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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

6220c7 No.20985909 [View All]

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701 posts and 509 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d0eb7a No.20986722

File: 3559acfb730c612⋯.jpg (472.94 KB,1978x1611,1978:1611,Blackflix_04_LOTR.jpg)

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860716 No.20986723



They hide their crimes behind redaction and classification.

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2d1001 No.20986724

File: 916b54e43611e9b⋯.png (652.65 KB,647x500,647:500,34r6.png)

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7e23c5 No.20986725


Sorry, that’s a no.

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000d56 No.20986726


>Big news. NY Supreme Court reportedly told Judge Merchan that a relative of a juror made a comment on Facebook the day before the verdict saying that they were told that the Jury would convict Trump.

Because of the illegal gag order, he wasn't allowed to defend himself, call witnesses, or speak about the case. There was only one outcome because Merchant set it up that way, they are all guilty of conspiracy and treason.

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d0eb7a No.20986727

File: 19c4d012a278dc8⋯.jpeg (197.82 KB,716x1044,179:261,Hunter_Redacted_.JPEG)

File: b34a887e20d92c5⋯.jpg (164.09 KB,1088x1368,136:171,Redacted_04_Hunter.JPG)

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4486eb No.20986728

File: 89a851b5379b2da⋯.png (435.55 KB,648x614,324:307,pr.PNG)


A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back


By Zac Bowden

published 2 days ago

The world is up-in-arms over Windows Recall, but why? It stems from Microsoft's seeming lack of care for Windows and its users.

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a0b4bb No.20986729


dey wuz kangz!

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6d3f3f No.20986730

File: 8e420147b6cc794⋯.gif (466.89 KB,498x280,249:140,EE686836_A74F_4521_9844_56….gif)


Mebby a little bigger than those.

Been in enough of those in bad weather and not fun at all


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a0b4bb No.20986731


only softcocks use windows

100% spyware

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2708ed No.20986732

File: b7e3abdf81a40ce⋯.jpeg (74.19 KB,680x604,170:151,b7e3abdf81a40ceb7e2831157….jpeg)

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000d56 No.20986733

>>20986260 NCSWIC

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5b4dff No.20986734

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a0b4bb No.20986735


get lost shill

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54b40b No.20986736

File: bb61595b0b583d7⋯.png (916.95 KB,669x670,669:670,ClipboardImage.png)

supreme court is a 3 year wait to any case.

this meme sums up the appellate court.

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6d3f3f No.20986737


No matter what you use

Everything haz back doors

Trick is to use one that haz nothing on it that you can afford to lose

That’s not easy for most but can be done

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d4d84d No.20986738


then can haz woodchipper?

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623e65 No.20986739

File: f056ff0316a58a2⋯.png (236.74 KB,972x748,243:187,ClipboardImage.png)

Damage control


it's classified for 75 years.

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d0eb7a No.20986740

File: ef35461921bf39a⋯.jpg (110.2 KB,533x800,533:800,Jimmy_Biden_04_Predator.JPG)

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8a55bd No.20986741

File: 2fec591d59074d4⋯.jpg (42.79 KB,257x580,257:580,FAIR_WARNING.jpg)

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d4d84d No.20986742


#25738 >>20985925

>>20985952 Biden mocks his supporter for being poor and calls him a "lying dog faced pony soldier" for wanting him to sign his two baseballs

>>20985958, >>20985963 He has no idea what he's talking about. That's a troll he's describing. Shitposting is a art unto itself

>>20986055 Video: Farage going scorched earth on the vaccines and deaths, plus the tories lies

>>20986060 National Security Council. Why aren't they being grilled in Congress for COVID policies?

>>20986077 @Jim_Jordan Demands Dr. Fauci Appear for Transcribed Interview About Censorship Efforts During COVID-19

>>20986156 MAGA Crazees agree > Words Matter - There are 2 different screen shots of post about Trump Juror

>>20986170 There's something sketchy about this…. Merchan made this public for a reason…. There's something bigger being diluted

>>20986182 @DiamondandSilk - Chelsea Handler, Are you a prostitute or just one of the gatekeepers for the Democrat Plantation?

>>20986194 And We Know: Gag order DELTA, Silicone Valley changing? Election interference, DECLAS comms, Pray!

>>20986208 WarRoom: Boris Epshteyn Reports Georgia Court Of Appeals Has HALTED Fani Willis Case Against President Trump

>>20986228 Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar Accurately Predicted Death of CNN Anchor Drew Griffin During Interview

>>20986241 Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Documentary Exposing Radical Islam

>>20986248 These are the headlines around the World that are NOT being shown to America as they fraudulently convict President Trump

>>20986258 The NY Supreme Court notified Merchan of the Trump verdict Facebook post - That gives him few options aside from a mistrial

>>20986260 Governor Kevin Stitt Signs into Law the State is Exempt from ALL Mandates & Recommendations

>>20986263 President Trump Dominates Arizona | Charlie Kirk Previews ‘The People’s Convention’ In One Week

>>20986282 PF Mexican Navy ANX-01 Learjet 35 back to Mex (and just after the ‘selection’ of Shinebaum)

>>20986304 keks: 🚨BREAKING: American citizens paint 1,954-mile long Pride flag along the U.S./Mexico border so the government will finally arrest those walking over it.

>>20986344 Meta removes anti-Pride child protection event on Instagram for supposedly “violating local law”

>>20986451 PACAF retweet of @EielsonAirForce

>>20986535 Toyota testing scandal wipes $18bn from market cap

>>20986649 George Conway tells The Daily Show that after the election "we still have to live with those people [Trump supporters] and we are going to have to deprogram them at some point."

>>20986685, >>20986708 Joe Biden essentially plagiarized Ronald Reagan’s famous 1984 speech at Pointe du Hoc today


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3bfa9a No.20986743

File: 114bb85ee4a4cf4⋯.mp4 (7.02 MB,720x1280,9:16,the_mentally_retarded.mp4)

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574c5e No.20986744


get your booster

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09288d No.20986745

File: 736bcf0ca0a36f7⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,bill_gates_covid_not_very_….mp4)


I'm going to change my computers over to linux. Not doing win 11.

If I wanted a fucking mac I'd get a fucking mac

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4486eb No.20986746

File: 04dbb21488ad99f⋯.png (711.21 KB,1029x688,1029:688,eep.PNG)

File: 79ef5d61859a1ae⋯.png (265.26 KB,538x571,538:571,ru.PNG)


The regime is cooking up its biggest and bloodiest election plot yet and Americans are sleepwalking right into it…

June 7, 2024 (9 hours ago)

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200e66 No.20986747

File: ec6363d440c3a9d⋯.jpeg (961.11 KB,2160x1348,540:337,IMG_0897.jpeg)

File: 54247b81bafd5ec⋯.jpeg (928.6 KB,2160x1424,135:89,IMG_0898.jpeg)

File: 4e716fc60021300⋯.jpeg (867.59 KB,2160x1435,432:287,IMG_0899.jpeg)


Media Ute tries to prove it’s not copied, but actually proves it is


Clay Travis Bizarrely Accuses Biden of Plagiarizing Ronald Reagan After Reciting Same Historic Facts About D-Day

Jamie FreveleJun 7th, 2024, 2:54 pm

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3a6dc8 No.20986749

so with windows recall i can go back and look at a movie of ecerything i did on my computer like if i need to find a website 5 days later

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1cf97b No.20986751

File: cfd6edf15957343⋯.jpg (37.46 KB,727x423,727:423,multi_D_resonanc.jpg)

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d0eb7a No.20986752

File: 8278bc8840ee6c7⋯.gif (736.71 KB,416x238,208:119,Bakers_Last_Orders_Bell.GIF)

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45d083 No.20986753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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de8cbb No.20986754


Excellent the fake betrayer rulers are losing in Europe! Merkle party losing

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ec41a9 No.20986755


Now that’s using your noodle.

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574c5e No.20986756

File: 1ee8118cb516e46⋯.jpeg (66.23 KB,474x592,237:296,IMG_0518.jpeg)

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3bfa9a No.20986757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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574c5e No.20986758


Win 11…the nsa can recall everything you did

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3a6dc8 No.20986760

if you go on 8chan on win 11 it makes a movie of all the memes you like

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574c5e No.20986762

File: c48c43e0c6eb722⋯.jpeg (57.58 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_0519.jpeg)


never forget

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d4d84d No.20986763

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6d3f3f No.20986764

File: 062adcf3f1cb011⋯.jpeg (27.29 KB,253x254,253:254,FF505CB6_B47E_4A9A_B532_3….jpeg)


I’d pay to watch that

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951120 No.20986765

File: cd422e444bb9b6e⋯.png (406.83 KB,640x427,640:427,3231171656_0154c649cb_z.png)


Ah, an old friend

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61a747 No.20986766

Is the narrative ours? Makeup gag order seemed well intended. Not really good with shows.

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10e57e No.20986767

File: efc80018db70a66⋯.jpg (379.4 KB,1024x1024,1:1,efc80018db70a664ce15f464d3….jpg)

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83b157 No.20986768

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9cbcfc No.20986769

File: 2d529783475f3a9⋯.png (160.91 KB,523x305,523:305,fuck_you_fbi.png)

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b5ebbb No.20986770

File: 0b3fba762959b51⋯.png (156.54 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5b6c7 No.20986772

File: a7bb523ab6324f1⋯.png (562.29 KB,1020x1280,51:64,ClipboardImage.png)


got a few floating around the network here, most of them are off most of the time!


learn Arch anon, then you can be an arch-anon

terribly bad pun


kali, arch, debian

top three for security

linux is best from the cli

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5b4dff No.20986773

File: f317a88a1cc33c4⋯.png (1.09 MB,1077x1094,1077:1094,f317a88a1cc33c4fded1b9962d….png)

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3a6dc8 No.20986774

got squatting j?

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61a747 No.20986775

Would I have made it out of the valley in 2022? Would the timeline have bent in two? Ambi Rolodex abridged

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ba2125 No.20986776


jim traficant


is this why he's dead

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