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File: d34ad7d6a5268f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

07d133 No.20944070 [View All]

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701 posts and 356 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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72af7f No.20944910

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB,473x500,473:500,pepe_12.png)


Conviction before Draining

the swamp

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9cfc36 No.20944911

The best part of waking up?

Having a guud morn'n and wishing others the same


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d00112 No.20944912

File: e91f61eed5cc889⋯.gif (12.12 MB,270x480,9:16,dfhgsh_ezgif_com_video_to_….gif)


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ac21f3 No.20944915


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0ffbae No.20944917

File: 458174f4d841131⋯.png (24.72 KB,594x165,18:5,Donald_Trump_will_appeal_t….png)

Donald Trump will appeal this conviction faster than Hunter Biden fucked his sister-in-law after his brother died.

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d00112 No.20944918


Nah 806 and I came in late!

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947884 No.20944920

File: ab93c18aed03fab⋯.png (180.22 KB,1080x993,360:331,Screenshot_20240531_084826.png)

File: cc818de94a9d420⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB,854x480,427:240,CmT4r_caa.mp4)



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f6e913 No.20944922

File: 3c20b1815dc0c7a⋯.png (49.65 KB,537x465,179:155,TrumpFrens.png)


Look at the cubicle dwellers happy it's Friday.

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fb1380 No.20944923

File: 546d5305b3095e5⋯.jpg (207.12 KB,2000x1125,16:9,Most_Popular_Time_zone_map….jpg)

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b12d55 No.20944924


o7 patriot


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542491 No.20944927


Would be very sad if he announces his withdrawal from the presidential race.

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d00112 No.20944928


>Look at the cubicle dwellers happy it's Friday.


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e60290 No.20944929

File: 4f18ef57f2f0846⋯.png (927.33 KB,1111x874,1111:874,4f18ef57f2f0846a75d48b2582….png)

File: 5b13db66ea1ff0d⋯.png (575.48 KB,724x722,362:361,5b13db66ea1ff0d4b390f711d3….png)

File: faef0ed57ba5e67⋯.png (543.49 KB,959x783,959:783,faef0ed57ba5e67bcb9b052053….png)

File: ac3e588ac64ba00⋯.jpg (492.98 KB,750x1144,375:572,1644425485057.jpg)

File: bedd7168697f83c⋯.jpg (104.87 KB,715x1024,715:1024,1673064290270032.jpg)


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c6a514 No.20944930

File: f297c2659e25783⋯.jpg (415.27 KB,1079x1156,1079:1156,Screenshot_20240531_135134….jpg)

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6e1acf No.20944931

File: be9d9abc5963015⋯.jpeg (143.85 KB,1132x499,1132:499,IMG_1385.jpeg)

File: d6d93a1309dfcec⋯.jpeg (142.91 KB,1203x651,401:217,IMG_1384.jpeg)

File: a79a31d5b506d22⋯.jpeg (372.13 KB,1130x1381,1130:1381,IMG_1383.jpeg)


Mannheim, Germany.

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c6a514 No.20944932

File: 0392063b01fa8b9⋯.jpg (74.08 KB,480x719,480:719,jfk_jr_2308577257.jpg)

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72af7f No.20944933

File: 8788a193d140bc0⋯.png (146.79 KB,282x281,282:281,dafuqq.png)


Anyone who thinks that could even happen, doesn't know Donald Trump.

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dbe9c7 No.20944934

File: 6b147ada456d442⋯.png (98.23 KB,690x1070,69:107,A6A8633B_8E44_44BA_9B9C_76….png)


they really don’t like 1 particular good morning Ralph.

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081061 No.20944936

File: 156aac8bd1b3f9c⋯.jpg (67.25 KB,500x744,125:186,greatdan.jpg)

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86b8a7 No.20944937



The Steamroller place?


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85a71c No.20944939

File: 49d9ee32e777212⋯.gif (1.06 MB,680x849,680:849,a_non_stop_trump_train.gif)


>>20944873 #25688


new bread below.

>>20944926 Q Research General #25689: The day after trump conviction and war 3 drums edition

Cannot believe that anon was filtered from last bread.

someone in admin is having a bubble

you going to lock this bread even though there was no baker?

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e60290 No.20944941

File: 01edea6e819a1d6⋯.jpg (160.85 KB,1200x1351,1200:1351,01edea6e819a1d63ce87b5fec2….jpg)

File: 0bd172d1cd3f9c5⋯.png (1.77 MB,1820x1680,13:12,0bd172d1cd3f9c5e62a9da2a93….png)

File: 19ca4723c920fe5⋯.png (1.27 MB,1290x1645,258:329,19ca4723c920fe5b9628f19823….png)

File: b0449f2538491ba⋯.jpg (100.49 KB,592x607,592:607,b0449f2538491ba4c3e64b2435….jpg)

File: 50acaa45aaf62e7⋯.jpg (282.47 KB,1169x1688,1169:1688,50acaa45aaf62e71d0027deffa….jpg)

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3a14a2 No.20944942

Everything the cult is doing to Q+ used to be done in secret because the persecuted did not have enough assets to show the people the truth.

The people just saw random people rise up (puppets) and never saw those who were persecuted to prevent them from exposing the truth about the persecutors.

Q team knew the cult would eventually use lawfare to persecute Q+ after realizing their usual fake news wrap up smear operation failed.

So, Q team set up which court cases they wanted out of all that would happen (preference is of course zero but when you're going up against a death cult the reality is that there had to be 'a' pattern of lawfare.

So the cult was tricked into having to contradict themselves and the law in order to desperately produce the op mockingbird style movies that only superficially look like legitimate legal cases and legitimate law enforcement.

In truth the Q team just proved to the world that Soros crime family has flipped legal into illegal, and illegal into legal, using laundered taxpayer money to fund blackmailed puppets playing the roles of AG, DAs, and judges.

Just imagine if tall these false persecutions were from MAGA DAs breaking the law to attack Obama or Clinton or Biden. The very same assholes now persecuting Q+ under lies would launch all assets feigning outrage at how MAGA was weaponizing the law.

This is why the good guys had to go by the book. To prevent that scenario.

This takes time.

Time well spent.

Even if the death cult behaves this way 'because we're going to die anyway', at least forward thinkers in histoey can save the children and future generations of children and therefore the human race.

Better to die leaving the world in a better place than to be an arrogant self-alienated crybaby living me me me me all becuse you're going to die.

The world is at a philosophical breaking point of extinctionists seeking to negate/destroy expansionists.

Logically, extinctionists depend on expansionists while expansionists do not depend on extinctionists.

History will judge.

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0666fd No.20944944

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51f88f No.20944952


That map is nowhere close to being accurate.

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fb1380 No.20944956


Blame the interwebs. Kek.

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ebbe61 No.20944962


Awesome meme, fren! GM!

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947884 No.20944966

File: 8eafe3863c46b5e⋯.png (52.48 KB,482x390,241:195,8eafe3863c46b5ebf247515736….png)



Holdin' 'em back kek

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8d5b65 No.20944967

File: 37b183a4c5e0803⋯.jpg (267.1 KB,1079x965,1079:965,Screenshot_20240531_080031….jpg)


>That map is nowhere close to being accurate


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e60290 No.20944969

File: 712648753f79236⋯.jpg (101.89 KB,1024x883,1024:883,1702688810406060.jpg)





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2c8c11 No.20944976

File: 1d844dbb16c2644⋯.png (1.7 MB,1077x677,1077:677,May_31_Train_of_Evil.png)

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ebbe61 No.20944979

File: 06452a42816c2c1⋯.jpg (29.89 KB,305x489,305:489,ovomit_puke_rot_in_a_rat_i….JPG)

who's shitting their pants now….

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def80a No.20944980

File: 44d414977a486c1⋯.gif (4.76 MB,480x480,1:1,44d414977a486c1d80efec2e9e….gif)

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e60290 No.20944985

File: 4bf404baff279a9⋯.jpg (396.03 KB,748x986,22:29,1646747284698.jpg)

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4b5f56 No.20944988

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,2024_03_12_07_13_35.png)

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def80a No.20944991


Before or after "all" the contents are made known

Marco polo may not have had it all….

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e60290 No.20944996

File: 3215a5f2f3a8c0e⋯.jpg (72.53 KB,640x692,160:173,1605482881335.jpg)

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d00112 No.20945001

File: 0c031ab72f726f2⋯.jpg (58.56 KB,619x403,619:403,0c031ab72f726f267125294e50….jpg)

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e60290 No.20945005

File: 492cb1bedd2e275⋯.jpg (113.07 KB,500x774,250:387,7umh34.jpg)

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4b5f56 No.20945006

File: 45edfb2b0570d7e⋯.png (1.59 MB,800x1120,5:7,2024_03_12_07_17_44.png)

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9cfc36 No.20945007


Careful fren pig is here and might accuse your GM good morning for being "great messiah" or Heil Hitler, according to his ADL sauce.

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e60290 No.20945010

File: 571dec7fd597386⋯.jpg (85.02 KB,500x513,500:513,7vn7b9.jpg)

File: 19199b25f04c539⋯.png (40.36 KB,314x414,157:207,19199b25f04c53909b4f93ba96….png)

File: a98c82962b69a8f⋯.jpg (65.25 KB,500x500,1:1,7sh3wj.jpg)

File: b8c9537d83834a9⋯.jpg (76.11 KB,511x488,511:488,7xo3wx.jpg)

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4b5f56 No.20945013

File: 308785967385440⋯.png (1.03 MB,1360x1112,170:139,2024_03_23_10_00_40.png)

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ade14a No.20945014


NYC time

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ade14a No.20945020

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4b5f56 No.20945021

File: 16b8a2358f00d13⋯.png (742.86 KB,948x758,474:379,2024_03_12_07_20_08.png)

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e35566 No.20945024


It's missing the word "LET". Let Justice roll down.

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4b5f56 No.20945029

File: 166468ebaaadd36⋯.png (566.27 KB,400x559,400:559,2024_04_10_11_26_07.png)

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def80a No.20945032


Before or after "all" the contents are made known

Marco polo may not have had it all….

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4b5f56 No.20945034

File: 337e8dc84314b24⋯.png (1.96 MB,1264x1236,316:309,2024_03_19_07_32_27.png)

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