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File: 803bee0ed5f6f85⋯.png (44.25 KB,255x136,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

a7c627 No.20956992 [View All]

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701 posts and 470 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f43fea No.20957782


All mainstream media is propaganda.

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c27612 No.20957783

File: 4a17fc50f35b11d⋯.jpeg (131.72 KB,720x467,720:467,IMG_0387.jpeg)



meanwhile, another comfy nap

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935505 No.20957784

>>20957781 (me)


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11c964 No.20957785

File: 37cf5f8a7cff41c⋯.mp4 (10.72 MB,640x360,16:9,hockhul.mp4)


"Donald Trump is a ringleader"

"pretending he has supporters"


She telling the State who they are going to vote for.

She's a case.

"Potato is out there showing how he represents all americans"

Trump does "Made-up Fake Rallies"

His Rallies won't make a difference.

I think Hochel was picked by HRC.

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7efdeb No.20957786

File: bdecfb0d0aa2743⋯.png (80.19 KB,850x358,425:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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974ca1 No.20957787

File: c68ecba2e3ec2ff⋯.jpg (109.72 KB,1000x1200,5:6,9golyxpj01z41.jpg)

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886941 No.20957788


when you're jewish the rules dont apply

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74fa94 No.20957789

Lmao! No!

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2eade4 No.20957790

File: 13b17a02be41d8f⋯.png (473.5 KB,750x1334,375:667,04A3B24A_F9F8_455F_86A2_0C….png)

Reptilians have small penises.

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e1ba52 No.20957791

File: 70aa17d1ba1d9dc⋯.gif (1.58 MB,498x268,249:134,70aa17d1ba1d9dc2bf691b9e46….gif)

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87bd7e No.20957792


wasted digits

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f03b7d No.20957793

Smartest girl I’ve ever met in my entire life

When I reached gilpin I should’ve finished your lines

Variables aside would have bought us so much more time

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422f95 No.20957794

File: 66074bf1e82dd1b⋯.jpg (162.84 KB,764x1200,191:300,s_l1200.jpg)

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11c964 No.20957795



this is her acceptance of the nomination.

You might skip it.


She's so full of Baloney.

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a7b999 No.20957796

File: a63729a2e681e62⋯.mp4 (13.36 MB,720x1280,9:16,weliveinademocracykinda.mp4)

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fbf2e4 No.20957797


Adam Shitt of the Indictment Dodgers

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01bdb6 No.20957798


All but confirmed he’s in as Pelosi has sanctioned and endorsed it

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935505 No.20957799

File: 6853749f12f4613⋯.png (39.6 KB,480x649,480:649,ClipboardImage.png)


>when you're jewish the rules dont apply

Oy vey, Anon! That's an anti-Semitisms (tm)! Four moar and they send you to Yeshiva for re-education.

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7efdeb No.20957800

File: 5643feb57cf4a08⋯.png (479.19 KB,558x440,279:220,ClipboardImage.png)

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422f95 No.20957801

File: 5db8be27f4afc88⋯.png (48.67 KB,192x192,1:1,images_2.png)

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927e64 No.20957802

File: 658113d73e22f24⋯.jpeg (33.68 KB,255x244,255:244,IMG_5422.jpeg)


> Schiff

Nice chains.

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935505 No.20957803


>All but confirmed he’s in as Pelosi has sanctioned and endorsed it

I can't wait for these fuckers to be hanged.

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7efdeb No.20957804

File: 097407340089b07⋯.png (612.83 KB,576x576,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0be11f No.20957805


only fags one month at a time.

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a7b999 No.20957806

File: 85fd5635d4ea942⋯.mp4 (5.77 MB,640x360,16:9,colbertishillarious.mp4)

it's in Forbes

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192903 No.20957807

File: 9ae0b23469f4d92⋯.png (13.71 KB,170x255,2:3,9ae0b23469f4d9216cc0fe8b06….png)


He is such a tard.

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0576ee No.20957808

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)

I see the chucklefucks are trying to hide behind their racial division narrative again. It's a good thing they're failures. Deep state paid posting pieces of shit.

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01bdb6 No.20957809

File: 2d7707af72711c6⋯.jpeg (78.14 KB,500x856,125:214,E3B11801_F58F_421E_BEEF_B….jpeg)

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11c964 No.20957810


simply negligence

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3bac4a No.20957811

File: 126104f410cf788⋯.png (733.2 KB,856x630,428:315,yjtdnnybyrt.PNG)

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a7b999 No.20957812


>Hur-Biden interview audio

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fbf2e4 No.20957813


It's better thanRED TEXT VATICAN SHILLor Parakeet, Namefag and it was ORGANIC not some douche behind the scene manipulating the timestamps and posting 7's

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86808d No.20957814


Q Research General #25704: All Systems Go Edition

>>20957002 dough


#25704 >>20957002

>>20957022 What Happens to Trump's Secret Service If Corrupt Judge Puts Him In Jail?

>>20957029 Schiff Wants Biden Campaign To Use The Convicted Felon Narrative vs Trump

>>20957064 Trump joins TikTok, surpassing Biden campaign’s followers within 15 hours

>>20957085 Khabib Nurmagomedov shakes hand with Donald Trump at UFC, talk about Palestine

>>20957098, >>20957148 Self-organized Trump Rallies in Huntington Beach, CA and Staten Island, NY

>>20957101 Mexico election 2024 live updates: Mexicans likely to elect first female president

>>20957121 German police officer dies of wounds suffered in Mannheim terror knife attack

>>20957140 Turkmen National Army holds land, sea and air drills

>>20957161 The expert witness who is key to Hunter Biden's legal defense has a credibility problem: FEC records show he donated to Biden's 2020 and 2024 campaigns

>>20957170 Lawfare: Democrats have filed more than 1,000 misconduct complaints against Federal Judge Aileen Cannon regarding President Trump

>>20957171 Richardson v. United States, 119 S.Ct. 1707 (1999)

>>20957181, >>20957192 AI and War Top Agenda as Globalist Elites Gather for Secretive Bilderberg Meeting in Spain

>>20957222 Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination: NHS Preprint

>>20957235 Biden Justice Dept cleaned up transcript of Biden's interview w/ Special Counsel Hur to remove his stuttering, pauses & other indications he lost his train of thought

>>20957242 Jamaal 'Fire Alarm' Bowman: No one is above the law, except for my team

>>20957246 The OOC has paid out over $17 million to settle scores of workplace claims since 1997

>>20957408 President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Las Vegas, NV (Sun, June 09, 2024 @ ~12:00PM EST)

>>20957424 Wonder drug could triple survival rates of deadly bowel cancer - as medicine that 'melts away' tumours is already available in NHS

>>20957444 Trump: I will declassify 9/11, JFK, and Epstein files

>>20957260 Executive Order 13848: Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>20957555 PF: SAM0 5:5 G5 east from a Beale AFB, Yuba City-CA stop of 40m… U2s drones based there as it’s under the Air Combat Cmd

>>20957571, >>20957582 §531 - Exemption from taxation

>>20957585 This blow-up bear in bondage gear is sitting outside the Crowne Plaza in Disney Springs

>>20957587 Newt Gingrich: What to Do About the DoJ

>>20957619 PF: RCH4606 C17 Globey EN across the Atlantic equipment for Potato’s visit to Normandy

>>20957219, >>20957221, >>20957397 Memes

baker change

>>20957022, >>20957061 What Happens to Trump's Secret Service - townhall and mp4 vid

>>20957040, >>20957049, >>20957672, New York Governor Unlikely to Pardon Trump, Despite Bipartisan Appeal - ntd.com (hochul)

>>20957066 pride month bun pb

>>20957076 InfoWars Lockdown Update With Alex Jones - twat noise bun

>>20957082, >>20957105, >>20957131, >>20957135, >>20957142, >>20957148, >>20957170, >>20957460, >>20957494, Trump remains resolute as ever - nyp and media on djt bun

>>20957124 Eric Trump reveals that the Trump campaign has raised $200 million since he was convicted in New York City. - eric trump twat

>>20957198, >>20957393, >>20957599, >>20957641, >>20957648, baker notables bun as above

>>20957276, >>20957280, >>20957282, How Republicans in Key Senate Races Are Flip-Flopping on Abortion - archive.org (long article) abortion bun

>>20957323 anon opine on the london march

>>20957419, >>20957447, Banknote featuring King Charles III will be issued 5 June, Bank of England" - mercopress.com

>>20957439, >>20957441, >>20957498, At least three U.S. citizens - accused of being CIA agents - clown ops bun

>>20957444 djt interview with fox - twat and mp4 bun

>>20957521 F-16 pilot who was prepared to take on suicide mission to save lives on 9/11 retires - youtube

>>20957536, >>20957547, Everything you need to know about the Jewish woman leading Mexico’s presidential race (sheinbaum) - bun

>>20957594 the merchen meme (judge merchent of venice)

>>20957644 Zohreh Elahian became the first woman to register for the early presidential elections that were planned to be held in Iran after the death of President Ibrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, Iranian news agency Mehr reported - twat

>>20957689 House Ethics panel subpoenas DOJ for Gaetz records - politico

>>20957702 The “Sentencing” for not having done anything wrong will be, conveniently for the Fascists - djt t.s post

>>20957710, >>20957720, planefags

hold tight, notable at 730

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e1ba52 No.20957815

File: 9c5d31df1245733⋯.gif (1.7 MB,364x498,182:249,9c5d31df124573310a474967d9….gif)


>Dr. Ammon Hillman

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0576ee No.20957816

When this is done. Okay?

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3f4a8d No.20957817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The smell


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4279db No.20957818

File: 25cb3d73c325f78⋯.png (444.91 KB,2142x707,306:101,dfv_roaring_kitty.PNG)

boom, boom, boom

next week

next week

next week.

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b710fd No.20957821

File: 82f3e6f26676b46⋯.png (1.83 MB,895x1316,895:1316,1717374079898.png)

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410e8a No.20957823

File: fe5f7cb9c7745fc⋯.jpg (246.66 KB,650x650,1:1,HolyTitties.jpg)

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a7b999 No.20957825


>Adam Schiff is Queen Hitler

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bdade0 No.20957828

File: 2b5c3ced0dff1c2⋯.jpeg (106.75 KB,1080x1193,1080:1193,1583105397.jpeg)

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dfef48 No.20957829

File: d1e6cb164fbf3dd⋯.png (2.51 MB,1600x1091,1600:1091,d1e6cb164fbf3dd58547eb7394….png)

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4187b3 No.20957830


So that hate you have keeps you from getting it up and your HMO won't let you get Viagra?


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0528fe No.20957831

File: dfda69bc5ca0b27⋯.png (296.94 KB,410x449,410:449,ClipboardImage.png)


Who's the tough guy?

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5a83cb No.20957840


Dead nigger clean up crew.

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21bf0c No.20957842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0528fe No.20957843

File: 26b02dd37261e59⋯.png (1.21 MB,904x603,904:603,GarrisonCartoon.png)


Now for the real Garrison

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86808d No.20957846

File: 3baee088973f14d⋯.gif (3.06 MB,600x251,600:251,a_nightshift_new_version.gif)


migrate, all hands on deck, migrate

>>20957834 new bread linky

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01bdb6 No.20957848

File: 94a75c4d07cf90e⋯.jpeg (178.31 KB,675x889,675:889,FC9B02F6_0437_4718_8A0B_D….jpeg)

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0528fe No.20957851

File: 677898af44db797⋯.png (367.33 KB,651x535,651:535,SchiffMossadI.png)


Schiffs Jewish brother?

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