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File: 187231b0df06931⋯.gif (7.93 MB,800x448,25:14,night_shift_banner.gif)

45105b No.20944904 [View All]

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701 posts and 379 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a9a87e No.20945897

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November…

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6a7515 No.20945898

File: e17f034d6ff09a2⋯.png (547.14 KB,1200x675,16:9,karatepepe.png)

File: f5baf1a3635ea1e⋯.jpg (46.91 KB,269x405,269:405,8_kun_do.jpg)


this was fucking funny

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ee5873 No.20945899


We love you President TRUMP and we are praying for YOU!

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30c901 No.20945900


well that is where the movie gets interesting because there is no way in hell that the election will be accepted, even if the cheat is so heinous they will not give up power, do you think it would be resolved by January and decided, perhaps. But this is one of those mysterious plot threads that has no real answer yet. But it is the only one that wraps up the other bs. The one question is and has been is the Military really the only way?

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f9671c No.20945901

File: 64eb8b31ebd218a⋯.png (107.2 KB,660x1026,110:171,538.png)



My favorite 187 post is postpicrel 538

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0b517b No.20945902

File: b366a16913ad517⋯.png (59.8 KB,690x674,345:337,6DD9F631_DC71_4FEF_8014_89….png)

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ee5873 No.20945903


The low, no-fly zone over MAL was recently extended until June 1, 2025.

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03696e No.20945904

File: 4fcb2dc50fa5830⋯.png (261.64 KB,485x421,485:421,paintparty.png)


"Niky Haley is ambitious as Lucifer.

And just as … slippery "

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c40399 No.20945905


infinity trips chek'ed

got it.


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1c27d7 No.20945906

Remember the court systems that blocked challenges have not been touched.

Secs of State many RINOS.

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0a579a No.20945907


>is the military the only way

If the rank and file rise up and overthrow leadership then yes.

Paychecks depend on them being compliant though.

That’s the problem with volunteer military

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c26729 No.20945909

File: a31a7048fbdcd24⋯.mp4 (4.26 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump24Ad.mp4)

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25eabf No.20945910

File: a43c165e4b17174⋯.jpg (215.69 KB,813x1000,813:1000,MAchete.jpg)

Machete COMMS

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0a4b24 No.20945911


When was this video released?

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30c901 No.20945913


and then you have a split military some supporting each side how does that not expand into violence? How can that be stopped?

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34a208 No.20945915


Remember The Maine was a United States Navy ship that sank in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish–American War in April.

U.S. newspapers, engaging in yellow journalism to boost circulation, claimed that the Spanish were responsible for the ship's destruction. The phrase, "Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!" became a rallying cry for action. Although the Maine explosion was not a direct cause, it served as a catalyst that accelerated the events leading up to the war.

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31b190 No.20945917

File: f2e700fdb0b0b68⋯.png (376.45 KB,600x340,30:17,becomeungovernable.png)


>Paychecks depend on them being compliant though.

ALL of the cabal bullshit depends on compliance.

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c26729 No.20945919


fascism is statism

socialism is statism with a velvet glove

The more things change the more they stay the same

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bf1cc7 No.20945920

Long story short, NCSWIC

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25eabf No.20945921


Aye lad

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c40399 No.20945922

File: f7f9d0d5e1f3290⋯.png (49.74 KB,940x431,940:431,ClipboardImage.png)


stated this yesterday.


#20937178 at 2024-05-30 07:23:42 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25679: Late Night Comfefe Edition


Interesting reading. their last stunt failed badly, so they will resort to violience and false flags.

Stay alert and be aware of your immediate surroundings. Situational awareness and risk assessment advised.

EYES ON swivel


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c4613f No.20945923

File: a5c686531809eac⋯.jpg (64.4 KB,500x427,500:427,a5c686531809eac8b32630ac72….jpg)

File: a39edda51bbd809⋯.png (1.22 MB,1798x1268,899:634,a39edda51bbd809659271b5831….png)

File: b7744f759ae8bd3⋯.png (648.46 KB,1000x665,200:133,b7744f759ae8bd353eecee8a9c….png)

FINALhold em for next bread pls


#25689 >>20944946

>>20944960, >>20945306 NEW POTUS TRUMP o7 THANK YOU o7 Q#2480

>>20944997 Nothing can stop breads from baking

>>20945016 Ahoy: The Ship Show with Extra Gravy

>>20945054 Faktriot front founder fed connection and moar on PBD

>>20945063 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan

>>20945068 @libsoftiktok CA Susan Eggman (D) she's splitting from her party because they protect p*d*phiIes and child pr*dat*rs.

>>20945074 Houthi rebels launch missile attack against USS Eisenhower in response to bombing of Yemen

>>20945087 Records show Goldman made 23 payments totaling $124,500 to Loren Merchan's Dem consultancy Authentic Campaigns

>>20945088, >>20945484 Press conference today at 11 AM at Trump Tower Artrium

>>20945120, >>20945149 A group calling itself the "ULEZ Blade Runners" has vowed to remove or disable every last ULEZ camera in London

>>20945173 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Steve Bannon Real America's Voice

>>20945224 PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Med-Zelensky at Stockholm, Prague Def. Min. Departs,French left Rome

>>20945230, >>20945241, >>20945243, >>20945362, >>20945391, >>20945428 Prayer Mission - PRAY for POTUS Victory and the Strengthening of Patriots WW

>>20945265 NASA Pic of the Day - The Nebulous Realm of WR 134

>>20945333 NASA Welcomes Peru as 41st Artemis Accords Signatory

>>20945377 PlaneFaggin’:CONUS activity-Potato to JBA from Dover, SAM014 (JCOS) W from JBA, SPAR19 joined it W, Global Hawk drone off SoCal

>>20945484, >>20945515 POTUS LIVE @11 RSBN "Join Me!"

>>20945494 US Senator Manchin registers as an independent like it matters

>>20945640 S&P 500 falls on Friday, heads for first losing week in six

>>20945677, >>20945697, >>20945711, >>20945737 [ 187 ]

>>20945665, >>20945768 Trump Presser Chronological excerpts

>>20945786, >>20945799, >>20945800 Trump hails DailyMail.com poll showing guilty verdicts gave him a BUMP in approval

>>20945795 "We're going to show them" = The Plan = DJT

>>20945812, >>20945813, >>20945871 hivemind kek

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ba4c8e No.20945924

File: 1c22e85c531bcd9⋯.png (314.81 KB,500x641,500:641,FBI_weak_men_3.png)

File: 4b5f64642552ec0⋯.png (520.08 KB,750x500,3:2,FBI_weak_men_2.png)

File: 53fc10ab31c7d79⋯.png (499.44 KB,783x500,783:500,FBI_weak_men.png)

File: f67206dee1194b7⋯.gif (2.09 MB,899x811,899:811,The_New_FBI.gif)

File: 588b0e2739ddf0f⋯.png (434.68 KB,1941x629,1941:629,Fuck_Bee_Eye_FBI.png)

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b29f0a No.20945925

File: b50e5befa912e0b⋯.jpg (628.53 KB,2022x2196,337:366,IMG_20240523_090614409_4.jpg)

Caught these soldier's going over mission assignment for the day.

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03696e No.20945927


It might be sincere and therefor a sign of serious mental illness/ pathology.

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732ff7 No.20945930

File: 1d8ffb5492c157d⋯.png (66.81 KB,896x498,448:249,ClipboardImage.png)


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0a579a No.20945931


Dunno anon as no one said it was gonna be easy. but imo that’s what it will take.

They can arrest a Sr. Cmdr as that is a right however the big question is will they?

Right now it appears that answer is no.

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ca4d48 No.20945933


thats what she said

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ee5873 No.20945934





Q187 are now finally ready to clean house and become America again?

@11:23 / 11:40:10

Q1123 (Election PAIN)

A clean House is very important.

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1434b8 No.20945935


The Catholic Church is corrupt.

No surprise there.

The Catholic Church was created by the Jews to try to Control Christianity.

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7a2385 No.20945936


Rank and file military pride themselves in following orders. They are sheep, not leaders.

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ab8ac4 No.20945937

File: 7f46364e6929cc6⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,4160x2340,16:9,KIMG2677.JPG)

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e65afc No.20945940

File: 405f959318420be⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN516.png)

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c26729 No.20945941

File: 3761a7fd6745e99⋯.png (97.92 KB,474x223,474:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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12ef8e No.20945943


It would be something if "the tweet" was made at precisely 1717171717 epoch

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31b190 No.20945944


Speak for yourself.

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46a1fa No.20945947

File: 091719fa7b5e9cc⋯.jpeg (85.02 KB,828x554,414:277,0BD970FE_DBDE_4FD2_B37D_4….jpeg)

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4f16f8 No.20945948

And their they're speaking these these languages

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3443f8 No.20945949


>following a lawsuit by women who had serious pregnancy complications.

hey, but they're still alive

so their argument was invalid.

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0a579a No.20945950


Not all sheep

Piss of the wrong ones and FAFO at some point

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ca4d48 No.20945951

cake and yay

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d3fa75 No.20945952

@929 posts!

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625df9 No.20945954


mostly cake


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a9a87e No.20945955


"fascism" as it was originally conceived in Italy was a movement to counter Bolshevism.

This is why "Antifa," or the Anti-Fascists, are just Marxist foot soldiers.

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0a579a No.20945956

File: 880570f3b13265b⋯.gif (1.73 MB,498x213,166:71,C6343305_09BE_4F8A_BE66_DC….gif)

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625df9 No.20945957



lost track

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ee5873 No.20945960




Q187 we are now finally ready to clean house and become America again




Q1123 A clean House is very important.

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c4613f No.20945961

File: 766395cda7f5173⋯.png (110.19 KB,300x404,75:101,maga_trump_logo_removebg_p….png)

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c4613f No.20945964

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31b190 No.20945965


Less than 10 minutes to go.

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