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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

aae835 No.20927324 [View All]

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494 posts and 334 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b5ccec No.20928029

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB,393x400,393:400,pepe_oooh.png)

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812b97 No.20928030

File: df196a3ad2eda97⋯.jpeg (137.24 KB,1280x960,4:3,IMG_1028.jpeg)

Alec should be there with De Niro.

Maybe too criminal and murdery soon tho.

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146fd5 No.20928031

File: 2237e492693df11⋯.png (137.91 KB,657x1217,657:1217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35f5d4d8b34bf1d⋯.png (191.73 KB,640x440,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0410e361eac4862⋯.png (825.52 KB,976x549,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bf1ef47d6f3019⋯.png (48.63 KB,630x315,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Simpsons predictive programming.

Cloud seeding at Bouvet Isaland.

Marjorie Jacqueline "Marge" Simpson[1] (née Bouvier)

Climate secrets of the world's most remote island


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e8266b No.20928032


Too much red text.

Try this next time…


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c78ee5 No.20928033


has to go to jail for the precedent. all part of his precedency.

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439712 No.20928034

File: bbc8a17bf952a8e⋯.png (449.39 KB,768x384,2:1,deniro_hollywood.png)

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3bdbf0 No.20928035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is everyone ready to choose a side, PERMANENTLY?


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c24640 No.20928037

File: 06e6183ad5ad9c4⋯.png (171.04 KB,355x343,355:343,06e6183ad5ad9c4ca65d00a468….png)

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aae835 No.20928038

@500 and Last Call 'Mo's

#25667 >>20927335

>>20927404, >>20927448, >>20927586, >>20927643, >>20927760, >>20927947 Eyez on our Skyz

>>20927339, >>20927561, >>20927591, >>20927892 LIVE: Donald Trump’s New York Trial: May 28


>>20927378, >>20927598 It is now crystal clear that Jack Smith, Jay Bratt, and David Harbach have no interest in maintaining a scintilla of integrity/decorum

>>20927396 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Steve Bannon

>>20927461, >>20927488, >>20927530, >>20927580, >>20927597 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Solar X Flare as Famous Active Region Returns/space news

>>20927492, >>20927495 Swamp Talk

>>20927538, >>20927641 In case you needed more evidence that all of these BS cases were quarterbacked by Team Biden…

>>20927585 Representative Susie Lee just bought stock in the German arms manufacturer Rheinmetal, sits on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction.

>>20927607, >>20928025 Judge Aileen Cannon Is The Latest Object Of Democrats’ Recusal Obsession/JUDGE CANNON DENIES DOJ REQUEST FOR TRUMP GAG ORDER; ISSUES WARNING TO JACK SMITH

>>20927614, >>20927637, >>20927813, >>20927870, >>20927899, >>20927920, >>20927973, >>20927984 Biden's campaign is holding a press conference outside the NYC Courthouse

>>20927673 US condemns failed North Korean rocket launch as breach of international security

>>20927699 Far-Left Daily Beast Site Cutting Staff

>>20927728 @ArlingtonNatl Join us and our friends at ABMC as we honor the courage and sacrifice of the Allied forces on the 80th anniversary of #DDay

>>20927772 GameStop stock soars (won’t last) as meme icon raises almost $1 billion in stock sale

>>20927794 ICYMI: The FBI recently participated in 'TRADEWINDS 24'

>>20927805 “There is now an orchestrated, well organized cartel smuggling operation of Chinese into Southern California

>>20927811 Rush Limbaugh on Memorial Day 4 years ago — ‘We don’t put our former Presidents in jail.’

>>20927836 @KenPaxtonTX One year ago today, Dade Phelan and the Austin establishment thought they could overturn an election…

>>20927996 Japan lawmakers to create group for government probes into UFOs

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f2aba3 No.20928040



I'm thinking the judge will specifically ignore the verdict of the jury and convict.

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cb1983 No.20928041

File: ebea3c39d7c2daa⋯.mp4 (10.28 MB,1920x1080,16:9,niggerfaggots.mp4)


>this cause

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5ff562 No.20928042

File: 102c5aacb39c4f0⋯.jpg (433.41 KB,1200x676,300:169,deniroandcia.jpg)


probably was just ordered to go out there, with those henchmen escorting him.

Right near Mulberry st. where the LeBaron Party took place.

Right in his own element near little Italy.


Where do they get this idea he will never leave?

They just made that up..


Where's the sauce?

Up their butts with the Corn-y?

Maybe he was doing shitty acting on purpose, since his heart might not be in it.

Think: he was an anti-vaxxer until he was made to shut-up.


"The day De Niro joined the CIA"

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266f41 No.20928043

File: e98bc48daf91d10⋯.jpeg (313.67 KB,1130x1559,1130:1559,IMG_1253.jpeg)



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b5ccec No.20928044


Merrick Garland wants to strip him of his SS detail, if he's convicted. I don't think things will end well if they get away with that.

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cb1983 No.20928046

File: cd5a230f6d9a2e3⋯.png (307.3 KB,560x418,280:209,ClipboardImage.png)



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4f3946 No.20928049


im not sure trump uses ss

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e8266b No.20928050


The hilarious part is they didn't see this trainwreck coming.

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b5ccec No.20928051


Now that would be interesting, and also the end of that judge in the long run.

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953b10 No.20928052


Surrounded by a private security detail and the tax funded police.

These people are pathetic.

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b70713 No.20928053


>Well, you're probably not a big alpha male in the first place.

>More likely a morbidly obese, ugly ass, failed woman bull dyke cosplaying.

You describe to roles that could easily be swapped around in a cop and robber cosplay.

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266f41 No.20928055

File: 1e43661eb5bc75e⋯.jpeg (150.76 KB,519x1222,519:1222,IMG_1254.jpeg)



Comic timing


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a0b145 No.20928058


Cue the replacement: Gavin Newsom

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124d1a No.20928060


The one in the black tank top, with the bid tits and narrow waist I thought was a dude at first because the guy next to her yelling F-U

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cb1983 No.20928064

File: a40e47f7ef03709⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,personally_approved.mp4)

File: d6243e9e5a99812⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,That_allegation_is_false_a….mp4)

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c24640 No.20928065

File: 1099a5a7ca1b873⋯.jpg (51.14 KB,620x348,155:87,2oimp6.jpg)

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146fd5 No.20928067


It happens to Trump supporters all the time. They don't like the sour taste of their own medicine.

"Get up in their faces"

Maxine waters.

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78a2db No.20928068


That's not why, Robert.

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124d1a No.20928069


KEK and Globaled the CP link

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a0b145 No.20928070

File: 369ec1664dbfb7e⋯.jpg (67.42 KB,351x340,351:340,Maxine_u_wot_mate.jpg)

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aae835 No.20928071

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153022 No.20928072

File: d5e29b12c705edf⋯.jpeg (752.66 KB,1201x610,1201:610,638F9C2A_E82C_40D8_928F_C….jpeg)


Polish AF PLF 101President Dudalanded in Prague

Meeting in Prague about moar munee for Zelensky

PM Shmyhal to meet EU leaders in Prague to discuss military aid for Ukraine

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal will hold meetings with some of the EU leaders in Prague on May 28 to discuss military aid for Ukraine, Czech media outlet Ceske Noviny reported, citing Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala.

The Czech government announced over the weekend that Polish President Andrzej Duda, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silinova would attend the meeting, which will take place on May 28 in Kramar's villa in Prague.


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b5ccec No.20928073


>the CP link

Shills resort to this, when they're losing the narrative…

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bce1f9 No.20928075

What if the Titanic shows obvious signs of sabotage.

What would the cabal do to keep their secret and what would they do to anyone trying to start a tourist company exploring the Titanic?

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266f41 No.20928077

File: 7386786de628ed9⋯.jpeg (161.04 KB,1130x793,1130:793,IMG_1257.jpeg)

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aae835 No.20928078


#25667 >>20927335

>>20927404, >>20927448, >>20927586, >>20927643, >>20927760, >>20927947, >>20928072 Eyez on our Skyz

>>20927339, >>20927561, >>20927591, >>20927892 LIVE: Donald Trump’s New York Trial: May 28


>>20927378, >>20927598 It is now crystal clear that Jack Smith, Jay Bratt, and David Harbach have no interest in maintaining a scintilla of integrity/decorum

>>20927396 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Steve Bannon

>>20927461, >>20927488, >>20927530, >>20927580, >>20927597 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Solar X Flare as Famous Active Region Returns/space news

>>20927492, >>20927495 Swamp Talk

>>20927538, >>20927641 In case you needed more evidence that all of these BS cases were quarterbacked by Team Biden…

>>20927585 Representative Susie Lee just bought stock in the German arms manufacturer Rheinmetal, sits on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction.

>>20927607, >>20928025 Judge Aileen Cannon Is The Latest Object Of Democrats’ Recusal Obsession/JUDGE CANNON DENIES DOJ REQUEST FOR TRUMP GAG ORDER; ISSUES WARNING TO JACK SMITH

>>20927614, >>20927637, >>20927813, >>20927870, >>20927899, >>20927920, >>20927973, >>20927984 Biden's campaign is holding a press conference outside the NYC Courthouse

>>20927673 US condemns failed North Korean rocket launch as breach of international security

>>20927699 Far-Left Daily Beast Site Cutting Staff

>>20927728 @ArlingtonNatl Join us and our friends at ABMC as we honor the courage and sacrifice of the Allied forces on the 80th anniversary of #DDay

>>20927772 GameStop stock soars (won’t last) as meme icon raises almost $1 billion in stock sale

>>20927794 ICYMI: The FBI recently participated in 'TRADEWINDS 24'

>>20927805 “There is now an orchestrated, well organized cartel smuggling operation of Chinese into Southern California

>>20927811 Rush Limbaugh on Memorial Day 4 years ago — ‘We don’t put our former Presidents in jail.’

>>20927836 @KenPaxtonTX One year ago today, Dade Phelan and the Austin establishment thought they could overturn an election…

>>20927996 Japan lawmakers to create group for government probes into UFOs


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266f41 No.20928080

File: 27586d86776916f⋯.jpeg (346.05 KB,1130x1565,226:313,IMG_1256.jpeg)

File: 29043a1dabf2b0f⋯.jpeg (163.76 KB,1132x586,566:293,IMG_1255.jpeg)

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7cd145 No.20928081

File: 279607292a1bb85⋯.jpg (57.39 KB,587x115,587:115,Xnip2024_05_28_12_10_39.jpg)

BREAKING: Secret Service has met with local jail officials in NY to discuss preparations for President Trump to go behind bars - CBS


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c24640 No.20928085

File: 65d975478b776ad⋯.jpg (67.7 KB,500x614,250:307,8qcey7.jpg)


ty anon

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812b97 No.20928087


Then David Cameron should hang.

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838bbe No.20928088

File: 528f14982ca1c2e⋯.png (746.62 KB,681x722,681:722,g.PNG)


Robert De Niro: Donald Trump Victory Means U.S. ‘Government Will Perish from the Earth’


US actor Robert De Niro speaks in support of US President Joe Biden outside of Manhattan C


Elizabeth Weibel28 May 2024

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153022 No.20928089

File: 0fd01520cb8510d⋯.jpeg (431.79 KB,772x1037,772:1037,6BA8A2F0_2CAD_415F_B6FB_E….jpeg)

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146fd5 No.20928090


Switch 2 may have something to say about that. Boom time for GameStop.

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bce1f9 No.20928091


Q didn’t say The first arrest would piss me off

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b5ccec No.20928093


Shill litmus test…….PASSED

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b70713 No.20928094

File: 36cb0842d634ce3⋯.jpg (67.27 KB,500x658,250:329,trade_offer.jpg)

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266f41 No.20928096


Or Start Civil War

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153022 No.20928098

File: d5d8cebb252b1d5⋯.jpeg (23.9 KB,460x276,5:3,D17082DA_12A8_43E0_A479_B….jpeg)

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146fd5 No.20928100


Robert DeQueero

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aae835 No.20928101





migrate, will clean n lock

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b5ccec No.20928102


Which is exactly what [they] want.

1. Start civil war.

2. Institute martial law.

3. Suspend elections.

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