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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,6eccc4fb95445e914d4a2aa828….png)

ae20b4 No.20954552 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 posts and 431 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9414cb No.20955321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Van Morrison - Double Bind (Lyrics)

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9414cb No.20955322

File: 14f62ba9734a2c6⋯.jpeg (80.37 KB,680x340,2:1,Chickens_conspiracy.jpeg)

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9414cb No.20955323

File: 11f6181a30ad6f9⋯.jpg (88.77 KB,960x647,960:647,heebie_jeebies.jpg)

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9414cb No.20955324

File: 8bb3d278c30abd6⋯.jpg (95.57 KB,500x670,50:67,Love_Your_Children.jpg)

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f425f2 No.20955325


>child pornography, gore, and cruel jokes

I will have to agree with the Unanumous leader here.

The CP and gore I could ignore, but the cruel language is way over the line…

We better pack up guys, it's over.


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9414cb No.20955326

File: 08d6464fc96c920⋯.jpg (108.25 KB,601x601,1:1,Comfy.jpg)

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a97fe9 No.20955327


A gay military will enforce a gay outcome.

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2edfdd No.20955328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Duran - Pavel ammo debacle. Hieronymus Bosch frontline


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9414cb No.20955329

File: 14eebd5af094d95⋯.jpg (116.64 KB,600x481,600:481,Jesus_own_whip.jpg)

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9414cb No.20955330

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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9414cb No.20955331

File: 1bbd0a119928423⋯.jpg (141.87 KB,590x421,590:421,Putin_with_Orthodox.jpg)

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9414cb No.20955332

File: d1d71effff6ff48⋯.jpg (148.85 KB,1000x1000,1:1,archive_that_shit_nigga.jpg)

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01e508 No.20955333

File: 6f74446dfbc0ce0⋯.png (1.75 MB,828x1134,46:63,IMG_3410.png)

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9414cb No.20955335

File: 3888874cd8304ab⋯.jpg (153.27 KB,900x541,900:541,ClockFag.jpg)

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908f9c No.20955336

What was the legal expense for? Was it really to pay off Stormy and Karen McDougal?

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9414cb No.20955337

File: 88b5efc8717e0e2⋯.jpeg (157.25 KB,500x375,4:3,NWO_enemy_of_humanity.jpeg)

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9414cb No.20955338

File: 0e149abde00f01f⋯.jpg (178.5 KB,550x562,275:281,Stand_up_Meme_War.jpg)

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9414cb No.20955339

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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9414cb No.20955340

File: 425ee99fb59ddff⋯.jpg (264.52 KB,905x709,905:709,Kim_pickens.jpg)

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2edfdd No.20955341

File: 7ffcec833431545⋯.jpg (306.63 KB,677x676,677:676,june_is_groomer_awareness_….jpg)

File: 1f578b8d2555aa8⋯.gif (293.82 KB,255x255,1:1,cw000.gif)

File: 83365ab2d186033⋯.gif (1.22 MB,2000x2000,1:1,r000.gif)

File: 2d74f8b29201871⋯.jpg (54.2 KB,958x684,479:342,fuckthetreaty.jpg)


A gay military will GROOM a gay outcome.

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9414cb No.20955342

File: 94501005cbd0662⋯.jpg (290.64 KB,468x483,156:161,Follow_White_Rabbit_LdR.jpg)

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83a3b0 No.20955343


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1f33a6 No.20955344

File: 8d2804643fd4d7c⋯.jpeg (56.95 KB,680x550,68:55,DF4903A4_DC3E_49FC_A3CA_2….jpeg)

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9414cb No.20955345

File: 55c000a0539ad4f⋯.jpg (338.35 KB,642x488,321:244,White_Rabbit_Symbolism_the….jpg)

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b8b14e No.20955346

File: cfa88accd6be7d3⋯.jpg (22.96 KB,474x268,237:134,Kike_lover.jpg)

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9414cb No.20955348

File: c83a1e04fabfd36⋯.jpg (365.91 KB,1788x1788,1:1,GTFO.jpg)

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17b872 No.20955350

Hard to be a Christian when the only example you've had your entire life was luciferin Freemasons pretending to be so.

Hard to care when told others care then your child is kidnapped publicly

Hard to care when you are told others care then your gangstalkers just try to trigger a mass shooting to go after Q and the 2nd amendment

Anyway, any resources for dealing with your child being kidnapped?

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9414cb No.20955351

File: eff87e571f1af95⋯.jpeg (374.23 KB,1514x1440,757:720,White_Rabbit_tick_tock.jpeg)

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9414cb No.20955352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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052fb4 No.20955353

Mud slime shit skin infestation

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3fc83a No.20955354


give up your pathetic 'oh we are sweetness and light' narrative. the GM psyop is odious manipulation and loathsome.

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9414cb No.20955355

File: 0198186d8cb5851⋯.jpeg (389.47 KB,1054x1568,527:784,fullsizeoutput_1e3d.jpeg)

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9414cb No.20955356

File: a59ce6a221c6320⋯.png (525.62 KB,588x441,4:3,Ron_Paul_glad.png)

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9414cb No.20955357

File: 718d8c0120a68e1⋯.png (1.55 MB,1820x1161,1820:1161,Suprise_2.png)

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01e508 No.20955358

File: e66657a4c2d3b6e⋯.png (680.78 KB,828x437,36:19,IMG_3420.png)

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17b872 No.20955359


Who knows, who cares it is so convoluted and the only reason it is news is to be theatre from the truth that your government had a hire pedophile only policy for decades.

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f6e438 No.20955360

File: 2dc85e6e4f60476⋯.png (6.06 MB,1920x1920,1:1,2dc85e6e4f60476671d08e7306….png)


>Q shifted the collective consciousness from sleep to awake in a fairly short period of time. How did you guys do that?

>How did you guys do that?


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bcf8ab No.20955361

File: 2e6510b875b57eb⋯.png (310 KB,709x540,709:540,tswfdsc.png)


>any resources for dealing with your child being kidnapped?

Aye, kill all Jews on sight!

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9414cb No.20955362

File: b810344c9ce711c⋯.jpg (61.1 KB,1600x1171,1600:1171,7c313ed68b50f25d276114f840….jpg)

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9414cb No.20955364

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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83a3b0 No.20955365

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9414cb No.20955366

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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9414cb No.20955367

File: 1393bc9f16597f9⋯.jpg (497.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,1393bc9f16597f9cfad594d2e4….jpg)

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f425f2 No.20955368


>Hard to be a Christian when the only example you've had your entire life was luciferin Freemasons pretending to be so.

The enemy having certain beliefs doesn't legitimize the opposite beliefs.

>Hard to care when told others care then your child is kidnapped publicly

True, lead by example.

>Hard to care when you are told others care then your gangstalkers just try to trigger a mass shooting to go after Q and the 2nd amendment

That's very specific. I can't relate, doubt many others can either.

>Anyway, any resources for dealing with your child being kidnapped?

None officially, that can be trusted.

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f22ab3 No.20955369

File: a0802e9226a7d96⋯.png (160.76 KB,279x360,31:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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9414cb No.20955370

File: 13748402de4b579⋯.jpg (810.8 KB,1920x1080,16:9,13748402de4b579114c8ea4afa….jpg)

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9010ee No.20955385


do you want to get filtered


thats how you get filtered

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14dc52 No.20955395


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14dc52 No.20955396


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14dc52 No.20955398


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