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File: 88e251a0709f216⋯.png (151.98 KB,837x404,837:404,000fff.png)

9c3901 No.20960436 [View All]

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698 posts and 542 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7e57e2 No.20961217

File: ece28b647ed173d⋯.png (1.41 MB,750x1334,375:667,C2CE3EE4_582C_49C9_A3D2_94….png)

File: 41f281251d90636⋯.jpeg (35.62 KB,360x240,3:2,82478E1D_91AE_488E_A925_C….jpeg)

File: 107aa749560ab08⋯.jpeg (379.73 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,B4649961_BFA3_4A8B_B9F5_D….jpeg)


man overboard. you’s can’t leave

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459e00 No.20961219

File: 3607fa253248769⋯.png (963.48 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Joshua_crucified_by_police.png)

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63ad8d No.20961221


an tahn git heshe herman fugly tranny to smut up duh place

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21ca5e No.20961222

File: a22068e8e33e6e1⋯.jpg (19.77 KB,640x414,320:207,A03.jpg)

Last call

…Next bread around when the fuck ever. Soon.


#25708 >>20960444

>>20960737, >>20960454, >>20960481, >>20960486, >>20960512, >>20960553, >>20960575, >>20960578, >>20960606, >>20960637, >>20960661, >>20960729, >>20960753, >>20960826 Fuck Fauci

>>20960520 @US_TRANSCOM WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? 🐶🔊 🐶🔊 🐶🔊

>>20960555 @realDonaldTrump Biden Migrant Crime is out of control and is ravaging America! …


>>20960639 @realDonaldTrump Trump Support

>>20960646 CELL CHAT is a property of the American Internet Tech, LLC Call to diggz!

>>20960672, >>20960684, >>20960692 Buzz Kill: The Trump Conviction Presents a Target-Rich Environment for Appeal

>>20960678 QClock June 03, 2024 - SEC Test, NYSE Technical Issue 99%

>>20960705 X trends

>>20960742 "Mexican consulate in LA overwhelmed by large voter turnout"

>>20960758, >>20960769, >>20960878 The Delaware people, places part of Hunter Biden's trial

>>20960829 They are trying to fool you into thinking it was someone from the far-right rally

>>20960834 “MAGA’s Increasing Everyday”

>>20960839, >>20960844, >>20960851 Swamp Talk

>>20960905, >>20960906 Baker change

>>20960932 'How Much Have You Earned From Royalties… Since The Pandemic Began?': Malliotakis Grills Dr. Fauci

>>20960941 Myocarditis and pericarditis documented only in COVID-19 'vaccinated groups,' study shows

>>20960989 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: I let Anthony Fauci know exactly how the American people feel about his crimes against humanity. Mr. Fauci should be prosecuted and thrown in jail.

>>20961080 POTUS Truthed another faux "poll" today

>>20961104 Full interview with Former President Donald Trump! | Will Cain Show

>>20961112 FAUCI HECKLED ENTERING US CAPITOL! – “Are You Sad You’re in the Number 3 Spot in Murdering People Behind Stalin and Hitler? …How Many People Do You Think You Murdered?”

>>20961130 Kiev spy network busted in Crimea (RT)

>>20961132 Biden’s Acting Associate Attorney General Matthew Colangelo left the DOJ to help orchestrate Alvin Bragg’s political prosecution of President Trump.

>>20961139 @DevinNunes - From Twitter to X to XXX 😳

>>20961147 Mexico Elects Leftist Claudia Sheinbaum As First Female President In Landslide

>>20961180 SOLAR STORM IMPACT FORECAST - June 4th/5th, 2024

>>20961196 Kirk Previews The ‘The People’s Convention’ | Everyday MAGA Member’s Convention To Save America


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0aabaa No.20961223

File: fe6446ced4f3dee⋯.png (54.1 KB,643x1000,643:1000,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03e9ee856c37849⋯.jpg (89.19 KB,960x540,16:9,NK_SpaceX_Facebook_Rothsch….jpg)

File: a0763f3174df1ac⋯.jpeg (198.99 KB,1237x889,1237:889,Musk_Obama_NK.jpeg)

File: ce033b86842ac9e⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB,640x352,20:11,DOD_biggest_contractor_is_….mp4)


>Rocket Man

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4a7b6d No.20961225


>an tahn git heshe herman fugly tranny to smut up duh place

Picked the wrong place, dick head.

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22e558 No.20961226


POTUS had nothing to do with any vaccine that hurt people.

Nobody was dying while POTUS was in office.

Only after the new admin took over people started taking the different non warp sppeed pfizer cancer vaxxines,.all the "other boosters"

the grahine didnt start showing up until biden.

POTUS stopped the people that were coming into the country from places that were having outbreaks of not just covid but other things too

Warp speed was a military operation, the first version of the vaccines were "safe and effective".

The states improperly stored them on purpose, tried to hurt the American people, they hated trump and wanted to see him fail.

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7e57e2 No.20961227


you are extremely irritating

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011298 No.20961228

File: fd0410ee20f33ef⋯.jpeg (637.87 KB,828x1325,828:1325,A1D4CB22_9253_4ABA_9A51_A….jpeg)


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5936b7 No.20961229


Pick up your shelter dog Danielle. He might break some hearts soon.

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41fdd9 No.20961230

File: d4428e5d266121c⋯.jpg (111.93 KB,600x750,4:5,xe6jj3rxc9421_1391801750.jpg)

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841806 No.20961231

File: a46d1825f6cb94c⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB,640x360,16:9,_FauciAroundFindOut_with_I….mp4)



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eb93a0 No.20961232


‘Antimatter vs Antimater’, cancels out

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9ee3c3 No.20961233

File: ddc0d5c9dc45e07⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,fauxfauc62123c.mp4)

File: c1fe221d468dce5⋯.png (653.71 KB,1166x963,1166:963,fauxfaucCNN.png)

File: 2b58af5bb762216⋯.mp4 (11.2 MB,640x360,16:9,pearson2019censor_1_.mp4)

File: c8b4e2af1674ece⋯.png (656.32 KB,1148x952,41:34,theycouldntv23_1_3.png)

Guess that little worm, r.paul, gets to grandstand on his "pet assignment", fauci, today.

That little fuck ever retract/apologize to our President for - THREE fucking years after the fact:

VID (0:48) fauxNOnews jerkoff fake entertainer’s show; the Brillo Pad from Kentucky “responds to Trump’s claim he couldn’t fire Fauci during COVID pandemic on June 21,2023foxnews.com/video/6329818234112 https://archive.is/mRO1k

CNN back on Monday July 13,2020 Can Trump fire Fauci? Technically, no

Under federal law, Trump doesn’t have the power to directly fire Fauci, a career civil servant, and remove him from government. And while Trump could try ordering his political appointees to dismiss the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci could appeal – a time-consuming process. https://archive.is/ngWSj https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/13/politics/can-trump-fire-fauci/index.html

OLD Pearson Sharp Reports regarding fauxi: VID2 (CLIP) Fauci, Hhs Officials Discuss Using New Virus From China To Enforce Universal Vaccines In Footage From Oct. 2019 OAN Newsroom Friday, October 8, 2021 Newly uncovered video shows Anthony Fauci and other HHS officials discussing how a new virus from China could be used to enforce universal vaccination back in October of 2019.

Report: Nih Officials Took Secret Payments From Outside Firms OAN NEWSROOM, June 9, 2022 A new report revealed top officials at Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) are receiving millions of dollars in secret royalty checks. An investigative report by Open the Books, an American nonprofit organization that describes itself as a transparency group devoted to uncovering disclosed government spending, found more than $134 million was paid to 1,600 NIH executives, scientists and researchers by third-party groups. The payments were revealed after a Freedom of Information Act request. The scheme reportedly involves the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, along with several US Department of Health and Human Services and Pentagon agencies as well as the US Agency for International Development. https://archive.is/zluTb

VID (8:18 Rumble Link) Funding Ukrainian biolabs researching COVID-19: EVIDENCE SHOWS HUNTER BIDEN’S FORM RESPONSIBLE FOR FUNDING UKRAINIAN BIOLABS RESEARCHING CHINAVIRUS https://rumble.com/embed/v13qnjd/?pub=4

These fake "republicans" need the firing squad, right along with all the Treasonous fucks (Biden, for starters) they protect. Hope they're extra stern for the TV cameras! BLACKMAILED NWO/Communist Freak Theater on steroids.

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28be0f No.20961234

File: d06ab4b17165893⋯.jpg (6.38 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240505_100818.jpg)


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78aef3 No.20961235

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon: “We’re Gonna Put 2024 [Election] Under 100x More Scrutiny Than 2020”



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7976e0 No.20961236


fucking Spanish hypocrites, celebrating pedophile Pride and satanic carnaval everywhere and throughout the year from north all the way to the Canary Islands with their drag queen shows et al

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6a361f No.20961237

File: 957079cf4c3403d⋯.png (250.04 KB,1100x800,11:8,judge_merchan_daughter_bra….png)

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7e57e2 No.20961238

File: 35a4ccac06d599b⋯.jpeg (64.53 KB,600x719,600:719,CCC2426A_4588_4CA0_BACF_6….jpeg)

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21ca5e No.20961239

File: 61ce42d1a92c686⋯.png (867.56 KB,960x640,3:2,61ce42d1a92c68628320b76748….png)


…Bakering now.


#25708 >>20960444

>>20960737, >>20960454, >>20960481, >>20960486, >>20960512, >>20960553, >>20960575, >>20960578, >>20960606, >>20960637, >>20960661, >>20960729, >>20960753, >>20960826 Fuck Fauci

>>20960520 @US_TRANSCOM WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? 🐶🔊 🐶🔊 🐶🔊

>>20960555 @realDonaldTrump Biden Migrant Crime is out of control and is ravaging America! …


>>20960639 @realDonaldTrump Trump Support

>>20960646 CELL CHAT is a property of the American Internet Tech, LLC Call to diggz!

>>20960672, >>20960684, >>20960692 Buzz Kill: The Trump Conviction Presents a Target-Rich Environment for Appeal

>>20960678 QClock June 03, 2024 - SEC Test, NYSE Technical Issue 99%

>>20960705 X trends

>>20960742 "Mexican consulate in LA overwhelmed by large voter turnout"

>>20960758, >>20960769, >>20960878 The Delaware people, places part of Hunter Biden's trial

>>20960829 They are trying to fool you into thinking it was someone from the far-right rally

>>20960834 “MAGA’s Increasing Everyday”

>>20960839, >>20960844, >>20960851 Swamp Talk

>>20960905, >>20960906 Baker change

>>20960932 'How Much Have You Earned From Royalties… Since The Pandemic Began?': Malliotakis Grills Dr. Fauci

>>20960941 Myocarditis and pericarditis documented only in COVID-19 'vaccinated groups,' study shows

>>20960989 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: I let Anthony Fauci know exactly how the American people feel about his crimes against humanity. Mr. Fauci should be prosecuted and thrown in jail.

>>20961080 POTUS Truthed another faux "poll" today

>>20961104 Full interview with Former President Donald Trump! | Will Cain Show

>>20961112, >>20961231 FAUCI HECKLED ENTERING US CAPITOL! – “Are You Sad You’re in the Number 3 Spot in Murdering People Behind Stalin and Hitler? …How Many People Do You Think You Murdered?”

>>20961130 Kiev spy network busted in Crimea (RT)

>>20961132 Biden’s Acting Associate Attorney General Matthew Colangelo left the DOJ to help orchestrate Alvin Bragg’s political prosecution of President Trump.

>>20961139 @DevinNunes - From Twitter to X to XXX 😳

>>20961147 Mexico Elects Leftist Claudia Sheinbaum As First Female President In Landslide

>>20961180 SOLAR STORM IMPACT FORECAST - June 4th/5th, 2024

>>20961196 Kirk Previews The ‘The People’s Convention’ | Everyday MAGA Member’s Convention To Save America

A massive 8-alarm fire at a Redwood City building under construction has prompted evacuations in the area. This is happening along the 2700 block of Middlefield Road


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459e00 No.20961240

File: f021129eb65489b⋯.png (975.03 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Joshua_crucified_by_police.png)

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011298 No.20961242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TheY are in a fright.

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41fdd9 No.20961243

File: a7b286f156a9bf4⋯.jpg (92.44 KB,675x450,3:2,26JPPOSTROCK1_master675.jpg)

The beautiful people.

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21ca5e No.20961244


#25708 >>20960444

>>20960737, >>20960454, >>20960481, >>20960486, >>20960512, >>20960553, >>20960575, >>20960578, >>20960606, >>20960637, >>20960661, >>20960729, >>20960753, >>20960826 Fuck Fauci

>>20960520 @US_TRANSCOM WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? 🐶🔊 🐶🔊 🐶🔊

>>20960555 @realDonaldTrump Biden Migrant Crime is out of control and is ravaging America! …


>>20960639 @realDonaldTrump Trump Support

>>20960646 CELL CHAT is a property of the American Internet Tech, LLC Call to diggz!

>>20960672, >>20960684, >>20960692 Buzz Kill: The Trump Conviction Presents a Target-Rich Environment for Appeal

>>20960678 QClock June 03, 2024 - SEC Test, NYSE Technical Issue 99%

>>20960705 X trends

>>20960742 "Mexican consulate in LA overwhelmed by large voter turnout"

>>20960758, >>20960769, >>20960878 The Delaware people, places part of Hunter Biden's trial

>>20960829 They are trying to fool you into thinking it was someone from the far-right rally

>>20960834 “MAGA’s Increasing Everyday”

>>20960839, >>20960844, >>20960851 Swamp Talk

>>20960905, >>20960906 Baker change

>>20960932 'How Much Have You Earned From Royalties… Since The Pandemic Began?': Malliotakis Grills Dr. Fauci

>>20960941 Myocarditis and pericarditis documented only in COVID-19 'vaccinated groups,' study shows

>>20960989 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: I let Anthony Fauci know exactly how the American people feel about his crimes against humanity. Mr. Fauci should be prosecuted and thrown in jail.

>>20961080 POTUS Truthed another faux "poll" today

>>20961104 Full interview with Former President Donald Trump! | Will Cain Show

>>20961112, >>20961231 FAUCI HECKLED ENTERING US CAPITOL! – “Are You Sad You’re in the Number 3 Spot in Murdering People Behind Stalin and Hitler? …How Many People Do You Think You Murdered?”

>>20961130 Kiev spy network busted in Crimea (RT)

>>20961132 Biden’s Acting Associate Attorney General Matthew Colangelo left the DOJ to help orchestrate Alvin Bragg’s political prosecution of President Trump.

>>20961139 @DevinNunes - From Twitter to X to XXX 😳

>>20961147 Mexico Elects Leftist Claudia Sheinbaum As First Female President In Landslide

>>20961180 SOLAR STORM IMPACT FORECAST - June 4th/5th, 2024

>>20961196 Kirk Previews The ‘The People’s Convention’ | Everyday MAGA Member’s Convention To Save America

>>20961228 A massive 8-alarm fire at a Redwood City building under construction has prompted evacuations in the area. This is happening along the 2700 block of Middlefield Road


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63ad8d No.20961245


>>an tahn git heshe herman fugly tranny to smut up duh place

>Picked the wrong place, dick head.

an tahn wrong bordur invasion

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c1184b No.20961246


Why did this faggot have to bring up muh "Hitler?" Mao killed way more than Hitler ever could. Fucking retard.

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6a361f No.20961247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Faulkner Focus 6/3/24 FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP June 3, 2024

Minecraft Dünyası

174K subscribers

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7f134c No.20961248

File: 32821d16fd2af90⋯.jpeg (33.24 KB,220x377,220:377,IMG_1531.jpeg)

They’re in the bushes!!

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e1803c No.20961249


myself I would save

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63ad8d No.20961250


>>>an tahn git heshe herman fugly tranny to smut up duh place

>>Picked the wrong place, dick head.

>an tahn wrong bordur invasion

an tahn poleland is now berlinur juuuu fo sho

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dda469 No.20961252

File: c46b9254db2f782⋯.png (132.47 KB,320x369,320:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ee21f616ba18e5⋯.png (240.79 KB,537x358,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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6a361f No.20961254

>Devin Nunes ReTruthed


Rep. Tom Tiffany


Fauci made up rules and lied.

Businesses were closed.

Kids were forced to mask.

Americans were censored.

Workers were fired.

Fauci should be prosecuted

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eb93a0 No.20961255


Not within arm’s reach, but within earshot

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4a7b6d No.20961256


>an tahn wrong bordur invasion

no you dont know shit about bordur invasion, you only know about packages being returned to the wrong sender.

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6a361f No.20961257

File: bab3d03ea0a86e8⋯.png (484.2 KB,1251x1242,139:138,who_is_Trump_following_052….png)

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63ad8d No.20961259


>>>>an tahn git heshe herman fugly tranny to smut up duh place

>>>Picked the wrong place, dick head.

>>an tahn wrong bordur invasion

>an tahn poleland is now berlinur juuuu fo sho

an tahn vanderbilt railroad duz rails to mcgrubers matinee

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7f4cc8 No.20961260

File: d6db9206b0c6fe8⋯.png (343.51 KB,770x382,385:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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28be0f No.20961261

File: fd58e9dbb3410fe⋯.jpg (490.62 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240603_122758….jpg)

Squeeky is stutterer

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7e57e2 No.20961263

File: abfc15d244c2d89⋯.jpeg (158.38 KB,720x887,720:887,C96FEB7D_04D6_4B25_90DA_9….jpeg)


phil fluff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

21ca5e No.20961264

File: 20005536060aa7c⋯.jpg (80.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,burntbread.jpg)

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6a361f No.20961265

File: 27a6d8319999ab6⋯.png (180.55 KB,1615x1101,1615:1101,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a361f No.20961267

File: 1277e716297b77a⋯.png (247.02 KB,1008x1201,1008:1201,international_criminal_cou….png)

File: 5493a187f13c4e7⋯.png (376.42 KB,987x1109,987:1109,amal_clooney_sunni_muslim_….png)

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21ca5e No.20961268

File: 3890a60fb951e1f⋯.png (361.26 KB,642x432,107:72,bbsucko.png)

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b2fa17 No.20961269


>an tahn poleland is now berlinur juuuu fo sho

fo sho? for show? how ugly does it need to be in my damn face, crazy bots

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d18df8 No.20961270

File: 55ace372d7fe3c6⋯.png (868.86 KB,1080x1341,120:149,Svbbb.png)

File: e4ee5be031ea746⋯.png (561.85 KB,1080x1185,72:79,Scrvcx.png)

The Biden administration is so corrupted it's makes Putin's Russia look like a high quality tourist destination.

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7f134c No.20961271


If it quacks like a duck

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6a361f No.20961272

File: bf76f6eb3201624⋯.png (594.56 KB,553x1000,553:1000,sorry_diddy_05192024_2.png)

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95f682 No.20961273

File: 794a6bf985bb3bf⋯.png (242.81 KB,630x633,210:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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80f999 No.20961274

File: c18f551ce3917e7⋯.jpg (19.22 KB,320x320,1:1,arnold_schwarzenegger_hot_….jpg)

File: 5c637b9ea1b98f1⋯.jpg (164.88 KB,1000x746,500:373,Garrison_SchiffFanAcquitta….jpg)

File: 20f1957f9df95b0⋯.jpg (265.08 KB,721x368,721:368,george_schrf_jr1.jpg)

File: 3ec0ab1259b5375⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,4074x5292,97:126,jamesschlusingercrop.jpg)

File: 63b18ff676102c7⋯.png (609.62 KB,768x951,256:317,klausschwabb.png)


Creep Schwab calls it the "4th Industrial Revolution" aka the 4th Reich.

funny how they are all oftern one degree of separation from NAZI fallout of the last century, related to Nazi-S, To Switzerland, to control of Money, to control of Media

No accident.









just a coincidink!

Did they come from the same region of Bavaria (Frankfurt?) or what?

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10aaf5 No.20961275

File: 1a85d487fa80b76⋯.png (303.33 KB,1179x863,1179:863,ClipboardImage.png)

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