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File: bfc0e831c009833⋯.png (100.22 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

6b985c No.20917486 [View All]

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702 posts and 596 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7b3844 No.20918319


Thank you.


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269732 No.20918320


Full Control

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f8cde4 No.20918321

File: 9e680b741d02c74⋯.jpg (7.9 KB,255x170,3:2,e7ca1927b65dbff5c0f176bea6….jpg)

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0abc7f No.20918322

File: 2678a7de001e9af⋯.png (334.1 KB,501x500,501:500,ClipboardImage.png)


Libertarians can relate.

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08c595 No.20918323


Which reminds me that the ATF is useless and justifies its existence with high profile assassinations of public figures under the guise of serving a warrant. It’s their way of saying “hey we are in charge and you are going to accept whatever we say”

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2e90e4 No.20918324


the polls out right lie.

That's why exit polls are barred or if not, rigged too.

rmember 94 to 6 the night before the '26 election.

So obviously rigged, the pre-election polling.

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2e90e4 No.20918325


that was a big cheer after that one.

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5bd4b6 No.20918326

File: 0b978b6254ea460⋯.jpg (90.88 KB,500x623,500:623,8cgi.jpg)


Totally illegitimate government….lol.

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ce8b4d No.20918327


#25655 >>20917512

>>20917723, >>20917727, >>20917731, >>20917848, >>20917898, >>20917995, >>20918046, >>20918093, >>20918114, >>20918229, >>20918245 PF

>>20917520 Do you believe anything the federal government tells you nowadays? I can’t!

>>20917522 Firearm Industry Agrees With Former President Trump: #Gunvote Is Critical In 2024

>>20917542 🚨 Did Ukraine hack local Television (CBS) in New York?

>>20917556 Sotomayor Admits That Conservative Rulings Made Her Cry - But More 'Bombshell' Rulings are Coming

>>20917558 3 year delta

>>20917564, >>20917602, >>20917698, >>20917702, >>20917794, >>20917803, >>20917864, >>20917876 Ross Ulbricht of Silk Road

>>20917588 Top Mexican cartel criminal El Nini, once among America’s most wanted, extradited to the US

>>20917596 Everything Ron Paul predicted?

>>20917624 Donald Trump Prosecutors Face 'Practical Problem' With Jury Instructions

>>20917720, >>20917757, >>20917849 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day and Other Space News

>>20917792 Must remove these terrorist regime sympathizers from the United States

>>20917830 Italian MEP Francesca Donato's husband has been found dead with a strap around his neck in his car in Palermo. Donato opposed the "vaccine"

>>20917863 Trans "woman" stabs 4 girls in AMC theater in Braintree, MA

baker change >>20917953, >>20918196

>>20917954 @Kash: Monday night, @realDonaldTrump and me on Tim Pool

>>20917980 The parents of PGA tour golfer Grayson Murray have confirmed that their son took his own life

>>20918031, >>20918179, >>20918259 No Deal: W.H.O. Fails to Secure Global Pandemic Treaty

>>20918047 Water systems warn Americans could soon see major rate hikes to filter out toxic ‘forever chemicals’

>>20918057 The Black Vote Is Done With Joe Biden’s Lies

>>20918062 President Trump to visit NASCAR - the pre-race show will honor fallen soldiers

>>20918115 High-Potency Cannabis Linked to Increased Psychosis Risk in Young Adults

>>20918150, >>20918227 Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party

>>20918152 More evidence coming forward of the complete corruption of our federal health agencies

>>20918198 Trump Campaign Launches Veterans Coalition Ahead Of Memorial Day

>>20918222 BLM Founder and Vice-Presidential Candidate Loses Lawsuit Against the LAPD

>>20918228 NYC Fleet Week Marine Corps Band and Silent Drill Platoon Times Square (May 22, 2024)

>>20918251 Déjà Vu? $75M Set Aside for Security As 70 Groups Pledge to March on Chicago DNC Convention

>>20918256 Dan Rather spreads fear in this 1982 CBS News report featuring a young and stupid Al Gore, predicting that 25% of Florida will be underwater

>>20918260 Biden: "You can clap for that"

>>20918285 @DanScavino

>>20918303 Rashida 'Taliban' Tlaib speaking @ the People's Conference for Palestine in Detroit, Michigan


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b4146e No.20918328

File: a8b15aeccbac753⋯.png (3 MB,2074x1552,1037:776,911AA608_8629_47A7_A382_C9….png)

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622141 No.20918329

File: 920391adebe9471⋯.png (1.45 MB,693x729,77:81,Screenshot_5250_.png)

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7b3844 No.20918330

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622141 No.20918331

File: 2e4485b2626dc2a⋯.png (1.47 MB,760x676,190:169,Screenshot_5249_.png)

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a53647 No.20918332

File: 90ae5c9c8206237⋯.mp4 (14.28 MB,886x480,443:240,865m4675476n56.mp4)

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0abc7f No.20918334


Communists like to imagine they're the only people, and speak on behalf of all people as if they're the people's overlords.

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9b26be No.20918335


>trump can run as an indie and get elected

Cause it's a jewish Movie!

The whole ridiculous negotiations are just a show so that he can play the victim card, which brings him even more voters.

Jew theater planned from the start to the final stages!

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622141 No.20918338

File: bff917900b9ba14⋯.png (1.39 MB,762x635,6:5,Screenshot_5245_.png)

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622141 No.20918342

File: ece12a6459c9210⋯.png (2.31 MB,964x835,964:835,Screenshot_5211_.png)

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b7ae54 No.20918344

File: 58edecfb8d2f742⋯.jpg (65.88 KB,750x750,1:1,great_job.jpg)

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d5e47f No.20918345

File: 77be3658b1f3dfb⋯.png (899.6 KB,871x867,871:867,m.PNG)

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622141 No.20918346

File: cc8893688c343ae⋯.png (647.33 KB,448x492,112:123,Screenshot_5122_.png)

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17d23b No.20918347

File: 1ecc26a48a029df⋯.png (207.69 KB,1200x1599,400:533,ClipboardImage.png)


When the penis on the face is larger than the one in the pants.

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c65485 No.20918348

I would Propose we change the laws

Stabbing Children = Death Sentence

Shooting Children = Death Sentence

Raping Children = Death Sentence

Trafficking Children = Death Sentence

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f89ffc No.20918350

File: 99238f24a50a623⋯.png (249.27 KB,510x500,51:50,858ae81b126b02521902a52440….png)

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5bd4b6 No.20918351

File: 7c2f8da2ff9ace3⋯.jpg (89.47 KB,500x623,500:623,Fxgu.jpg)


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622141 No.20918352

File: 05a223f060bc63d⋯.png (1.44 MB,613x820,613:820,Screenshot_5118_.png)

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b4146e No.20918353

File: c031f7fa9e48744⋯.png (339.14 KB,394x394,1:1,Lurkers_04.PNG)

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80311e No.20918354


It is time:

Time to end the lies

Time to end the corruption

Time to end the subversion

Time to end the infiltration

Time to end the sabotages

Time to end the hidden enemies of mankind

Godspeed Patriots, never again…

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622141 No.20918355

File: 8345f34e9aebe17⋯.png (1.68 MB,810x725,162:145,Screenshot_5102_.png)

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622141 No.20918357

File: dec83fcf4e5dfd9⋯.png (1.6 MB,642x869,642:869,Screenshot_5077_.png)

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31dd8a No.20918358


Rabbi Shmuley

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622141 No.20918359

File: 5d2df947531ccac⋯.png (1.12 MB,502x779,502:779,Screenshot_5072_.png)

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5632ad No.20918360


No, we can't be, because Christ hasn't reigned for the Millenium yet.

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622141 No.20918361

File: 199fc7414aa7b0c⋯.png (1.13 MB,618x636,103:106,Screenshot_5056_.png)

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6b985c No.20918362

File: a0780b4678ff9b9⋯.png (221.91 KB,1049x1049,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce8b4d No.20918363

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622141 No.20918364

File: a7f2461b22563fa⋯.png (1.07 MB,618x604,309:302,Screenshot_5054_.png)

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622141 No.20918367

File: 2a58b2d54cddb99⋯.png (1.1 MB,684x561,228:187,Screenshot_5017_.png)

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c65485 No.20918368

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622141 No.20918369

File: e1aab1595c6b5f9⋯.png (1.35 MB,561x839,561:839,Screenshot_5015_.png)

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f89ffc No.20918370

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622141 No.20918371

File: c12a12c8e7cfd10⋯.png (1.22 MB,545x779,545:779,Screenshot_4988_.png)

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622141 No.20918373

File: e8ae74a92335c32⋯.png (938.04 KB,455x702,35:54,Screenshot_4962_.png)

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b4146e No.20918376

File: 020c37fd1e92764⋯.jpeg (344.95 KB,936x537,312:179,IMG_1177.jpeg)

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622141 No.20918377

File: bff8da83b7e5c15⋯.png (1.11 MB,464x834,232:417,Screenshot_4957_.png)

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622141 No.20918378

File: 8fac6b54523f544⋯.png (347.84 KB,437x271,437:271,Screenshot_4955_.png)

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622141 No.20918379

File: f013cbf899e6328⋯.png (760.86 KB,461x562,461:562,Screenshot_4954_.png)

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7b3844 No.20918381

i would like to ask Q who made them crop circles

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622141 No.20918382

File: 9fb4ff4c0a8e8f9⋯.png (496.6 KB,457x370,457:370,Screenshot_4952_.png)

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b7ae54 No.20918383

File: 05e19445cffe73b⋯.png (78.37 KB,222x207,74:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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