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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

ae864d No.20893507 [View All]

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701 posts and 442 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ee01ce No.20894274


the lowest calibre,

apropos only of its own faggotry.

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f36a30 No.20894275


You think something went wrong and instead of a human they got pigs, right?

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dbc12e No.20894276


they always turn violent when they are losing.

For instance

Kindergartner, Can't speak, no vocabulary, so hits.

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c3f00c No.20894277

File: 558ede55954b02e⋯.png (468.3 KB,764x500,191:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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59b9ff No.20894278

File: d205d4abb974afd⋯.gif (537.77 KB,182x275,182:275,pepe_portal_sm_f.gif)

File: 5fb0399be3a77b4⋯.jpeg (42.45 KB,400x300,4:3,c7ba06948adc99f9ed46752f9….jpeg)

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a5f460 No.20894279



baker delete this post

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f16a46 No.20894280

File: ce4ccd7b4da8e8f⋯.jpeg (109.3 KB,508x477,508:477,IMG_0312.jpeg)

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ee01ce No.20894281

File: 083346ccde24564⋯.gif (118.44 KB,405x640,81:128,20200910_040105.gif)


das engrish ist kaput.

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87c7e1 No.20894282

File: 8c375d39dc48b8b⋯.jpg (219.19 KB,1080x515,216:103,20200728_202747.jpg)

File: c263ae9fc8d0f81⋯.gif (964.05 KB,180x166,90:83,1607515840427.gif)

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67a132 No.20894283

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB,207x207,1:1,kek8.gif)



How do you feel about your Reddit spacing, ya l'il bitchflap.

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2a5b70 No.20894284


Played college ball at Mizzou. With his brother.

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0328dc No.20894285


Never considered that but I'll put that on the shelf as a potential theory.

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ee01ce No.20894286


muh reee

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d57f99 No.20894287

File: 6920d09f13b35e3⋯.png (1.15 MB,680x652,170:163,6920d09f13b35e3b31dcc0fe7a….png)



#25626 >>20893522

>>20893565 PF: SAM837 G5 continues back to JBA from its Tel Aviv depart and stop at Brussels

>>20893578 CAGOP vice chair Peter Kuos troubling relationship with the CCP and IP tech theft

>>20893587 SHOCK VIDEO: Gunfire erupts near youth baseball game in Auburn

>>20893595 WAR ROOM Mike Benz - NATO’s Plan To Force X To Re-Hire Fired Censors. My full War Room hit today w/@nataliegwinters

>>20893606, >>20893808, >>20893908, >>20893953, >>20894037, >>20894160 moar PlanePhagging ww

>>20893618 Israel Fuming At UN's Moment Of Silence For Iran Leader: 'What’s Next? A Moment Of Silence For Hitler?'

>>20893631 Merchan throws nationally epic hissy fit - and it's only Monday

>>20893669 Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt, 69, REUNITES with wife at star-studded bash after giving 30-year-old girlfriend $100m for her business as the trio enjoy 'open relationship'

>>20893696 China banks move to halt sales of large time deposits

>>20893705 opinion: Biden is the guy who will beat Trump twice, the first time you beat him by running. This second time, you can beat him by not running

>>20893730 ZeroHedge: Maybe We're Closer To "You'll Own Nothing" Than We Realize

>>20893738 Former NSC official calls for sanctions on ICC over Israel arrest warrants

>>20893751, >>20893757 flashback, it is a show trial for the elections, soros thinktank, project syndicate

>>20893756 "What’s happening is not genocide. We reject that” Biden said.

>>20893841 Fed Judge issues temporary restraining order against the Biden Administration, stopping the unconstitutional ATF rule expanding gun background checks

>>20893849 Biden Claims He Was Vice President During Pandemic as Voters Say His ‘Public Lapses’ Are More Frequent

>>20893854 ‘No Units to Send You’ – Woman Terrified After 911 Call Goes South, Leaves Her with No Help During Home Invasion

>>20893865 Poso: The media has started in on Thomas and Alito is a big hint they've been tipped off what the ruling in the J6 cases is going to be

>>20893869 George Soros has funneled over $62 million in U.S. government-funded NGOs into Brazil to spread misinformation and demand censorship against Elon Musk and X

>>20893873, >>20894009 Windows PCs will have a photographic memory feature called Recall that will remember and understand everything you do on your computer by taking constant screenshots

>>20893880 BOOMERANG Fani Willis gets Senate letter: She misused $500K for Youth Empowerment and $2M designated for Sexual Assault Kit Initiative on travel and personal expenses

>>20893890 Corporations want your stuff - 'Buying Homes Is Good For Society & You Don’t Want To Own A Home or a car'

>>20893891, >>20893896 Former Red Sox pitcher Austin Maddox, and 27 others, arrested as part of underage sex sting operation

>>20893910, >>20894030 MUSK: But why does this boycott continue? as Meta and Google spent nearly $1M lobbying to fight an online child safety bill.

>>20893923 Beanz: A conservative activist (@TPV_John) is suing the ADL, for defamation, no less

>>20893933 White House refused to confirm or deny whether Joe Biden intends to use performance-enhancing drugs in preparation for the presidential debates

>>20893951 @SharylAttkisson (READ) Washington DC training on how to get illegal immigrants registered to vote


>>20893968 Non-Citizens discovered on VOTER ROLLS in Ohio..

>>20893985 UKRAINE DARKNESS: Zelensky’s Mandate Expires Today – Streets Are Empty as Men Hide From New Conscription Law

>>20894217 Ukraine ‘a classic failed state’ – Medvedev "Kiev is run by a lawless and criminal regime" the former Russian president has said


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f36a30 No.20894288


Ok good

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07328c No.20894289

File: 0ad1b2f4deff66c⋯.jpg (84.48 KB,710x577,710:577,0ad1b2f4deff66cfc785e8c473….jpg)


Nehhh. just some fun to show anons to filter the Pig cut and red text reddit space cullt future breads

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c7f9e0 No.20894290

File: 6d43e7eea053315⋯.jpg (171.83 KB,657x559,657:559,BACK_TO_REDDIT.jpg)

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7a4ff6 No.20894291

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5a2c3f No.20894293

File: 6c52688306f160b⋯.jpeg (114.62 KB,763x934,763:934,C28AE3DF_D629_48D6_8A32_B….jpeg)


NightShift Mode Engaged

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ee01ce No.20894294




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5a3f5c No.20894296

File: 43de4ff3d2279eb⋯.jpeg (74.83 KB,789x316,789:316,IMG_9880.jpeg)

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ee01ce No.20894297


disengages night shift


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c7f9e0 No.20894299

File: 698accf0cc4c586⋯.jpg (104.3 KB,576x463,576:463,MOAR_CURLY_TAIL.jpg)

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f85487 No.20894302

File: e9394ec4e18ab18⋯.jpg (102.61 KB,810x1280,81:128,Besties_Trump_Putin.jpg)

File: 75a912f171845c0⋯.gif (2.94 MB,500x224,125:56,You_Call_This_a_Storm_Lt_D….gif)

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07328c No.20894303

File: d9f760241f06160⋯.jpg (10.62 KB,255x145,51:29,d9f760241f061607ffe566d42e….jpg)


Ty for over posting the muh pig cat

Now all anons will instant filter


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5a3f5c No.20894304


kek,what a fukn pussy you are

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ee01ce No.20894305


too busy knowing

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ee01ce No.20894307

to know.

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5a3f5c No.20894308


image looks like it's proto ai

hello there mr watkins, how goes it?

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ee01ce No.20894309



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d57f99 No.20894310

File: ab339900bfd80a3⋯.jpg (793.68 KB,1200x900,4:3,ab339900bfd80a3363e290d512….jpg)

Forget the Circus

Here's The Bread





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a5f460 No.20894311


yeah ok

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7f8a71 No.20894312


You are what you eat.

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ee01ce No.20894314

File: f4b42314cd85c09⋯.gif (4.57 MB,500x375,4:3,20210207_021439.gif)

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1398b3 No.20894315

File: d8475c61c4b45ac⋯.png (18.53 KB,255x186,85:62,adabeb508a92a154c6adcf0322….png)

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37cee3 No.20894316

We are sovereign. We the People decide.

We are a Republic, not a democracy.

Democracy is mob rule.

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2dd4ab No.20894318

the 1860 flag was the union flag in 1860.

the war didn't start till 1861.

you were triggered by an antique flag?

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ee01ce No.20894319




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b753a3 No.20894320


gay faggot show that is

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dbc12e No.20894321

File: a956b39ce97cccf⋯.png (1.04 MB,796x1237,796:1237,faniwillissomethingsneverc….png)


she mis-used over 2$ million . What did she buy?

Can she give it back?

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d57f99 No.20894322

File: b54044048c0a686⋯.jpg (43.55 KB,700x416,175:104,cat_bread_illustrations_mi….jpg)

File: 63ff256fdffaeae⋯.jpg (17.17 KB,197x255,197:255,63ff256fdffaeae7a19b11d505….jpg)

File: 41538d82b8f0bcf⋯.jpg (12.1 KB,169x297,169:297,image.jpg)

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b753a3 No.20894323


I eat pussy

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cc5981 No.20894325

File: 7cccfb3f931b130⋯.png (124.04 KB,821x1118,821:1118,IMG_0467.png)


Was a 139 connection as well

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a89cef No.20894327


There you go

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dbc12e No.20894329



anons fail to filter.

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ee01ce No.20894331

File: 1c25a39c7f0c9f5⋯.gif (10.35 MB,640x640,1:1,20200811_120055.gif)

anything else?

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b753a3 No.20894332



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cc5981 No.20894333

File: 0393c2f5ebe229e⋯.png (158.48 KB,1211x1118,1211:1118,IMG_0468.png)


Wrong version

139 years

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2a4547 No.20901632

seems like old times

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2a4547 No.20901633


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