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File: 187231b0df06931⋯.gif (7.93 MB,800x448,25:14,night_shift_banner.gif)

9f2bd1 No.20930463 [View All]

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702 posts and 512 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1ba835 No.20931237


Read both stories. White kid killed by cop car running from the police. No charges. Black kid killed by cop running from the police. Throw the book!

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2f39db No.20931238

File: fcf16a1dc801df8⋯.png (446.41 KB,550x346,275:173,CD598B66_028F_4206_9B95_C5….png)



Keep on keeping on

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f01ba3 No.20931239


Jesus, you need to stop by Swordy Shift tomorrow to hang with the GM Crew.

Plenty of love going down then.

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7231c4 No.20931240


that must be a mask.

How else do you not know a fly is on your eye lid snacking?

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e1a8f5 No.20931241

File: 2969c74da9202cc⋯.jpg (66.59 KB,768x381,256:127,Amen_Red_Panda.jpg)


>sad days these days; thankful for Anons

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9a631f No.20931242

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1ba835 No.20931243



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f40eea No.20931244


The Tohono O'pohono tribe on the Arizona border are letting the cartels in

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1f77a5 No.20931245

File: ae9828d4cebc4d4⋯.png (113.76 KB,345x173,345:173,ae9828d4cebc4d4bfa0bd94cc1….png)

It's a good night tonight.

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6691c7 No.20931246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0b5c08 No.20931247

File: 581eb4d56ac8137⋯.png (484.67 KB,692x826,346:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8daeb No.20931248


You and your fixations

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1ba835 No.20931249



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98cb2a No.20931250


>Maybe [they] will just put him in MAL


>and give him an ankle bracelet.

BWAHAHAHAHA! Really nigga? They go after him like this and in the end you think they put him in MAL? Kek!

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6691c7 No.20931251

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

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584e3d No.20931252


>the GM Crew

Too much honey makes the tummy sour.

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b04bb9 No.20931253


>>20930526 dough

>>20930892 @realDonaldTrump Trump vs judge merchan re 'reliance on counsel' and 'advice of counsel' = coRRupt Judge

>>20930722 Every Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sits Out Decision in Brunson Case - newsweek.com

>>20930569 Martha’s Vineyard man charged in a stabbing spree jared ravizzo 26 back in court june 17th - boston herald

>>20930621, >>20930655, >>20930674, >>20930689, George Clooney, Meryl Streep Among a Dozen Stars Joining Dwayne Johnson to Donate Millions to SAG-AFTRA Foundation - variety.com (celeb charity dig bun)

>>20930673, >>20930716, >>20930744, WHO Pandemic Treaty failure update and bannon guest bun.

>>20930759, >>20930765, Australia won't stop Clinton charity aid - sbs.com

>>20930794, >>20930872, >>20930794 Investigating Rumors About The Origins Of Joe and Jill Biden

>>20930828 Recall of Robin Voss.Lindell: We've Submitted Over 9,000 Third Party Validated Signatures For Wisconsin Recall. have spent over a Million Dollars on his recall

>>20930890 Former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis's Colorado law license revoked for three years

>>20930922, >>20930929 Ship taking on water after Houthi strike – Reuters

>>20930985 Haiti transitional council names Conille prime minister amid gang violence

>>20931011 Texas Election Results Tracker: May 28, 2024 Runoff Election

>>20931033 PF: Blinken to Discuss Support for Ukraine in Czech Republic Visit Next Week


>>20931190 After ICJ order to halt attacks on Rafah, Israel launches over 60 air raids on the city in 48 hours

forgot was baking, bring fwd if missed

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8c4a27 No.20931254




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9a631f No.20931255



O'Keefe's Conversation With CIA Program Manager Amjad Fseisi Who Said CIA Withheld Info From Trump

O’Keefe Media Group

271K subscribers

May 3, 2024

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8c4a27 No.20931256



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c3bdde No.20931257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6fe3b5 No.20931258


He sure has his arms crossed for some reason or another.

Is he under duress?

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9a07b3 No.20931259

File: d5868930698201e⋯.jpg (22.73 KB,500x375,4:3,2b031706b1a54f231364b746bf….jpg)

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f01ba3 No.20931260

File: d07f5e620e6bde3⋯.jpg (36.49 KB,484x487,484:487,DogeBake.jpg)

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a08a9c No.20931261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Full - Dan Carr Interview with Governor Phil Bryant

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9a631f No.20931262


Eric Trump




My thoughts on today’s sham trial!


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29ae3a No.20931263

File: 3f6cb0b44a2eded⋯.png (2.46 MB,1200x1988,300:497,ClipboardImage.png)


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8c57fb No.20931264

File: 799435a91eed797⋯.png (497.05 KB,671x671,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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584e3d No.20931265

File: b28aa437aebeba0⋯.gif (7.47 MB,600x519,200:173,b28aa437aebeba06823c691705….gif)

File: 96d306735fb2c17⋯.jpg (181.67 KB,932x1166,466:583,96d306735fb2c17966246c9be7….jpg)

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b1f156 No.20931266

If the good guys raided Obummers library,

I wonder how that factors into what [they] did to POTUS Trump @ MAL

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2f39db No.20931267

File: 276ca38439ee569⋯.gif (490.13 KB,480x202,240:101,90D3652C_2F1A_4FF1_AE0B_31….gif)

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cdc99f No.20931268

nimoy and shatner are jews


jews in space Jew Trek, where no kike has gone before


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d830f5 No.20931269

File: 795b64cc198b2bc⋯.png (906.71 KB,978x744,163:124,795b64cc198b2bceb0164a7975….png)


Oh! Kate!

Don't leave me now!

Don't say it's the end of the road.

I need you …

Need (you) …

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2e8a6b No.20931270


TY Balker

Prepare for Phase III

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f7e5f0 No.20931271


He probably realized that his comments were so gay that he had to support his tits

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59bb59 No.20931272

File: d70ad43313de226⋯.png (74.29 KB,435x513,145:171,Starlink.png)

Starlink down: https://downdetector.com/

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9f2bd1 No.20931273


ty anon. good job.

2 days to get source.

got it.


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cdc99f No.20931274


did the baker balk?

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377275 No.20931275

File: be182a3aa7535d6⋯.png (15.29 KB,583x182,583:182,ClipboardImage.png)


save it for next bread

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5ed87f No.20931276

File: e4a701133b4e2bc⋯.png (120.08 KB,400x415,80:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a631f No.20931277

File: 1329cae978d7a4d⋯.jpg (387.56 KB,1199x868,1199:868,Fires_in_CA.jpg)

File: c4822e81def4e90⋯.jpg (247.31 KB,900x563,900:563,Iron_man.jpg)

File: 7563773936b9a72⋯.jpg (121.76 KB,517x624,517:624,key_server.jpg)

File: 68f2e8ad45afe8f⋯.jpg (345.44 KB,1164x848,291:212,Loop_Captial_2.jpg)

File: 7666ca678382c9f⋯.jpg (292.84 KB,1101x794,1101:794,Q_drop_07032018_3.jpg)

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e1a8f5 No.20931279

File: 93c9e28f3943670⋯.png (52.57 KB,597x314,597:314,ClipboardImage.png)

@therealtoriabrooke · 38m

NEW 🚨 There are reports circulating that leaked documents from Iranian universities and U.S. government officials indicate that the Islamic Republic is developing chemical weapons, including the production of fentanyl and other chemicals that damage the central nervous system. These will allegedly be used to suppress civilian protests. (Torres Media)

May 28, 2024, 9:08 PM


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cdc99f No.20931281


phase 3 is more gayness I bet

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584e3d No.20931282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f01ba3 No.20931283


> balk

No, but the pitch clock went all the way down to :01.

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b04bb9 No.20931285

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377275 No.20931287

File: 4d6980657882755⋯.png (922.1 KB,680x538,340:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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99bbf6 No.20931288


please, no

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f01ba3 No.20931289


>There are reports circulating

Well, that doesn't sound like glowies at all!

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9a631f No.20931290

File: 128762bb60fef0e⋯.png (432.11 KB,1451x942,1451:942,GOOD_ppl_everywhere_052620….png)

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