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File: d34ad7d6a5268f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

c0368d No.20958555 [View All]

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694 posts and 466 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a90487 No.20959469

File: 175282d4d071acb⋯.jpg (35.44 KB,640x421,640:421,e9ofpoq3znr91.jpg)



[Ausy for female]

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4bcecc No.20959470

File: 1118294705cb1ca⋯.jpg (551.46 KB,1079x1621,1079:1621,Screenshot_20240603_050742….jpg)

There could be some minor river flooding due to the heavy rainfall, according to the National Weather Service.


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1fae2e No.20959471


#25706 >>20958557

>>20958577 @realDonaldTrump Stephen Miller: “What are we, as a nation, going to do about it? Are we just going to sit down and take it—or are we going to RECLAIM THIS COUNTRY FOR FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, AND THE RULE OF LAW?"

>>20958582, >>20958588, >>20958603, >>20958719, >>20958796, >>20958811, >>20958816, >>20958868 Flag related Memes

>>20958606 Eric Trump: As I was leaving my house about37seconds ago, I asked my wife, ‘what are we up to now’ and she said just in terms of small dollar, we’re well over $70 million dollars.

>>20958659 Russia makes new gains in Donbass – MOD

>>20958733 POTUS giving heads-up that another of fauxNOnews’ fake entertainers is hawking yet another BOOK

>>20958778 Texas State Rep @RafaelAnchia Grooming Young Boy at Dallas Pride Parade

>>20958787, >>20959230, >>20959233, >>20959461 Sheila Jackson Lee announced she has pancreatic cancer

>>20958832, >>20958831 Serious cancer risk from the COVID vaccines was suppressed under political pressure and not for reasons of scientific invalidity

>>20958828 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1211 A319Zelenskyback to Singapore from Manila depart

>>20958911 Former MP Zohreh Elahian is the first woman to register for the Iranian presidential elections on June 28

>>20958947 To Musk: there's an election fraud happening right now in Mexico, Help us spread the voice

>>20959010, >>20959228 Mexico has elected its first Jewish and female president, a far-left socialist named Claudia Sheinbaum.

>>20958989 Zelensky met Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr in Manila on Monday and thanked him for his support

>>20958591, >>20959070, >>20959037 PDJT rt: Steven Miller responds - Trump was convicted of crimes that cannot be defined; Is next week BOOM week?

>>20958939 Anon Tribute to Dan - photo clips

>>20959065, >>20959066 Terrified lib listing terrible things Trump will do when elected = great campaign ad!

>>20959057, >>20959067 Is next week BOOM week?

Baker Change

>>20959109, >>20959146, >>20959182, >>20959191, >>20959300, >>20959423 Dan Scavino: 🎸 Rock History 🎸 comms

>>20959117 Dems Want You To Check Your Brain at the Door “Do you accept the verdict of the New York jury that found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts?”

>>20959168 Let’s check in on Trump’s TikTok account…

>>20959178 Clockfag Fauci testifies before congress 6/3 Hunter gun trial begins 6/3

>>20959219 ABC'S George Stephanopoulos threatens to cut off Trump's lawyer Will Scharf as they clash over hush money trial: 'I'm not going to let you continue to say that'

>>20959241 Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids: EXPOSED

>>20959242, >>20959250, >>20959256, >>20959425, >>20959433 Other Countries are having rallies for Trump

>>20959352, >>20959367, >>20959373 Paul Sperry: Sorry to dash Trump-haters "orange jumpsuit" fantasies, but Trump won't be taken into custody; or go to Rykers, even if he's slapped with a prison term. He'll be free on BAIL PENDING APPEAL. Sentencing won't be enforced until all NY appeals are exhausted – well past the election

>>20959373 Paul Sperry: This is the first guilty verdict in history where we don't even know what the defendant was found guilty of

>>20959451 Chief Maggot Murdoch gets remarried

NOW baking, hold'em' fold'em' or load'em nb

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a90487 No.20959472


[Dual citizens?]

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a56581 No.20959473

File: 030e2d20816d6f0⋯.png (221.71 KB,1212x468,101:39,Screenshot_from_2024_06_03….png)

File: f48b41d51ac4345⋯.png (664.88 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_06_03….png)

File: 504ccd19ea505c9⋯.png (44.72 KB,370x463,370:463,Screenshot_2024_06_03_at_0….png)

File: b4cdde4a3c594dd⋯.png (135.12 KB,739x825,739:825,Screenshot_2024_06_03_at_0….png)



>9 6

>6 6







Mar-a-Lago >Castle

Upside down flag at17 secs

Emergency Vehicles




[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 / @DanScavino 06/02/2024 22:49:38

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1797460607308124332

% buffered





Image Name: 4FME-t3-Ny5Hlw-v.mp4

Filename: 4FME-t3-Ny5Hlw-v.mp4

Happening Now: President Trump returning home, to Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. #TRUMP2024 🇺🇸🦅 https://t.co/xzQrYleM0r

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3c0fd4 No.20959474

File: a4be384453befee⋯.png (668.61 KB,720x663,240:221,E3226616_B4FE_4EA6_A855_D5….png)

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3c0fd4 No.20959481

File: 5ad4f668bf198a3⋯.jpeg (93.69 KB,537x540,179:180,Comfy_Stretch_02.JPEG)

File: 020bcea846a12a9⋯.jpeg (345.14 KB,900x900,1:1,Comfy_Stretch_01.JPEG)

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f81f98 No.20959482

Fauci is who Trump had up there everyday for us.

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4dc822 No.20959486

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB,282x244,141:122,pepe_thinking.png)


Regerts for the autocorrect.

Again, I get it.

People are upset.

Illegals coming into America fly the flag from the country from where they came. I've never seen one of theirs flown upside down.

Frankly, I'm surprised Biden and the Democrats haven't started imposing fines on Patriots flying the American flag.


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e305fb No.20959487

File: 2f6f16fa5bbc530⋯.png (1.85 MB,750x1334,375:667,1F7856D6_F3C4_4A28_9B72_0A….png)

File: 8848e1ca20b1242⋯.png (202.01 KB,690x1862,345:931,8B474588_23AF_433F_89AC_4B….png)

File: 10df8438c64e4ae⋯.png (104.7 KB,690x926,345:463,752A3E36_8E06_4A3F_8340_A2….png)

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ed9311 No.20959488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hunter Biden stands trial on felony gun charges in historic case

Fox Business


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1fae2e No.20959489

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #25707: 34 Convictions Divided BYE No Crimes eQuals ELECTION INTERFERENCE Edition

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52d4a0 No.20959490

File: f6bad523aaecb7f⋯.png (355.29 KB,400x560,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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953ec1 No.20959491


Thank God he did

We would not have known about Gain of Function if Trump hadn't

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f81f98 No.20959492


Two crock ass doctors

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953ec1 No.20959493

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f81f98 No.20959494


I’m sure he knew of gain function emails and still let his little ass stand up there

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52d4a0 No.20959497

The federal judge overseeing Hunter Biden’s gun trial dealt his defense two setbacks Sunday, on the eve of jury selection, by blocking one of his expert witnesses and excluding a key piece of evidence the president’s son hoped to use.

The rulings from Judge Maryellen Noreika resolved some of the sticking points that were still simmering before the trial begins Monday. Taken together, these decisions could make a tough case for Hunter Biden even more challenging to win. President Joe Biden’s son has pleaded not guilty to illegally buying and owning a gun while abusing illicit drugs.

Noreika granted a request from special counsel David Weiss to block one of Hunter Biden’s expert witnesses from testifying. The defense had lined up a Columbia University-based psychiatrist who would’ve tried to poke holes in prosecutors’ assertions that Hunter Biden knew he was an addict in 2018 when he bought the gun that led to his indictment.

“The inadequacy of Defendant’s expert disclosure for Dr. (Elie) Aoun leaves the government in the dark as to what his opinions about the facts of this case will be, thus rendering the government unable to prepare for trial,” Noreika wrote in her ruling.

The judge also blocked Hunter Biden’s lawyers from using what they thought was a key piece of exculpatory evidence: an altered version of the federal firearms form he filled out when he bought the gun in 2018 that was tweaked in 2021 by the gun store employees.

Hunter Biden’s lawyers recently argued in court that they wanted to use the doctored form to undermine the credibility of the employees, who are slated to testify on behalf of the prosecutors. They also claimed it showed prosecutors were politically “biased.”

But Noreika ruled the altered version of the form was “irrelevant and inadmissible,” and she went on to blast Hunter Biden’s team for pushing “conspiratorial” theories and “unsupported rhetoric” about the motivations of the Wilmington gun store employees.

“Any probative value it arguably has is substantially outweighed by a danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of issues, and misleading the jury,” she wrote, further adding that any attempts by the defense to use the altered form to demonstrate the employees’ alleged political bias would have been “unduly prejudicial and invites (jury) nullification.”

Only the original form – known as ATF Form 4473 – will be shown to the jury.

On that form, Hunter Biden is accused of falsely swearing that he wasn’t using or addicted to drugs, which allowed him to purchase the gun. Prosecutors contend he was still addicted to crack cocaine at that time, as he has described in his memoir.

Jury selection for the trial is slated to begin Monday morning in Wilmington.


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3c0fd4 No.20959498

File: 223a4fa018cd0ab⋯.jpeg (64.39 KB,480x468,40:39,131B7DC2_0C3E_4FFF_A024_8….jpeg)

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953ec1 No.20959499


Got Sauce on that theory?

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1fae2e No.20959500


our cosmic friends wont allow it

proven time and time again, they wont allow it

we are safe, from [them]

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ebd0c4 No.20959501

File: 890eaaabe631586⋯.jpeg (187.88 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_6401.jpeg)

Last Pharaoh of Egypt, Ramses II

Red hair and beak nose?

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52d4a0 No.20959502


Hunter Biden criminal trial begins in aftermath of Trump conviction

The criminal trial of Hunter Biden kicks off on Monday in federal court in Delaware as President Joe Biden's son faces gun charges in a historic case that begins four days after Donald Trump became the first former U.S. president to be convicted.

In the first trial of the child of a sitting president, Hunter Biden, 54, faces three felony charges stemming from his purchase and possession of a revolver in 2018. He has pleaded not guilty. It is one of two criminal cases he faces, with federal tax charges brought separately in California.

The trial in Wilmington, with U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika presiding, begins with the jury selection process.

Trump was convicted by a jury in state court in New York on Thursday of 34 felony counts of falsifying documents to cover up hush money paid to a porn star to avoid a sex scandal shortly before the 2016 U.S. election that put him in the White House. Trump is the Republican candidate challenging Joe Biden, a Democrat, in the Nov. 5 U.S. election.

Hunter Biden's trial gives Republicans a chance to shift attention away from Trump's legal troubles. Trump is due to be sentenced on July 11. He has pleaded not guilty in three other pending criminal cases.

Hunter Biden was charged last September in the case brought by U.S. Special Counsel David Weiss, a Trump appointee, with lying about his use of illegal drugs when he bought a Colt Cobra .38-caliber revolver and with illegally possessing the weapon for 11 days in October 2018. Weiss, who has investigated Hunter Biden since at least 2019, also brought the tax charges.

If convicted on all charges in the Delaware case, Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison, though defendants generally receive shorter sentences, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

Hunter Biden spent the weekend with his father in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, with the pair biking and attending church together on Saturday in the sunny beach town. The president, who had been expected to depart Rehoboth Beach on Monday, traveled on Sunday evening to his home in Wilmington.

Potential jurors will be screened for their ability to commit to serving the length of the trial, which is expected to run through the end of next week. All 12 jurors must agree he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt to convict.

The case is expected to center on Hunter Biden's years-long crack cocaine use and addiction, which he has discussed publicly and which was a prominent part of his 2021 autobiography, "Beautiful Things." He told Noreika at a hearing last year that he has been sober since the middle of 2019.

Prosecutors will seek to prove that Hunter Biden knew he was lying when he ticked the box for "no" next to a question on a federal gun purchase form asking if he was unlawful user of a controlled substance.

Prosecution lawyers revealed in court filings that they may use details gleaned from Hunter Biden's phone and iCloud account, including photos of him smoking crack and messages with drug dealers. They said they may call as a witness his former wife Kathleen Buhle, who accused Hunter Biden in their 2017 divorce proceedings of squandering money on drugs, alcohol and prostitutes.

Hunter Biden's lawyers have indicated they may try to show he had completed a drug rehabilitation program before purchasing the gun and may have considered his answer on the gun purchase form to be truthful.

A plea agreement that would have resolved the gun and tax charges without prison time collapsed last year after Noreika questioned the extent of the immunity it extended to Biden. Hunter Biden's lawyers blamed Republican pressure for the failure of the plea agreement.

Congressional Republicans spent years in vain trying to find evidence of a corrupt link between Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings, including work for Ukrainian energy company Burisma, and his father's political power.

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e305fb No.20959503

File: 228905a2f11da8e⋯.png (1.24 MB,750x1334,375:667,AB5C6337_F642_4464_9978_09….png)

File: 19712b35f26b3d0⋯.png (45.03 KB,690x586,345:293,9ED68ECD_DF2B_4FCD_8E20_AE….png)

File: 685d907fd6ad3e0⋯.png (42.33 KB,690x498,115:83,4DE02A9E_6A27_4351_8B54_58….png)

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52d4a0 No.20959504


Judge in Hunter Biden's gun case makes rulings on evidence ahead of June trial

In a final hearing before Hunter Biden is set to go on trial in Delaware for gun charges, a judge made some vital rulings that will determine what evidence the jury will see during the proceedings that are set to begin on June 3, clearing the way for some contents from a laptop that he left at a Delaware repair shop as well as evidence about his drug use to be shown.

Hunter Biden's attorneys have argued that some of the material on the laptop is not authentic, but prosecutors pushed back Thursday, alleging they haven't presented any evidence of that to the court. In 2019, a computer repair shop owner provided the FBI with a laptop that he said had been left by Hunter Biden. He also gave a copy of the laptop data to former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Last September, Hunter Biden sued Giuliani for hacking data from his laptop. Giuliani has shown off the laptop in public, but when the lawsuit was filed, a spokesman for him denied the drive had been manipulated. The lawsuit has not been resolved.

U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika handed both sides wins during the pre-trial conference, telling Hunter Biden's attorneys they could raise some issues with the laptop evidence at trial. But she sided with prosecutors about what they need to prove Hunter Biden's drug use when he bought a gun in 2018. They'll need to show he was using or addicted to drugs around the time of the purchase, she said. The defense argued prosecutors should have to prove Hunter Biden was using drugs on the exact day he bought the gun in question.

Special counsel David Weiss has alleged that Hunter Biden unlawfully purchased and kept a Colt Cobra 388PL revolver for 11 days and made false statements on a form used for gun purchases, claiming he was not an unlawful drug user. President Biden's son has pleaded not guilty to the gun charges, which were filed in Delaware.

The judge also ruled in Hunter Biden's favor on some issues, saying prosecutors are not permitted to mention his tax case in California, his child support case in Arkansas or his discharge from the Navy. Prosecutors are also barred from referring to his "extravagant lifestyle," but they may discuss how he paid for drugs.

The trial is set to begin June 3 after a federal appeals court rejected Hunter Biden's bid to dismiss the charges. He had argued that the charges are "unprecedented" and "unconstitutional" and violated a diversion agreement reached with federal prosecutors that collapsed in July after a judge refused to sign off on it.

Friday's hearing became somewhat contentious during discussions about the laptop and when the defense said it noted a discrepancy on the form that Hunter Biden allegedly signed when he bought the gun, attesting that he was not under the influence or addicted to drugs.

Hunter Biden's attorney Abbe Lowell said new information was added to the digital version of the form that was sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives after the criminal investigation began. The digital version included information that Hunter Biden had presented both a passport and Delaware vehicle registration as a form of ID, that the defense said was not present on the form he had signed.

Lowell said the discrepancy calls into question the credibility of the gun store employee and owner, alleging that they did not properly fill out the form and now have a potential bias to cooperate with the government to avoid getting in trouble for altering the form. Lowell said the form was "tampered with" and said he intended to question the workers on what happened.

Prosecutors argued the discrepancy was not relevant.

"The crime was complete at the moment he signed that certification," prosecutor Derek Hines said.

Prosecutors expect up to 12 witnesses to testify, while the defense may call a handful including some experts. The trial is expected to last at least about two weeks.

Some of the issues raised during Friday's hearing were not decided, particularly about Hunter Biden's potential testimony, as the judge said she would have to see how the case progressed. His defense attorneys left open the possibility that he could take the stand in his own defense.

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a56581 No.20959505

File: 8b152937a968830⋯.mp4 (8.38 MB,568x320,71:40,4FME_t3_Ny5Hlw_v.mp4)





>Mar-a-Lago >Castle

>Upside down flag at17 secs

>Emergency Vehicles







🎸🎸 'God Bless the USA' 🎸🎸

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f81f98 No.20959506

Trump let us down with Covid, you will realize it one day when you are not so far up his ass.

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1fae2e No.20959507

File: c7b5dc454585d75⋯.png (226.91 KB,612x412,153:103,c7b5dc454585d75f99a96bea71….png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #25707: 34 Convictions Divided BYE No Crimes eQuals ELECTION INTERFERENCE Edition

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3c0fd4 No.20959508

File: 9ce148091b74394⋯.jpeg (96.89 KB,611x407,611:407,IMG_1511.jpeg)

File: b3d33ad545ad656⋯.jpeg (256.79 KB,1130x845,226:169,IMG_1506.jpeg)

File: 8122e51aa1aa64a⋯.jpeg (815.64 KB,977x981,977:981,IMG_1516.jpeg)

File: b5856fa6b923a1b⋯.jpg (328.8 KB,1130x1531,1130:1531,IMG_1503.JPG)

File: 665082faefd6e45⋯.jpg (333.61 KB,1130x1117,1130:1117,IMG_1499.JPG)

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b0761a No.20959509

File: 91c5377023f6339⋯.png (454.65 KB,409x604,409:604,PhilS.png)



This bread still has a good half hour left tho unless Phil shows up.

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52d4a0 No.20959510


Hunter Biden trial live updates: Historic gun trial against president's son begins

Witnesses who may be called to testify include his ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, as well as the late Beau Biden’s wife, with whom Hunter Biden had a romantic relationship after his brother died.

Where things stand in the gun case against Hunter Biden:

Hunter Biden, the sole surviving son of President Joe Biden, is going on trial today in Wilmington, Delaware, on three firearms-related charges brought by special counsel David Weiss, a Trump appointee. He has pleaded not guilty.

The trial begins just days after former President Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the New York hush money case.

A federal appeals court last month denied Biden's request to postpone his gun trial. The same panel of judges previously denied his bid to overturn a trial judge’s rejection of several motions to toss out the case.

The gun charges are federal charges, so the president does have the power to pardon his son or commute his sentence if he's convicted. Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison if he's found guilty of all three charges, though he would be unlikely to receive the maximum sentence as a first-time offender. The White House said last year that Joe Biden will not pardon Hunter Biden if he's convicted.

The trial, which will be overseen by U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, is expected to last roughly two weeks.

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a0dc75 No.20959511


You think the evil ones still walk the earth because they are protected? Kek

More normies need to see the evil and understand it. You haven't reached that awareness yet.

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fb87bf No.20959513

File: 20ed2ed34e3f009⋯.png (430.46 KB,743x1000,743:1000,ClipboardImage.png)



while you yet breathe you have that oportunity. we all do.

maybe in retrospect flying first class was wrong! maybe her constituents deserve better then a self inflated, self important racially devisive old hag! and just maybe she is anti MAGA!

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1fae2e No.20959514

File: e854682f762cfdc⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x860,256:215,e854682f762cfdc35a0882d88a….png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #25707: 34 Convictions Divided BYE No Crimes eQuals ELECTION INTERFERENCE Edition

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40c04c No.20959515

File: 83c776375280b34⋯.png (2.46 MB,1240x930,4:3,Trump_YOU.png)

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f81f98 No.20959516


A true leader doesn’t let evil in and out them in front of the American people. True leaders get the right people to get job done and protect Americans and give us truth not lies.

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e305fb No.20959517

File: 4588291d862df26⋯.png (1.17 MB,750x1334,375:667,11A31CDE_E33A_496D_98C5_9F….png)

File: 29d4e289d67b10a⋯.png (49.63 KB,690x674,345:337,C5EA9C47_ADA6_4DEE_A2BB_5A….png)

File: 86b82d76c6e0b82⋯.png (179.43 KB,690x1274,345:637,ABC0D2B3_11FA_4C01_A8CB_FD….png)

File: e62d0ab2e357f06⋯.png (24.99 KB,690x410,69:41,5BA17ED9_3233_4AE5_A14C_9E….png)

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0ce45d No.20959522


you have a lot of expectation perhaps you would like to drive the car since you know best.

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52d4a0 No.20959523

File: 715d78c0979eebf⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,960x720,4:3,regeneron.mp4)

File: a5553354aa27235⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,hydroxy.mp4)

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de57ea No.20959525


For a President I do expect a lot. He is not right for the job. End of story.

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a0dc75 No.20959526




You losers just gonna keep losing. Your fat ass mama shoulda beat you more.

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0ce45d No.20959527


Look at you struggle.

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1fae2e No.20959528

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #25707: 34 Convictions Divided BYE No Crimes eQuals ELECTION INTERFERENCE Edition

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d5a8ac No.20959530


Irl, i have an uncommon circumstance.

At this point I’m fine if i get a visit from some Government sorts that want to council me about my Flag. ‘Imposing a fine’, will simply go straight to the crux of the issue at hand, their loss of Authority to be in any position to tell me The Rules.

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40c04c No.20959531

File: 6cecc7397200ba8⋯.png (2.37 MB,1240x930,4:3,Trump_YOU_suprfag.png)

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e0e413 No.20959532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> and nobody even had the decency to tell me to go fuck myself.

Sorry, I was crafting a Call To Dig.

𝔾𝕠 𝔽𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 ❕

( Do you feel better now ? )

If you are correct,

no one will even glimpse

at my Call To Dig: CELL CHAT.

Please stay one more day

and do what it is not likely

to be done by anyone else here.

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9b246f No.20959535

File: 5dfa7b23f4d01d4⋯.png (576.14 KB,500x502,250:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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496995 No.20959544


Well, he could pardon himself.

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b0761a No.20959547


>Call To Dig

These days it's always the stupid shit from lazy fags.

That's why nobody gaf.

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7c19b8 No.20959549

File: a39e79b9626ad58⋯.jpg (14.53 KB,191x255,191:255,LAUGH1.jpg)


C comes before D????


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