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File: 270f5bdd6ede763⋯.jpg (168 KB,1803x1017,601:339,Bake_QR_General.jpg)

f8001c No.20937861 [View All]

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a4487f No.20938638


>Authorized to use deadly force in case there are “life-threatening” kitchen utensils and gym equipment.

Imagine hitting someone with a hand weight, there goes your retirement plan mr. cop.

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a4a48d No.20938639


That is not a proof.

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60da94 No.20938640

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I almost stopped watching this when the guy put the receipt in the victims pocket, that kind of fucking demon really pisses me off. But I stuck thru and the demon exposed at the end emotional release again.

But that ACT of putting that receipt in a victim/targets pocket. That activity is exactly what is happening in so-called "lawfare"

The SYSTEM is BROKEN in my opinion and can't be fixed. But I digress 45 min of bad ass on the piano if you don't watch.


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bae62e No.20938641

File: e8971fc5058da3b⋯.png (794.76 KB,640x1564,160:391,1202_2_.png)

File: b2d1b25cf66a2fd⋯.png (5.34 MB,1125x2436,375:812,5b06ca5f7922944762569054c1….png)

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f2526f No.20938642

File: dbcfe5363a50242⋯.png (161.55 KB,891x379,891:379,ClipboardImage.png)

greatest president ever!


the peoples hero and warrior of the Lord

pic from yesterdays bread

also reposted near the top of this one

fwiw that POS james just arrived at the court house..

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5f7f94 No.20938643


>they say

Back as far as anons childhood I'd been asking the question of the "who exactly are [they] ?

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3a509f No.20938644

File: e77a081acc01395⋯.jpg (78.74 KB,888x499,888:499,6yexpu.jpg)

so is PROTO off?

or did it just work for the first time ever for me?

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552061 No.20938645



Hey! That fucker is having a family get together…

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080b98 No.20938646


If he said specifically GM, that might be something, but "Good Morning" is just common speak, so it's not a proof.

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91601b No.20938647

File: b1c916597a2958a⋯.mp4 (9.53 MB,480x640,3:4,FZ_edt_2.mp4)



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bfc73f No.20938648

File: 2c2fd1b9e63f508⋯.png (373.6 KB,1080x927,120:103,Screenshot_20240530_122151.png)



Now it's unpinned… this one is on top of the stack now.



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a87b65 No.20938649


The total of all proofs like trump saying tippy top at anons request make it mathematically impossible to not be true

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4b1c8a No.20938650

File: 3b1a2ef28d77cb7⋯.jpg (61.73 KB,600x399,200:133,Best_Precedent_Ever.jpg)

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0e50c6 No.20938651


A lunch line.

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9311e4 No.20938652

File: 232eb05c539d0b4⋯.jpeg (385.48 KB,1242x1480,621:740,IMG_2633.jpeg)

PFJT messages with his tie colors

Color Symbolism in Flags

Colors within flags differ from country to country and state to state; the colors presented hold deep-seeded meaning and representation.

• Black: Often used to represent determination, ethnic heritage and/or the defeat of enemies. It can also be used as a symbol of death or mourning.

• White: Seen as a symbol of peace, purity and harmony, and has also been used to represent surrender in times of battle.

• Red: Stands for power, revolution, vibrancy and war (symbolic of bloodshed). Other meanings include courage and domination, while it can also be viewed as an alert of danger.

• Blue: Signifies determination, liberation, alertness and good fortune.

• Green: Often seen as a symbol of agricultural influence, as well as prosperity and fertility. It can also be viewed as youthfulness and hope.

• Yellow (or Gold): Has long been viewed as a symbol of wealth and energy, as in the sun. It can also be used to represent happiness.

• Orange: Viewed as representation of courage and sacrifice.




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60da94 No.20938653

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ea6351 No.20938654


Anon's analysis is spot on. The "Good Morning" proof is as weak as the "Tippy Top" one.

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51dd73 No.20938655


>>20937919 Q4424 What happens when the gag order is lifted [case dismissed]?

>>20937921, >>20937932 Q+ 9:05 MBDNC (BS)

>>20937950, >>20937940, >>20937945 more on SURFLANT 6am

>>20937950 DoD 8:08am 225 new officers Q808 Did you count the spaces in the tweet…

>>20937961, >>20937989, >>20938277, >>20937989 US Navy "Bravo Zulu"

>>20938027, >>20938151, >>20938166, >>20938203, >>20938051 Q+ 9:57am 'Alice in Wonderland' case with a Mad Hatter judge

>>20938053, >>20938119, >>20938080 Q+ 10:05am "The whole world is watching" Q1005 We are under attack. WAR. NO DEALS.

>>20938059 Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found a goldmine of lithium in Pennsylvania

>>20938074, >>20938086, >>20938133 Q+ 10:10am (0:33)

>>20938118 LGBTQ community faces “relentless opposition” across the globe despite some progress

>>20938219, >>20938327, >>20938355, >>20938286 Q10:33 - 07:02 vid @ 6:14-15 "The whole world is watching"

>>20938346 Supreme Court rules for NRA in New York government coercion battle

>>20938384 new rules take effect Aug. 1 for bringing your dog across the U.S. border (but not illegal aliens, etc.)

>>20938392 Roseanne on mostly empty Biden rally "He may only need to fake 15 million votes this time."

>>20938425 Spanish PM Caught Lying About an Investigation Into His Wife

>>20938528 US Naval Inst. 11:43am 1400 men worked around the clock for 48 hours Q1143, 1400, 48

>>20938535 DoD 11:37am Kamala Harris commencement address Q1137

>>20938540 TomFitton Great day today! It is the traditional Memorial Day and my 56th Birthday!

>>20938547 Jonathan Turley "…The jury is now going back to deliberations." 11:17 AM

>>20938586, >>20938614 @PapiTrumpo 8:57am (RT Q+ 10:27pm) TRUMP 2024 Q857 Do you believe in coincidences?

>>20938629, >>20938633, >>20938641 Q+ 12:02pm (nonstop honking DeNiro troll vid)


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080b98 No.20938656

File: d254a4177a5ea60⋯.png (426.6 KB,1011x611,1011:611,stacey_peeks.png)

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30ab61 No.20938657


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a4a48d No.20938658


And still it's not true.

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f42311 No.20938659


It's an Improbability Curve.

They just wanted to see if anyone would notice.

Was there a problem with the system and the straight line connects the points when the system worked?

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023944 No.20938660

File: 53d5ac3fb57fbac⋯.png (1.32 MB,600x330,20:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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60da94 No.20938661

File: d501491b1883562⋯.png (797.94 KB,831x580,831:580,ClipboardImage.png)



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a4487f No.20938662



the Y, the big pussY, Yahoooooooooooooooo

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a8187e No.20938663


they smart to stole you again because those anonymous found only to Distracting

they must be ones of those protecting by moss

can moss protect itself

ask for fren

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0e50c6 No.20938664


I didn't say free lunch line.

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f32cc5 No.20938665


DOW quit reporting at 10:47. Didn't start back up until about an hour later. Checked multiple websites.

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adacb1 No.20938666

File: e8f2a4e64607818⋯.mp4 (12.64 MB,640x480,4:3,Ns_For_Trump_2024_Hammer_t….mp4)

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ac881b No.20938667

File: 4bb8da3fe7b0639⋯.png (553.71 KB,1024x768,4:3,lies1.png)

File: 851bea919abb852⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x768,4:3,TOOBIG1.png)

File: 34f232c28ac8027⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN513.png)

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a87b65 No.20938668

File: 7d424a3bfaaaa99⋯.jpg (96.9 KB,926x379,926:379,Untitledtgxxtgx.jpg)


The request was a Trump "good morning" post.

Not a gm post

Delta is 6 days. shot enough to count as a Q+ proof

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bfc73f No.20938670

File: 458a8f6400a43b5⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,854x480,427:240,3BD3r_caa.mp4)

File: ff4e2f3fe9b20e6⋯.png (777.02 KB,1079x1282,1079:1282,Screenshot_20240530_122536.png)




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ac3cc5 No.20938671


fuck off joe

you speak for shit

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f2a0ca No.20938672


Your remarks are silly. God uses whoever he chooses to use. Your worst enemy might be a source of valuable info. For example, your post has revealed to me that you are a fucking dork. Very useful intel.

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4b1c8a No.20938675

File: 0fe0443f7bcd217⋯.jpeg (70.54 KB,997x1243,997:1243,0fe0443f7bcd217111baadacd….jpeg)

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60da94 No.20938677


Live - Outside Manhattan Court House - Day 2 of Deliberations - Trump


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e61b09 No.20938680

Jewish Loxism Explained

“The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always paranoid, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous, — cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.”

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36e8e3 No.20938681

is there any news about anonup board

VK team anons band

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3a509f No.20938682

File: 4baf4201e88970f⋯.jpg (28.87 KB,353x362,353:362,4baf4201e88970f1d6fd0dd2c2….jpg)


nice and loud

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bae62e No.20938683

File: f0dc9982ecec69e⋯.png (515.91 KB,640x1784,80:223,1215_3_.png)

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51dd73 No.20938684











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4b1c8a No.20938685

File: 8cbbc2b38dea1c1⋯.jpeg (104.38 KB,576x644,144:161,unknown.jpeg)

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51dd73 No.20938686

Enjoy the show tonight, Clowns. You've earned it.

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f42311 No.20938687


It is painful to urinate and my ejaculate is fire.

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4b1c8a No.20938688

File: 0ac94d1fce2459b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1600x900,16:9,cannibals_biden.png)

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51dd73 No.20938689

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f2526f No.20938691

File: 0f40343b9e11802⋯.png (74.47 KB,306x165,102:55,ClipboardImage.png)

i wonder how many bicycling muslim suicide bombers are in the area?

nearby distractions to draw off the usss and nypd.

i say this cuz in the live stream there are ebikes and scooters with clearly islamic men and women circling the camera perimeters

PRAY for our president folks

PRAY for his security detail folks

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60da94 No.20938694

What is a Bread with two arrows


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51dd73 No.20938695


FRESH for Anons

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36e8e3 No.20938697

Vaccine is bad


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