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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

363709 No.20948250 [View All]

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701 posts and 483 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1a7f80 No.20948999

Not one riot today, not one punch thrown, no one assaulted, no businesses burned to the ground. This isn't about politics or race, it's about civilized culture vs. uncivilized culture.

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646a53 No.20949000

File: bd2959a88a91513⋯.jpeg (98.76 KB,1080x725,216:145,1553637936.jpeg)

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c4aa02 No.20949001


Pharoah could destroy all records because all records were either on clay, papyrus or stone.

What happens when Pharoahs transport to the future lf 2024 and they cannot delete the internet and everything they are really doing and saying is saved as information objects?

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c88beb No.20949002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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06baad No.20949003

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94dcc5 No.20949004

File: 0d1dc32ac386324⋯.png (208.52 KB,387x294,129:98,ClipboardImage.png)



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3061c4 No.20949005

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump raised $51.8 million in the last 24 hours. Timcast

Trump Raises $52.8M RECORD DONATIONS, Biden GRINS Over Claim HE DID IT w/Laura Loomer | Timcast IRL. Tonight show



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dec48e No.20949006

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


Filename "noone2"?

As if you don't name all you filenames with 2 in them? Incredibly obvious it's you smoking pepe IP hopping yet again. All your filenames are named, and 90% have 2 in them at the end. Just like this one.

Try to be less obvious when you IP hop.


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ac9574 No.20949007

File: 841eddf3665eabe⋯.png (403.78 KB,568x792,71:99,841eddf3665eabeb27782f828a….png)

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5b19b5 No.20949008


elder porn at that

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be4753 No.20949009

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9a965d No.20949010

File: 68f5f8111cd1689⋯.jpg (68.62 KB,725x491,725:491,tcws.JPG)


checked, true…

typed in many queries


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3786a0 No.20949011

File: ac1e858944e2121⋯.png (302.47 KB,857x705,857:705,ClipboardImage.png)


Granny porn

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a395d8 No.20949012


Are you?

Seems you are a bit neurotic to succeed in the shill business.

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a4f753 No.20949013

File: 9bd9a65f21c5998⋯.png (261.47 KB,612x408,3:2,90079A24_329F_4742_86B0_33….png)


Trips gonfirm phaggit alert

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58a4f9 No.20949014


The way I understand it Cohen paid her to sign an NDA so that she could not go around alleging they had sex. And Trump may or may not have known about it at the time. She has also denied that it happened at all. But the idea was to basically pay her to keep quiet. Whether it happened or not is secondary to the fact that they did not want her running around during the campaign giving interviews saying she had sex with Trump. To pay someone to sign an NDA is not illegal, in and of itself.

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303152 No.20949015

File: 191853acf5a1d76⋯.png (291.62 KB,442x352,221:176,kek2.png)

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ccfa46 No.20949016

File: aa35f771ac479b6⋯.png (968.48 KB,686x934,343:467,ClipboardImage.png)


sup Joy

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45cdf8 No.20949017

File: 4c54b85baaaa353⋯.mp4 (7.21 MB,480x480,1:1,nightshift_vid.mp4)



step up than

stop letting this one capture the bread day and night.

most bakers have backed off because it is too much trouble.

there are lots of bakers.

note taking takes moar focus and is much moar important thana a few copy and pastes.

information warfare requires information which is trusted, upto date and relevant.

put aside the ego's

be brave and step up whenever you can,

once this is over.

anon will be gone back to the shadows to live what ever life anon has left and spread some unvaxxed porridge.

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2513dc No.20949018

trump got 34 felonies for getting with a porno actress but it was because of the book keeping for money he sent her not to put it in a memoir or some thing?

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57faa7 No.20949019

File: 3f32f5dba2f98c6⋯.jpeg (591.82 KB,828x1399,828:1399,8DC40BA9_E86E_45F4_B75D_D….jpeg)



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94dcc5 No.20949020

File: ba3c3b500a518b1⋯.png (447.02 KB,378x464,189:232,ClipboardImage.png)


trolling is fun.

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06baad No.20949021

File: 7be9a362bc1bedd⋯.jpg (129.76 KB,542x680,271:340,20240531_202502.jpg)


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46b946 No.20949022


>Biden GRINS Over Claim HE DID IT w/Laura Loomer

time for me to stop drinking

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0691ae No.20949023


why the hesitation when asked what they looked like? A real eyewitness would recall immediately.

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c712fd No.20949024

File: 0b99ee1fd42ba17⋯.png (1018.15 KB,2696x1731,2696:1731,rc_gc.png)


jus sayin, kek

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363709 No.20949025


#25693 >>20948256

>>20948450, >>20948726 PF updates

>>20948283 Trump/Dan's zero D post was :17 seconds after Trump

>>20948387 Steve Bannon Calls On MAGA To Mobilize Following President Trump's New York Trial.

>>20948462 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All'

>>20948608 Tulsi Gabbard’s Aunt Murdered in Cold Blood

>>20948626 @MattWhitaker46 This is a tragic abuse of our legal system and should be promptly overturned on appeal.

>>20948641 Here's to you Mrs. Robinson

>>20948693 Prime Minister Of Hungary Is Exposing The Document Proving George Soros Is Largely Behind The Global Illegal Immigrant Invasion

>>20948707, >>20948739 Here We Go: Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict

>>20948719 Jeff Clark: Republican AG's And DA's Need To Take Energetic Action To Adjudicate Democrat Crimes

>>20948740, >>20948698 ICYMI: @DanScavino May 31 (post-conviction) 🟥 Trump: 55% (+16) 🟦 Biden: 39%, tigers balls???

>>20948769, >>20948781, >>20948782, >>20948795 YIKES: Biden's brain malfunctions in real time

>>20948832 Marla Maples reveals her father Stan has died at age 82

>>20948843 The Chief of U.S. Border Patrol reports that over 52,000 Special Interest Aliens…

>>20948864 UK Ambassador to Mexico, Jon Benjamin, removed from his position after pointing gun at local staff member

>>20948902 Comer Is Blocking All Efforts To Subpoena Lauren Merchan

>>20948942 I believe Anthony Fauci was in charge of the entire conspiracy. Looking forward to their hearing next week.

>>20948998 Tons of AI News

>>20949005 Timcast


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5b19b5 No.20949026



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3c10cc No.20949027


Do you think anyone but yourself believes your bullshit?

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a2ac22 No.20949029



Hopes one day he'll get notoriety over it.

Anon's are Anon's for a reason!

Self promoters they are NOT

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c4aa02 No.20949030


Everything the divider shills are saying "the jews" (never names, never actions of anyone) are doing, they are doing it themselves.

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a4f753 No.20949031

File: 0e72d05a8f360a1⋯.png (741.32 KB,464x568,58:71,0857951E_1448_4C86_A7CC_3B….png)


>note taking takes moar focus

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da84ea No.20949032

File: 19819b7c801c9a1⋯.png (721.12 KB,685x1295,137:259,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump posts 17 seconds after Dan for a zero delta.

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ac9574 No.20949033

File: 2976cc4e0f28c25⋯.png (1.52 MB,1100x1500,11:15,2976cc4e0f28c25f4425da3e2c….png)

File: 3002c8e803c5603⋯.jpeg (190.44 KB,1125x1133,1125:1133,3002c8e803c5603ef6ae30f49….jpeg)

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a395d8 No.20949034


You forgot the word "RED" in your fake advertisement.

You have succeeded in being feyk, ghey and wrang all at the same time. Congrats.

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174ed2 No.20949035

File: 8b3920b8433118f⋯.png (85.03 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f5579 No.20949036

File: 9ae12ca24cf96c5⋯.jpg (72.54 KB,693x448,99:64,crying.jpg)

all outta weed

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f1b013 No.20949039

File: 3a8fa9a50c0d039⋯.png (481.32 KB,638x635,638:635,036befa96b6e3ad1566ad4ea6f….png)


It doesn't matter anon nothing can stop what is coming on top of that I got a great fucking song for a certain perpetuated and protected persona on this image board in the next bread if you want to stick around you can have a good time

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0f2161 No.20949040


Hear that sound?

It's the sound of backfire!




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94dcc5 No.20949041


black magic don´t works here asshole.

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63cce4 No.20949042


The European Christian royalty had a prohibition against usury, so they farmed out the banking to Jews, whose religion didn't prohibit usury.

Was dug on here thoroughly.

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3f5579 No.20949043

File: 0c93043a56a4678⋯.gif (1.67 MB,490x441,10:9,0c93043a56a4678de3f0027312….gif)

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dec48e No.20949044


You seem triggered and desperate to protect a famefag shill that by Qs own definition does not classify as Anon.

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94ba39 No.20949045

File: 700b12e4323829a⋯.jpeg (251.82 KB,828x803,828:803,700b12e4323829a0a70bfe65f….jpeg)

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57faa7 No.20949046

File: 887278b1969cdc1⋯.png (3.13 MB,828x1792,207:448,417824B0_5689_4A24_B209_8E….png)

File: 54804b90e6e19ca⋯.jpeg (313.76 KB,828x636,69:53,6E6C6C17_0D85_46E0_8DA4_8….jpeg)

"Chicken and beef parts"

"Honey, I spun out on guts on the 880!"

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c4aa02 No.20949047


How is the PERSON posting pig memes gaining anything for themselves?

YOUcan post a pig meme, are you saying you would be gaining something for your person?



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af612f No.20949048

File: f8556172734a686⋯.jpg (103.72 KB,457x571,457:571,HOPES_AND_DREAMS.jpg)

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3f5579 No.20949049

File: 68789ef69ca5816⋯.gif (8.39 MB,600x480,5:4,68789ef69ca5816241ba1b688b….gif)

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2513dc No.20949051


yeah but that law is gone and it continues does it seem like the kings and rich banking jewish guys were in cahoots back in the day though?

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363709 No.20949052

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