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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

b6e208 No.20971580 [View All]

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702 posts and 402 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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45428a No.20972476

File: 114d936fe7cfd4f⋯.gif (2.31 MB,480x208,30:13,IMG_1221.gif)



(Laughs in full agreement space-Jew).

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3043a2 No.20972477

File: 9a78dbb72efb424⋯.png (884.5 KB,1143x596,1143:596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ed87d519569de2⋯.png (21.21 KB,737x153,737:153,ClipboardImage.png)


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41d4de No.20972478


Fuckin kek


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b5bfa5 No.20972479

File: 6edf963dbe92e24⋯.png (1.8 MB,1224x818,612:409,Screen_Shot_2018_11_02_at_….png)

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7b58ae No.20972480

File: 199dec6d15acc57⋯.png (712.2 KB,1279x669,1279:669,insidejoblizardpeople3.PNG)

File: 57c1c72a52d4360⋯.png (1.43 MB,574x834,287:417,lizardgizfarmer.PNG)

File: eb676b5cb310afb⋯.png (170.54 KB,449x357,449:357,repclinton.png)

File: b4209460ce79f4d⋯.png (170.92 KB,431x442,431:442,repeatingchildrencat.png)

File: 4e8217d9c593566⋯.png (59.64 KB,1106x457,1106:457,repEatingustrump.png)

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beaf89 No.20972481


We’ve had it already

If you are waiting for someone to tell you that ain’t gonna habben

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3f1e66 No.20972482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


larping to get their death counts in before God does

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06e94e No.20972483

File: 4da6ccdce3e4945⋯.png (518.64 KB,860x1195,172:239,ClipboardImage.png)


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b5bfa5 No.20972484

File: f6786569d264c01⋯.png (122.75 KB,532x850,266:425,Screen_Shot_2018_09_03_at_….png)

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c92241 No.20972485

File: 9688eb59a644ef4⋯.mp4 (53.84 KB,360x640,9:16,Dan_6_5_2024.mp4)

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ea6a16 No.20972486

File: 78e8b0e89f3afac⋯.jpeg (186 KB,1280x768,5:3,78e8b0e89f3afacd730925648….jpeg)

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b5bfa5 No.20972487

File: 6bee698597c8f98⋯.jpg (65.81 KB,518x399,74:57,Scary_Eyes_Wallpapers_70_d….jpg)

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dba6ef No.20972488


Someone was planning to spoil the Dictators' Day celebration?

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cea69f No.20972489

File: b98116164122bf2⋯.png (875.62 KB,735x722,735:722,b98116164122bf22a4e4557870….png)

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bb09a2 No.20972490


>Is it time for Reptilian disclosure yet?

It might just be a joke, who would even care?

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b5bfa5 No.20972491

File: 66a40a5b52be536⋯.jpg (101.66 KB,856x566,428:283,redpill2.jpg)

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7b58ae No.20972492


>We’ve had it already


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06e94e No.20972493


#25721 >>20971612

>>20971626 Slovak PM Fico eyes possible return to work this month

>>20971656 Minority Leader Jeffries Calls Out Florida Republican Byron Donalds

>>20971659, >>20971910, >>20971994, >>20972230, >>20972394 Events


>>20971675, >>20971723 Ziegler: Federal Prosecutors Enter ACTUAL Hunter Biden Laptop As Evidence In Gun Trial

>>20971679 France arrested Russian speaker in possession of explosives near Paris airport

>>20971706 Top House Republican says Dr. Anthony Fauci could be arrested for his actions during COVID-19 and for lying to Congress

>>20971770 Harnwell: Uncertainty Ahead Of European Elections — Will Ursula Von Der Leyen Get A Second Mandate?

baker change >>20971805, >>20971829, >>20971845

>>20971836, >>20971867 Jackshit Smith faked it until he made it

>>20971898 Precedents are set and such

>>20971962 Pentagon press briefing (20 min)

>>20972009 Ivan Raiklin: It's time for Elon Musk to release the #FauciFiles

>>20972026, >>20972242, >>20972337, >>20972439 Planefag

>>20972080 Meet The NGOs Facilitating Mass Immigration Under The Banner Of Religion

>>20972084, >>20972290, >>20972301 Animal comms

>>20972107 NIH Scientists Tried to Hide $710 Million in Royalty Payments from Drug Makers During ‘Pandemic’

>>20972114 What Did Biden Do Behind-the Scenes While Trump Was Convicted Last Week?

>>20972118, >>20972169 Deleted Juan Merchan biopage listed him as a fellow at the Biden DoJ funded Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource and Center

>>20972122 EU NATO countries expect US troops to protect EU borders without helping the US with their border problem

>>20972126 Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid

>>20972184 Congress fought over 8 months over a payout of $600 to everyone for the impact of Covid and Biden in this video claims everyone got $8000

>>20972204 DJT Notable: ‘No Sign Of A Backlash’: CNN Data Guru Says More Foreign-Born Voters Back Trump Over Biden

>>20972211 DJT Notable: DATA: Trump Surges With Black Voters, Up 15% Since Manhattan Conviction

>>20972221 DJT Notable: GLENN JACOBS and KENNY CODY: Why libertarians should vote for Trump

>>20972226 DJT Notable: Why Trump Personifies the Courage of Our Founding Fathers

>>20972233 DJT: Meg Weinberger is running to be a Big Voice in the Florida State House, in District 94

>>20972237 DJT: I built a Magnificent Business, which helped rebuild New York City and State, with Amazing, Unparalleled, Historic Properties

>>20972245, >>20972356 DJT Notable: Polls

>>20972255 Trump Force 47 is in Full Force in Philadelphia: office grand opening

>>20972274, >>20972324 Supreme Court Ruling: State sponsored Banks can Disband from The Federal Reserve System and Issue their Own Currency

>>20972323, >>20972431 Deborah Birx Proposes Weekly Testing for Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu

>>20972332 Merchant Ship Off Saudi Coast Reports "Significant Explosion" A "Short Distance" From Port Side

>>20972348 Paoletta: Democrats Assault On SCOTUS Flopped And Fell Flat

>>20972366 Pentagon says it will cost $230m to re-anchor a pier

>>20972368 Last week, WHO’s Tedros Declares ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’

>>20972407 Congress Refers Hunter, James Biden to DoJ for Criminal Perjury Prosecution

>>20972411 FBI Witness Confirms in Court: No Tampering Occurred with Hunter Biden’s Laptop

>>20972426 UK Blames Russian Hackers for Attacks on London Hospitals

>>20972483 Hunter Biden's ex-GF just testified that he would give his banking information to drug dealers so they could directly take money out of his account

>>20971742, >>20971792, >>20972162, >>20972445 Memes / Hype


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b5bfa5 No.20972494

File: 7a83d0e99472c38⋯.jpg (286.58 KB,1000x1500,2:3,qLijlmE6AJjpCU8f2L7wshoR8H….jpg)

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57e177 No.20972495


Anon can confirm that Jets have been flying over mine constantly for the last week, training more than normal. Could be something, could be nothing. Either way if we fuck around with Russia then anon is within a range of being instantly vaporized if they send a missile our way.

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8d215d No.20972496

File: 61f2ba125543f53⋯.png (928.99 KB,1088x469,1088:469,yjhreywethwerrew.PNG)

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b866ac No.20972497



May I ask why you don't think this post is notable?

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80efa0 No.20972498


As am I anon. I second your motion.

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f21c0c No.20972499

File: fb2d8700c19d465⋯.jpeg (373.6 KB,750x751,750:751,PepeBunkerArmageddon.jpeg)



Thank you so much, anon

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aab6c2 No.20972503


We're going right to the Edge

Right up to Nuclear Stand off & Everything that comes before that stage

But God says not to worry it's part of his plan

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7b58ae No.20972504

File: 423aeca5130cd27⋯.png (208.48 KB,416x167,416:167,lizardghiz.PNG)

File: 57c1c72a52d4360⋯.png (1.43 MB,574x834,287:417,lizardgizfarmer.PNG)

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

File: 494541d03c61be0⋯.png (455.62 KB,1271x667,1271:667,lizardzuck.PNG)


>who would even care?

me. It's necessary.

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247674 No.20972506

File: e837372e0c0c8f0⋯.png (579.46 KB,821x486,821:486,e837372e0c0c8f0a4a674968bb….png)

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b5bfa5 No.20972508

File: e2be24b40a413e4⋯.png (2.35 MB,2560x2560,1:1,QDreamcatcher.png)

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3f1e66 No.20972509


Lara is not Laura

though she is a shill, she's not a tranny shill

Alex, on the other hand…

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beaf89 No.20972511

File: 9ca8c5c5ad255bb⋯.gif (494.45 KB,500x313,500:313,2D30D8B8_8622_491F_9E20_C5….gif)


It’s all around you all the time

See it with your own eyes and don’t wait for someone else to tell you.

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b5bfa5 No.20972513

File: 83f05d2d6d5efc7⋯.png (522.73 KB,840x525,8:5,Q_Justice.png)

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cea69f No.20972514


yw mi fren

glad i could help

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639302 No.20972515

File: bc1c1c0d2c8f995⋯.png (2.32 MB,1849x800,1849:800,IJTYGKUHLHJIO.PNG)

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06e94e No.20972518

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b5bfa5 No.20972519

File: 063d3a0cb6bd543⋯.png (782.89 KB,1111x777,1111:777,Q_BiteCrumbs_20180205_You_….png)

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b866ac No.20972520


Your viewpoint aligns with the deep state.


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7b58ae No.20972521

File: 70bee81dc85e333⋯.png (119.83 KB,1369x911,1369:911,lizcomments.PNG)

File: 4730bc7f87454a0⋯.png (355.16 KB,1123x477,1123:477,lizwikinoticeyoutube.PNG)

File: 1106dc914927cfb⋯.png (177.61 KB,446x356,223:178,pointingpepedisclosure.png)


>It’s all around you all the time

That's not enough disclosure for my liking. I want full on disclosure.

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3c4f2e No.20972524

File: 8f07ba4f203995f⋯.png (493.19 KB,1200x1500,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba2715 No.20972525

File: d5ec10dcb8df0f0⋯.jpg (460.62 KB,1977x1112,1977:1112,Alfa_Romeo_Logo_Badge_1918….jpg)


Dude, there's been reptilians, for a while. Consider yourself informed.

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7b58ae No.20972528

File: 025461ada938750⋯.png (139.64 KB,447x300,149:100,justiceno.png)

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b5bfa5 No.20972530

File: bb4981edf02a230⋯.png (1.24 MB,1111x744,1111:744,Q_BiteCrumbs_20180118_WILL….png)

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f21c0c No.20972531

File: 116cd97bccae84f⋯.png (2.03 MB,1086x1478,543:739,comfy.png)

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b5bfa5 No.20972532

File: 1b0768597974a39⋯.jpeg (103.41 KB,534x565,534:565,Q_Pathfinders.jpeg)

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7b58ae No.20972533

I want MORE!

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db86e8 No.20972534


>And It's always the 1 post wonders who are the diamonds amongst all the BS on the QR threads.

Uh, no. Not at all.

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798342 No.20972536


i'll NOM it


But when something's not notabled, always figure that's a great excuse to REPOST.

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3f1e66 No.20972537


his little stool is comfy

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b5bfa5 No.20972538

File: e930169d4ad6ff1⋯.png (368.76 KB,483x490,69:70,prost_pepe.png)

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beaf89 No.20972541

File: f2a49b28535d01b⋯.jpeg (450.31 KB,828x1024,207:256,4FC82AD0_552A_468F_9E2A_C….jpeg)


Yer gonna wait a long time then

Think what that does to religions

Gonna have millions kill themselves when they figure out they worship ayyes

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b5bfa5 No.20972542

File: 0d77003991bdddd⋯.jpeg (16.17 KB,255x255,1:1,planefagpatrol.jpeg)

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