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File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,19f26536ed685b9138abc01f87….jpg)

b6f77f No.20950584 [View All]

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699 posts and 589 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9cda68 No.20951431


2nd chance from God

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e77ee5 No.20951432


>please give an example of pressure without containment

My claims have no sauce. Just like the original post. I thought it was sauce-less claims day.

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5b2596 No.20951433

File: 5e76b39fa16c942⋯.png (574.4 KB,910x509,910:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a715c No.20951434

File: df2c208d95f2d1b⋯.jpg (24.51 KB,333x403,333:403,5c584c76f9_1462623936.jpg)

File: 5a7d8d0b701e9a9⋯.png (334.03 KB,478x617,478:617,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aef62455ecbfb66⋯.png (222.51 KB,746x1862,373:931,3836.png)

File: b7e23cb5d9ea6fe⋯.png (4.32 KB,198x152,99:76,ClipboardImage.png)


J Anus

Think HRC Russia reset statement [Russia].

Think Hussein 'I'll have more flexibility after the election' hot mic statement to Russian depo re: Q to Hussein re: Putin.

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090330 No.20951435

File: 6a822cd48623f64⋯.jpeg (511.42 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GO9Hj4hXMAAct9X.jpeg)

File: 12a6ffff6339a57⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1933x1289,1933:1289,GO9Hj10WsAA6i_e.jpeg)

File: 0726c799893be77⋯.jpeg (278.63 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GO9Hj20WIAE0ZQm.jpeg)

File: c68061764469858⋯.gif (1.7 MB,636x358,318:179,c6806176446985834ed4037be0….gif)

File: 691db313a4e1cf2⋯.png (670.59 KB,662x441,662:441,691db313a4e1cf2c0be926afe8….png)

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a44123 No.20951436


Lost me at 'come' together

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b6f77f No.20951437


-maybe if it had the DeNiro platform shoes on anon could find it-

DeNiro was vocal about Clinton in 1999 which is right about the time the French judge said au revoir to the case…imagine that

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5a2eaf No.20951438


The Jews must have their Anti-Christ, who they will proclaim as the Promised Messiah.

Satan will have his final chance to try to deceive.

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3da6e2 No.20951439

File: 76f90ad078c44c2⋯.jpg (170.08 KB,1200x1200,1:1,76f90ad078c44c2efabf5f4bd9….jpg)




Apostle issues shill warning: LARPer Messiahs incoming. Prepare discernment heuristics.

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23f139 No.20951440


nobody wants to join the tranny military except mentally unstable degenerates. 'Merica!

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5a2eaf No.20951441


should say "cum together?"

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127c16 No.20951442


#25696 >>20950594

>>20950643 Scientists are testing mRNA vaccines to protect cows and people against bird flu

>>20950644, >>20950692 Argentina files the world's first criminal charges against Pfizer for concealing known injuries caused by the Covid-19 vaccines

>>20950702, >>20951099, >>20951139, >>20951117, >>20950803, >>20950848, >>20950873, >>20950925 PF

>>20950770 Mind Games: How China’s shadowy ‘Brain Warfare’ unit is preparing for war with new mind-melting weapons to ‘paralyse’ enemies

>>20950782 Bearing Witness To The Downfall Of Our Constitutional Republic

>>20950794 Doocy Ambushes Biden, Asks if He’s Afraid of Being Charged After He Leaves White House

>>20950813 Marian Robinson, Michelle Obama's mother, dies at 86

>>20950821 Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat, has slammed his own party for “destroying the rule of law and our Constitution"

>>20950829, >>20950891, >>20950933, >>20950989 Happy Pride Month!!

>>20950836 Chief Justice Rejects Call for Alito’s Recusal in Jan. 6 Cases After Flag Incidents

>>20950845 The military is planning 12 days of air and ground drills at Trenton-Mercer Airport in June

>>20950861 Gays Against Groomers: Yesterday our Director of Communications Judith Rose on OAN with @AlisonOAN

>>20950872 The Dilley Meme Team is unstoppable, like Trump

>>20950887 Emboldened by Hamas and Iran’s Ayatollah, Students for Justice in Palestine Announce Plans to ‘Beseige’ White House

>>20950929 Harnwell: Cracks Widen In NATO As Italy Definitively Rules Out Letting Ukraine Strike Inside Russia

>>20950943 HUGE TRUMP WIN! Biden, Hillary, Obama ALL IN BIG TROUBLE NOW!! Stephen Gardner

>>20950950 White House Admits in Federal Court They ‘Doctored’ Joe Biden’s Special Counsel Testimony Transcript to Make Him Appear Less Incompetent

>>20950952 Voters who skipped COVID shots overwhelmingly back Trump, prefer Biden to RFK, shows poll

>>20950956 Real Estate Investor Says Nobody Wants to do Business in New York City Following Trump Verdict

>>20950909 International Children's Day!

>>20950969 Massive volunteer effort needed to launch state campaigns and boost MAGA movement

>>20951010 Leahy: Mass Migration Triggered Patient Irish To Start Fighting For Sovereignty

>>20951014 Harris Calls on Air Force Academy Graduates to Extend U.S. Air, Space Power

>>20951104 President Joe Biden is hemorrhaging support

>>20951100 @RepThomasMassie - Today’s conviction was a weaponization of the judicial system but there is more to come

baker change >>20950790, >>20951176, >>20951247

>>20950871 Texas Bolsters Border Defenses, Unveils New Military Base as part of Operation Lone Star

>>20951291, >>20951387 Double trouble: Sun unleashes 2 powerful X-class solar flares in 12 hours

>>20951303 Chinese Ministry of Defense: The Chinese army is ready, together with the Russian army, to defend justice in the world

>>20951308 The moar they indict, the moar we unite

>>20951414 Donald Trump Jr.: We need more conservatives who have the courage to fight fire with fire

>>20951428 NASA bun


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8d2cb6 No.20951443

File: 8b5c88725d6fd9f⋯.jpg (253.24 KB,1080x1169,1080:1169,DoNotComply.jpg)

File: 45744594540b6ed⋯.jpg (268.74 KB,1538x1011,1538:1011,ObliterateDS.JPG)

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979416 No.20951444

File: 3b0339ad1bee406⋯.png (751.87 KB,629x676,629:676,ClipboardImage.png)

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e77ee5 No.20951445

File: 487095dd56552bc⋯.png (156.76 KB,996x699,332:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a2eaf No.20951446


Being a veteran, I would advise anyone against joining the military.

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cbdf35 No.20951447


>au revoir

Dumped in the river, in a pot without handles like those for ashes, pair of boats like that cat watching over egypt.

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b6f77f No.20951450

File: 9a5a1812446fc6e⋯.png (291.52 KB,474x496,237:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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e77ee5 No.20951451

File: f26c1e44bbe107c⋯.png (224.6 KB,448x293,448:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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2afffe No.20951452


There goes the NATO skim & cut rate US arms & weapon systems

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8a715c No.20951453

File: 553fed64183376f⋯.jpg (253.34 KB,1199x864,1199:864,DznBVtMWwAAjMfQ.jpg)


When is the 16 year?

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090330 No.20951454



the stringer backwards LGBTQ+ = +QTBGL

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06fc08 No.20951456


Why imply nothing has changed

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c1be80 No.20951457


Christ will destroy the eye, the Illuminati, the deep state.

The deep state is "government", every government is already connected and operate under a one world system.

God and his kingdom will destroy every government and those that make war with him and his saints.

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a7472b No.20951458

File: e3413f8ada1ee53⋯.png (438.08 KB,597x445,597:445,IMG_4656.png)


Sit. Heel. Beg. Salute. Kneel. Kill. Die.

Good ZOGBOT, good.

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ac5425 No.20951461

File: 249a21619221f2b⋯.jpg (117.34 KB,593x607,593:607,65cfedee92dd74a415fded4384….jpg)





Bread title for your consideration

Saving the children…


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3d7651 No.20951463

File: 5d76ab134993990⋯.jpeg (229.01 KB,1440x810,16:9,IMG_6617.jpeg)

File: 0c84ed4e7bbe676⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB,1444x1536,361:384,IMG_6441.jpeg)

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e77ee5 No.20951464


>When is the 16 year?

Why does it matter?

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b6f77f No.20951466

File: 1d0f6d4b92969df⋯.png (337.44 KB,474x268,237:134,ClipboardImage.png)


Tre quad




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e77ee5 No.20951467



>Why imply nothing has changed

So much more should have changed by now.

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e453da No.20951468

File: a0fbb347ddf9a2d⋯.png (55.55 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2afffe No.20951469

File: fb22dea6c4ed7d4⋯.png (74.54 KB,413x311,413:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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090330 No.20951470

File: 28548067a31d970⋯.png (215.4 KB,640x2118,320:1059,1401_4_.png)

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8a715c No.20951471

File: 84b07d3f7c732cd⋯.jpg (58.03 KB,735x550,147:110,no_normies_allowed_pepe_th….jpg)


If you don't want to know the truth, you should go back to the farm, agent.

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7f3508 No.20951472

File: 8d9520d2dd75374⋯.png (168.98 KB,674x720,337:360,detoxbrainandheart.png)


Or does th C1A who did it (as admitted by family member Robert, but known by honest researchers for decades)

do they laugh at you?

Jacqueline killed him is as ridiculous as:

Osama bin Ladin did 9/11 attack; masterminded from the desert because

"they hate us for our freedoms"

Come again?

Our whole society could use some detox?


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cbdf35 No.20951473


That clock is too big.

Your eyes are to foggy from salty crocodile tears, while we have to shock a real alligator.

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23f139 No.20951476


cooks your brain from the inside out

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e77ee5 No.20951477


Answer the question. Why does it matter? Disclosure should have happened years ago.

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75c942 No.20951478

Marian Robinson was 86'd - presumably to prevent her from talking.

No coindydinks.

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8a715c No.20951479


what number comes after the 16…

it´s a simple question agent.

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54d9ed No.20951480

File: ff30c38b98f1c74⋯.jpg (752.18 KB,1280x800,8:5,mil_change.jpg)

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e77ee5 No.20951482


>what number comes after the 16…

>it´s a simple question agent.

Waiting for the number 17? That's the plan? Dumb.

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cbdf35 No.20951486

File: c6c9148f3563d88⋯.jpg (51.37 KB,600x400,3:2,wood_since_1987.jpg)


>When is the 16 year?

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7f3508 No.20951487





According to Sam Giancana's gangster's nephew who wrote the book "Double Cross"

MM was killed by the MOb. They were trying to frame Bobby Kennedy who was there that night.

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90b5bb No.20951490

File: e6a7ea947d41bbd⋯.png (99.75 KB,662x808,331:404,ClipboardImage.png)


even if the case goes nowhere, it could still be brought against them and that's one of the problems with rinos

they never even attempt to bring the case

that's where the having the balls to do so part comes in

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78334b No.20951491

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75c942 No.20951493

File: 1f97c4a254de59b⋯.png (379.37 KB,635x379,635:379,ClipboardImage.png)


86'd, huh..?

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cbdf35 No.20951495


>Waiting for the number 17? That's the plan? Dumb.

After comes the eight teens. Or nine dwarfs?

Ninety Eighty Four double duck speak in here, OMG.

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8a715c No.20951497

File: 6f1e0570d29947d⋯.png (2.62 MB,1000x2043,1000:2043,6f1e0570d29947d5be5e7bc9d1….png)



>Waiting for the number 17? That's the plan? Dumb.

You has been triggered by anon.

Have a good morning.

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b6f77f No.20951500

there's a baked goodness smell round here…

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