 2024!

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f51c5c No.20993402

Anons, learn to bake please. UNITY.

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3a9347 No.20993403

File: ac7889401b4f051⋯.png (57.76 KB,247x202,247:202,pepe_meh.png)


Between him and the other guy (134) they've eaten up about half of the bread.

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692b79 No.20993404

File: 62f6cee7a6edc82⋯.png (47.59 KB,895x472,895:472,mis.PNG)


Power & Market

It’s the Fed That’s a Risk to Financial Stability

It’s the Fed That’s a Risk to Financial Stability

06/06/2024 • Power & Market • Alex J. Pollock

Print this page

Published in The New York Sun:

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e79f0c No.20993405


coz the poster of those 170 + posts is a site admin of course!

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33fedc No.20993406


It's Sunday morning and a very slow bread.

Wait until rally bread today, shills cannot keep up when breads flying with real anons posting here.

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d2f7e8 No.20993407


not calling for 'censorship', clown.

there is a rule: once someone reaches 10 % of posts They are deleted.

it's a rule. It's a well known rule.

and doing that isn't censorship.

I didn't make the rule. I don't agree with the rule, but you obviously violate it now and yet you are not being deleted.

and I am wondering why.

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f51c5c No.20993408


No one needs your attention. The information will be shared regardless. But focus your complaints on me, because it takes the heat off Anons.

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2aa64c No.20993409

File: 57f7bb728f6dfa8⋯.png (423.67 KB,1024x768,4:3,1bb.png)




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72fded No.20993410



he is going to bake now?!


honestly? why not start your own board and you can fill it yourself!

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2a67f7 No.20993411



The current QR Admin is entering the Absentee Landlord stage of their reign.

Totally predictable based upon board history.

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e79f0c No.20993412


A glowie in here claims he is dropping intel next bread, go figure

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4b43fd No.20993413

he'll notable 50 of his posts


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2aa64c No.20993414

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

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f51c5c No.20993415


This is where I'm supposed to be. Deal with it.

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2aa64c No.20993416

File: a7313fff659fbcc⋯.jpg (8.2 KB,236x177,4:3,3z9.jpg)


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e79f0c No.20993417


I have noticed the current BO is rarely around, unless it is to delete posts on the sly

Probably has PTSD or PMS or both

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2a67f7 No.20993418


Ebot holds the record at 300-something from some extra sleepy GY back in '19.

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2aa64c No.20993419

File: 4242e3d7cd774db⋯.gif (236.4 KB,500x281,500:281,3.gif)


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e79f0c No.20993420


kek, like yesterday

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c8447f No.20993421

File: 4152e3e5e547b2c⋯.gif (1.1 MB,480x268,120:67,hes_not_wrong.gif)

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72fded No.20993423


a baker on meth

good to know

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692b79 No.20993424

File: 02df3badf1bf652⋯.png (1.93 MB,1053x858,27:22,sp.PNG)

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49b461 No.20993425


>and I am wondering why.

Still early. BV's might be sleeping still, hence why they're running their posts so high.

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d2f7e8 No.20993426


even though they claim to be the same crew it seems to me that they were deposed in early March around the time of the GM fetish posters.

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c8447f No.20993427

File: c4db16fab4ba4f4⋯.png (1.18 MB,1125x957,375:319,pepe_taking_out_the_trash_….png)

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72fded No.20993428


and after 177 posts you ip hop just to confirm yourself?


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2aa64c No.20993430

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)





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cf62e3 No.20993432

File: 2600d520b3a98af⋯.png (504.18 KB,564x401,564:401,2600d520b3a98af53677f0971b….png)

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4f28b4 No.20993434



BV Fema is currently the post deleter

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47c9aa No.20993435


stolt to share memewisdoms

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0410c2 No.20993436

File: e4628002eb8c806⋯.png (456.75 KB,437x548,437:548,ClipboardImage.png)

The Israeli massacre that succeeded in rescuing 4 hostages led to the killing of other hostages who were in the area at the time. The humanitarian aid pier in Gaza reconstruction happened one day before the massacre.

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663a19 No.20993437


“Him” ? -> it . Ai hath no soul , neither do commies trannies etc. it’s amusing at this point. Like we been given our own fully trained ai’s to play with. KEK

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2a67f7 No.20993438


nice GM

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2a67f7 No.20993440


IIRC that's one of Jim's GVs

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d41a3b No.20993442


Try harder, glowfag.

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f51c5c No.20993443

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d2f7e8 No.20993444


on Oct 7?

oh, you call the rescue a 'massacre?'


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49b461 No.20993445

File: 1f22960e36504f6⋯.gif (5.12 MB,540x400,27:20,1f22960e36504f65d35c5a5e8a….gif)

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f51c5c No.20993446

God Wins.

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f80cc1 No.20994428

File: 8c6148dd109c425⋯.png (344.9 KB,1080x953,1080:953,ClipboardImage.png)

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