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cca708 No.20935500 [View All]

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701 posts and 350 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d731e8 No.20936269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a5d36c No.20936270


Its not anons fault (You) don't know how to spell things correctly, It is (You)r fault (You) don't know how to spell, dipshit.

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9b9d72 No.20936271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c7fb31 No.20936272


ppl don't use neo today because they're trying to say ppl are actual nazis or resemble actual nazis because neo nazis don't resemble actual nazis. It's two different things. neo nazis like trannies

When you get called a nazi, its intended to mean "you're falling into the same mental trap Germany did with the nazis"… if you're called a neonazi, it means you're a strange little faggot who likes trannies and jokes about hitler.

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5226c6 No.20936273

File: ae7a27d1eb0098e⋯.png (585.23 KB,1018x491,1018:491,ClipboardImage.png)

She's going for that TRUMP look - kek

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8691ff No.20936274


Sunshine shine on you

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1064ab No.20936275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Retardation A Celebration

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617b19 No.20936276

File: 6903a241d36c6f6⋯.jpg (92.87 KB,700x933,700:933,_274294735_208384470176610….jpg)


I can try to explain my understanding of the situation, if (You) wish

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2a3ec9 No.20936277

File: fb44db1d9d10ed4⋯.png (1.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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9b9d72 No.20936278

File: 0a009727579495f⋯.jpeg (76.31 KB,640x960,2:3,B2FC7320_BC23_4610_9249_E….jpeg)

File: a0a5208d17e1d7f⋯.jpeg (23.72 KB,398x400,199:200,5FDE65A4_0CE8_4EB3_B441_E….jpeg)

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ee721d No.20936279


Is everything that has gone wrong (including and especially the influx of illegals into our country) going to be reversed that has happened while we all sat here winning by losing the past 8 years?

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3c5d72 No.20936280

File: 3c0635be99da08a⋯.jpeg (185.42 KB,960x2079,320:693,058CCA0F_04F5_49B6_BF7B_E….jpeg)

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1097c4 No.20936281

File: 44fac3537f050b3⋯.jpg (813.95 KB,2560x1920,4:3,RD_stamp_red_scaled.jpg)

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5a6206 No.20936282


you keep it up because you have a personality disorder. I know I don't know how to spell well. I don't care. You knew what I meant.

between the keyboard swapping keys, and me being auditory and knowing words from sounds, often I misspell stuff.

so what.

you, on the other hand, badger people to try to aggravate them. that's a personality disorder anon, that you need to handle and fix.

or you can keep being a friendless jerk. It's your choice.

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fe8b52 No.20936283

File: 80c58575c4af635⋯.png (950.85 KB,1080x1075,216:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b9d72 No.20936284

File: 8b15f026d318d7c⋯.jpeg (270.45 KB,669x849,223:283,672C6A9C_B264_4C60_9F04_6….jpeg)

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5a10e9 No.20936285

File: 68218bc74c4df38⋯.jpg (147.31 KB,589x557,589:557,UR_BIZ_KEEP_IT_THAT_WAY.jpg)

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c525dd No.20936286

File: 0ddffb060dd38b0⋯.png (895.22 KB,2412x1550,1206:775,ClipboardImage.png)

The AP home page requesting DONATIONS


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3367a8 No.20936287


#25677 >>20935510 shout out to dotz for notes tyvm

>>20935569 Mike Lindell: What’s up with the recall of Robin Voss in WI? The petitions are in for his recall and we overshot by a couple of 1,000. Voss has 10 days to dispute the recall and then we have 5 days. We believe we are well over what is needed for his recall


>>20935643 POTUS Truth - Monica Crowley: “They're so deeply invested in this lawfare because they believed it was going to neutralize Donald Trump…and it's only strengthened him…this pile on is completely unjustified…”

>>20935659 POTUS Truth - Stephen Miller: “Even though it is Donald Trump on trial, it is Joe Biden & the Democrat Communist prosecutors who are facing the judgment of history—and who will incur the wrath of the American voter.”

>>20935669, >>20935691, >>20935732 We had a long duration X1 flare earlier

>>20935695 Vertiv Holdings Co. sold by Philip O’Doherty-Managing Director:$252.97m-May 23-4 reported May 28

>>20935697 Secretary of State Antony Blinken indicated on Wednesday that the United States could allow Ukraine to use U.S. weapons to attack Russia, signaling a break in precedent

>>20935745 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with US Senator @LindseyGrahamSC, thanked him for his fifth visit to Israel since the outbreak of the war and said that he was a true friend of Israel and the Jewish People: "We have no better friend, and I mean it."

>>20935764 Azov Sea recedes from shore by 100 meters: Footage of anomaly revealed

>>20936186 so the government officials don't have to declare where they are dual citizens of?

>>20936214 PF: TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch left Elmendorf after a ground stop and heading to Singapore to meet w/ Chyyyna


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6c44a9 No.20936288


somewhere on unz review theres a great article on how they worship

probably by ron

they all do the same rituals and say the same words but some are praying to Kike God and some are praying to Satan

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d71772 No.20936289


I don't think many Canadians will have a problem with that

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d731e8 No.20936290


Where the fuck have you been?

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319094 No.20936292

File: ef215767f4ec21e⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,680x680,1:1,ef215767f4ec21eb951734c2cd….jpg)

File: 35318825fccc146⋯.jpg (167.66 KB,1236x820,309:205,debra_messing_256521378.jpg)

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af4ce1 No.20936294

File: c1098c08d6e9dfa⋯.jpeg (138.4 KB,1241x686,1241:686,IMG_2595.jpeg)

File: 3a2a70c518f7ba7⋯.jpeg (13.21 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_2597.jpeg)


The Bidan Witch Hunt, he repeated it many times. I really like Attorney Blanche, he is able to keep his stare at the camera for a couple of minutes==. Amazing really!

This is so funny and serious at the same time

Blanche is the Punisher

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b2b504 No.20936295

File: 9d6955bb4250581⋯.png (78.97 KB,796x647,796:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da29e92564f7687⋯.png (30.05 KB,822x240,137:40,ClipboardImage.png)

11 August 2012

Book review: how Israeli school textbooks teach kids to hate

At the height of Israel’s brutal 2008-09 assault on the Gaza Strip, then-foreign minister Tzipi Livni claimed that “Palestinians teach their children to hate us and we teach love thy neighbor” (232).

The first part of this myth is propagated by people like US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and more recently Newt Gingrich, who both spread the baseless claim that Palestinian schoolbooks teach anti-Semitism. This calumny originated with anti-Palestinian propagandandists such as Israeli settler Itamar Marcus and his “Palestinian Media Watch.”

In an important new book, Palestine in Israeli School Books, Israeli language and education professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan buries the second part of Livni’s myth once and for all.

Peled-Elhanan examines 17 Israeli school textbooks on history, geography and civic studies. Her conclusions are an indictment of the Israeli system of indoctrination and its cultivation of anti-Arab racism from an early age: “The books studied here harness the past to the benefit of the … Israeli policy of expansion, whether they were published during leftist or right-wing [education] ministries” (224).

She goes into great detail, examining and exposing the sometimes complex and subtle ways this is achieved. Her expertise in semiotics (the study of signs and symbols) comes to the fore.

Inculcation of anti-Palestinian ideology in the minds of Israel’s youth is achieved in the books through the use of exclusion and absence: “none of the textbooks studied here includes, whether verbally or visually, any positive cultural or social aspect of Palestinian life-world: neither literature nor poetry, neither history nor agriculture, neither art nor architecture, neither customs nor traditions are ever mentioned” (49).

Palestinians marginalized, demonized by Israeli textbooks

On the occasions Palestinians (including Palestinian citizens of Israel) are mentioned, it is in an overwhelmingly negative, Orientalist and demeaning light: “all [the books] represent [Palestinians] in racist icons or demeaning classificatory images such as terrorists, refugees and primitive farmers — the three ‘problems’ they constitute for Israel” (49).

“For example in MTII [Modern Times II, a 1999 history text book] there are only two photographs of Palestinians, one of face-covered Palestinian children throwing stones ‘at our forces’ … [t]he other photograph is of ‘refugees’ … placed in a nameless street” (72).

This what Peled-Elhanan terms “strategies of negative representation.” She explains that “Palestinians are often referred to as ‘the Palestinian problem.’” While this expression is even used by writers considered “progressive,” the term “was salient in the ultra-right-wing ideology and propaganda of Meir Kahane,” the late Israeli politician and rabbi who openly called for the Palestinians to be expelled. Peled-Elhanan finds this disturbing, coming as it does “only 60 years after the Jews were called ‘The Jewish Problem’ ” (65).

She reprints examples of the crude Orientalist cartoon representations of Arabs, “imported into Israeli school book [sic] from European illustrations of books such as The Arabian Nights” (74). Arab men stand, dressed in Oriental garb, often riding camels. The cartoons of Arab women show them seated submissively, dressed in traditional outfits. Meanwhile, two Israelis on the same page are “depicted as a ‘normal’ — though caricaturistic — Western couple, unmarked by any ‘Jewish’ or ‘other’ object-signs” (110-11). The message is clear: Arabs do not belong here with “us.”


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9b9d72 No.20936296

File: d7edcc1baf78cb9⋯.jpeg (472.18 KB,512x924,128:231,FF43009C_DC9F_492E_9827_8….jpeg)

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617b19 No.20936297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5226c6 No.20936299

File: 241e82f5b4a3e81⋯.png (220.41 KB,470x328,235:164,ClipboardImage.png)

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1097c4 No.20936300

File: f30dafbe4d068cf⋯.jpg (71.12 KB,981x981,1:1,FxBW9fMWAAEYP7o.jpg)


Hubba hubba!!!

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a5d36c No.20936301


>try to aggravate them

Don't have to try hard with (You), snowflake.Your thin skin is showing.

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3367a8 No.20936302

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3c5d72 No.20936303

File: 7f54d9e980110eb⋯.png (88.93 KB,329x500,329:500,E80C484A_6A30_4490_9278_0A….png)

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5a6206 No.20936305


no, anon, I'm trying to do you a service.

you lost if you think you aggrivated me.

plus I'm not a snow flake.

and I don't have a disorder where I want to aggravate pepole, as you clearly do.

get help.

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2a3ec9 No.20936306


You know how much resources and hot bitches we got here. You ain't getting that shit for free.

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252cdb No.20936307

File: b079591a06f4d52⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,480x600,4:5,Unveiling.mp4)

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49ad0f No.20936308


Ah, yes. Miss Krasavina. Exquisite specimen.

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e6e09a No.20936309

there are people so stupid on this board that they believe they should blindly worship a foreign country no matter what

to top it off, they're also so stupid that they try to lump it in as a constitutional endeavor to support said country no matter what

yes they are that stupid

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5226c6 No.20936312

File: b544644ddd1e167⋯.png (184.28 KB,450x298,225:149,ClipboardImage.png)

Hair Cuts by "Orange Man OG"

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d71772 No.20936315

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a5d36c No.20936319


I noticed you didn't deny the skin skin.

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5a6206 No.20936327


you lost. give up

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a5d36c No.20936332


You still spell like the retarded shill that you are.

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3367a8 No.20936333

File: 1a5baa63c635f41⋯.jpg (630.72 KB,1204x1344,43:48,1a5baa63c635f41e68fb82f577….jpg)

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3367a8 No.20936335

File: 5c2ef311f556a12⋯.png (338.13 KB,841x836,841:836,5c2ef311f556a122df13f853b1….png)

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3367a8 No.20936340

File: 007186e5301051f⋯.png (107.34 KB,226x259,226:259,sit_and_think.png)

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c201e1 No.20936341


And those who think they are awake will also see the light.

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3367a8 No.20936342

File: 4c464b9411af0e5⋯.jpeg (10.63 KB,255x149,255:149,4c464b9411af0e521b5220330….jpeg)

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3c0f30 No.20936344


You glow you dumb faggot

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bb157e No.20936347

File: 2ed7b18c4ba3275⋯.jpg (57.13 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,media_GKq1LnPWgAE_MM1.jpg)

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3c5d72 No.20936348

File: f65bbfab3bfe66b⋯.png (405.87 KB,639x412,639:412,174D93A8_66A9_4926_A502_0C….png)

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