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cb8b40 No.20980848 [View All]

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701 posts and 145 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ec54c1 No.20981757


No please?

hope there's good food

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cb8b40 No.20981758

File: 8b56c21282dd555⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


#25732 >>20980854

>>20981458 Dr. Phil Sits Down With President Trump in Exclusive In-Depth Interview

>>20980988 Beau And Tim Davies Podcast discuss the events of D-Day, eighty years ago today.

>>20981106 The ANC party that freed South Africa from apartheid loses its 30-year majority in landmark election

>>20981341 CNN excitedly pushes narrative that Alex Jones is liquidating assets to pay off Sandy Hook families and that Jones will lose control of InfoWars

>>20981584 Another man who threatened then-Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs sentenced to prison

>>20981589 Lawrence Krauss, accused of sexual misconduct, received $250K from Jeffrey Epstein - July 12 2019

>>20981601 ARIZONA GOVERNOR KATIE HOBBS BUSTED TAKING $400,000 IN APPARENT BRIBE FOR STATE CONTRACTS… DOJ responds with a sternly worded letter! What a joke!

>>20981610 Illegal Invaders are rattled and unsure as deportations begin under new rule halting asylum

>>20981693 JIM WATKINS: I am sorry about the trouble with the media servers. It should start coming back up.

>>20981712 Biden to meet Zelenskiy in France with $225 million in military aid

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86e3a0 No.20981759




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8472e7 No.20981760

Shadow C


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1bd3c9 No.20981761

File: 397c65c6c77f1e8⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,886x472,443:236,JudithButler.mp4)

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4aee3d No.20981762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr Phil. Interview with Trump

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86e3a0 No.20981763

[Damagaes from sandy hook line and sinker?

1st ammendment]

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458318 No.20981764

so i've been using adblock plus to block elements here, tranny picks, cp pics, anything offensive gets zapped. best of all, if the OP uses the same image again… it's a no show!


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f50a9b No.20981765

Hidden Treasure

▶ Anonymous 4 minutes ago 458318 No.20981755

▶ Anonymous 4 minutes ago 86e3a0 No.20981756

▶ Anonymous 4 minutes ago ec54c1 No.20981757

▶ Anonymous 3 minutes ago cb8b40 No.20981758

▶ Anonymous 3 minutes ago 86e3a0 No.20981759

▶ Anonymous 3 minutes ago 8472e7 No.20981760

▶ Anonymous 2 minutes ago 1bd3c9 No.20981761

▶ Anonymous 2 minutes ago 4aee3d No.20981762

▶ Anonymous 2 minutes ago 86e3a0 No.20981763

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1bd3c9 No.20981766

File: d0645fceef94e06⋯.mp4 (11.41 MB,426x240,71:40,We_re_coming_for_your_chil….mp4)

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f93db4 No.20981767

In their strength they tell it, and in the weakness they ask.

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c471af No.20981768

File: e60089f52be1a5b⋯.jpeg (132.97 KB,393x312,131:104,7D19DF32_839D_41BC_B327_C….jpeg)

File: 46ed0d585972821⋯.jpeg (216.89 KB,828x1110,138:185,CE563F5E_370C_4C6B_8ECE_E….jpeg)

File: 653a040470f810f⋯.jpeg (515.69 KB,828x569,828:569,D2DE7B11_12C9_42A3_AF5B_9….jpeg)

File: 722a84a8f58798f⋯.jpeg (171.44 KB,419x450,419:450,205D48F2_626A_401E_B645_8….jpeg)

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86e3a0 No.20981769


[Fringe matters]

>I see you RFK Jr

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5c3be4 No.20981770


Sounds like Scotty from the Enterprise.

Under promise and over deliver.

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8d8706 No.20981771


>Best type of magnesium for absorption is magnesium chloride

nearly all magnesium salts are soluble

when they dissolve, they dissociate into magnesium ions and the negative counter ion

which salt you take is pretty much irrelevant

once in your stomach, they're ALL in the ionized form (Mg2+) ions

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f93db4 No.20981772

They need to sleep from being unconscious all day.

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c5a3a1 No.20981773


yo doge, self nomin this

>>20981272Trump isn't a convicted felon

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cb8b40 No.20981774

File: fd6993767ddce6e⋯.png (2.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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4aee3d No.20981775


Sandy Hook was probably the first conspiracy theory’ the DS pushed back hard on in recent history.

Then came Covid , and they got aggressive pushing back on it

Then, the stealing of 2020 election.

Covid unraveled on then.

In due time, so will the 2020 election. I do believe.

When will SN be exposed?

They feared it’s exposure

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5c3be4 No.20981776


Do a simple test of the different forms. For me, one Mg Oxide pill give me the shits every time. I can take quadruple the amount (in mg) of Mg chloride before getting the shits.

My two goto's are chloride and L-threonate. YMMV

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c5a3a1 No.20981777

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cb8b40 No.20981778


Ya know, I didn't wanna say anything, incase maybe it was mandella effect or something, but…


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084866 No.20981779

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f50a9b No.20981780

▶ Anonymous 6 minutes ago 1bd3c9 No.20981766

▶ Anonymous 5 minutes ago f93db4 No.20981767

▶ Anonymous 6 minutes ago c471af No.20981768

▶ Anonymous 5 minutes ago 86e3a0 No.20981769

▶ Anonymous 4 minutes ago 5c3be4 No.20981770

▶ Anonymous 4 minutes ago 8d8706 No.20981771

▶ Anonymous 2 minutes ago f93db4 No.20981772

▶ Anonymous 2 minutes ago c5a3a1 No.20981773

▶ Anonymous 2 minutes ago cb8b40 No.20981774

File (hide): fd6993767ddce6e⋯.png (2.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


▶ Anonymous 1 minute ago 4aee3d No.20981775

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4aee3d No.20981781


That’s what Trump said in his speech that got my attention.

Trump called his trial a hoax. Then he went on to say that IT ALL WAS A HOAX.

I believed he was telling us a lot with that statement.

911 hoax

SH. Hoax

Covid. Hoax

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8472e7 No.20981782





God Bless.

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580233 No.20981783

File: 8034b77c466697b⋯.png (658.92 KB,953x536,953:536,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c3be4 No.20981784


We're watching a movie.

It's ALL a hoax.

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c5a3a1 No.20981785


the Empire Of Lies as somebody or other called it

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cb8b40 No.20981786


#25732 >>20980854

>>20981272 Is Trump really a 'convicted felon' before the Judge delivers a judgment of guilt?

>>20981458 Dr. Phil Sits Down With President Trump in Exclusive In-Depth Interview

>>20980988 Beau And Tim Davies Podcast discuss the events of D-Day, eighty years ago today.

>>20981106 The ANC party that freed South Africa from apartheid loses its 30-year majority in landmark election

>>20981341 CNN excitedly pushes narrative that Alex Jones is liquidating assets to pay off Sandy Hook families and that Jones will lose control of InfoWars

>>20981584 Another man who threatened then-Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs sentenced to prison

>>20981589 Lawrence Krauss, accused of sexual misconduct, received $250K from Jeffrey Epstein - July 12 2019

>>20981601 ARIZONA GOVERNOR KATIE HOBBS BUSTED TAKING $400,000 IN APPARENT BRIBE FOR STATE CONTRACTS… DOJ responds with a sternly worded letter! What a joke!

>>20981610 Illegal Invaders are rattled and unsure as deportations begin under new rule halting asylum

>>20981693 JIM WATKINS: I am sorry about the trouble with the media servers. It should start coming back up.

>>20981712 Biden to meet Zelenskiy in France with $225 million in military aid


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b6fb8a No.20981787

Less than 10 can confirm Q.

Why is this relevant here, now?

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5c3be4 No.20981790


Same reason it's always been relevant. OP SEC.

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8d8706 No.20981791


power of suggestion/belief

your stomach is 0.1 molar hydrochloric acid (pH = 1)

magnesium oxide is INSTANTLY converted to "magnesium chloride" as soon as it reaches your stomach

the oxide anion is protonated and becomes WATER

magnesium is a well known laxative

too many mg gives everyone the shitz, regardless of the specific salt taken

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f93db4 No.20981792


Until you actually see witness someone who was killed.

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f50a9b No.20981794

▶ Anonymous 3 minutes ago 8472e7 No.20981782

▶ Anonymous 2 minutes ago c5a3a1 No.20981785

▶ Anonymous 2 minutes ago cb8b40 No.20981786

▶ Anonymous 1 minute ago b6fb8a No.20981787

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5008e0 No.20981795

Less than 10 on board right now. Not who (you) may think.

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5c3be4 No.20981796


Thanks pendantic anon.

You still missed muh point though.


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cb8b40 No.20981797

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b6fb8a No.20981798

FakeQ 1 > Fail

FakeQ 2 > Fail

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458318 No.20981799

File: a4be384453befee⋯.png (668.61 KB,720x663,240:221,ClipboardImage.png)

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5008e0 No.20981800


Learn to type out Fresh Bread, faggot.

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5008e0 No.20981802


Less than 10 on board.

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cb8b40 No.20981803

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c5a3a1 No.20981804


ty baker d, gn

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86e3a0 No.20981808




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f50a9b No.20981809

▶ Anonymous 6 minutes ago 5008e0 No.20981795

▶ Anonymous 5 minutes ago 5c3be4 No.20981796

▶ Anonymous 5 minutes ago cb8b40 No.20981797>>20981800 >>20981804








▶ Anonymous 5 minutes ago b6fb8a No.20981798>>20981802

▶ Anonymous 4 minutes ago 458318 No.20981799

▶ Anonymous 4 minutes ago 5008e0 No.20981800

▶ Anonymous 3 minutes ago 5008e0 No.20981802

▶ Anonymous 3 minutes ago cb8b40 No.20981803








▶ Anonymous 3 minutes ago c5a3a1 No.20981804

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cb8b40 No.20981811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7f2dcc No.20981813

observable lack.

doesn't know what it doesn't know…


covers poorly.

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7f2dcc No.20981814


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f50a9b No.20981815

▶ Anonymous 8 minutes ago cb8b40 No.20981803








▶ Anonymous 8 minutes ago c5a3a1 No.20981804>>20981809

▶Anonymous 6 minutes ago86e3a0 No.20981808

▶Anonymous (You) 4 minutes agof50a9b No.20981809


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