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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

abc0bb No.20894292 [View All]

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701 posts and 378 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fb8e05 No.20895059


As 60% of the US are biblefags Q needs all biblefags on board. Nothing anti-chistian will ever come from Q. No matter what they believe it's all optics and gaining support. Q will never flat out state they aren't Christians after spouting so much scripture to rally the biblefags. They need the appear of being biblefags, even if they aren't. Optics is everything.

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9b8c25 No.20895060

File: 508028d85e72126⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,600x453,200:151,431f268d3d5dd09c753360fb21….jpg)


They're in an underworld club

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10ea81 No.20895061

File: 263a85f1986b1f1⋯.jpeg (37.38 KB,255x254,255:254,263a85f1986b1f128c7a5e83a….jpeg)

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9398d7 No.20895064


>I can´t rule out God when I don´t know shit, and neither can you.

Except, the idea/claim of a God came from people who don't know shit either. Therefore I can safely rule it out, unless presented evidence to the contrary.

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8da368 No.20895065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Nick Cave


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fb8e05 No.20895066

File: 2deb80261d2e54a⋯.png (320.63 KB,628x628,1:1,2deb80261d2e54a5c8a1420d98….png)



That's a new GM I habbent seent



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0fa852 No.20895067

File: 977f83e0c3bba0b⋯.png (127.63 KB,387x256,387:256,ab0f14f8187710edf3a08e5e02….png)

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dc9da7 No.20895068

File: 038fd310e60f212⋯.jpg (26.48 KB,562x257,562:257,TopSecret.jpg)

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684288 No.20895069

File: 2e0d52a423b7e1e⋯.png (337.97 KB,385x480,77:96,2e0d52a423b7e1ea7c413b9853….png)


Thank you Baker!

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dc9da7 No.20895070

File: 76cc0aec93cbf7a⋯.png (400.26 KB,640x591,640:591,BearChoosesMan.png)

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855f27 No.20895071

#25627 >>20894306partial

>>20894326 Cessna crash

>>20894337 Biden says maimed American Hersh Goldberg-Polin is ‘here with us today’ at Rose Garden party — despite still being held by Hamas

>>20894350 Medvedev called Zelensky a “war criminal, who should be caught and brought to justice" or “liquidated as a terrorist” for his crimes against Russians and Ukrainians

>>20894355, >>20894360, >>20894361, >>20894367, >>20894383 Polin Polun DIG one dude was said to have been captured in congo coup other dude is said to be a hamas hostage. Same dude?

>>20894428, >>20894444, >>20894448 POTUS TRUTH Video - People had to be shown, there was no other way

>>20894434 PF

>>20894511 The Dow is down

>>20894520 Amber Rose Endorses Donald Trump.

>>20894585 Biden and his USTR updated the tariffs today, stay tuned….

>>20894599, >>20894603 Christina Urso claims that BoA suddenly de-banked her and left her without any cash

>>20894609, >>20894719 CLAIM that needs a DIG: Western Media Cover-up: Well-Known White Helmet Terrorist Was Present at Rashideen Bus Bombing

>>20894644 @realDonaldTrump: "PAUSE"

>>20894681 Advocate for women's rights, Amber Rose endorses DJT for '24 Election, sparks, outrage

>>20894699 Nick Cave speaks out against woke culture

>>20894711 Congolese poster boy for migrant integration jailed for raping own mother

>>20894724 Will Trump us the P. Diddy Biden endorsement for a political ad?

>>20894872 Major outage strikes ANZ online banking and app, services beginning to 'come back online


partial final

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8f61f3 No.20895072

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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52d410 No.20895074


>This is the quality of humor we want from Grok

sarcastic AI, great

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8f61f3 No.20895075

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52d410 No.20895077

File: a1b72e8b0dadabc⋯.png (282.1 KB,420x594,70:99,ncswis.png)


sleep is for the dead

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dc9da7 No.20895078

File: 4b30868e6c60360⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB,255x194,255:194,PEPElooks.jpeg)


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52d410 No.20895079



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63b2fb No.20895080

File: c7edad36c57f43e⋯.jpeg (91.35 KB,666x375,222:125,IMG_0839.jpeg)

Bill Maher / Anderson Cooper vibes last night.


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bf1748 No.20895081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>unless presented evidence to the contrary.

If there´s God it beyond our reality/physical world. There can never be evidence inside our physical reality the show something else. If there´s God there will never be evidence for you.

It´s like asking you for evidence that you have consciousness. You can´t provide any. None.

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684288 No.20895083


holy shit, very nice shadow

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9398d7 No.20895084


>Optics is everything.

Sadly, in this case, yes.

But I do believe that this movement will evolve once more truth comes to light. And by extension the US in general.

In reality I don't care what they believe I just get fed up with it the same way I get fed up with "LGBTQ+ representation" in media.

This place is not about God it's about saving humanity. Biblefags desperately want to conflate the two to affirm their beliefs.

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8da368 No.20895085


Just two government operators sitting down and having a chat.

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d8e536 No.20895086


Anon saw apu drove a horde of shill hoes mad with a GM

Wtf does that

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2eee8c No.20895087


fuck off shill

you shit in here daily


do humanity a favor

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9398d7 No.20895088


>If there´s God it beyond our reality/physical world

>It´s like asking you for evidence that you have consciousness. You can´t provide any. None.

Correct. So why would you believe anyone claiming there's a God? They have nothing to show for it.

Anyone claiming there is a god, knowing what you just described, is being wilfully deceptive.

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684288 No.20895089


Queen Elizabeth?

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684288 No.20895090


Queen Elizabeth?

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dc9da7 No.20895091

File: 8af318f0e0150f3⋯.png (191.36 KB,753x475,753:475,ClipboardImage.png)

Boeing Strikes Again

One dead as Singapore Airlines flight encounters ‘severe turbulence’

One person died aboard a Singapore Airlines flight which encountered severe turbulence and diverted to Bangkok, the airline said Tuesday.

The flight had left London for Singapore.

“We can confirm that there are injuries and one fatality on board the Boeing 777-300ER. There were a total of 211 passengers and 18 crew on board,” the company said on the Facebook.

“Singapore Airlines flight #SQ321, operating from London (Heathrow) to Singapore on 20 May 2024, encountered severe turbulence en-route. The aircraft diverted to Bangkok and landed at 1545hrs local time on 21 May 2024,” it added.


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b0e6a0 No.20895092


no god,anywhere

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b0e6a0 No.20895093


right on time,so predictable

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855f27 No.20895094

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7bcac1 No.20895096

The biggest problems with our court system is that there is only one judge for every case, which leads to these problems:

1. You are subject to the whims and political biases of one person.

2. Cases take an extremely long time when decisions have to be appealed

3. Every delay accrues costs to defendants

4. It is an art not a science and any two judges can rule differently on facts and allow different proceedings.

5. Every judge was a lawyer at one time thus the affinity to accrue costs.

6. The right to incarcerate is in the hands of one person and their motivations

7. There is no consensus of thought

8. Judges cannot be fired no matter how appeals they lose.

9. Judges are not accountable for being wrong regardless of the cost to others.

10. Judges that yell or threaten are not charged with assault with a deadly weapon. And that weapon is the feeble minds, law enforcement, that they control who would never stand against any injustice no matter how vile.

We need to have at least 5 judges per case with various characteristics to facilitate the whole process and reduce costs for defendants. This would also minimize the amount needed for an appeals system of personnel and there should be a limit to the number of overriden appeals before a judge is fired. Imagine if the state legislature or Congress was controlled by one person, yet we tolerate this in our courts system, because it always was a money making farce.

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e1dce1 No.20895097


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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a24d95 No.20895098

File: aa24fd819a0d720⋯.webp (30.76 KB,960x540,16:9,ACOSTABRIDGE.webp)

File: cb121beb50252a5⋯.png (40.62 KB,595x353,595:353,Q644.png)

Acosta Bridge won’t be lit for Juneteenth, Pride month, other summer events after statewide change

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Florida residents will only see red white and blue lights on bridges across the state this summer after the Florida Department of Transportation secretary decided to change the colors in celebration of‘freedom summer.'

From Memorial Day through Labor Day, the secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation declared that lights on state bridges will be red, white and blue.


Flags Out, muh bruthas!

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9398d7 No.20895099


>>20895088 (me)

Wait, i misread and accidentally agreed to something you said that was wrong.

>It´s like asking you for evidence that you have consciousness.

I have evidence of being conscious. My evidence is that I'm typing consciously typing this reply.

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4b8cb5 No.20895100

File: c4c90a696637173⋯.png (259.83 KB,690x1906,345:953,3C00E693_5878_464A_8C7A_2C….png)


good morning Ralph.

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52d410 No.20895102


Raisi was sometimes notably referred to as the “Butcher of Tehran,” as activists accused him of being one of the four judges who oversaw the mass execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988 after the Iran-Iraq war. Iran has never acknowledged what has been described as a massacre of an estimated 2,800 to 5,000 people, according to Human Rights Watch.

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bf1748 No.20895104


>So why would you believe anyone claiming there's a God?

I don´t believe anyone, just a human being thinking, listening, pondering.

They have nothing to show for it because there can never be anything to show.

Anyone claiming there´s not a God is being willfully deceptive about quantum physics, dark energy and consciousness.

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8bf51f No.20895105


"We don't know shit"

I'd expect that type of self defeating statement from a purple haired redditor. Do we know that we don't know what we know? If "we don't know shit" then why should i believe that statement?

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8f61f3 No.20895107

File: ddee3f3205bfca3⋯.gif (1.45 MB,360x270,4:3,ralph2.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Awfully shilly in here today

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e1dce1 No.20895110


>Awfully shilly in here today

Spring Fever

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0fa852 No.20895111

File: b581a7f8a66ae12⋯.jpg (269.14 KB,1000x562,500:281,clowncaronfire.jpg)

…Another morning, on the Kun.

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10ea81 No.20895112

File: 2cde13261f253a5⋯.png (385.15 KB,510x506,255:253,2cde13261f253a5205d65e0f8e….png)

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fb8e05 No.20895113

File: eb7e252a6f7f204⋯.png (125.07 KB,254x244,127:122,eb7e252a6f7f204306511f8724….png)


Nice IP hop buddy, define projection

Good morning

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9398d7 No.20895114

File: c4ae660283120c6⋯.png (390.05 KB,500x498,250:249,wat.png)


>Anyone claiming there´s not a God is being willfully deceptive about quantum physics, dark energy and consciousness.


No… the only solution for these mysteries is not God… As I stated earlier, disproving "science"(tm) says nothing about God…

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52d410 No.20895115


that's one way to trim a cat's nails

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2bbc68 No.20895117

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)

This Good Morning bull schitt is nothing more than a test by those who push it to see how many anons will follow like sheep by co-operating . Don't question why it's a 'thing' ..just do it! It's a pattern of behavior being pushed just like wearing a mask and standing 6' apart. Take the shot and don't ask questions. It's a way of training, of mind control, to check the board and see how many newfags are willing to follow without questioning what's behind the push to insist on saying a normally innocent greeting. Astute anons have to wonder the 'why' of something so bland as "good morning" being forced every damn day.

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fb8e05 No.20895118


Copy pasta every day


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4b8cb5 No.20895119

File: 3c97eb97c15b81f⋯.png (1.32 MB,750x1334,375:667,B76CA89A_ED4E_4D68_9A68_3B….png)

File: 65c8e5387007548⋯.png (126.32 KB,690x1114,345:557,94BA79D5_13DC_44A0_91FD_64….png)

File: 5947b3f6c755f3e⋯.jpeg (481.32 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,1CE221DE_B50A_4C20_A2B1_8….jpeg)

File: ccd087814627591⋯.png (256.53 KB,690x3062,345:1531,AD9ABC7F_A062_4E05_8873_6B….png)

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52d410 No.20895120

File: d9342474ff7ac5a⋯.png (250.76 KB,424x423,424:423,ClipboardImage.png)


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