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File: d34ad7d6a5268f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

b68822 No.20919980 [View All]

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3199ed No.20920747

File: 48ee08071421ce9⋯.jpg (91.65 KB,678x902,339:451,robertonkappy.jpg)


Living things adapt.

The trans-humanist think they understand life, but they are missing things.

Always a gap with psychopaths.

Speaking of Memorial Day. I wonder what happened to this man. He disappeared after supposedly having the "Dead Man's Switch" of Issac Kappy?

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e5783c No.20920748


someone found all the free cocaine at the White House and thinks the girls there are party, but so bored he has to shitpost on the kun

fjb and yo roe v wade

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5c81e2 No.20920749

File: 4baf4201e88970f⋯.jpg (28.87 KB,353x362,353:362,Screen_Shot_2023_08_04_at_….jpg)


see that's just it, had I thought I'd known anything about him which I didn't/don't cause anon doesn't follow the 'STARS', I prolly would not have even watched the interview with Joe Rogan. I can see why some people would like to silence Terrence Howard though… for the 1:1 and the vastness of space stuffs.

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66ae20 No.20920750

File: b6f5f3981c8d7cb⋯.jpg (224.02 KB,1284x671,1284:671,78a7121b67398b03.jpg)

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72ba42 No.20920752

File: e1cf0fa0d574e21⋯.mp4 (7.53 MB,640x360,16:9,Video_JWoods_re_Nurse_Coro….mp4)

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6a890e No.20920753

File: 1ff2fd168925c0c⋯.png (379.4 KB,593x695,593:695,cid.PNG)




🚨🚨And here it is,

Sidney Powell: VINDICATED,

After three years of litigation, the Texas Court of Appeals finds Texas Bar has NO EVIDENCE Powell violated "any ethical rule in filing four federal suits after the overthrown of your government in 2020,

By the way, what she is simply saying here that the United States intelligence community were involved.

12:23 PM · May 26, 2024




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d019cb No.20920755


I have a better idea,

Lets put a bear in a cage, and throw women in there, and have BBQ and beers as she gets mauled to death,

Good times…

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a19c2c No.20920757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


paint it black

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976e48 No.20920758

File: 659151242257715⋯.jpeg (303.8 KB,1241x1432,1241:1432,IMG_2395.jpeg)

Libertarians are awful people. They just love losing

Libertarian Party nominates (unknown) Chase Oliver for President.This is Chase Oliver’s response to Trump.

That Libertarian Lady


Check out @ChaseForLiberty’s response to the question about Trump talking about 3% of the vote and why Trump thinks we should nominate him as our nominee.

(He says Trump doesn’t belong on that stage. He’s right there, but at least he tried and will win)

I didn’t do the video because these people are stupid


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99397f No.20920760


>It can't be totally stopped by anything I know of.

It can be stopped.

You ignore it, it will depart.

It doesn't know where you are.

If you feel a presence, avoid it, tell it to go away politely and finally in some way.

You can also program it to go away.

It's not manual in most cases.

It's a computer program, trick it to go away or believe it goes away.

Other tips:

Water - dehydration can be problematiC with the radiation causing the water to evaporate.

Taurine - has helped with some of the problems vitamin B's.

Shielding - helps reduce the dB of the intake but do not spend a lot on it

Don't believe your gang stalkers know what they are doing.

Don't believe they are in full contrl of themselves.

Find the difference between you/your emotions and the computer.

Keep your family close even if they don't believe you - don't push it, just stay sane and safe.

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6a890e No.20920762

File: f24ecbdcdb797a2⋯.png (649.96 KB,600x688,75:86,kp.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Native New Yorkers Aren’t Holding Back. Ex Barack Obama Voter Tells The Media They Will Not Tolerate Another Stolen Election

One of the most epic interviews ever 🇺🇸

“You guys are going to see in 2024 when there's a Red Wave and there's a landslide, what's going to happen. And if you guys try it again with what happened with the last election, with the cheating and the changing the votes at three o'clock in the morning. The suitcases coming in people running both through the machines more than once we're tired of it. We're done

We're voting for Trump. We're gonna we're gonna be voting red all the way down ticket.”

Illegal Immigrants “They get a check, they get a phone. While people in this country are starving, barely able to make it, yet again, not you in particular, but your organization likes to paint a false narrative. And we're tired of it. Yeah. American people are tired of it”

“A lot of people feel the same way that I do but we get ostracized if you say anything right you think because it's New York and yeah I mean listen you can be black you can be Hispanic and you'll be considered a white supremacist if you agree with Trump

You guys are ridiculous.”

— “The biggest issue is the border. We can't support these people. You have this moronic mayor that we have here in New York City. He wants to hire illegals to be lifeguards.

This is clown world that we're in right now.”

— “Everything that was made up about this guy was a lie. The so-called, what was it, the piss tape from Russia. Oh, he had hookers pissing on him in a hotel room. It was all false. Hillary Clinton paid for that tape, if I'm not mistaken. It's all BS, and people are tired of it. The veil is being lifted, and you guys are gonna see in November when we go to the polls.”

“You guys are gonna get your feelings hurt badly. And you know what? I can't wait, because I'm gonna stand outside in Manhattan with my coffee mug, and I'm gonna let the liberal tears just drip into my coffee, and I'm gonna take a nice sip of it.”

“Before Trump, I voted for Obama the first time. And then I saw that he was full of shit because he was nothing but divisive in this country. And then the second time around, I sat out because I didn't see the point in voting for Mitt Romney because he was a rhino. And then Trump came along? Then Trump came along. Trump came along and started putting people in their place. And then he started exposing the lies that the mainstream media likes to spin.”

“You know, legacy media is dying. You guys are on your last leg and that's it. There's gonna be some, there's gonna be a bunch of final nails and a lot of coffins on election day.”

I highlighted some key parts of this interview but I’d recommend listening to the whole thing, this is EPIC!

0:33 / 7:44

2:52 PM · May 26, 2024




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0bd8fa No.20920763

File: dea454b58262350⋯.png (311.05 KB,441x284,441:284,me2nite.PNG)


Hello, likewise.

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5790e1 No.20920764


he's on drugs

not the good kind

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8e3460 No.20920765

File: 4965ebeb4a21e2f⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,720x400,9:5,5lg3sW8P7ycgrEyP_1_.mp4)

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5790e1 No.20920767


Ron Paul approves

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a29c5a No.20920770


#25658 >>20919988

>>20919989 OP: Focus24 24/05/25

>>20919992, >>20920716 President @realDonaldTrump says hello to Richard Petty at the Coca-Cola 600

>>20920057, >>20920301 boosters killing children, knowingly

>>20920111 Massachusetts authorities have identified the man accused of stabbing four girls

>>20920118 Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20920134 Biden Reminds West Point Graduates of their Political Duty to Interfere in Election if Leftist Vision of Democracy is Threatened

>>20920151 Terrifying New Battlefield Tech

>>20920159 Bannon Exposes Plot: RINOs Scheming to Steal GOP Nomination from Trump and Push Nikki Haley as VP

>>20920224 Helicopter with ex-Soviet state’s leader makes emergency landing

>>20920295 PF: RCH4609 C17 Globey departed JBA and RCH274 departed Dover AFB and heading across Atlantic

>>20920299 Stockpiles of vaccines ready for the next virus which doesn't exist yet

>>20920434 PF: 45in N757AF 757 departed Charlotte-Douglas Intl after attending the 600 and heading around some bad weather to Laguardia Airport


>>20920598, >>20920723 China Defies Global Copper Squeeze With Near-Record Production, sells t bills

>>20920712 Sunak’s plan to make 18-year-olds do national service grabs attention on UK election trail

>>20920753 Sidney Powell: VINDICATED


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6a890e No.20920772

File: b5da9bfa546a3f4⋯.png (315.43 KB,982x644,491:322,ch.PNG)


Libertarian Party Chooses Openly Gay Former Democrat Chase Oliver as Its Nominee, Uses Victory Speech to Rail Against ‘Genocide in Gaza’

by Ben Kew May. 26, 2024 10:00 pm

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976e48 No.20920773


Of who? Me not posting the video or this guy.

Ron Paul is voting for Trump

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72ba42 No.20920774

File: c6cef7db2232767⋯.jpeg (52.32 KB,700x394,350:197,gotagoodfeeling.jpeg)

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76a889 No.20920775

File: 84b08c1b117ad95⋯.png (31.23 KB,110x157,110:157,ClipboardImage.png)


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3199ed No.20920777


laetril? from apricots

Blocked for 50 years?

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5790e1 No.20920778


no one is voting, anon

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295af1 No.20920781


Cocaine lowkey kinda sucks ngl. Much like my economy I prefer my airways to be free of unwanted foreign influence thank you very much.

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a19c2c No.20920782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bubba gump polka

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5c81e2 No.20920783

File: 70a8fb3b055e8e4⋯.jpg (9.08 KB,152x107,152:107,Screen_Shot_2023_04_24_at_….jpg)


>he's on drugs

>not the good kind

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711357 No.20920784

File: 8f8578d37df9d55⋯.jpg (116.26 KB,587x778,587:778,150817105619_08_vdposters_….jpg)


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f653ef No.20920785


Support the Current thing

Even if there is no Proof that the current thing is happening the way it's being told it's happening

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295af1 No.20920787


Hey u kinda cute wanna hang out later?

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61ee1a No.20920788

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295af1 No.20920791


When ich mir vorstelle wir wir händchen halten wird mir ganz warm ums herz

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61ee1a No.20920793

Another round of lyrics.. you’ve.

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9b7fe1 No.20920794


What a LOSING attitude.

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76a889 No.20920795

File: 94d62fefa2dd0d4⋯.png (453.73 KB,574x323,574:323,ClipboardImage.png)


>You pushed the IBOR and immediately POTUS began to comment/take action

Funny shit.

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a29c5a No.20920796

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976e48 No.20920797

File: fb98c3498501889⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB,320x410,32:41,ssstwitter_com_17167796619….mp4)


Here’s the video anon

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3199ed No.20920799


of course Trump belongs on that stage.

Sheesh. They're ignorant.

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f653ef No.20920800

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61ee1a No.20920802

Ha we

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711357 No.20920805

File: 053db7038b5b894⋯.png (25.91 KB,713x611,713:611,efbacf2e29c9b2cb0207e9fcd2….png)

…That's right, Flynn is still a patriot.

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821303 No.20920806

File: 26aa8182466a69e⋯.webm (1.69 MB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)


KEK. Nice.

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b68822 No.20920810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5783c No.20920811


hater and stupid. - conspiracy

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61ee1a No.20920812


I want stay go Ohana.

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5790e1 No.20920814



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5c81e2 No.20920816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Terrence Howard

>the interview with Joe Rogan

also the technology he shares starting at the 1:44:00mm



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5790e1 No.20920824



truth is dead

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3199ed No.20920826


it was noted at the time.

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fd3a0f No.20920829



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5790e1 No.20920833



you fucking loon

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a29c5a No.20920855

migrate, locked

VD contamination clean up

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