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File: 82cebf326cb1b3c⋯.png (79.08 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

15230f No.20980076 [View All]

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fa51e6 No.20980859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0bcb2 No.20980860


I like both of them

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eb1a64 No.20980861


no you,

do you have any idea who the enemy is.?

why anons visit 8kun

and spend all out time here gathering info.

hard enough dealing with the media and threats all around without having those we thought were anons shitting things up here

geez fucking child.

Get fucked and go and eat another doughnut.

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555107 No.20980862



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b1e0bf No.20980865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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555107 No.20980866

File: d9cd98819be648d⋯.gif (1.08 MB,1714257235982828.gif)

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746bae No.20980867

File: 279fe87ec6ee866⋯.jpg (243.54 KB,Screenshot_20240606_185223….jpg)

File: 1818ce21751ce8e⋯.jpg (12.35 KB,images_294_.jpg)

File: dd0a6457ab812c2⋯.jpg (6.85 MB,20240606_162812.jpg)

File: 1e630642d80c3fb⋯.jpg (6.18 MB,20240606_060450.jpg)

File: ddfe7b80ff82907⋯.jpg (5.43 KB,images_251_.jpg)

Since they didn't have a permit to rally in the park at Fort Mason, they were advised by rangers that they couldn't have groups larger than 20 people. They also couldn't use amplified public address systems.


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7add4e No.20980868

Where´s the manager?

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555107 No.20980869

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8b2a26 No.20980870

Greetings Anons!

Nice to type with you again

At first I thought is was just me, but I understand image server is borked again

Is it because:

A) Hunter's gun case is not going well for him?

B) Russia took Kharkov?

C) Somebody tried decades old F-16s on Russia and got spanked?

D) PDJT is about to crush some lawfare faggots?

E) Zelensky has realized he's toast and wants to set up a government in exile?

F) China said "yes, actually blockading Taiwan, whatchu gonna do roundeyes?

So many possibilities. Of course there's always where anons really make them panic and the shills can't keep up.

Gotta give credit to Media Matters and the affiliates Brock set up, here they are still trying to muh joo without their recycled images

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4b16bd No.20980871

zero situational awareness to boot.

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555107 No.20980873


Baker is on duty.

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b1e0bf No.20980874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f41c72 No.20980875

File: a3b94a39b735c22⋯.jpeg (199.92 KB,IMG_2907.jpeg)

File: 0ec7a365b4d7bb1⋯.png (250.9 KB,IMG_2908.png)

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File: abf28087462acf5⋯.png (301.07 KB,IMG_2911.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Ohio U.S. Senate Candidate Sherrod Brown Heavily Backed By Alex and George Soros

by Charles Downs | Apr 4, 2024 | General News |

As November’s election approaches, Ohio United States Senator Sherrod Brown is attempting to persuade Ohio voters that he is a “moderate Democrat.” However, Brown voted twice to convict President Trump and joined the Democrats’ efforts to remove Trump from office via the 25th Amendment. Brown also pushed the Trump-Russia collusion hoax created by Hillary Clinton and Adam Schiff. To make matters worse, Brown is heavily funded by George and Alex Soros. Brown’s support and close ties to the radical Left prove that he is just another yes-man for Chuck Schumer in the United States Senate.

FEC records show that George and Alex Soros have donated heavily to Friends of Sherrod Brown. The Soros family has donated to Friends of Sherrod Brown eight times since the start of 2023. Brown has been a long-time ally of the Soros family, as records also show that George Soros first gave to Brown in 2005. The Soros family has been infamous for funding soft-on crime district attorneys that have allowed cities like New York and Chicago to become crime-ridden. Soros also funded efforts to remove President Trump from the ballot. Clearly, the Soros family does not support Ohio values.

It should be no surprise that Brown is extremely anti-Trump. Brown pushed the Trump-Russia hoax, posting on X in 2017, “10 of my colleagues & I are calling for an independent investigation of Trump’s team’s collusion w/ Russia. Americans deserve the truth. -SB”

Brown’s Trump-Russia derangement continued as Brown voted to convict President Trump at his first impeachment trial over Trump’s perfect Ukraine phone call. In his statement supporting President Trump’s removal, Brown wrote, ” Trump refused a critical meeting with President Zelensky in the oval office – a meeting that would have signaled to the Kremlin that the United States supports Ukraine”

Brown also quoted Adam Schiff in his statement, “I think about the words of Adam Schiff in this chamber on Monday – “If you find that the House has proved its case and still vote to acquit, your name will be tied to his with a cord of steel and for all of history.”

On January 7th, 2021, before the United States House and Senate voted on President Trump’s J6-related impeachment charges, Brown endorsed a coup against Trump, writing, “President Trump must be removed from office for inciting yesterday’s violent insurrection. I am calling on the cabinet and vice president to immediately invoke the 25th Amendment.”

Ohio voters overwhelmingly voted for President Trump in 2016 and 2020. It’s disturbing, to say the least, that Ohio’s Senator wanted to remove Ohioans’ choice for President of the United States.

President Trump perfectly described Brown on TruthSocial, “Sherrod Brown, who has so poorly represented Ohio, and pretends that he’s all for the Policies of your Favorite President, Donald J. Trump, but then gets to the Senate and votes 100% for the horrendous Policies of Crooked Joe Biden, the worst President in the History of our Country. Don’t be fooled by Sherrod Brown. He is a Radical Left Liberal who will always let you down. He does not stand for Ohio Values, and never will. Bernie Moreno, on the other hand, will ALWAYS put America First.”

The facts are clear. Sherrod Brown is no friend to the people of Ohio.


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b5a906 No.20980876

Feel free to make all the speling errors you want or post your best ESL diatribe.

Grammy Cat can't do shit about it right now.

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7662d6 No.20980878


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e4bd2f No.20980880


Finland has 640,000 mink farmers? woo-ee.

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555107 No.20980881


> Media Matters and the affiliates

Jim mentioned ActBlue recently, said they're posting from london.


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b1e0bf No.20980882


U EVEN KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL UR OWN NIGGGER BABIES IN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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7add4e No.20980885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr Phill.

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9c7a16 No.20980888

File: 2141ef17f17e1c4⋯.gif (786.93 KB,1op7.gif)


>say no moar

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b5a906 No.20980889


>Not Notable

Anons have higher standards now.

Gonna hold out for the bullet points post.

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f19cab No.20980890

XXXXXXXXX0o:.cccccccccccc:;;,,,:;,,;cc:,.'. xWMMWNKkdl:,:c;'. ,doolc:;;cccc,l
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XXXXXX0'cccc'ccccccccc:',;;:ddxxOXWM. ; ,; XMMMMMMMMMK . x0 xMMMMMMMWMWkc
XXXXXK'cccccccccccccccccc:;cddddoooo;. dWMMMMMMMMW' 0MMMMWKkxdool
XXXXX::cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc;;,;;,,''':odk0KKKOxl;.. 'kXKOxl;:cc::,d
XXXXX'ccccccccccccccccc,::.ccc:.. ........ ...,;:cccccccccccc:;,,,,',,,,,,:XXX

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b1e0bf No.20980893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8b2a26 No.20980894


I seent the other night Brock did MM (and in theory bowed out, kinda like George Soros) bit had 2 others in DC

Loon you say? Chatham House I'd guess

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2de490 No.20980895


Do you understand that I knew what was coming on 12/27/19 because I had dealt with it for close to 2 decades: blacklisting, censoring, hospital murderers, nwo cops protecting them, gang stalking, sabotages, the corrupt courts and lawyers, disappearing paperwork, home break ins, you name it. It was when I contacted DOL asking for help for a ground zero worker that I knew it was coming for everyone including Trump because after getting phone circle jerk from them for about a week or 2, I heard the director Scalise laughing his ass off in the background. God urged me to get a message to Trump on that day, and I knew that they would attempt to kill me for destroying their plans and 3 times they tried.

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e5f518 No.20980897

File: 0c93e9365e7d27c⋯.png (915 KB,Why_are_we_here.png)

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8b2a26 No.20980900

>>20980894 (me)

London, not Loon

kitteh trying to use keyboard

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4b16bd No.20980901

just sad.

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fa51e6 No.20980902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b5a906 No.20980903


(3)rd post

Let's hold off on the Phil memes.

I mean, you do know images are borked right?

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fa51e6 No.20980904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4b16bd No.20980906


moar pathetic attempts at meaning

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555107 No.20980907


I miss ingersol larpwood

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fa51e6 No.20980910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fa51e6 No.20980911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8b2a26 No.20980913


Russel is not looking good

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fa51e6 No.20980915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fa51e6 No.20980917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4b16bd No.20980919

true nigger

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3392a5 No.20980921


No shit

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fa51e6 No.20980922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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959d7c No.20980924

File: d9ae2d06b8dc053⋯.png (715.08 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

Need to get the people away from out back before the firing squad open fire

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fa51e6 No.20980925

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b5a906 No.20980926


I wouldn't mind seeing them break out the Correct Thinking Anons stuff again for old time's sake.

Those guys were so bad they were good types.

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fa51e6 No.20980928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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555107 No.20980929

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fa51e6 No.20980931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fa51e6 No.20980933



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e5f518 No.20980937

such fun

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