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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

8a4597 No.20949028 [View All]

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701 posts and 470 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f0480b No.20949798

File: 72f3026cd49dfd7⋯.png (385.09 KB,539x631,539:631,85f581322d77f29a3d49096d08….png)

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f0480b No.20949799

File: 2239ad544142aad⋯.png (402.94 KB,666x785,666:785,cf93e05e47686db2cab34adc3d….png)

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bd29e7 No.20949800

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,really.png)


Bob is a mook.

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f0480b No.20949801

File: d2dba15dec6246b⋯.png (260.8 KB,500x500,1:1,d2dba15dec6246bd1c37304836….png)

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f0480b No.20949802

File: e7da1829bd234f5⋯.png (126.51 KB,516x308,129:77,e7da1829bd234f5b128ad801be….png)

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f0480b No.20949804

File: 25424fd4a01f095⋯.png (65.92 KB,433x422,433:422,999612d08c73202e7f7588f42c….png)

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b448a5 No.20949805

File: 26ad152673d8243⋯.mp4 (10.11 MB,854x480,427:240,djt_post_video_parady_mook.mp4)


yes he is.

djt posted this vid.

had to save it.



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f0480b No.20949806

File: 927d8a0bec5ba85⋯.png (200.16 KB,382x393,382:393,potatus_box.png)

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f0480b No.20949807

File: 1c1135f979a850e⋯.png (660.25 KB,647x945,647:945,5263dbf31bb93046b5da9ad8b8….png)

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b425b8 No.20949808

File: dda6a19a3310333⋯.png (370.65 KB,413x550,413:550,daniel_lions_den.png)


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f0480b No.20949809

File: 97ee5a9470c3690⋯.png (508.4 KB,795x621,265:207,683df7019e6d2b99c1ee8e4b31….png)

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4cdc9b No.20949810

File: 46c8eef3b87bef9⋯.png (191.62 KB,526x533,526:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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053f06 No.20949811


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6a97e8 No.20949812

File: 054d0d311457edb⋯.png (19.55 KB,255x224,255:224,9ec105b2547b4a85745a7c3347….png)

Night Phil

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f0480b No.20949813

File: 1a2c223d16c1a1d⋯.jpg (213.92 KB,650x650,1:1,1a2c223d16c1a1d179df88834e….jpg)

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f0480b No.20949814

File: b880e07496eafb8⋯.png (325.83 KB,663x632,663:632,e2df36726eab96059d87c6f6ab….png)

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f0480b No.20949815

File: 428deb8d9618533⋯.png (300.26 KB,1332x538,666:269,3c4c78037edf0ab0132dfebe85….png)

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4cdc9b No.20949816

File: 0b3e0b836285f94⋯.png (255.03 KB,383x372,383:372,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7c03a No.20949817

File: ecab02bc6f408ef⋯.jpg (71.77 KB,677x510,677:510,de.jpg)

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f0480b No.20949818

File: 3e02175e390af87⋯.png (389.48 KB,640x480,4:3,0c3f63cbd0d2513ca521602a1c….png)

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f0480b No.20949819

File: b74b08dcbcd5f6c⋯.png (416.77 KB,651x504,31:24,b74b08dcbcd5f6ce67423248b1….png)

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dc03da No.20949820

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9572fa No.20949821


What is the punishment for treason?

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6a6f49 No.20949822


They thrive on chaos to get Federal funds that always seem to defy the laws of accounting 101.

Welcome to your local DS Mafia cabal family members who aren't smart enough to compete in the private business sector.

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f0480b No.20949823

File: 2bc5ada1a1f7999⋯.png (736.33 KB,1054x715,1054:715,kamela_hot_dog_cutout.png)

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f0480b No.20949824

File: 19f21346ab9d571⋯.png (979.31 KB,1024x684,256:171,fbi_computer_monitors.png)

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4cdc9b No.20949825

File: c8fe5e363d8c113⋯.png (952.95 KB,581x768,581:768,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0480b No.20949826

File: dd2901630e3d297⋯.png (388.58 KB,553x436,553:436,Screen_Shot_2021_08_31_at_….png)

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f0480b No.20949827

File: 44f5a5a4f1c535a⋯.png (712.96 KB,1028x992,257:248,4709bcc03f4e7c0fd0ce14f41f….png)

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f0480b No.20949828

File: 56c91c7771766ab⋯.png (394.42 KB,1531x2396,1531:2396,65f1fb9bd3417fd6459428054e….png)

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097a31 No.20949829

I wanna talk about informed consent laws in regards to the recording of a phone call. And how if it was illegally recorded and people listened to it with informing the victim they would all belong in prison correct ?

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8f0e7a No.20949830

File: 56384d85d025369⋯.jpg (160.83 KB,1000x1000,1:1,kiss_cut_stickers_5_5x5_5_….jpg)

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f0480b No.20949831

File: cc66088f1a723db⋯.png (104.94 KB,447x559,447:559,7e060277f09a1d9fd4552b157e….png)

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8f0e7a No.20949832

File: b0e85ff0b6df148⋯.png (11.96 KB,226x255,226:255,b0e85ff0b6df148a192d5e32c1….png)

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f0480b No.20949833

File: b4d011a43152589⋯.png (488.94 KB,760x760,1:1,reeeeeee_pepe_jeep.png)

File: d8dad5357f84cc9⋯.png (475 KB,760x760,1:1,00n0n_e477MJVZRUaz_0cT09s_….png)

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4cdc9b No.20949834

File: c13960e339fc0e7⋯.png (228.23 KB,300x281,300:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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46c18b No.20949836

File: 6cb958ddaf6ca64⋯.png (461.95 KB,1024x640,8:5,IMG_2458.png)

& with Grace.

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f0480b No.20949837

File: 616e9ce04bb026a⋯.png (187.93 KB,626x417,626:417,1b46530c8455c4620a226de433….png)

File: bc731130db90148⋯.png (168.99 KB,285x504,95:168,8e8dd73095e0639cc2d386488d….png)

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8f0e7a No.20949838

File: a9fcf023e5039bd⋯.png (155.88 KB,1548x484,387:121,image005_2_.png)

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43ec14 No.20949840


Amen. The number one weapon God gave me was an intellect. I figured out their entire ponzi scam and how they work, their tactics, and their relationships.

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8f0e7a No.20949841

File: ca024f5606fa2d3⋯.png (473.87 KB,1351x423,1351:423,image001_2_.png)

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f0480b No.20949842

File: 43b5c1d17bf44a1⋯.png (312.86 KB,586x466,293:233,0dc3f720480d0a97992da05ec3….png)

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1d038a No.20949843


Stollen ST6 TY

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f0480b No.20949844

File: 85048acab746ba1⋯.png (170.95 KB,293x485,293:485,pepe_face_shield.png)

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8f0e7a No.20949845

File: d43ee1f3cfe9347⋯.png (546.69 KB,1545x480,103:32,image001_3_.png)

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f0480b No.20949846

File: 01e222c5fc17a92⋯.png (49.21 KB,400x400,1:1,01e222c5fc17a923742dcd7b3c….png)

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8f0e7a No.20949847

File: 138fc6740534181⋯.png (696.35 KB,1551x486,517:162,image003_1_.png)

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f0480b No.20949848

File: c3073d1c8a92b65⋯.png (128.74 KB,329x484,329:484,153c182c28f026db54006d0905….png)

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8f0e7a No.20949849

File: bc74bb0bd9cbf3c⋯.png (687.39 KB,1548x479,1548:479,image004_1_.png)

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f0480b No.20949850

File: 2566830f37d2a8e⋯.jpg (54.87 KB,589x507,589:507,2566830f37d2a8ee17b58124b8….jpg)


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