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File: d34ad7d6a5268f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

7824fb No.20943322 [View All]

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b4e381 No.20944033


old gy baker meme, kek.

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743e2a No.20944034

File: 7d9aac5391130d9⋯.jpg (102.89 KB,980x545,196:109,PutinOrthodoxChurch.jpg)

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98ca44 No.20944035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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057feb No.20944036

File: 77d1f8c1438c5d5⋯.png (527.67 KB,442x442,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


She's reading what CFR gave her

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0186ae No.20944037

File: 0f027961edb5ae1⋯.jpg (67.6 KB,1000x589,1000:589,downloadfile_1_1_.jpg)

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743e2a No.20944038

File: df99a1883ef24f9⋯.jpg (41.57 KB,600x600,1:1,NoSuchAgency_world_renown_….jpg)

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743e2a No.20944039

File: 2c5c882190c3d63⋯.jpg (156.33 KB,990x660,3:2,Standard_DTLA.jpg)

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b4f14f No.20944040


Ok whatever

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743e2a No.20944041

File: 11f7c1a403a091b⋯.jpg (176.46 KB,914x702,457:351,DVmJ85mUQAEKDYO.jpg)

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7abc91 No.20944042


infamy embraced

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77c144 No.20944043

File: 063a74571d35382⋯.png (245.54 KB,842x1554,421:777,IMG_5543.png)


Trump found guilty on 34 counts.

Q Alert test happens.

We are on track for big things.

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743e2a No.20944044

File: 22b7caa5595f77e⋯.jpg (177.36 KB,1200x750,8:5,std.jpg)

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5f9735 No.20944045

File: 2cda4999e07a7a5⋯.png (912.27 KB,1599x900,533:300,ClipboardImage.png)

How many points is Trumpy gonna jumpy after this sham verdict?

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743e2a No.20944046

File: 325b7220c59520b⋯.jpg (99.15 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ss70f98g7dsg890d7g89d7gd98….jpg)

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057feb No.20944047

File: cde7b8e1722c87f⋯.png (1.22 MB,506x629,506:629,ClipboardImage.png)

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743e2a No.20944048

File: 799a6800af23b14⋯.jpeg (270.7 KB,1200x603,400:201,eb408f3e2c68ef363021f1c26….jpeg)

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b4e381 No.20944049

got notes, will bake


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743e2a No.20944050

File: b3520a81c722295⋯.jpg (69.71 KB,720x662,360:331,IMG_1803.JPG)

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b4f14f No.20944051


Oh yes for getting papers back, “shoot to kill”, sounds reasonable that makes sense in Moron world. Whats your level at the agency?

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743e2a No.20944052

File: aea9ba044c87787⋯.jpg (131.91 KB,1200x630,40:21,tp_12_labeled.jpg)

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0186ae No.20944053

Where do I get the live stream inside Judge Merchan's house?

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7490af No.20944054

File: 834e11f41b9848a⋯.png (423.76 KB,1241x975,1241:975,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 487331b655d7440⋯.png (255.46 KB,931x834,931:834,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57f0650ec84ce8b⋯.png (444.29 KB,1232x977,1232:977,ClipboardImage.png)

January 19, 2020

The Lake City native is married to Josh Yoder, a member of the Yoder family which operates T&D Concrete, T&D Pool & Spa Construction and T&D Screen Enclosures.

The Yoders followed the Morse family from Michigan to Florida. Like the Morses, the Yoders benefitted financially from the mammoth growth of Florida’s Friendliest Hometown.

T&D also has a powerful and growing hold on local politics. Sumter Commissioner Doug Gilpin is a long-time T&D employee. T&D executive Brett Hage serves in the Florida House, representing Sumter County as well as parts of Lake and Marion county. T&D employee Marcos Flores was elected in 2018 to a seat on the Wildwood Commission.


Member of prominent family jailed after kicked out of local bar

May 20, 2024

A member of one of Sumter County’s most prominent and influential families was jailed after she was kicked out of a local bar.

Summer Yoder, 46, of Wildwood, was found to be “highly intoxicated” when law enforcement was called at about 1 a.m. Sunday to the Dallas Inn on U.S. 301 in Summerfield, according to an arrest report from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. A bartender asked that Yoder, a member by marriage of the Yoder family that operates the T&D family of companies that includes concrete, pools and stucco, be removed from the premises.

Yoder, a former fitness trainer at what was then known as MVP Athletic Club in The Villages, refused to cooperate with law enforcement, after she was told more than 15 times she needed to leave the Dallas Inn. She was also told that due to her level of intoxication, she would need to get a ride or walk. She refused to leave and headed for the bar.

A deputy attempted to place handcuffs on Yoder, a martial arts enthusiast. She pulled her arms apart and “spun her body towards” the deputy, the report said. A second deputy was summoned to assist with handcuffing Yoder, who continued thrashing and resisting the deputies, knocking a body camera off one of the deputies. Even after she was handcuffed, she kicked a deputy in the shin with her shoe.

The deputies wrangled Yoder into a squad car, but she was able to slip out of her handcuffs. She “yelled profanities” at the deputy as she was driven to the Marion County Jail. She used her feet to kick the plexiglass in the squad car, “with such force” that the plexiglass hit the headrest behind the deputy’s head.

During the booking process at the jail, Yoder broke free from four correctional officers, before she was finally shackled.

She was being held at the jail on charges of battery on a law enforcement officer, disorderly intoxication, resisting arrest and trespassing. Bond was set at $7,000.

In 2020, Yoder was arrested after she was found behind the wheel of a Chevrolet SUV on County Road 105 not far from the Goodwill Superstore in Oxford. A search of her purse turned up 5.3 grams of leafy marijuana and a pipe with the residue of marijuana. She also had 32.7 grams of THC oil. Yoder hired defense attorney Jaimie Washo Spivey who was able to get the case dismissed.

In January of this year, Yoder was ticketed on a charge of speeding, but the charge was dismissed after she went to traffic school. She had also received a ticket for an expired license plate and paid a $113 fine, according to Sumter County Court records.


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5d9d5b No.20944055


What was the W post that we had to count the beats?

Were there 34 ?

He beats 34 charges?

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743e2a No.20944056

File: 15fdd787e0bfb7f⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,1800x1800,1:1,REMEMBER.jpg)

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743e2a No.20944057

File: 0210cf65037519c⋯.jpg (78.53 KB,850x588,425:294,da87d6fg789ad6f6f7b.jpg)

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80087c No.20944058

File: e0b5e23694e95c9⋯.png (67.61 KB,1366x236,683:118,Screen_Shot_2021_06_17_at_….png)

This is WAR- do anons know what is about to be unleashed?

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7abc91 No.20944059


you are so ready to swallow comforting lies whole.

you will not only lose your country,

you will lose your world.

it is worth it, just to be rid of

(you) knowingly ignorant fools

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743e2a No.20944060

File: ce3f65e44a348a7⋯.jpg (415.7 KB,2560x1955,512:391,Qgetdfugout.jpg)

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743e2a No.20944061

File: 7109b975d725313⋯.jpeg (231.95 KB,2143x1203,2143:1203,nAVAJOcODEtALKERS.jpeg)

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743e2a No.20944062

File: 2622446a91fb791⋯.jpg (66.93 KB,728x496,91:62,Media_connections.jpg)

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7abc91 No.20944063


is too stupid to converse

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b4f14f No.20944064

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Now we have a tangerine Nigga



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743e2a No.20944065

File: 55e2e8449d23099⋯.png (381.11 KB,413x387,413:387,Pepe_Boston_Meme_Party.png)

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728155 No.20944066

The shills are in overdrive as they see this decision as an in to try n dismantle the movement

And on top of that they suck each other's dicks with their assholes!

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8b7c3b No.20944067


Hey at least now I know, right

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b4e381 No.20944068


>>20943327 @NickJFuentes - When Trump won in 2016, he DECLINED to prosecute Hillary Clinton and put her in jail. When Biden won in 2024, his DOJ arrested +1,500 J6 protesters and began creating charges against Trump with cronies in NYC and Atlanta. Let this be a lesson!

>>20943347 Sentencing is 4 days before the GOP Convention…They're not even trying to hide the ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!!

>>20943355 In Its Pursuit Of Power, The Democrat Party Openly Allies With Jihadists

>>20943360 GOP's Online Donation Platform Overwhelmed After Trump's Guilty Verdict

>>20943366 Biden Campaign Celebrates Trump's Guilty Verdict

>>20943372 @EmeraldRobinson - Remember: Democrats just rigged a jury conviction against Trump so that the uniparty in Washington can pass the Raskin bill to keep Trump from holding office. Wake up - the hour is much later than you think.

>>20943376 @RepThomasMassie - Guilty on 34 counts, but no underlying crime. Partisan hacks serving as judges, investigators, and prosecutors have turned our legal system into a farce at both the state and federal level.

>>20943386 @ChanelRion - All this chatter about possible holdouts on the Trump Trial jury is moot. THIS 👇 is where everyone's attention should be. We know the outcome of this "Save Biden" scheme. Onto SCOTUS.

>>20943401 @CitizenFreePres - Painting by @ScottLoBaido

>>20943411 North Dakota Man Sentenced to 40 Years Imprisonment for Receiving Videos of Toddlers Being Sexually Abused

>>20943413 @nypost - High schooler forced to apologize for praising Jesus in graduation speech in order to get diploma

>>20943420 Chief Operating Officer Of International Cargo Airline Sentenced To Four Years In Prison For Defrauding His Employer

>>20943421 @robbystarbuck - Our education system has a BIG pedophile problem. This teacher's accused of sexually assaulting EIGHT little girls in his elementary school class and he did it in front of other kids.

>>20943427 @RaheemKassam - The scenes the media will never show you.Huge outpouring of support outside of Trump Tower in Manhattan right now.

>>20943438, >>20943458 We can't even afford to shit in Biden's economy.

>>20943444 @libsoftiktok - The Mayor of Hoboken, NJ (@RaviBhalla) held a Pride Flag raising ceremony today at City Hall. He also announced a month of pride celebrations including drag events for kids. He's doing all this using your tax dollars

>>20943450 Baton Rouge City Parish-Contractor Indicted for Distribution of Child Pornography

>>20943451 Karli Bonne - While President Trump has to wait for a verdict on this bullshit trial Times Square had of machete attack- where are you Alvin Bragg?

>>20943465 @AndyHeasman2 - Joint Statement from Four Irish National Parties on Election Interference In an unprecedented move, four national Irish political parties have united to issue a joint letter expressing grave concerns about election interference in the forthcoming local and European elections.

>>20943469 Two Estonian Nationals Extradited from Estonia to the United States for $575M Cryptocurrency Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme

>>20943473, >>20943480, >>20943500 @SenBryanHughes - Today the Senate Committee on State Affairs voted unanimously to authorize subpoenas to big tech firms like Facebook and Google. There is strong evidence that big tech imposes their own biases to manipulate and stifle dissenting voices, undermining election integrity.

>>20943475 Former Williamson Memorial Hospital CEO Pleads Guilty to Federal Theft Crime

>>20943479 DATA: Arab Americans Prefer Trump Over Biden by 14 Points.

>>20943482 Foreign National Sentenced for Kidnapping and Assaulting U.S. Army Soldiers in Colombia

>>20943483 @CollinRugg - Democrat CA state Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman says she is "done" with the Democrat party protecting violent criminals who abuse children.

>>20943490 @WallStreetApes - We Have Been Lied To About EVERYTHING Testimony: Challenger Astronauts Allegedly Alive

>>20943493 Naval Commander Sentenced To Federal Prison For Distributing Child Sexual Abuse Material And Retaining Classified National Defense Information

>>20943497 Supreme Court Delivers Blow to NY Democrats: Unanimous Decision Sides with NRA's First Amendment Rights — Opinion Written by Liberal Justice Sotomayor

>>20943513 Fourteen People Charged in International Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering Scheme


>>20943560 Hammer: Time to Go ALL IN For The Republic

>>20943614 Paoletta: We Are At WAR With The Left And The Left Is At WAR With Us

>>20943633 Los Angeles Bans All City Facilities From Being Used for Religious Events

>>20943651 Ben Bergquam Gets Crowd Reaction On Trump Guilty Verdict

>>20943699 OPEC+ Working on Complex Deal to Extend Production Cuts into 2025, Sources Say

>>20943702 US to send migrants to Europe – CBS

>>20943727 ANC on course to lose majority

>>20943773 Solomon: Our Judicial System Will Never Be The Same, It's Changed Forever

>>20943855 Chinese to develop Black Sea port in Georgia

>>20943968 Subsea 7 scores Petrobras contract worth more than $1.25bn


bread will be late

wait for it

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743e2a No.20944069

File: cb14fc8dacc0650⋯.jpg (437.08 KB,1600x883,1600:883,Suicide_Weekend.jpg)

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98ca44 No.20944071




Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c7ccb9 No.886086📁

Apr 3 2018 21:07:50 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c7ccb9 No.885992📁

Apr 3 2018 21:02:45 (EST)

We are under attack.









PREPARED AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: db01ff No.914569📁

Apr 5 2018 23:26:36 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: db01ff No.914510📁

Apr 5 2018 23:24:13 (EST)


What fell from space recently?

Accident or retaliation?



When was Hussein in China?

Track events.


We are in control


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743e2a No.20944072

File: 69fa08490afdd43⋯.jpg (125.19 KB,472x518,236:259,ComfyHydrate.jpg)

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0186ae No.20944073

Live stream of judge Merchan inside his home is streaming on the dark web… Anyone got the link?

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7abc91 No.20944074


comforted by those selfsame aforementioned lies.

this level of stupid…

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743e2a No.20944075

File: 08f2df3936cb597⋯.jpg (70.53 KB,579x432,193:144,Sunrise_In_Space_Wallpaper….jpg)

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5d9d5b No.20944076


MAGA is the new orange is the is the new black

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7abc91 No.20944078


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743e2a No.20944079

File: 404f173ddce1f04⋯.png (8.49 KB,255x255,1:1,c96ed2688d7fe31a3318bca5fb….png)

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5d9d5b No.20944080



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743e2a No.20944081

File: 385c867b573287f⋯.png (1.05 MB,1089x1194,363:398,leftcantmeme.png)

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cc145b No.20944082


drop it again in the next loaf please

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0d5cc9 No.20944083


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743e2a No.20944084

File: 9206da012304fee⋯.jpg (333.97 KB,1498x1079,1498:1079,_December_19_2018.jpg)

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