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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

c856c1 No.20970685 [View All]

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554 posts and 376 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ebd5dd No.20971549

File: 16c6f03620058e0⋯.mp4 (12.89 MB,320x180,16:9,2007_04_01_The_Battle_of_t….mp4)

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faaba3 No.20971550

File: 575af53bbbe2b9b⋯.gif (1.63 MB,500x288,125:72,032451D4_1A1F_44A8_B06C_D0….gif)

Number Of 'Problem Banks' Climbs In 1st Quarter, New FDIC Report Finds

(This is an issue and will eventually hsve a trigger pulled on it at a time determined by (((them)))and the unrealized losses actually went down from its peak of Sept/Oct last year so those ringing ‘alarm bells’ at current amount are late to this partyas the lower Treasury yields go it takes pressure off these already insolvent for many years unrealized losses as that can keep ticking higher because the system allows itBottom line: consequences are few and far between in the financial world and they are applied randomly, if at all, so don’t hold breath waiting for regulators to fix anything in a self-regulating arena)

It has been more than a year since the regional banking crisis exposed vulnerabilities in the financial system. A new Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) report discovered that the banking sector is still grappling with ballooning unrealized losses, a high number of “problem” banks, and various challenges that could worsen from high inflation and interest rates. The U.S. financial regulator released the findings of the “FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile First Quarter 2024” report on May 29. Officials confirmed that unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities rose by $39 billion to $517 billion. This, the report noted, represented the ninth consecutive quarter of “unusually high unrealized losses” since the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates in March 2022.

An increase in unrealized losses on residential mortgage-backed securities accounted for most of the January-March jump.

The FDIC report further revealed that the number of problem banks totaled 63 in the first quarter, up from 52 in the fourth quarter of 2023. They represented 1.4 percent of total U.S. banks, “which was within the normal range for non-crisis periods of one or two percent of all banks.”

These banks appeared on the “Problem Bank List” because they contained a CAMELS (Capital adequacy, Assets, Management capability, Earnings, Liquidity, Sensitivity) composite rating of “4” or “5.”

CAMELS is the FDIC’s 1-5 rating system, which assesses a financial institution’s performance, risk management practices, and degree of supervisory concern.

Despite the banking system’s “resilience” in the first three months of 2024, the FDIC warned that the finance industry “still faces significant downside risks” from high inflation, geopolitical uncertainty, and volatility in market interest rates.

“These issues could cause credit quality, earnings, and liquidity challenges for the industry,” the report stated. “In addition, deterioration in certain loan portfolios, particularly office properties and credit card loans, continues to warrant monitoring.” S. officials, be it at the Federal Reserve or the Treasury Department, have repeatedly assured the public that the banking system is safe, sound, resilient, and highly liquid.

However, a wave of reports suggests that there could be more turbulence ahead, especially concerning commercial real estate (CRE). New data analysis from Florida Atlantic University discovered that 67 U.S. banks are at a high risk of failure due to their exposure to CRE.(No shit Sherlock)

The more than five dozen entities possess exposure to CRE greater than 300 percent of their total equity, the study found.

“This is a very serious development for our banking system as commercial real estate loans are repricing in a high interest-rate environment,” said Rebel Cole, Ph.D., a Lynn Eminent Scholar Chaired Professor of Finance at Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business.

“With commercial properties selling at serious discounts in the current market, banks eventually are going to be forced by regulators to write down those exposures.”(wake me when THAT HABBENS)

Another study found that large U.S. banks might have more CRE exposure than financial regulators think because of credit lines and term loans given to real estate investment trusts (REITs).Researchers, including former Reserve Bank of India’s deputy governor, Viral Acharya, purported that big banks’ CRE lending exposure balloons by approximately 40 percent when indirect lending to REITs is factored in.

In February, the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) projected that 20 percent, or $929 billion, of the $4.7 trillion outstanding commercial mortgages held by investors and lenders will mature this year. This is a 28 percent increase from the $729 billion that matured in 2023.


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887487 No.20971552

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 884e590afb17a5f⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)


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a7da17 No.20971554

File: 916bfe12aca0464⋯.png (8.97 KB,255x147,85:49,916bfe12aca04643888a4c214b….png)


Not sure how to feel about that.

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7c0dc1 No.20971556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2d3b7c No.20971557

File: 9a86d30fdd24c88⋯.png (242.92 KB,474x261,158:87,ClipboardImage.png)


roadkill army

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acc664 No.20971559


>no taboo

Do What Thou Wilt is the whole of the law.


When the aabissus stares back at you, be careful.

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90223b No.20971560

File: 0f17bb0b771f286⋯.jpg (26.65 KB,480x434,240:217,broke_the_cat.jpg)


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059004 No.20971561

You've literally blocked my path with so many people that you can all get lost in this hellish world you shaped and prepared.

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d9ddc8 No.20971562

File: 4039e6c95317397⋯.png (279.62 KB,400x379,400:379,ClipboardImage.png)

Beware of the newfags with EMPTY words & their BROKEN threats.Much COVFEFE but still comfy.

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acc664 No.20971564


but is he El?

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90d04a No.20971565

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2d3b7c No.20971566

File: 74173d2101d3e27⋯.png (206.45 KB,474x242,237:121,ClipboardImage.png)


blue sky black death

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7c0dc1 No.20971567



Love your neighbor as yourself.

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faaba3 No.20971568

File: f9ca7d2c0d6e2cf⋯.gif (228.81 KB,220x127,220:127,B03A1B29_D49C_4074_B658_9B….gif)


Which end to you wipe when you take a shit?

>askin’ for a fren

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887487 No.20971570


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059004 No.20971571


>Stop replying to garbage and focus on the mission.

You missionaries are not to ever be trusted ever again, you messed this up all by yourselves while anon still got a pair of eyes to see but eyes wide shut because it is and never will be my problem ever.

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a7da17 No.20971572

File: e8e9e22f87730fa⋯.png (192 KB,366x350,183:175,e8e9e22f87730fac6439695ffe….png)


This timeline is insane.

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15fbfd No.20971573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


someone i knew never liked korn. They liked ..

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729383 No.20971575

File: 347d59cc954ca5a⋯.png (253.58 KB,1207x996,1207:996,ClipboardImage.png)


if you make this claim you trained me one more time, it's clear you have a mental problem.

Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders include schizophrenia,

other psychotic disorders, and schizotypal (personality) disorder. They are defined by ab-

normalities in one or more of the following five domains: delusions, hallucinations, disor-

ganized thinking (speech), grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavior (including

catatonia), and negative symptoms.

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006761 No.20971579

File: fe3879dbf788ab9⋯.jpg (153.48 KB,540x731,540:731,Joe_Hunter_Things_My_Fathe….JPG)

File: f15cd86338e2c2b⋯.jpeg (267.54 KB,1366x1094,683:547,FEDCFB37_AFA3_4397_9C44_8….JPEG)

File: 1e88df4cace2ef6⋯.jpg (427.96 KB,975x585,5:3,IMG_1488.jpg)

File: e287aca5aae8ce1⋯.jpeg (239.56 KB,1367x769,1367:769,EE8D1D65_09E8_415E_A653_D….JPEG)

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c0ac39 No.20971582

File: e725a1595bf09cb⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,QUycq7jvz6eBSE5E.mp4)


Envigo RMS, a company that bred beagles for Dr. Fauci at the NIH, has been fined $35 million for animal cruelty involving 4,000 animals at a Virginia facility.

🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork

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faaba3 No.20971583

File: b22b757f19fddb6⋯.jpeg (301.9 KB,792x588,66:49,E8FD26B5_5890_4591_8C6B_6….jpeg)


Are you the board wizard breh?

Shut the fuck up already

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887487 No.20971584

File: db116cb9586b629⋯.png (175.92 KB,483x124,483:124,Screenshot_6125_.png)

poppin jacks from a jeep fun

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006761 No.20971586

File: c5ae330adbc84f8⋯.png (1.76 MB,1242x1222,621:611,2A70611F_07D5_4E49_94DB_C6….PNG)

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acc664 No.20971588

File: 04c47764014cf66⋯.png (94.74 KB,200x230,20:23,ClipboardImage.png)


Are you harming or helping grow?

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006761 No.20971589

File: a6073dce18503ab⋯.jpeg (117.19 KB,800x440,20:11,673828C4_AC9D_4F55_ACD6_D….jpeg)

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729383 No.20971590

File: 5e5423128992eee⋯.png (108.48 KB,588x986,294:493,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 676ca9f48060981⋯.jpg (74.21 KB,620x882,310:441,you_should_have_asked_a_bo….jpg)




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c856c1 No.20971592


#25720 >>20970719

>>20970864, >>20970956, >>20971028, >>20971214 GOLD PlaneFaggin:Europe/Gulf

>>20970735 @GenFlynn Tail wagging dog. Total BS

>>20970774, >>20970827 Memes To Make, Border Pins


>>20970852 Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump.

>>20970868 @realDonaldTrump We Third World Now

>>20970872 @realDonaldTrump Deportation Comin

>>20970878 @realDonaldTrump Under Trump America Prospered

>>20970882 @realDonaldTrump Trump makes history, third straight GOP Nom

>>20970886 @realDonaldTrump Crooked Joe and Medicare

>>20970893, >>20971290 Last night's launch brings our 2024 streak to #42! The answer for everything/We Serve At The Pleasure ……

>>20970895 Thank you for including me in your hardcore MAGA sizzle reel @JerryNadler!

>>20970916, >>20971145 Jim Cramer just asked the SEC Chair if Congress could be investigated for insider trading !Panic!

>>20970979 Navarro speaks

>>20970997, >>20971000 President Donald Trump's Manhattan Convictions are Unconstitutional

>>20971030 @C__Herridge Republican-led Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee authorizes @SenRonJohnson to issue subpoenas FBI Crossfire Hurricane….

>>20971044 Tennessee is leading a 21-state fight to remove race-based criteria from the American Bar Association’s accreditation process

>>20971046 X Corp. asks Supreme Court to review process that led Jack Smith to obtain Trump Twitter files

>>20971070, >>20971278 Swamp Talks

>>20971078 (Axios Makes Up Gossip or Repeats it)

>>20971088 A political-military alliance with Lt Gen Hans-Werner Wiermann | NATO Through Time

>>20971161 Placing more women in charge of military mobilization in Ukraine would free up men for combat roles

>>20971190 @SurfaceWarriors 🔗USS Ralph Johnson conducts fueling-at-sea with USS Ronald Reagan⚓

>>20971199, >>20971217 Birx wants to test millions of cows in the U.S. weekly and test dairy workers for "asymptomatic" bird flu cases/no meat or milk for you

>>20971206 Forests of Space Antennas on Two Continents Come Together to Properly Look for Aliens

>>20971254 Astrophotographer captures planetary parade with the moon in stunning photo

>>20971359, >>20971375, >>20971390 DS Panic: The GOP Push for Post-Verdict Payback: ‘Fight Fire With Fire’/know your enemy narrative

>>20971360 ECW: Hundreds of American, coalition and allied forces have been killed by this man, Biden weakness is upending the world

>>20971431 Don't want a pandemic treaty? How about a meteor threat?

>>20971491 Here Are The Senate Republicans Who Have Not Endorsed Trump

>>20971550 Number Of 'Problem Banks' Climbs In 1st Quarter, FDIC Report

>>20971582 Envigo RMS, a company that bred beagles for Dr. Fauci at the NIH, has been fined $35 million for animal cruelty involving 4,000 animals at a Virginia facility.


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2d3b7c No.20971594

File: d921657290f5cbb⋯.png (288.99 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)


i'm sending an over qualified lesbo to meat juuu at olive garden bout nooods

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faaba3 No.20971595

File: 568e2160e1dbb73⋯.jpeg (485.87 KB,771x998,771:998,CCA22C0A_3355_4AE9_B732_B….jpeg)

>one specially-designed Nightmare. Promises.

Yeah blah,blah fucktard

How long have you said that for?

Get a new script

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887487 No.20971596

File: c6bf420b3016d84⋯.png (707.5 KB,458x526,229:263,Screenshot_6115_.png)

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ee2da2 No.20971598

File: dfddfdd890fd4dc⋯.jpg (56.43 KB,708x500,177:125,8d7eyx.jpg)

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059004 No.20971601


>Time to wake up out of your own nightmares and learn to LIVE.

My live was over before it began, you are from hell or some distant moon but you are untrustworthy, all of you.

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729383 No.20971603

File: 2ed811eada92f7d⋯.jpg (254.15 KB,1920x1080,16:9,JOE001.jpg)

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006761 No.20971604

File: c031f7fa9e48744⋯.png (339.14 KB,394x394,1:1,Lurkers_04.PNG)

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96fbca No.20971605


The original sourcing of "Extend and Pretend", a la Bernanke.

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90223b No.20971606

File: fb9c90f9684d08c⋯.png (320.22 KB,501x461,501:461,faggot_.png)


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2d3b7c No.20971608

File: f2fc53dc898ed63⋯.png (2.68 MB,2000x1385,400:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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887487 No.20971609

File: c5de118eebf483e⋯.png (2.47 MB,1080x799,1080:799,Screenshot_6097_.png)

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9504f5 No.20971610

File: 3bf814cc2bb5530⋯.png (344.75 KB,894x940,447:470,Screenshot_2024_06_05_1257….png)


Foreign interference? In an election year? Forcing an unpopular bill through Congress that stole about $100 billion from your taxes to squander on fruitless unwinnable wars? Business as usual.

10:28 AM · Jun 5, 2024


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006761 No.20971613

File: 8122e51aa1aa64a⋯.jpg (815.64 KB,977x981,977:981,IMG_1516.jpg)

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729383 No.20971614

>filed a case in New Jersey using a fake name


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ee8cdf No.20971615

File: 96056cf1dda7793⋯.png (373.83 KB,705x382,705:382,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa5645bd8e75e9a⋯.png (114.79 KB,688x595,688:595,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: House Foreign Affairs Chairman McCaul Warns Jen Psaki — Testify Or Face A Subpoena


(Peppermint Psaki’s Bullshit is not being tolerated)

Republican Texas Rep. Michael McCaul sent a letter Wednesday morning to former White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s lawyer threatening a subpoena after she failed to respond to an original request to appear for a transcribed interview as part of the committee’s probe into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter, which was sent to Psaki’s lawyer, Emily Loeb. In it, McCaul, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, mentions the fact thatPsaki is a private citizen who recently published a bookabout her time in the Biden White House.In her book, she falsely claimed that Biden never looked at his watch during the dignified transfer ceremonyfor American soldiers killed in Kabul in 2021.

“Your client Jen Psaki has failed to adequately respond to my letter dated May 21, 2024, requesting that she appear before the Committee for a transcribed interview relating to my investigation into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. As you know, I requested a response from Ms. Psaki by May 28, 2024, which has now passed.Your client’s disregard for my request is an affront to this Committee and the U.S. House of Representatives,” McCaul wrote in the letter.

“I have reviewed the email that was addressed to my staff on May 28, 2024.I am troubled by your and Ms. Psaki’s stated ‘deference’ to outdated ‘concerns’ from the White House Counsel’s Office. Further, Ms. Psaki is a private citizen, who haspublishedher insight into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistanfor public consumption and personal profit. Ms. Psaki’s duty to appear before Congress is manifest, and her former employer’s desire to avoid congressional oversight is not relevant,” McCaul continued.



This is a part of the committee’sprobe into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan where 13 U.S. soldiers were killed.

He offered three specific dates for Psaki to come in an testify before the committee, June 26, 2024. July 9, 2024, or July 23, 2024. “I hope Ms. Psaki chooses to appear voluntarily; otherwise I will be forced to turn to compulsory process.”

McCaul called for a response about her availability for a transcribed interview no later than Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 5:00 pm ET.

Psaki was widely fact-checked for her claim that Biden did not check his watch during the dignified transfer, which was captured on camera and broadly reported at the time.

Despite the investigation from the Foreign Affairs Committee and criticism from all parts of the political spectrum, the Biden administration has stood by its decision to pull out of Afghanistan, which resulted in the killing of 13 U.S. servicemembers when an ISIS-K terrorist detonated a suicide bomb outside the airport in Kabul where evacuations were being conducted. Nearly 200 Afghan civilians were also killed in the attack.

A Pentagon probe into the bombing found thatthe attack was “not preventable,”echoing the claims from the White House that the withdrawal was ultimately a positive success,despite first-hand witness testimony alleging that the attacker could’ve been stopped, but wasn’t.

(I love the fact all these people that get millions to write a book, always lie in the them, Milley, etc. all lie, and they are lies, that can be proven. Wonder what else she lied about in it.)


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faaba3 No.20971616

File: 1c6642c00e7cd1d⋯.jpeg (325.27 KB,618x549,206:183,ED37F8E2_6A5A_46F8_AC77_3….jpeg)



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887487 No.20971618

File: c6985060cb65be8⋯.png (1.06 MB,424x872,53:109,Screenshot_6063_.png)

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96fbca No.20971619

Stanford students arrested in pro-Palestinian protest that took over president's office

Jun 5th, 12:00:16

(Reuters) - More than a dozen people were arrested at Stanford University in California on Wednesday after pro-Palestinian student protesters barricaded themselves inside the building that houses the school president's office, the latest clash between U.S. students and authorities over the Israel-Gaza conflict.

Approximately 10 students entered the building around 5:30 a.m. on the last day of classes for the spring quarter, according to the student newspaper The Stanford Daily, while about 50 students linked arms and surrounded the building, chanting, "Palestine will be free."

In a post on Instagram, the group Liberate Stanford said an "autonomous group of students" had occupied the office of university President Richard Saller. The students have called on the school to divest from companies linked to Israel's war in Gaza, among other demands.

Police used a crowbar to enter the building about two hours after the demonstration began, according to the Stanford Daily.


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006761 No.20971620

File: 678a949daafb560⋯.jpg (415.02 KB,962x963,962:963,Gay_Barry_Likes_This.jpg)

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c856c1 No.20971621





migrate, lockin up

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9504f5 No.20971740

File: 6b2c143a22bee2e⋯.png (10.25 KB,578x106,289:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0981caf5ab0c5aa⋯.png (63.55 KB,864x601,864:601,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20971610 (me)


>Compare EST time stamp to Q drop.


ironic too.

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