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File: 0767ba918f7e61b⋯.png (253.26 KB,740x500,37:25,0767ba918f7e61b47430afa50c….png)

aa4b20 No.20912357 [View All]

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626 posts and 512 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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31f960 No.20913083

File: 8b37757356093f3⋯.jpg (35.3 KB,277x400,277:400,LRonHubbard_Dianetics_ISBN….jpg)

File: 14da56fc4bc7a0a⋯.jpg (48.63 KB,451x612,451:612,hubbell.jpg)

File: a80837dcddebbcf⋯.jpg (34.49 KB,490x444,245:222,hubbard.jpg)


Hubbell worked for HRC at the Rose Law Firm

Seems to connect with L. Ron (Elron) the Satanist / science fiction writer, who founded Co$ The story of L. Ron is a huge story in itself, repressed. He was involved in rituals with Jack Parsons (founder of Jet propulsion lab southern California) where they attempted to bring in certain energies in fertility rituals; using women.

Parsons funded Crowley at the end of Crowley's life.

FB1 /Intel took over the cult of Crowley upon Alexs' death.

Connect the dots.

One book to find more details.

"L. Ron Hubbard; Messiah or Madman"


"Secret Agent: 666" on Crowley

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893d33 No.20913084

File: fc800c696996cff⋯.jpg (4.17 MB,5429x7225,5429:7225,q5.jpg)

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893d33 No.20913085

File: 6d3808178ca1d10⋯.jpg (3.76 MB,2475x3360,165:224,serious_autism_added_8ch_b….jpg)

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e95f4c No.20913086

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


Kek, I'm surprised that Liddle Adam hasn't had this book pulled from Amazon.

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ff91e4 No.20913087


Webster. One who makes webs.

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893d33 No.20913088

File: a8b5ae33a57e1c4⋯.jpg (3.69 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,map3.jpg)

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2ac593 No.20913089

File: 7fb79e29c8c300f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1109x1478,1109:1478,7fb79e29c8c300f82113bf99b0….png)

Virus watcher aboard USS Comfy.

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32d96a No.20913090


Think Book of Esther.

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36994a No.20913091


Horse face?

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31f960 No.20913092


Hubbell worked WITH HRC at the Rose Law Firm?

maybe made a mistake there.

They worked at the same law firm.

Haven't worked the dates yet.

Why didn't she just have a baby with Bill?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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9db9a6 No.20913094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Men At Work - Golf Clap

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893d33 No.20913095

File: 8b62196503ef732⋯.png (3.52 MB,1181x1040,1181:1040,CEO_Resigned_List.png)

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893d33 No.20913096

File: 33926b807c8621c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,1200x9900,4:33,Hillary_Clinton_huge_infog….jpg)

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010759 No.20913097


Missed a few (million)

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31f960 No.20913099


Chelsea's had a least some plastic surgery.

Before that, there was a stronger resemblance to Hubbell.

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893d33 No.20913100

File: 999f3a2619dadff⋯.jpg (2.83 MB,4970x3412,2485:1706,Uranium_One_Deal_171125.jpg)

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7cdaa4 No.20913102

the apocrypha will not save you

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32d96a No.20913103




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893d33 No.20913104

File: 3ef56e7bc23e96f⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,4400x2820,220:141,Swamp_infographic_10.jpg)

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893d33 No.20913105

File: c3e4bf71a43eb80⋯.jpg (2.45 MB,3000x2092,750:523,Committee_of_300_2_.jpg)

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893d33 No.20913107

File: 660d82ae0a7f57a⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,743x7487,743:7487,youcangoogleher.jpg)

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ecd302 No.20913110

God wrote the script. God knows the cheat codes, it's His game after all.

However. Those who have sworn an oath to participate but have chosen not to will be eliminated. You will know who they are. Power corrupts.

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f453a6 No.20913111

File: 52df2172c5a28d3⋯.jpg (88.75 KB,960x960,1:1,52df2172c5a28d34e9b5878b41….jpg)



>Hubbell/ Hubbard

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893d33 No.20913112

File: 24188dff3378660⋯.png (1.85 MB,3000x1322,1500:661,LoopCapital.png)

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10851b No.20913113


it doesn't mention Ukraine, AerosSpace, the California National Guard Fingerpainting with AZOV for two decades.

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609892 No.20913115

File: 82687472a8c9bc7⋯.jpg (618.44 KB,1440x1080,4:3,BidenPumpkins.jpg)


Yo, punkins don't clap, they splat.

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893d33 No.20913116

File: 85e0445d8c9ef5a⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1800x1274,900:637,Media_monopoly.jpg)

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ce688c No.20913117


Intriguing juicer…

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893d33 No.20913118

File: 0a993d2371d4f47⋯.png (1.61 MB,450x2969,450:2969,Hillary_some_history.png)

File: cc3c605f287ad86⋯.jpg (1.64 MB,2359x3686,2359:3686,Clintons_bodycount_infogra….jpg)

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3e01b3 No.20913120

File: 21aecef61f7a13f⋯.png (132.54 KB,1280x894,640:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6e7d1b3cfb87df⋯.png (33.35 KB,749x499,749:499,ClipboardImage.png)


>Why didn't she just have a baby with Bill?

They hate each other and if you were Bubba you wouldn’t.

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893d33 No.20913122

File: baf759836eee7a5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1759x2465,1759:2465,HowToFlowMaps.png)

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9db9a6 No.20913123

File: 1dd8c66cf4d0cc3⋯.png (357.45 KB,1130x553,1130:553,d.PNG)


President Ronald Reagan proclaimed May 25, 1983, the first National Missing Children's Day in memory of Etan Patz, a 6-year-old boy who disappeared from a New York City street corner on May 25, 1979. Etan's killer was convicted in February 2017, but the case remains active because his body was never found. Each year, the Department of Justice commemorates Missing Children's Day by honoring the heroic and exemplary efforts of agencies, organizations, and individuals to protect children.

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32d96a No.20913124

File: 12fa2863183b340⋯.jpg (92.47 KB,562x342,281:171,Screen_Shot_2024_05_25_at_….jpg)

anon is but BAIT

it's anon'er

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7cdaa4 No.20913125



Reported to Senate with amendment(s) (05/15/2007)

War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007 - Amends the federal criminal code to impose a fine and/or prison term of up to 20 years for profiteering and fraud involving a contract or the provision of goods or services in connection with a war, military action, or relief or reconstruction activities within U.S. jurisdiction. Prohibits: (1) executing or attempting to execute a scheme or artifice to defraud the United States; and (2) materially overvaluing any good or service with the specific intent to defraud and excessively profit from the war, military action, or relief or reconstruction activities.

Imposes a fine or prison term of up to 10 years for: (1) falsifying, concealing, or covering up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) making any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements; or (3) making or using any materially false writing or document knowing the same to be false, fictitious or fraudulent.

Establishes the fine provided by this Act as the greater of $1 million or twice the gross profits or other proceeds derived by a person convicted of an offense under this Act.

Expands venue rules for the prosecution of offenses under this Act.

Grants extraterritorial federal jurisdiction over offenses under this Act.

Subjects any property which constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable to a violation of this Act to civil and criminal forfeiture.

Makes the war profiteering and fraud offenses set forth by this Act predicate crimes for racketeering and money laundering offenses.

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893d33 No.20913126

File: 4a9961cef7811b5⋯.png (889.69 KB,1300x1390,130:139,In_Q_Tel_spying_on_you.png)

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893d33 No.20913127

File: 9f11567a34a702b⋯.png (866.16 KB,1939x1781,1939:1781,Schumer_web_connections.png)

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e6f944 No.20913129

File: c774ee6d3e027c4⋯.png (344 KB,842x453,842:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05577080fe49c9e⋯.png (775.73 KB,847x473,77:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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893d33 No.20913130

File: 4358c68353c9c55⋯.png (783.08 KB,874x500,437:250,Flynn_knows_secrets.png)

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10851b No.20913131

File: c0d3029cc7b4ab7⋯.png (199.22 KB,624x435,208:145,Screenshot_2024_05_25_03_0….png)


loop capitol markets - what's the context?

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893d33 No.20913132

File: caaaad5782f1aa8⋯.png (776.63 KB,1440x1079,1440:1079,ElitistConnectionsWeb.png)

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893d33 No.20913134

File: 03647caa4679ab1⋯.png (637.91 KB,1830x2949,610:983,29_thestrom_greatawakening….png)

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893d33 No.20913136

File: 6bb856c8241d1cd⋯.jpg (579.76 KB,2195x1445,439:289,Conspiracy_Rule_World.jpg)

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58f1ac No.20913138

File: bba4b8cd3531e0f⋯.jpg (377.23 KB,1063x619,1063:619,Screenshot_20240525_112039.jpg)

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893d33 No.20913139

File: 8da4484f3763b5a⋯.jpg (477.31 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Illuminati_secrets_infogra….jpg)

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9db9a6 No.20913140

File: a8a536572289c7b⋯.png (1.33 MB,900x905,180:181,frodo.PNG)

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9bb382 No.20913142


>Why didn't she just have a baby with Bill

because they both rape little girls

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893d33 No.20913143

File: 681932f1076b9ff⋯.png (417.96 KB,1024x842,512:421,MS13_A.png)

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893d33 No.20913145

File: 5d1173063a0042a⋯.jpg (348.03 KB,3646x2745,3646:2745,ToddAndClare_web_of_connec….jpg)

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893d33 No.20913146

File: b652fb74fe4ec9e⋯.jpg (314.83 KB,858x1014,11:13,Iceberg_redpill.jpg)

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9bb382 No.20913147


still adopted or whatever you call that

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