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File: d2b343f972a0ef0⋯.png (44.29 KB,255x136,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

b94228 No.20972500 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 posts and 406 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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85bfb4 No.20973254



and also this one >>20972787

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a9fb04 No.20973255

File: 2d2a98948da57a4⋯.mp4 (10.63 MB,854x480,427:240,J_ias_caa.mp4)

File: 6f71f7549357eab⋯.png (494.75 KB,1080x1268,270:317,Screenshot_20240605_175202.png)



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f53b82 No.20973256

File: da6e164d3a7b6c2⋯.jpg (163.26 KB,800x800,1:1,just_building_here.jpg)




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db3699 No.20973257


Which members or section of the deep state were destroyed by Lara Logan, can the remnants of this destroyed section be viewed? Is there evidence of anything that can be summarized for anons to know as notable? Or is this just another slide


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10822b No.20973258

Why did Bruce Jenner transition After he killed someone?

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21cb97 No.20973259



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f742a9 No.20973260


Why are you disallowing Q drops in Notables?

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71a275 No.20973261

File: de182db24c88505⋯.mp4 (8.01 MB,854x480,427:240,TheEnd.mp4)


How does Anon get one of those shiny TC's?

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f75c03 No.20973262

File: 25c1517ba70487f⋯.png (1.88 MB,1158x1518,193:253,heyYall.PNG)


I know you want this nigga pussy, now get down and start licking mommys thang, boy!

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f742a9 No.20973263


Why are you disallowing Q+ Timestamp > Q# comms in Notables?

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6084ee No.20973264


#25722 >>20972516

>>20972529 US, Israel Sign $3 Billion Deal for Israel To Receive 25 F-35 Fighter Jets

>>20972535 Dead Congressman Wins Democratic Primary

>>20972544 Lebanese Forces Fend Off Attack On U.S. Embassy In Beirut

>>20972550 The US House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to punish the ICC for seeking to charge Israeli leaders with war crimes in Gaza

>>20972558 US warns its dual citizens will be stuck in Ukraine amid mobilization drive

>>20972560 Biden's cognitive decline: Washington DC insiders reveal worrying new details Biden is incomprehensible and regularly freezing in meetings

>>20972578 Juror says someone left her bag with $120,000 cash and promise of more if she’ll acquit

>>20972588 Alex Jones' show will continue after a federal judge rejects a request to immediately shut down his media company

>>20972619, >>20973190 Planefag

>>20972655 DJT: Swamp The Vote

>>20972663, >>20972998 Hunter and James Biden referred for criminal prosecution after 'lying under oath' to 'shield' Joe Biden during impeachment inquiry

>>20972681 DJT: Crooked Joe Biden has totally surrendered our Southern Border

>>20972685 Are Biden And Netanyahu Orchestrating War In the United States?

>>20972692 DJT: UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago

>>20972699 DJT: Joe Biden is not too old, he is too incompetent

>>20972706 Senator Whitehouse Accused of Supporting Legislation Beneficial to Wife’s Financial Interests

>>20972707 DJT: Victory on November 5th - Save America!!!

>>20972716 DJT: My Civil Rights have been totally violated with this highly political, unconstitutional, and election interfering Witch Hunt

>>20972755 Anniversary of the Pentagon Papers coming up on June 13th

>>20972823 Putin says US / Russia relations will not change after US elections regardless if winner

>>20972854 DJT Notable: Sean Hannity: "The White House is guilty of aiding and abetting illegal immigrants"

>>20972858, >>20972876 Georgia appeals court pauses Fani Willis prosecution of Trump

>>20972891 Former Detroit Riverfront Conservancy CFO Charged with Embezzling Tens of Millions of Dollars from Conservancy

>>20972945 Catherine Herridge has the scoop on criminal referrals for Hunter and James Biden, for lying under oath to Congress

>>20972957 Trump now leads by 20 pts on Polymarket Betting site

>>20972964 WEF announces that $104B was syphoned out of the pockets of taxpayers globally via carbon taxes last year to pay for environmental schemes

>>20972967 Cheyenne Substitute Teacher Says He Was Kicked Out For Not Using Trans Names

>>20972971, >>20973013 Oregon Police Officer says it is legal to walk around in public naked after man exposes himself to a 2 year old boy

>>20972995 Philippine government open to US request to become ‘processing centre’ for future Afghan refugees

>>20973002 Report: J6 Committee Delayed Secret Service Driver From Refuting False Limo Story

>>20973026 Sergio Gor Reveals Dr. Navarro’s Warning About Election Interference

>>20973029 Nvidia value surges past $3tn and overtakes Apple

>>20973044, >>20973050 The Democrat controlled City of Elkhart, Indiana has gone into full damage control

>>20973080 Stolen luggage is tracked to airport worker's house

>>20973136 The FBI just admitted the Hunter Biden laptop is real

>>20973147, >>20973188 Jack Smith has been impersonating as a Federal Court Officer

>>20973255 DJT Truth re: border

>>20972564, >>20972581, >>20972613, >>20973133 Memes


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19a1a6 No.20973265

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)


filtered for promoting psyops

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f742a9 No.20973266


Why are you disallowing Q RELATED DIGS in Notables?

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5c3313 No.20973267

File: a222454941be8fc⋯.jpg (38.22 KB,1032x1074,172:179,You_forgot_the_Y_.jpg)

File: e4d9d13d7ed93f3⋯.gif (358.98 KB,880x550,8:5,_Anonymous_You_44_minutes_….gif)

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f742a9 No.20973269


Why are you deleting posts by Anons?

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a9fb04 No.20973271



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f742a9 No.20973274


Why did you suddenly show up after MTG called on anons for help?

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10822b No.20973276


Fighting Reptilians and turds from Orion

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85bfb4 No.20973277


what's with the IP hopping suddenly?????

anons repost all notables that were ignored

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f742a9 No.20973278


Why did you login as BV instead of BO? We know you're afraid. We don't care. We dream your waking Nightmares.

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5c3313 No.20973279

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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a98e3a No.20973280


Get censoring commie CUCKS

If this isn’t bread gobbling spam than what is???


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5c3313 No.20973281

File: c2e6717eac73689⋯.jpg (7.46 KB,264x191,264:191,download_3_.jpg)

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53ffcf No.20973282



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210596 No.20973283

File: 3f9969e80cc1365⋯.jpg (92.7 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1705705911737552.jpg)


>devolved schizoposting




Hey there sleepy head



Finally, a good post.



Yup, looks like it's time for that handoff…

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5c3313 No.20973285

File: 24a0e55c8bdbfa9⋯.jpg (8.12 KB,282x213,94:71,The_Hard_Truth.jpg)

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6084ee No.20973286

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5c3313 No.20973287

File: c52bee66fedc885⋯.jpg (9.46 KB,235x164,235:164,Storm_Ahead.jpg)

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87bc52 No.20973288

File: 3561b86cabcd0f2⋯.png (101.83 KB,425x375,17:15,ClipboardImage.png)



when you see it, b.v is bakering


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5c3313 No.20973289

File: 5232bf23e54badf⋯.jpg (21.37 KB,480x208,30:13,MSM_distracts.jpg)

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f742a9 No.20973290


We know you're afraid… David. We do not care. Your little Clown Show will be unpaused when Q decides. Q will decide when anons decide. Anons are in the business of deciding right now. MTG needs your help, why are you WHINING instead?

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5c3313 No.20973292

File: b437f3ecd4e6fad⋯.jpg (24.72 KB,700x445,140:89,Paine_protect_country_from….jpg)

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f742a9 No.20973293

1 BO > 6 Devices.

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c18ae2 No.20973294


Fuckin' A

But they probably say something about a case of the Mondays

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5c3313 No.20973295

File: 72e6a089e1f3a28⋯.jpg (27.41 KB,600x600,1:1,1538094015741.jpg)

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210596 No.20973296

File: 8f29486d2826c68⋯.jpg (65.46 KB,960x816,20:17,36946099_10217401260649744….jpg)


>Which members or section of the deep state were destroyed by Lara Logan

(You) right now, in real time

>Is there evidence of anything that can be summarized for anons to know as notable?

Yes, we call it PANIC, summarily identified by those who scream the loudest…

You must be new?

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bd146b No.20973297

File: 6537d727d0f69a2⋯.png (463.71 KB,800x799,800:799,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c3313 No.20973298

File: 2a996ba8c10a18c⋯.jpg (29.46 KB,255x253,255:253,9fe4530b75949004c657cee42d….jpg)

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f742a9 No.20973299

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5c3313 No.20973301

File: d9128a72ad70e84⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,450x522,25:29,Keep_on_Happening.jpg)

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5c3313 No.20973302

File: fa91a0d3575260e⋯.jpg (40.18 KB,675x1200,9:16,Dl_tFGVUUAAY2D1.jpg)

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706918 No.20973303

File: 7e39c9c999cd3ec⋯.jpg (215.99 KB,1006x1009,1006:1009,trumpman52cf7f7b446b0.jpg)

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5c3313 No.20973305

File: c958ab6a7f18f8a⋯.jpg (43.53 KB,660x400,33:20,Delgado_Install_1_sm.jpg)

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5c3313 No.20973306

File: e8048b9ca1e1b51⋯.jpg (50.11 KB,500x337,500:337,Bill_Gates_vaccines_what.jpg)

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12dd70 No.20973308

File: b3ff22daaa5a66b⋯.jpg (575.01 KB,701x1023,701:1023,ncswic_batman.jpg)

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5c3313 No.20973309

File: 146a42e065df20c⋯.jpg (54.27 KB,457x653,457:653,Make_America_Great_Again.jpg)

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5c3313 No.20973310

File: abe32a7aa149311⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,498x487,498:487,Seize_the_Memes_of_Product….jpg)

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c18ae2 No.20973311

File: 9a39fd4429b764a⋯.png (12.32 KB,201x255,67:85,1a2337d57017214910e2baf5cb….png)

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5c3313 No.20973315

File: 14f62ba9734a2c6⋯.jpeg (80.37 KB,680x340,2:1,Chickens_conspiracy.jpeg)

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b38306 No.20973532

fun place jim


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