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File: d34ad7d6a5268f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

a79f8e No.20962866 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 posts and 602 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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991c54 No.20963723

File: 18c44caa379126d⋯.jpg (60.25 KB,1193x372,1193:372,DELLHELL.jpg)

Anon fren who here is aware the Michael Dell from Dell Technologies former Dell Computer Corporation is main supplier of Adrenochrome to the Elites via Dell Chidren's Hospital in Austin. You have no IDEA how dirty Dell is. Notice the E is EXACTLY like Enron. Super tight with the Bushes and married to a tranny. Fucked up shit anons. Who else knew? Speak up!

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bc78a9 No.20963724


Epstein Island would be one of the few places that George was taller than the girls.

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c341a0 No.20963725

File: 80827b2659440d3⋯.png (676.81 KB,736x506,16:11,80827b2659440d39254e402491….png)

They're so mighty and powerful, spamming with the same briandead NPC personas that anons have seen for years now, the exact same evil gimmick day after day all day. Nothing new, just the same old bullshit. One filter silences their sorry asses pretty damn quick.

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c2212f No.20963726

File: 5b63329fb8c30a0⋯.png (177.29 KB,236x323,236:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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c56339 No.20963727

File: 336e3305b67b60c⋯.jpg (13.1 KB,442x293,442:293,mike_rogers_nsa.jpg)

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9077d4 No.20963728

File: cf66ea39d453da5⋯.jpg (127.37 KB,624x599,624:599,THE_CONSTITUTION.jpg)

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be0e5f No.20963729

File: 2102b92f40184bb⋯.jpeg (291.37 KB,828x596,207:149,004C2BC0_DD51_48FE_8E82_E….jpeg)



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f3bba7 No.20963730

File: 19d4914257370bd⋯.jpg (353.9 KB,1600x870,160:87,19d4914257370bd4a2287b55c8….jpg)

How many have shilled here?

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de7901 No.20963731

File: 74625bc4da12cc8⋯.png (637.33 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 668db39c62efed2⋯.png (2.85 MB,1600x1066,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c508cf631e21879⋯.png (400.69 KB,640x355,128:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 199a6ddb56b88b7⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



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1b4c27 No.20963732

File: 1486021f5817531⋯.png (485.08 KB,803x797,803:797,ClipboardImage.png)

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c56339 No.20963733

File: 0644fa87ceec5a1⋯.jpg (11.22 KB,255x170,3:2,46fe7f9506e61b3d19b0df219e….jpg)

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c56339 No.20963734

File: 43fe04be89e2106⋯.png (569.04 KB,877x630,877:630,0000arrrr.png)

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be0e5f No.20963735

File: e3490d499732ae4⋯.gif (332.39 KB,400x225,16:9,78D49934_166D_4F0B_895E_D2….gif)

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34c1b3 No.20963736


Is that fricken Madeline Albright in the back?

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2f30df No.20963737


Q Team:

The US gives a lot of money to Guatemala and the current President is no longer helping with food care packages to impoverished families like the previous president did. Please remove all foreign aid packages to them until they reinstate that program. They are pocketing the money instead of feeding their people.

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1b4c27 No.20963738

File: 4c50a97a6c1fdbc⋯.png (256.68 KB,550x313,550:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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98ed4e No.20963739

File: febe555b0b84cea⋯.jpg (61.94 KB,724x752,181:188,News_Pepe.jpg)


Damn. I'm a oldfag, and don't remember this!

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9077d4 No.20963740

File: 4a739b74c9e09fb⋯.jpg (105.15 KB,824x741,824:741,PIG_PIRATE.jpg)

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c56339 No.20963741

File: a9f4694c4fdb288⋯.png (392.39 KB,737x660,67:60,QEMPLOY.png)

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5f529f No.20963742


Fuck you Mr. No Answer.

From the memes here, it could mean nothing or anything.

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c56339 No.20963743

File: 8a85ea1cb9f24e6⋯.jpg (8.02 KB,184x184,1:1,22532.jpg)

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c341a0 No.20963744

File: 853b51bec574379⋯.gif (487.56 KB,480x360,4:3,leopold.gif)

And they get their panties in a bunch over cat memes and and opinions from a frog smoking a cigar. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine interacting with a group of degenerate cowards willing to stoop so low. Like from a book or a movie. KEK

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8e6946 No.20963745

File: 1193229bf4b6f26⋯.gif (4.45 MB,600x600,1:1,1193229bf4b6f26d505d82fafd….gif)



Will be ghosting after baking. Next frog, please stand up.

#25711-A >>20963676

#25711-B >>20962876

>>20963475 London England Has A Message 🔊 “Our message to Donald Trump, to the United States and every American who’s watching this. Your election in November is far bigger than your country.

>>20963511 Jill Biden appears at Hunter gun trial as dad Joe hails ‘inspiring’ son

>>20963528 US seizes Scott Ritter’s passport

>>20963575 Federal appeals court blocks Fearless Fund from issuing grants to only Black womenKEK.

>>20963579 There was NO CAMPAIGN FINANCE VIOLATION, information Biden-donor Judge Merchan went to extreme lengths to keep from ever being admitted in court.

>>20963601, >>20963695 Mark Levin: Biden, Democrats hate the Constitution

>>20963604 [The Great] Leader Schumer: Donald Trump is now a convicted felon. The most important takeaway is that no one is above the law. He went through the same process every American goes through and was found guilty by his peers

>>20963633 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20963642 This is the new President of Mexico.

>>20963681 Rep. Maxine Waters says Trump supporters should be investigated: 'Are they preparing a civil war?'

>>20963702 George Stephanopoulos partied with Jeffrey Epstein

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c8233f No.20963746


is this the new consol of the cabals global empire in Mexico?

only tribe member need apply?

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e26e78 No.20963747

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be0e5f No.20963748

File: d946e0a81d0b19f⋯.gif (213.28 KB,250x263,250:263,E55E16E4_2330_42FF_BE08_89….gif)


Yeah I think so

Habs it on another device

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305de1 No.20963749

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c56339 No.20963750

File: 08759cebdb36e32⋯.webp (211.54 KB,1364x1368,341:342,0001.webp)

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9077d4 No.20963751

File: fa37e5a18d7d8cf⋯.jpg (97.24 KB,783x440,783:440,MOBY_PIG.jpg)

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a4715f No.20963752


All 3 innate rights to human beings in this country have been violated and the 3rd one you didn’t even know about until when? Shut the fuck up. It’s maddening. It’s torture.

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34c1b3 No.20963753

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1b4c27 No.20963754

File: cbe07e24503536c⋯.png (594.45 KB,640x845,128:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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31cc18 No.20963755

File: 3a7e2b68719a384⋯.png (29.75 KB,175x259,25:37,3a7e2b68719a384a1fee370ad1….png)


When is enough enough?

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bca37b No.20963756

File: b264a9cefb412da⋯.png (526.47 KB,574x521,574:521,ClipboardImage.png)


think joe will get right on that .


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be0e5f No.20963757

File: 39dc909b7d581e9⋯.jpeg (121.93 KB,1024x555,1024:555,21B53A76_3C80_4BB6_8437_B….jpeg)




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c2212f No.20963758

File: 06f2b8c59856def⋯.png (208.67 KB,442x293,442:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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8167c4 No.20963759


>Remember what they put us through.

I'll remember… that's for sure..

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c341a0 No.20963760

File: acb12fc10f0aee5⋯.png (836.48 KB,732x491,732:491,epsteinmovie2.png)

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773c42 No.20963761



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34c1b3 No.20963762


No kidding.

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10793a No.20963763


What you think doesn’t matter. It’s what happened. Nothing as of now.

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96899f No.20963764


live action death scenes

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9077d4 No.20963765

File: 56fd86ababa2859⋯.jpg (64.42 KB,345x594,115:198,TICK_TOCK_1111.jpg)

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3a2604 No.20963766

File: d8e8174cec893b0⋯.jpeg (118.35 KB,540x680,27:34,d8e8174cec893b02d63b5a3cc….jpeg)

File: 96dff81223f9d05⋯.jpeg (12.78 KB,166x255,166:255,d727d1bfbdd05438c5b3a0eef….jpeg)

File: bc50b92f9c25941⋯.jpg (302.86 KB,1008x1280,63:80,bc50b92f9c25941715c9a7b6f6….jpg)

File: 02290c1fa1bf00b⋯.png (8.89 MB,2948x1588,737:397,02290c1fa1bf00b7eff5bf8f12….png)

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9a2589 No.20963767


you have my Gratitude B

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1b4c27 No.20963768

File: 33f59dadb59e96c⋯.png (449.99 KB,744x750,124:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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31cc18 No.20963769

File: cb742df8ab49cb6⋯.png (353.53 KB,558x333,62:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f30df No.20963770

Q Team:

At least 2 to 3 times a day I am being banned on this board with the explanation of cp which is just being used as a targeted attack. In addition, my internet connectivity keeps getting shut off for 5-10 minutes at a time and most of the times I get the connectivity of 1 1400 baud modem at best. Yesterday, I was only getting about 5k per second. Please check my area for any type of jamming devices as these people are being directly supplied by the DS.

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42e170 No.20963771

File: bb7c5ea05f867f9⋯.gif (1.78 MB,480x366,80:61,bb7c5ea05f867f955655de58ae….gif)

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836657 No.20964023

File: 056e379d88bc3aa⋯.jpg (105.4 KB,888x500,222:125,8mlhlj.jpg)

File: 1db73473e58fb5b⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,540x540,1:1,1db73473e58fb5bcaebd059af2….mp4)

File: ed3a2f8b7037bc5⋯.jpg (127.95 KB,1416x1522,708:761,IMG_3258.jpg)

File: c5f67d6e4757110⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB,640x360,16:9,c5f67d6e4757110c85af02873d….mp4)

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