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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

83009c No.20969546 [View All]

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562 posts and 362 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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086215 No.20970649

File: d5901453fded0cc⋯.jpg (54.95 KB,612x406,306:203,ho_hum_global_hawk.jpg)

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aa22b6 No.20970650

10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate will vote on whether to advance legislation to establish federal protections for contraception.


10:00 AM EDT

Heroes at Home: Improving Services for Veterans and their Caregivers

Senate Aging (Special) Committee and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee



Peter Townsend, PA-C Emeritus, Veteran and Self Advocate, Susquehanna, PA


Hannah Nieskens, Caregiver of Post-9/11 Veteran, Cardwell, MT


Andrea Sawyer, Advocacy Director, Quality of Life Foundation, Wounded Veteran Family Care Program, Winston-Salem, NC


Fred Sganga, MPH, FACHE, LNHA, Legislative Director, National Association of State Veterans Homes, Long Island, NY


Meredith Beck, National Policy Director, Elizabeth Dole Foundation, Washington, DC





Joint Hearing on Improving Services for Veterans & Their Caregivers

The Senate Aging Committee and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee hold a joint hearing on improving governmental services for veterans and their caregivers.


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aa22b6 No.20970651

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight and Budget of the Federal Highway Administration

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee


The Honorable Shailen Bhatt


Federal Highway Administration





Federal Highway Administrator Testifies on Agency Oversight & 2025 Budget

Shailen Bhatt, administrator of the Federal Highway Administration (FHA), testifies on agency oversight and the president’s 2025 budget request before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.


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086215 No.20970652


The more shit they create these so-called bullshit cyber teams the more data breeches and theft and CISA marxist full stack reverser bullshit comes out of the State Department, DHS and Banks.

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7080a4 No.20970653

File: b7b0686044ff29c⋯.jpg (468.87 KB,1080x1631,1080:1631,Screenshot_20240605_063532….jpg)

File: b648eb8844ce44c⋯.png (549.76 KB,720x825,48:55,b648eb8844ce44c392a00d9ed7….png)

Five judges in a viral photo are among a pool of 21 on a New York court that could hear Trump’s appeal. Up to five of those 21 judges would be randomly chosen.


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086215 No.20970655

How many people in CYBER in washington DC are "fellows"

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2e8ded No.20970656

Russia Will Retaliate On US for allowing US weapons to Strike in Russia

Cyber attacks is the SOP

& It's all Biden's/Deep State/Globohomos Fault

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aa22b6 No.20970658

File: 19b4bbfa16abd97⋯.png (447.43 KB,452x526,226:263,19b4bbfa16abd9720314a002d7….png)

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2e8ded No.20970659

you'd think that Ukraine Striking Russian Soil would be WW News

but it's not

Total media Blackout

They want to play the Victim Card

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19ee03 No.20970661

File: 6393e50080bb74a⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Fire causes $4 million in damage to Ripon bulk nut storage facility

June 4, 2024 / 7:11 AM PDT

RIPON – A fire continues to burn at a bulk nut storage facility in Ripon as of Tuesday.

The fire started back on Sunday night at the 17,000-square-foot facility near Highway 120 and French Camp Road, according to the Ripon Consolidated Fire District.

Fire agencies from all around the region were called in to help, including from Manteca, Escalon, Lathrop, and Modesto.

PG&E crews have also de-energized the power lines in the area of the facility.

Ripon Consolidated Fire officials say there is no immediate threat to nearby homes, but some in the area have been evacuated as a precaution.

In total, firefighters say more than 2 million pounds of nuts, worth around $4,000,000, have been lost due to the fire.

Exactly what started the fire is under investigation.

Crews will be keeping a 24-hour watch over the fire over the coming days. It's unclear when the fire will be completely put out.


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2a447f No.20970662

File: a113e2f438e0781⋯.png (248.78 KB,512x476,128:119,a113e2f438e0781c02fa4d1912….png)

File: d418148dcdf14c3⋯.jpg (81.06 KB,679x1024,679:1024,national_lampoon_cousin_ed….jpg)


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5fec27 No.20970663

File: 635ecd477b690cc⋯.jpg (58.63 KB,625x778,625:778,d725296d3470b9418e942d4f25….jpg)


>I no longer offer my respect. That was taken advantage of.

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d44b25 No.20970670

File: 543d74111d34229⋯.png (679.15 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Your hate consumes you.

Ask for guidence. Follow it.

God Judges, leave it to him. You are not GOD.

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d9fbe5 No.20970671

File: 24bce7b23dfd4ac⋯.png (456.66 KB,560x413,80:59,24bce7b23dfd4acb97458cd75a….png)

Anon page was at 880 replies. refreshed page and it is now 580. kek

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467fa4 No.20970674

File: 249a036efab2235⋯.png (668.24 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thegatewaypun….png)

New Jersey Democrats Elect Dead Congressman Donald Payne Jr. in Primary

Democrat voters in New Jersey elected deceased Representative Donald Payne Jr. in Tuesday’s primary.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Representative Donald M. Payne Jr. (D-NJ) died on April 24th at 65.

Before his death, Payne spent the last two weeks in a coma due to having a heart attack and complications with diabetes.

Despite being dead, Payne won New Jersey’s 10th District Democratic primary with 99.9% of the vote.


99.9% of the vote… I sense dead people voting for a dead person

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8655e0 No.20970675


>908 replies

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20ddca No.20970677


best way to see how many spam posts.

keep two tabs open.

leave one not deleted.

refresh the other one.

both to view.

heavy spamming today.

they have nothing left but spamming

they are desperate and pathetic.

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a30103 No.20970679

Last Call will baker in 5 min

#25719 >>20969551

>>20969753, >>20969897, >>20970026, >>20970037 PF updates

>>20970436, >>20970352, >>20970364, >>20970450, >>20970500 Boatfaggin US airstrike in Somalia

>>20969631 Donald J. Trump: Swamp The Vote USA. Whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in person, or on Election Day—We will Secure Your Vote

>>20969597 Mike Davis: Biden better hope and pray the Supreme Court holds the President of the United States is immune from criminal prosecution

>>20969601, >>20969668 Good morning America (CAP Mp4 1:43)

>>20969623 Flawless red pill vid

>>20969788 House investigators have obtained evidence showing that former President Donald Trump’s Secret Service driver wanted to quickly refute testimony…

>>20969981 Winter deepens misery for Argentina's poor following Milei's financial cuts


>>20970070, >>20970522 NASA’s Boeing Starliner Crew Flight Test Launch – June 5

>>20970072 animal testing

>>20970185 Eisenhower carrier strike group deployment extended

>>20970275 Elon Musk will bring video-only feed to X in bid to take on TikTok and Instagram Reels

>>20970440 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20970506, >>20970588 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shadow of a Martian Robot

>>20970517, >>20970648, >>20970650, >>20970651 Swamp Talk

>>20970594 Drugs in Egypt

>>20970641 Plurality Of Americans Believe Trump Trial Was Politically Motivated


>>20970653 NY appeals court alternatives

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8655e0 No.20970680


Deleting will continue till anons return to worshiping false idols?

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5fec27 No.20970681

File: 8ddf1649acd546b⋯.jpg (44.66 KB,246x262,123:131,otalp.jpg)


down they go

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086215 No.20970683

File: 460166ede45ddda⋯.png (1.24 MB,1284x936,107:78,comey_hsbc_attacks.png)



State department "credible independent media " is "political government cut-out mil spec media"

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2b212e No.20970686

Another spammer fag filtered. Just before it bitches and whines about all of its spam being deleted.

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db705f No.20970687

File: f83a8ac959f3b41⋯.jpg (102.18 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1676727815721680.jpg)


Its been Tippy Top


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ff62bf No.20970689

File: 2712b0df106045d⋯.jpeg (33.83 KB,255x255,1:1,3F95C0C5_6C96_42C9_B19A_7….jpeg)


all yers baker

shills never stood a chance this morn'n

they all mad

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da4f23 No.20970690


Pretty hilarious.

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d2ae9e No.20970691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch and listen closely from 24:35 !

Do they try to exterminate humanity by dramatically reducing co2 levels?

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086215 No.20970692

Before you listen to the State Department or the Banks talk about CYBER ATTACKS


18 USC 1001b

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act



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ac76cf No.20970694

[D] Day


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ac76cf No.20970695

C before D

Conviction before Declass

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4b2c97 No.20970697


D-Day was theater which is why Hollywood celebrates it by making movies about it.

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da4f23 No.20970698


Coates, DNI Coates. Read the drops.

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a30103 No.20970700

File: 717eac45371a257⋯.png (187.84 KB,400x400,1:1,3c16f049349ba147d91a00fbec….png)


we get em capes n sheitz


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086215 No.20970701

File: 911cfb23e8d1add⋯.jpg (551.27 KB,1259x1671,1259:1671,molfar_find_and_fix_molfar.jpg)


Remove these from US GOVERNMENT full stop

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud

shit will start getting fixed in 24 hours.

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4b2c97 No.20970702


[next year]

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db705f No.20970703

File: 65497be26c7f927⋯.jpg (129.16 KB,633x475,633:475,65497be26c7f927121129378c0….jpg)

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ffe6e5 No.20970704

File: 8d11265be185019⋯.png (688.47 KB,634x710,317:355,ClipboardImage.png)

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a30103 No.20970705


#25719 >>20969551

>>20969753, >>20969897, >>20970026, >>20970037 PF updates

>>20970436, >>20970352, >>20970364, >>20970450, >>20970500 Boatfaggin US airstrike in Somalia

>>20969631 Donald J. Trump: Swamp The Vote USA. Whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in person, or on Election Day—We will Secure Your Vote

>>20969597 Mike Davis: Biden better hope and pray the Supreme Court holds the President of the United States is immune from criminal prosecution

>>20969601, >>20969668 Good morning America (CAP Mp4 1:43)

>>20969623 Flawless red pill vid

>>20969788 House investigators have obtained evidence showing that former President Donald Trump’s Secret Service driver wanted to quickly refute testimony…

>>20969981 Winter deepens misery for Argentina's poor following Milei's financial cuts


>>20970070, >>20970522 NASA’s Boeing Starliner Crew Flight Test Launch – June 5

>>20970072 animal testing

>>20970185 Eisenhower carrier strike group deployment extended

>>20970275 Elon Musk will bring video-only feed to X in bid to take on TikTok and Instagram Reels

>>20970440 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20970506, >>20970588 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shadow of a Martian Robot

>>20970517, >>20970648, >>20970650, >>20970651 Swamp Talk

>>20970594 Drugs in Egypt

>>20970641 Plurality Of Americans Believe Trump Trial Was Politically Motivated


>>20970653 NY appeals court alternatives


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6bfb7a No.20970707

File: edc051b81f5c7c2⋯.png (147.54 KB,350x350,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20969087 n US tech giant Google has accidentally collected children’s voice data and leaked information on the trips and home addresses of car pool users - twat


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c383ee No.20970708


{Two Weeks}

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bf3297 No.20970709

Anyone remember post number There is Q, There are Anons, There is no QAnon

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086215 No.20970711


That Ukraine flag should NOT BE FLYING in NORMANDY on D-DAY.

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ff62bf No.20970713

File: 7fd3d618f1ef958⋯.png (799.71 KB,799x535,799:535,0d618eb35ba4811a1abf9a9730….png)


don't think dhey like capes

dresses n sheitz yo cuz dhey all pantifa faggits

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ea40f5 No.20970714

File: 3163dc4e3890804⋯.png (358.85 KB,627x613,627:613,ClipboardImage.png)

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847471 No.20970715

File: f31872c24c1e039⋯.png (869.83 KB,736x981,736:981,sm3.png)

Just makes me question their competency is all.

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8d9ff0 No.20970716


This anon is COMPLETELY OPEN TO ANY IDEAS that addresses the powder keg of millions of Uniformed men and women who fail or refuse to actually read and comprehend the simple guidelines outlined in the DoI, Constitution and BoR.

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6bfb7a No.20970717

controlled opposition is controlled.

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4b2c97 No.20970721

File: 7bcf5ab4eb1794d⋯.jpeg (1009.63 KB,1179x1324,1179:1324,0B468BD7_5D08_48DD_804B_B….jpeg)


Q digits chekt

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da4f23 No.20970722


Is it not a thankless job? I contend that it is.

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ac76cf No.20970723

File: 65a022a53fa948c⋯.png (268.51 KB,528x748,12:17,Capture.PNG)

🚨 Breaking News 🚨

According to serious information, French President Macron is expected to announce on June 6 that "Europe is officially at war with Russia!" Let's wait and see if this is actually true. #Macron #Europe #Russia #BreakingNews 🌍📰


Sure, go ahead and inform your enemy ahead of time.

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a30103 No.20970741





migrate, locked

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