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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

fefd68 No.20895888 [View All]

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78272f No.20896682


Fani Willis believes she is

Above suspicion

Above the law

Above oversight.

Out of control and ready to roll.

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7bf006 No.20896683

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab steps back after more than FIFTY years


We are coming for you motherfucker!


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e0b645 No.20896684


The choice is Pinochet vs Stalin

why would I fucking argue about the winner for?

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0bb1dd No.20896685



All democrats and rino's must terminated before you can do that.

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7ec28f No.20896686

File: 4ea130547c2050a⋯.png (70.15 KB,225x225,1:1,CF5B91B8_124E_441B_86C1_FF….png)

>no adults in the room listening

(50) post spam neegar

^ your problem

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b09396 No.20896687


Globalitarian Corporocratic Oligarchal Vassal State

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841c78 No.20896688



correct the one POTUS link in the wrong spot anyway. tyb

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fefd68 No.20896689

File: 42943d7f8b0e3f4⋯.png (834.04 KB,568x702,284:351,42943d7f8b0e3f453f97c6fdda….png)



#25629 >>20895895

>>20895915, >>20896270, >>20895947, >>20896148, >>20896298, >>20896433, >>20896479 World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab shape shifts downward from executive chairman post

>>20895943 Fani Willis suggests creation of Georgia prosecutorial oversight panel is racially motivated

>>20895981 The European Union is aiming to launch formal accession talks for Ukraine and Moldova as soon as June 25

>>20896002 Ukraine demands part of NATO states’ GDP - Kiev also wants unrestricted weapons deliveries and frozen Russian assets

>>20896010 SAM766 C40B south from Ramstein AFB and arrived on Sunday from JBA depart - WH NSO?

>>20896014, >>20896376, >>20896377, >>20896384 Swamp Habbenings 5/21/2024

>>20896055 The US could sanction members of the Georgian government after the country’s parliament passed a new ‘foreign agents’ law opposed by Washington

>>20896060 NASA “Wildfire Digital Twin” Pioneers New AI Models and Streaming Data Techniques for Forecasting Fire and Smoke

>>20896069 Asma Assad, the wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad, has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

>>20896105,>>20896113 South Korea bans viral TikTok song praising Kim Jong-un

>>20896108 Law professor Jonathan Turley holds nothing back in an absolutely brutal assessment of Judge Juan Merchan

>>20896119 Why is the warm gas-giant exoplanet WASP-107 b so puffy? Two independent teams of researchers have an answer

>>20896118, >>20896130 SHOCKING REPORT: Smoking May Protect Lungs From Cancer, Covid +++?

>>20896184 NASA astronaut receives North Dakota Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award

>>20896195 Russia launches Tactical Nuclear Drills (VIDEO) citing what it called a “new” and “unprecedented” escalation in the Ukraine conflict

>>20896237, >>20896250 REVEALED: New Prince Andrew Accusers Come Forward - Andrew Lownie

>>20896280 obama portrait artist accused of sexually assaulting man

>>20896293 Space Force Plans Revolutionary Satellite 'Jetpack'

>>20896292, >>20896309, >>20896482 German pedo-adjacent politicians have just decriminalized possession of pedophilia

>>20896316, >>20896338 RAY McGOVERN: Russia & China — Two Against One

>>20896383 Artemis Accords for sustainable space exploration - Canada welcomes partners from around the world

>>20896391 Catholic monk comes out as trans man: ‘Deal with us’

>>20896417 CITIZENSHIP IS NOW NOTHING BUT A STATE OF MIND if the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting they were a citizen of the United States

>>20896418 Enigma Labs launches state UFO sighting webpages

>>20896420, >>20896427 Imprisoned ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro predicts Fed Chair’s ouster and ‘mass deportations’ in a second presidential term

>>20896453, >>20896515 Trump campaign says it will sue makers of movie that shows then property mogul 'raping' his wife Ivana


>>20896496 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20896514, >>20896528 Australian David McBride has been sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for telling the truth about Afghanistan

>>20896518 Netanyahu denounces bid to arrest him over Gaza war

>>20896540, >>20896572 FBI - AUTHORIZED THE USE OF DEADLY FORCE During Mar-a-Lago Raid Putting Lives At Risk

>>20896546, >>20896548, >>20896588 BIDEN: "After I signed the asjiojfeijgergewefhahohoiore into law"

>>20896547 SAM766 C40B landed at Milan-Malpensa Untl >>20896585 more incoming pf's

>>20896556 Armed FBI agents were preparing to confront Trump and even engage Secret Service during raid if necessary

>>20896566 Police raid the headquarters of the Milan-Cortina Olympics organizers in sponsors inquiry

>>20896569 MSNBC How Michael Cohen’s past lies make him a more credible witness

>>20896644, >>20896650 “You’re a F*cking Liar!” – Norm Eisen, Key Architect Behind the Color Revolution and 180 Lawfare Cases Against Trump, Confronted Outside Courthouse KEKCELLENT

>>20896646 Israel seizes equipment of US news agency

>>20896648 Major Pixar Layoffs, Long-Expected, Now Underway In Restructuring (Exclusive)

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57fcf4 No.20896690

File: 73ca02e01d6545f⋯.jpg (61.9 KB,537x737,537:737,73ca02e01d6545ff398213187e….jpg)


>we are so poisoned, literally and figuratively.

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fefd68 No.20896691


tyvm anon

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0bb1dd No.20896692

File: 38ba9b3221de3da⋯.jpg (73.3 KB,500x740,25:37,85lhe3_1_1.jpg)

Judge Engoron is piece of shit.

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d4792d No.20896693



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e0b645 No.20896694



Why did you put Pinochet and Stalin on the fucking BALLOT?

I mean you could technically let ILLEGALS who live here and have an interest in voting, FUCKING VOTE..



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a14579 No.20896695


NATO serves NATO. No one but the billionaires behind the scam profit. Trillions don't matter. Lives Matter. God Matters. Without God we are nothing.

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539150 No.20896696

File: 93708080be5981c⋯.png (346.56 KB,929x1274,929:1274,biden_approves_4_point_8_t….png)

File: 335ace07adaeec0⋯.png (392.11 KB,775x1100,31:44,3_point_4_trillion_in_covi….png)

File: ddd4ee6f0bde549⋯.png (223.78 KB,1287x1135,1287:1135,american_rescue_plan_01202….png)

File: b33c1dc594ba97c⋯.png (225.32 KB,1047x1069,1047:1069,biden_ignored_inflation_wa….png)

File: 7a67ce316605099⋯.png (667.49 KB,1000x928,125:116,biden_rescue_plan_05192024.png)

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209b09 No.20896697



the Romans had their own gods

Nice try, Rabbi

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e0b645 No.20896698

I WONDER HOW MANY WEF get's taken out if you took out zionists off the national security clearances. e.g. revoked or no goodies.

And the anon that keeps saying freemason. I WELCOME you to track that shit as well.

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1bed84 No.20896699

File: 219f7638c0d1885⋯.jpeg (103.68 KB,1100x1280,55:64,IMG_1650.jpeg)


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a644b6 No.20896700


Except for the clear and tangible fact that there are no real Jews in Isreal because they were shipped to the Americas hundreds of years before any pilgrims ever arrived. You call them Hispanic Americans today.

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6d5c62 No.20896701


they're scared shitless of flynn to exert that much energy against him

it's pretty funny

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bbd02f No.20896702

File: e5100e0fac5c640⋯.jpg (22.13 KB,409x409,1:1,photo_2021_11_02_11_35_32.jpg)


>constitutional republic

SHILLS in panic…

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8949ad No.20896707

File: fd19e5f89fa85bc⋯.png (418.68 KB,832x943,832:943,ClipboardImage.png)



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e0b645 No.20896711

nuke zionist security clearance - count WEF losses

nuke dual citizen security clearance - count WEF losses

MASONIC anon can do that since masonic anon knows so fucking much about their dogma where it breaks the law at.

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5bf09f No.20896712

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bbd02f No.20896714



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209b09 No.20896715


symbolism is not the same as idolatry

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5bf09f No.20896716


Schwab takes on another position

he does NOT resign!!!

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fefd68 No.20896717

File: 2c6e9bc7aed2cee⋯.jpg (36.91 KB,640x440,16:11,lva5t0eqivc21.jpg)

File: 38c4eeba6d681d4⋯.jpg (101.86 KB,2400x1600,3:2,proxy_image_2_.jpg)

File: 41f3ae2b8e91cd5⋯.png (4.08 MB,1256x1850,628:925,Screenshot_2023_07_16_at_2….png)

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7ec28f No.20896719

File: 7a03db3d9df49ef⋯.png (121.65 KB,486x410,243:205,89A142A9_09D9_4013_ADF8_73….png)

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b9a8d3 No.20896720

Shitty pilots in that Singapore flight. Good pilots should be able to foresee oncoming turbulence that would affect passengers to that degree. There wasn't even fasten seatbelt signs?

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e0b645 No.20896722

File: 43ec379120f2814⋯.jpg (136.78 KB,1149x668,1149:668,we_ve_got_worms_in_our_but….jpg)

anyway someone is more adept than I.


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fefd68 No.20896723

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5bf09f No.20896724


you stupis faggot!

read the statement!!!


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fefd68 No.20896727

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b9a8d3 No.20896728


Never fly with Singapore airlines.

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d80b17 No.20896732


>CHRIST comes before the DEBIL

It's not DEBIL, it's Dbills.

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fefd68 No.20896734


notable does not say "resigns"

says "shape shifts downward"

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1bed84 No.20896735


She is above the law and above oversight, she's a black female.

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5bf09f No.20896737



now tell that the other retards!

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41c761 No.20896740

File: d3e5d83dbe5a4fd⋯.gif (2.8 MB,360x202,180:101,N59LB01QamQk.gif)

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671913 No.20896747

File: f43418fae65e557⋯.jpg (42.34 KB,360x240,3:2,240_F_651952706_831rfQmNyg….jpg)

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41c761 No.20896749

File: 34e4db5231da550⋯.gif (3.49 MB,362x640,181:320,kBxqd0sXh53S.gif)

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e0b645 No.20896750


culture determines symbolism definition

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671913 No.20896752

File: 51ca824ab56bfa0⋯.jpg (27.82 KB,325x240,65:48,240_F_649839776_mG5cF8EaKw….jpg)

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5bf09f No.20896755


but it's not downward

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95f589 No.20896758

File: bf0457587bcd257⋯.png (658.52 KB,1074x819,358:273,20240521_135640.png)

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155f6b No.20897969

File: 5f38ff53d54a10b⋯.jpg (70.93 KB,773x832,773:832,1910_selfies.jpg)


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1b859e No.20918546

such fun

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1b859e No.20918549


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1b859e No.20918554


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