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File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)

c71287 No.20966346 [View All]

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609789 No.20967178

File: ab349c91f3f3614⋯.jpg (17.49 KB,281x180,281:180,OIP_38_.jpg)





Be ready for boom boom

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142b8f No.20967179

File: 92bebed6fefa74e⋯.png (362.73 KB,623x541,623:541,ClipboardImage.png)

The Hill



Spirituality can boost health and well-being: Researchers


Jun 4, 2024 · 7:36 PM UTC



God bless Donald J. Trump.



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4f411d No.20967180

File: 6bcf0acf061f83a⋯.png (398.77 KB,708x425,708:425,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0966ffbbbe75008⋯.png (264.75 KB,500x599,500:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad4376 No.20967181

File: 1d30787bb508f08⋯.png (210.26 KB,437x507,437:507,ClipboardImage.png)



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94ad97 No.20967183



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37c37b No.20967184

File: d921659b90d5aa0⋯.png (2.03 MB,2034x2034,1:1,qclock_8_hours11113d3njere….png)


Make the graphic larger.

Copy paste dates from inner circles to their new positions.

Like I said only do the quarters (or ever 10 minutes whatever) and the ones you are interested in.

I used to add the years on 1/1 to clearly illustrate what year it is for the newbies.

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5957ae No.20967185


There is no difference between a Democrat and Republican. It’s the same team. It’s no different than the WWE.

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f8086d No.20967186


In before QTARDS say Trump vaccine was the good vaccine

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d41814 No.20967187

File: 97a004eff809723⋯.png (41.57 KB,818x410,409:205,4953.png)



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c4045c No.20967188



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4f411d No.20967189

File: cf8617d085ce854⋯.png (284.8 KB,474x532,237:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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94a392 No.20967190

notables FINAL

#25715 >>20966357

>>20966704 AG Garland faces grilling on Trump cases, Biden-Hur audio

>>20966495, >>20966511, >>20966530 Jim Jordan's opening statement

>>20966806 Matt Gaetz slaps around Merrick Garland

>>20966938 Thomas Massie hammers Merrick Garland

>>20966949 Garland Refuses to Say Whether He is Coordinating with Bragg, Willis, and Letitia James

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20966406. >>20967000 Biden delivers remarks on immigration and border

>>20966449 Founding member of Black Panther Party endorses President Trump

>>20966462 Don't buy an island off the coast of Nicaragua

>>20966552, >>20966563 USAF: CSO hosts patch presentation ceremony

>>20966579, >>20966993 DJT: The truth is that Biden’s Executive Order won’t STOP the invasion—it will make the invasion WORSE

>>20966598, >>20966613, >>20966710, >>20966947 Events

>>20966689 Bill Guan, the chief financial officer of the Epoch Times, was indicted Monday on charges of allegedly participating in a massive money laundering scheme

>>20966727 Israeli Minister of Finance: It's time to return Lebanon to the stone age

>>20966738 US has highest maternal mortality rate among wealthy nations

>>20966755 Taos Pueblo Man Charged with Multiple Counts of Sexual Abuse of Children

>>20966760, >>20966801, >>20966976 Marketfag

>>20966775 Those Indian scam call centers are well hooked up with Ministers of India and Indian ambassadors in other countries

>>20966787 Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investment Securities 2022-2024

>>20966805 Elon Musk Pledges To Spend Around $9 Billion To Acquire 300,000 Units Of NVIDIA’s B200 Chips For xAI By “Next Summer”

>>20966808 Maldives will ban Israelis from entering the country over the war in Gaza

>>20966817, >>20967089 Big Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci’s Agency Through Secret Third Party Royalties During Pandemic Years

>>20966820 Democrats storm the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco

>>20966824 135 out the 680 hotels in NYC are now shelters for illegal immigrants

>>20966840 CNN programming Western youth for self-destruction

>>20966846 Trump Surges With Black Voters, Up 15% Since Manhattan Conviction

>>20966856 Legal scholar urges Republican state AGs to sue New York and Alvin Bragg for election interference at the Supreme Court

>>20966862 If Trump can be convicted in New York… then Alvin Bragg can be convicted in Florida

>>20966866 PF: SPAR10/11 C40Cs inbound to JBA from Scott AFB, IL

>>20966867 Thousands of Mexicans living in Houston line up to vote at the Mexican consulate this weekend - a Mexican government issued ID was required to vote

>>20966879 James Comey is fantasizing about Trump going to prison

>>20966881, >>20966923 Wisconsin attorney general files felony charges against attorneys, aide who worked for Trump in 2020

>>20966883 Chinese state media programming their population for war with Taiwan

>>20966904 Poppin' off

>>20966905 ICYMI: NCSWIC

>>20966922, >>20966973 MTG: We Need A Complete Change Of Mindset In Republicans In Washington DC

>>20966937 DJT: Today we launched Swamp The Vote USA - JUST VOTE!

>>20966951 Trump Allies Mike Roman, Ken Chesebro, James Troupis Indicted for Questioning 2020 Results

>>20967006 U.S. Senator Joe Manchin leaves Democratic Party, registers as independent

>>20967013 X announces pornographic content will officially be allowed on the platform

>>20967081 PF: Polish AF PLF101 737 President Duda departed Poznan after about 4.5h on ground

>>20967083 Dr. Phil in primetime last night calls on Biden to end all lawfare prosecutions of President Trump

>>20967157 Fauci then vs. Fauci now on vaccine efficacy

>>20967167 Greg Kelly will interview DJT tonight @ 9PM EST

>>20966435, >>20966590, >>20966706, >>20966784 Memes


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28d9ad No.20967191


Wasn't for our POTUS you would still be at home wearing a mask or forced vaxxed to keep your job.

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142b8f No.20967192

File: 6f1e0570d29947d⋯.png (2.62 MB,1000x2043,1000:2043,6f1e0570d29947d5be5e7bc9d1….png)


Nice echo chamber have you there.

It would be a shame if someone insinuated that all of that is fake news.

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c7b6d8 No.20967193

File: 36b94cb8e2cdce0⋯.png (9.61 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>anderson cooper reports frum in duh closet royal famil harry gasket challenger tested positive

inside leeky leeky sources admit to bunghol laser

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755d5b No.20967194


Meditation is my pre-workout. Meditation is that loud pack, that fish scale.

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0f2b17 No.20967195


well that gives me a clean top half… TY anon

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cfdfc1 No.20967196


Yeah, covid and vax started with Trump.

But he'll "protect" us.

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f8086d No.20967198


Lulz. The delusions get funnier every day.


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755d5b No.20967199

File: de0c75a1673827b⋯.jpeg (83.34 KB,948x498,158:83,IMG_1435.jpeg)


Follow the science

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442477 No.20967203

File: 3ec81c98c38b107⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,3ec81c98c38b107d00e0225849….mp4)


Your shit is old now.

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0b64ed No.20967205


Now do mandates

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28d9ad No.20967207


Garland, at this point, does what he wants. He's not concerned with his lying………………….yet. Perhaps a state AG should bring charges gainst him and indict his ass for 18 USC 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.

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755d5b No.20967209


Don’t be mad because your net worth is over a million plus and you still got jabbed loser

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22a630 No.20967211


Where is the funding coming from?

Did congress fund Smith?

Did DOJ fund Smith?

Did somebody else find Smith?

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0b64ed No.20967212

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4dd26f No.20967213

File: 025461ada938750⋯.png (139.64 KB,447x300,149:100,justiceno.png)

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94a392 No.20967214

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0f2b17 No.20967216



mossadicided !

nice chynese top she be wearing

3 pronged take over of mexico by the mossad and the ccp and the cartels

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f8086d No.20967217


Bahahaha. I knew the Trump Warp Speed shot was poison

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7e5194 No.20967218

File: ea28a209bead533⋯.png (347.6 KB,1263x1241,1263:1241,Right_To_Try.png)

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727331 No.20967219


>The House Judiciary just edited out the Chairmans Opening Statement.


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0bf274 No.20967222


if she's a tribe member do we really know she's a female?

maybe not

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4668e5 No.20967223

File: 5bc0f738f844e3b⋯.png (767.14 KB,1080x778,540:389,Screenshot_20240604_140034….png)



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d546d4 No.20967224

File: 91c5377023f6339⋯.png (454.65 KB,409x604,409:604,PhilS.png)

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05c104 No.20967225


small hat sombreros

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4dd26f No.20967226

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

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ff9953 No.20967227

File: 1755d840b8bde2b⋯.jpg (611.4 KB,1080x1769,1080:1769,Screenshot_20240605_090116….jpg)


I rememeber when anons had balls and only followed the facts

Trump is not the saviour he is just a man.

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d546d4 No.20967228

File: 77418ed36032f07⋯.png (881.75 KB,791x610,791:610,PhilH.png)

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755d5b No.20967229


Shame, coerce, force citizens to get jab

Mandate jab

Question jab

Attribute jab to Trump

Attribute Covid to Trump

[YOU] are a cunt

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755d5b No.20967232


Read the articles, nigger. Not just the headlines.

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72ae17 No.20967233

File: 09a475662d75324⋯.png (783.02 KB,1264x719,1264:719,ClipboardImage.png)

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d546d4 No.20967234

File: 3ddb92cad8947e3⋯.png (978.72 KB,1024x604,256:151,PhilM.png)

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c4045c No.20967236


Will be in Gitmo in less than a year

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f8086d No.20967237



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a0bea4 No.20967238



The best solution to this problem is to hire local patriots from every town who are aware of this problem and put hem in charge of civilian defense.

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7e5194 No.20967239

Jun 04, 2024, 4:11 PM


Kash Patel




Do you hear that, wait… listen for it… that's the deafening sound of the republican majority in congress failing to issue one single subpoena to expose the two tier system of justice or hold any #GovernmentGangsters accountable for running it.

But hey- they got their tv time slots on main stream media filled, so why not keep the faith.

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147053 No.20967240


We're doomed.

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4f411d No.20967243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You knew [they] were going to spit on those motherfuckers.

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d546d4 No.20967245

File: dff72655d264d5c⋯.png (623.69 KB,652x602,326:301,PhilD.png)

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