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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

a1025d No.20945929 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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6dad1c No.20946684

Q. I can't handle all the winning. Please stop this.

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0a9528 No.20946685




thanks for posting


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595d88 No.20946686

File: 6c56dff40a51aa3⋯.jpg (728.26 KB,2436x2212,87:79,2_tier_justice_hunter.jpg)

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40fff2 No.20946687


Anon believes that anyone that actually listens to the CDC/NIH et al deserves what they get. How is big pharm still operating/marketing currently?

Burn it down!

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18b244 No.20946688

The US Mil is fingerpainting with CCP and NAZIS.

and they screwed the pooch on National security to stop commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud


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d5a12c No.20946689

File: 3f157604bf348f3⋯.png (518.61 KB,917x689,917:689,pal.PNG)


Pentagon awards $480 million deal to Palantir for 'Maven' prototype

By Reuters

May 29, 202412:25 PM GMT-11Updated 2 days ago

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f4b4a6 No.20946690


OFFENSE incoming!

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dc4c09 No.20946691

File: ed9bab6ebcab1b2⋯.png (320.41 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The month of May has felt longer than February, March, and April combined.

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3ce3e2 No.20946692

File: d7375c505a395f8⋯.png (3.45 MB,2128x1488,133:93,Screenshot_2024_05_31_at_1….png)


Holy shit!!! Manchan changes his registration!!! T HIS FUCKING FLIPS THE SENATE!!!

"Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has officially left the Democratic Party, announcing his departure just one day after the controversial guilty verdict in former President Donald Trump’s trial.

On Friday, Manchin, who is not seeking re-election, announced that he changed his party affiliation at the West Virginia State Capitol.

He explained that his decision was motivated by his criticism of both major parties for what he sees as “partisan extremism,” which he believes is harmful to American democracy.

“From my first day in public service in 1982, I have always focused on doing what’s best for my state and my country, without regard to party or politics. Throughout my days in elected office, I have always been proud of my commitment to common sense, bipartisanship and my desire to bring people together. It’s who I am. It’s who I will always be. I have never seen America through a partisan lens,” Manchin said in a statement."


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f85e9a No.20946693

File: 7774227ae156aa8⋯.png (128.46 KB,350x289,350:289,pepe_glasses.png)

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18b244 No.20946694


HHS also not in the Constitution and connected to WEF and CCP.

Indian Health I have no opinion, they can do what the fuck they want.

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ae6895 No.20946695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


if you got potz, anons should watch

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d5a12c No.20946696

File: fc54427e3b3010a⋯.png (425.77 KB,797x451,797:451,nb.PNG)



Chaotic south Minneapolis shooting leaves at least 3 dead including officer, suspect

Myanmar military control weakening as anti-coup forces advance

Biden partially lifts ban on Ukraine using US arms in strikes on Russian territory

Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case

Donald Trump calls hush money trial 'rigged' after being found guilty on all counts

Texas town deploys snow plows after 50-degree temperature swing and 2 feet of hail

Jury finds Chad Daybell guilty on all counts in triple murder case

SCOTUS unanimously backs NRA on First Amendment ruling

John Roberts declines to meet with Democrats over Samuel Alito flag

Hacking group claims it breached Ticketmaster and stole data for 560 million customers

Two more US officials resign over Biden administration’s position on Gaza war

Matthew 6:21

When was the last time you urinated outside?


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18b244 No.20946697


FDA also connected to WEF and CCP.

FDA also not in the constitution.

Thus you UNLOAD a LOADED pile of shit just now..

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0a9528 No.20946698

File: 2eb7c62dfaf09ee⋯.png (132.23 KB,614x582,307:291,ClipboardImage.png)


"Yes and post #1 was posted at 4:44😁"


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f29bf4 No.20946699


Only one can save you, but two is trying to option one out, that is not how this game works, stupid times two becomes salty water.

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a1025d No.20946700

File: 2b39c0cfa690016⋯.jpg (220.99 KB,540x810,2:3,fzreee.jpg)



#25690 >>20945953

>>20945959, >>20946010, >>20946011 it is time BUCKLE UP

>>20945968 Psychedelic drug MDMA faces questions as FDA considers approval for PTSD

>>20945989, >>20946004 Trump was talking about small money donations 21 42 53 38 Paint The Picture

>>20946059, >>20946128 How to lose an election in a single twat

>>20946062 pResident Biden Delivers Remarks on the Middle East

>>20946065 NASA Holds Pre-Launch Press Conference on Boeing Starliner Crewed Spacecraft

>>20946070 American Cancer Society Releases Pioneering LGBTQ+ Cancer Report

>>20946079 California's Clear Lake just turned so green it's visible from space

>>20946087, >>20946576, >>20946599 Olena Zelenska foundation seizes ukrainian children selling them to british pedophiles

>>20946091 Zambia’s former first lady and daughter arrested over properties worth more than $2 million

>>20946095, >>20946104 Former Hillary 2016 Donor Shaun Maguire Explains Why He Contributed $300K To Trump After Today’s Jury Announcement

>>20946114 Call for 'Due Process Demolition' memes - Load the Meme Cannon

>>20946115 New Mexico judge grants Mark Zuckerberg’s request to be dropped from child safety lawsuit

>>20946121 NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Finds Most Distant Known Galaxy

>>20946177, >>20946651 Kash Patel Calls For Subpoenas And Investigations

>>20946189 PF: SAM676 C32A Blinken left Prague after FM meetings and cash/weapons gathering for muh Ukraine

>>20946191 BOOMERANG never Trumpers now support former President following conviction

>>20946182, >>20946222 The Storm Approacheth …soon

>>20946225 WarRoom The #1 Thing That House Republicans Should Do Is Issue A Subpoena Immediately For Lauren Merchan

>>20946233 Japan loses contact with Akatsuki, humanity's only active Venus probe

>>20946246 #MarineCorps CH-53E Super Stallion with the @1stMAW_Marines is refueled by a KC-130J

>>20946264, >>20946266,>>20946692 Joe Manchin has has left the party and registered as an independent FLIPS?


>>20946307 US Space Forces Indo-Pacific commander highlights key alliance at Australian Space Summit

>>20946345 Chinese CIA Officer Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Espionage

>>20946356 PF CONUS UPDATE: SAM014 C40B JCOS connected heading for Los Angeles Intl

>>20946377, >>20946395 Reminder for anons WHAT MAKES THE PERFECT NOTABLE

>>20946379, >>20946380 Government plans for finding alien life

>>20946397, >>20946409 Biden spittin' Q's

>>20946434 Mark Levin's recommendation is that Trump's lawyers go directly to the Supreme Court

>>20946453 ⚠️ President Trump CRUSHES FUNDRAISING records, hauls in a whopping 34.8 MILLION dollars after conviction

>>20946447 Can someone explain to me how Fat Albert Bragg who makes a bit over $200,000 a year has a net worth of $41 million?

>>20946468 Despite Warnings, Biden Admin Finalizes Rule That Could Cripple Many Offshore Oil Companies

>>20946470 Steve Bannon Demands Republicans Go On The Offense Against Dems' Lawfare

>>20946514 @DonaldJTrumpJr There it is, folks. Crooked Joe can't hide his satisfaction over what him and his team orchestrated.

>>20946526 10:46 EST - Q1046

>>20946550 Lefty DA Bragg did his evil job in bid to ‘rig’ 2024 presidential election

>>20946554 There are 24 sitting judges in NY county, and Merchan is an "acting" judge. He's not even on that list!

>>20946563 🚨REPORTER: “Mr. President, can you tell us, sir, Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly? What’s your response to that sir?” BIDEN: *Evil Smirk*

>>20946575,>>20946597 Facts Matter: Who is Loren Merchan?

>>20946606, >>20946614, >>20946615 Secretive Bilderberg Conference Kicks Off: Meeting Agenda & Attendees List Revealed

>>20946619 Moderna Eyes Tens of Millions in Taxpayer Funding for mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine

>>20946627 Liberal Hollywood Celebs Celebrate Trump Guilty Verdict

>>20946640 Judge Jeanine Pirro Reacts to Trump Guilty

>>20946664 Anyone notice a pattern yet?


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f85e9a No.20946701

File: 1a7d451b26da00a⋯.png (276.93 KB,710x473,710:473,shits_about_to_get_real_zi….png)



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fc6c78 No.20946702




Pedowood connection

In 2009,Lévy signed a petition in support of film director Roman Polanski,calling for his release after Polanski was arrested in Switzerland in relation to his 1977 charge for drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl.[29]

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d5a12c No.20946703

File: 8663b97c3bda81d⋯.png (1.7 MB,866x851,866:851,b.PNG)

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477afe No.20946704

File: 5d924eb62eb01e2⋯.png (106.18 KB,690x982,345:491,A4C9CAB5_CD85_4DF4_9D00_F3….png)


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f3ea41 No.20946705

File: 03e4d6cb2ab97cc⋯.png (1.05 MB,1004x612,251:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5a12c No.20946709

File: 4e89aa603ef93a8⋯.png (392.79 KB,377x673,377:673,jp.PNG)


I don't want to scare you, but you're now living in a world that's different than the one you woke up to yesterday.

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18b244 No.20946710

XI->WEF->Bill Gates->WHO/CDC/NIH/HHS/DOD/DTRA all agencies down stream that rely on WHO/CDC or WEF

yeah I have a PROBLEM with ALL OF THEM.

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477afe No.20946712

File: 021f52ec717d1b0⋯.png (139.68 KB,690x988,345:494,57718FA4_EDD6_4014_8EAB_BE….png)

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0bc713 No.20946715


>Did anyone archive Trump's speech this morning?

Someone please post it here.

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3ce3e2 No.20946716


jeez..pretty low wattage there anon…did I MENTION the WEF or CCP?

I was making the point that FDA, CDC, and Indian Health are all controlled by the USMil…but you missed that and just wanted to argue…

Any institutional health will be tied to the WEF…

Where have you been the last 4 years?

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d5a12c No.20946717

File: a2859ed5098cf0b⋯.png (25.06 KB,636x186,106:31,goo.PNG)


Google is DOWN! Thousands of users reporting issues with searching and reading news articles

By Stacy Liberatore For Dailymail.com

Published: 08:38 EDT, 31 May 2024 | Updated: 10:32 EDT, 31 May 2024

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981462 No.20946718

File: e698dd465ef0486⋯.jpg (120 KB,1280x826,640:413,photo_2024_05_31_09_45_43.jpg)

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6dc418 No.20946719

File: 8ed2d9d0e7c91bd⋯.png (98.08 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe you need to look it up.


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5aea92 No.20946720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a41c1d No.20946721


Is the link to a different post?

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24b251 No.20946722

Looks like Shades/Corp baked 89, right?

You're on a different IP hash now.

the difference in IP could have caused confusion because admins are familiar with usual IP.

Looks like morning baker, who is also BV, collected and posted notables for 88.

You baked but used a different set of notes?

Appears that admins thought it was a shill ignoring notes by signed in note collector and thus restored those notes.

This speaks to a larger problem, which is the importance of respecting what note-takers and bakers post as notables. Other bakers and anons may think notes should be better or different. But the one who takes the notes first is the one who takes responsibility and deserves the respect that is due. It's up to those who are there in the moment to step up. If they don't, then other anons will. Their work cannot just be discarded because someone later comes up with something else.

This has been an increasing problem.


- BAKERS on duty: try to be complete but also use your own approach, no two bakers are the same.

- Try to respect the efforts made by note collectors during ghosted breads, never just throw over their notes and sub in your own.

- Anons on subsequent breads: if you were there when notes were needed, you weren't there. The collected notes should be respected not changed. Current baker MAY add a link to anon notes if he wishes - would encourage this as a cooperative move but not mandate (because this reinforces the idea that it's ok for any bread to go back and recollect notes, which is not good).

We need to ENCOURAGE bakers and note collectors, not make them feel like their work is not appreciated.



have appt, must go, leave comments in Meta

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d5a12c No.20946724

File: 530f024c693c0d1⋯.png (629.3 KB,1305x879,435:293,lc.PNG)


EW, CERN biomedical – database connectivity w/ phase array (part 2)

May 30, 2024

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18b244 No.20946725


* filtered

I have an actual complaint with this SETUP. I put my fucking NAME behind it.

Fuck off with your low wattage . You're a fucking piece of shit.

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3ce3e2 No.20946726


bake…you might also add this as Manchin going (I) REMOVES THE D MAJORITY…


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2ea4c7 No.20946727


well lets see what habbens.

which way will he vote

what is the senate count now.

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a1025d No.20946728

File: 40963be20b26d3c⋯.jpg (142.33 KB,1024x1024,1:1,40963be20b26d3cb18a49728e0….jpg)

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fc6c78 No.20946729

File: 48b5771692b08e3⋯.png (603.97 KB,1041x1907,1041:1907,Screenshot_2024_05_31_at_1….png)

File: b83a9e1d0fe6b36⋯.png (190.96 KB,303x1112,303:1112,Screenshot_2024_05_31_at_1….png)




>Pedowood connection


>Pedowood connection

For the hell of it, did a Bernard-Henri Levy Robert Deniro search






The New Voice of Ukraine

Robert De Niro, Catherine Deneuve, Pierre Richard and other world stars addressed Ukrainians with words of support

The New Voice of Ukraine

February 25, 2024·1 min read

Роберт Де Ніро

Роберт Де Ніро

On the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion,United24 posted a video in which celebritiesadmired the resilience of the Ukrainian people and praised Ukraine for fighting for freedom around the world.

Read also: Madonna takes a stand for Ukraine in London world tour opener

UNITED24 ambassadorsRobert De Niro, Andriy Shevchenko, Imagine Dragons, Richard Branson, Katheryn Winnick, Sarah, Duchess of York, Catherine Deneuve, Bono, Viggo Mortensen, Emma Thompson, Stephen Fry, Mark Strong, Pierre Richard, and other celebrities recorded a joint video from different parts of the world.

"If the war criminal Putin succeeds in his illegal, immoral invasion of Ukraine, no country will be safe," said actor Robert De Niro.

"Ukraine is defending not only itself, but also Europe and the West as a whole,"said writer and philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy.

Read also: Renowned United24 ambassadors released touching video message on Ukraine’s independence day

The world stars added that they will not abandon Ukraine and will support it as long as necessary.

"Do not give up. You are extraordinary people," added U2 lead singer Bono.

We’re bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. Support us with a one-time donation, or become a Patron!

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine

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59e562 No.20946730

>>20946692 No he's not flipping the senate, he's not returning. You didn't read the whole article did you?

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981462 No.20946731

File: 850a91fe59baf3a⋯.jpg (87.45 KB,525x1051,525:1051,photo_2024_05_31_10_50_03.jpg)

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a1025d No.20946732


please repost next bread baker will be on it

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06be93 No.20946733

File: dbac2d521fd3841⋯.jpeg (26.39 KB,229x255,229:255,120813D8_4679_4A74_AFE1_F….jpeg)

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f85e9a No.20946735

File: f50c2c17a590b00⋯.png (22.81 KB,355x355,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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a41c1d No.20946738

File: b8e33acd33f9512⋯.png (1.02 MB,830x1742,415:871,4010.png)


4y, 1m, 23h, 5m ago

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, in accordance with Public Law 87–20, as amended, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2020, as Law Day, U.S.A. I urge all Americans, including government officials, to observe this day by reflecting upon the importance of the rule of law in our Nation and displaying the flag of the United States in support of this national observance; and I especially urge the legal profession, the press, and the radio, television, and media industries to promote and to participate in the observance of this day.

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18b244 No.20946740

File: 51f1aa945dd33a0⋯.png (512.28 KB,568x705,568:705,cef4df67ff486997.png)

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f85e9a No.20946744


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3ce3e2 No.20946746


I have anon…USPHS is under the HHS…they are a line item budget under HHS and receive their funding from HHS.

and frankly we should both be focused on the INCREDIBLE happenings…

Machin flips ad flips the senate

Trump conviction sets a precedent for Obama/Clinton/Bush/Biden to all be prosecuted…HELL (you) could file local charges against any of them NOW and they might stick…

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a41c1d No.20946747


Are you Jim Watkins?

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18b244 No.20946748

File: 3fd6b5be59d95a1⋯.png (562.55 KB,568x706,284:353,5754d135c74b4f44.png)

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