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File: ae6ea8b07d3e861⋯.png (282.17 KB,740x500,37:25,ClipboardImage.png)

8ecc37 No.20957819 [View All]

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701 posts and 496 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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4e85de No.20958540

File: ea4c1d87302c9f2⋯.png (23.69 KB,598x257,598:257,ClipboardImage.png)


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36b98a No.20958541


interesting symbolism with don jr.

a giant chain on a block of marble? blockchain?

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bbf4d0 No.20958542


Or at least removed the insulting reminders we are dead to Twitter 4 evah

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66c315 No.20958543

File: bab4ca5580e2f92⋯.png (7.66 KB,208x242,104:121,ClipboardImage.png)


bidet hunter tranny drumpf larp twat fayk

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37f420 No.20958544

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5ce492 No.20958545


repost next bread pls, baking meow

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66c315 No.20958546

File: a09102d3ca77395⋯.png (71.1 KB,564x499,564:499,ClipboardImage.png)


nazi signed unelected tranny TP

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e907b2 No.20958547

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bc1173 No.20958548

File: 2046befbf0caf81⋯.png (189.27 KB,1621x1139,1621:1139,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

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c41bfb No.20958549

File: ecbee602b707f26⋯.jpg (66.18 KB,680x646,20:19,hf.jpg)

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cfd45d No.20958550

File: 50f5fac9705dc68⋯.jpg (14.84 KB,255x251,255:251,efe32a7d3136d2eca5bbc133de….jpg)

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bc1173 No.20958551

File: 5b28e80fa3b38b0⋯.png (567.14 KB,1100x800,11:8,merhan_father_daughter_jud….png)

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4db6cd No.20958552

File: e28b5b2fbad50e9⋯.jpg (503.02 KB,1080x1671,360:557,iMarkup_20240602_112326.jpg)

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ea4d19 No.20958553

File: 6ca08dd5958f1b9⋯.jpeg (692.53 KB,960x1074,160:179,BA526F1A_2174_4C64_8ACF_3….jpeg)

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96e7c7 No.20958554

File: 062c9e68e94995a⋯.jpeg (153.81 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,5FAE1004_E047_4912_AAC8_E….jpeg)


Yup repealing Glass-Steagal turned it into the free for all they needed

Robert Rubin (who then left for a high paying job at Shitibank) and Larry Summers

They derivatives tsunami unleashed at that point cuz the petro $ was on its last gasp

It’s only those $4 quadrillion (moar imo) that give illusion it hadn’t died

Comparing it to 6 other piles of shit (dollar index/DXY) is also the other illusion From Social Security

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cfad8b No.20958558


Looks to me like she tried to flip without any contingency plans.

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273fca No.20958559

File: cd96a27f2201d6e⋯.jpg (904.58 KB,1079x1295,1079:1295,cd96a27f2201d6e8c7a1c15775….jpg)


God bless my Donald.

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5ce492 No.20958560

File: 6c82d12e4a9cadb⋯.jpg (162.96 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1705370959493450.jpg)

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3d833c No.20958561


Break this bread into 751 pieces, and see how many it feeds. The breaking of bread produces baskets of qrumbs. These fruitful endeavors produce bounty over worthless debt notes.

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bc1173 No.20958562

File: 60edc0cfe5515ab⋯.png (911.61 KB,1100x800,11:8,maxwell_laurene_powell_job….png)

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bc1173 No.20958565

File: 200c0e560a5e11a⋯.png (308.59 KB,1104x999,368:333,wanda_dalian_china_amc_May….png)

File: 9d49a464da150bc⋯.png (420.7 KB,1085x993,1085:993,china_wanda_group_amc_0527….png)

File: a0285ede061f351⋯.png (607.52 KB,1101x1056,367:352,amc_china_wanda_group_0527….png)

File: f99a79eb2761d8c⋯.png (618.67 KB,1049x586,1049:586,illigal_aliens_from_china_….png)

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9ecefd No.20958567

File: f71e058d8e6bd6d⋯.jpg (161.24 KB,1000x600,5:3,Avalanche.JPG)

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bbdc0c No.20958568

File: 278e475557f9e74⋯.png (233.7 KB,499x448,499:448,278e475557f9e7435829f177d2….png)

End of bread shitpost

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96e7c7 No.20958570

File: cb29c158cc32545⋯.gif (2.55 MB,496x280,62:35,BD3FE79B_C3AC_46CD_A77A_F2….gif)

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5ce492 No.20958571

File: e1a4e0d11070d8c⋯.png (1.3 MB,816x749,816:749,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc1173 No.20958572

File: eadca14daa9b7d4⋯.png (866.91 KB,1200x648,50:27,Silk_05192024_Trump_vs_sto….png)

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413543 No.20958573

File: 6653717277c5e2d⋯.jpg (547.11 KB,1432x1073,1432:1073,BorderTreason.JPG)

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273fca No.20958574

File: a406287783c0399⋯.jpg (64.23 KB,569x398,569:398,MW_BI864_merkel_2013092013….jpg)

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bc1173 No.20958575

File: 417c663f7f1a1ea⋯.png (583.2 KB,1100x622,550:311,chinese_nationals_at_the_s….png)

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5ce492 No.20958576

File: 49f859f87751760⋯.png (2.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc1173 No.20958579

File: bab3d03ea0a86e8⋯.png (484.2 KB,1251x1242,139:138,who_is_Trump_following_052….png)

File: 36159d0dd0ae165⋯.png (578.41 KB,900x496,225:124,chicago_to_vote_on_70M_in_….png)

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071874 No.20958581

File: 4a8d99586856009⋯.jpg (538.44 KB,1080x1185,72:79,Screenshot_20240602_224831.jpg)

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bc1173 No.20958583

File: b2efe43ea092236⋯.png (174.67 KB,1000x1016,125:127,fauci_covid_aids.png)

File: 4e7014fe7825d08⋯.png (750.76 KB,1100x824,275:206,statement_of_michael_avena….png)

File: ab4e4cdcabaaf78⋯.png (546.25 KB,900x507,300:169,britain_refuses_to_sign_gl….png)

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5ce492 No.20958584

File: 4932a10561dd9ec⋯.png (747.21 KB,1170x998,585:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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273fca No.20958585

File: ab3ef3c4798c60f⋯.jpg (89.64 KB,1280x785,256:157,Fw7CsGoXwAIPnsZ.jpg)

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3d833c No.20958586

File: bc6c30d14b1be18⋯.png (158.24 KB,474x280,237:140,th_8.png)

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207947 No.20958587


>IDK would like to know Hillmans sources but will not buy the book.




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bc1173 No.20958589

File: 7d5ef65dbf911d0⋯.png (514.62 KB,1100x800,11:8,bragg_pathetic_time_line_a….png)

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ea4d19 No.20958590

File: cf481b509c5940b⋯.jpeg (584.27 KB,960x1385,192:277,A336F44E_5322_4735_A7DA_F….jpeg)

Lovely day today wasn’t it

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273fca No.20958594

File: 07afda538989a8a⋯.jpg (37.91 KB,568x533,568:533,FycJuhLWYAIBMzc.jpg)

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cb52ba No.20958595

File: 22821ab5808b264⋯.png (298.85 KB,475x331,475:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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979b4c No.20958596

File: fbe5e3794271269⋯.png (543.15 KB,624x833,624:833,Chain_on_Marble.png)


Oh, this?

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bbdc0c No.20958599


Joined May 2024?

That's cute

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cb52ba No.20958601

File: e88158ae4adb8de⋯.png (398.77 KB,669x792,223:264,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea4d19 No.20958602


Tried to post his Spaces that was live on X on TikTok- they banned the audio

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bbdc0c No.20958605

File: a791f57696a6602⋯.jpg (15.71 KB,240x255,16:17,b207c46f04e66c361353119593….jpg)

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071874 No.20958610

File: 6562157d351ad6e⋯.jpg (169.67 KB,1080x1072,135:134,Screenshot_20240602_230512.jpg)

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63b210 No.20958611


I’ll be available next bread if needed.

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cb52ba No.20958612

File: a4e9a0a41d4de71⋯.png (517.89 KB,720x675,16:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ce492 No.20958613

File: 3ab10e780a90217⋯.jpg (925.95 KB,3500x2333,3500:2333,download.jpg)

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